The Battle


Gahee could no longer take it. The other city was overpowering them, becoming more flourished and wealthier than they were. It didn’t go according to planned. The Supreme Goddess Hera originally wanted their side of the city to become more powerful but instead, it was the other way around. How did it happened?


“SCAMS! FRAUDS! THIEVES!” Hera pounded her fist on her table. “Because of their debauchery and heist operations, we’ve become poorer! That Zeus is going to pay.”



“Not only that.” Athena reported. She was nervously standing right beside Hera. “They have managed to sneak men in to murder our people.” Hera’s heart broke at the sound of this but at the same time, an arousing, fighting spirit in her rose and prompted her to act quickly.



“If the men decide to go against our great city by spreading atrocities, then we shall bring the atrocities to them. “ Gahee vehemently said, clenching her fist and tightly grasping her sceptre. The sceptre started to turn red, a sign that Gahee was really angry.



“This time, we do not need armies. We, the goddesses alone with our powers shall go up against them.” Gahee spoke with a voice that was booming, echoing throughout their land.



“Tonight, we wage war.” Athena seconded the motion in agreement with Gahee. The goddesses all came together, agreeing upon waging war on the men’s side. Even Aphrodite who was supposed to spread love sided with her fellow goddesses and didn’t even think about talking them out of it.



“Abuse is abuse enough.” Artemis said. She didn’t seem to care if her brother Apollo was on the other side of the city. If it was their city they were looking to destroy, they would have to go through the goddesses first.



“We lost one goddess, though.” Hera said. The other goddesses looked on.



“Hestia?” Bom spoke.



“You said it.”



“I see she got swayed by Zeus’ disguise.” wise CL said, clutching her armor tightly.



“Because of temptation I had to take her powers away. Luckily she is still alive. But she is powerless. She cannot do anything.” Hera quickly said. She dashed over to her throne to govern over her fellow goddesses.



“Because of what they had done.” she began. “We are going to take them by surprise. They will not be prepared for the hell that we are about to unleash.” Gahee said fiercely.



“We aren’t a complete army.” Athena spoke. “We don’t have Hestia.”



“Hestia doesn’t serve any particular purpose anyways.” Artemis spoke.



“Athena has a point.” Gahee said. “We need to resurrect Hestia. Give her powers back.” Gahee looked at the necklace that she wore around her neck. It was a small crystal ball that held Hestia’s confiscated power.



“I shall descend and see Hestia. We shall be one again.” The goddesses watched Gahee descend and make her way to the mortals’ habitat. The goddesses waited patiently for the return of their leader and one of their fellow divine ones.






“We must prepare for battle or any attack for that matter.” Zeus said. “These women are dangerous. If anything, vicious. I know Gahee. She can strike anytime she wishes and if we want to protect our territory, we have to be prepared.”



“Zeus.” Max Changmin, who was Hades, spoke up. The dark, gloomy brother of the ruler of the gods showed himself and made his presence felt in the seemingly bright, godly area.



“Hades. You have returned.”



“Yes. I suppose you called all the gods to come to your side?”



“That is correct.”



“I think that we should secretly attack them.” Hades suggested.



“I second the motion.” Jonghyun, who was Ares the God of War, said in agreement to what the Underworld Lord said. “They deserve no mercy for what they have done.”



“I know.” Yunho said.



“We the gods are the all powerful.” Donghae who was Poseidon God of the Sea, spoke. “We have powers unimaginable.”



Minutes later, Ryeowook came dashing into Zeus’ office, startling all the gods. They all looked at the youngest, smallest member of the Olympus cabinet. Hermes, Zeus’ loyal messenger. He had on his white suit and blue winged shoes.



“Your Highness.” he knelt before Zeus. Zeus tapped his shoulder, signaling him to stand up. Ryeowook stood up, a nervous look on face.



“What’s going on, son?” asked Zeus.



“I listened in on the goddesses’ conversation.” Ryeowook said, out of breath. “They are planning to attack us. Silently.” At the sound of this, Zeus flared up. All along his suspicions were right. They really were after them.



“I knew this was coming.” Zeus pounded his fist on the table in the center. “Gahee really is a warfreak. She never shies away from a battle. It’s been like this since the day we got married. Well, if it’s a battle she’s looking for, it’s a battle she’ll get.”



“When do we attack?” Ares suddenly got excited. Ares, the god of war, was always ready and game for any kind of battle.



“We are the gods.” Zeus gloated. “We can attack whenever we want to.” The other gods smirked along with their leader. Zeus held his hand up, reaching for something in the sky. All of a sudden, thunder clapped and lighting struck. A golden bolt formed from the sky and landed in Zeus’ fist. The lightning bolt was heavy, shiny, and powerful. Just like its mighty owner. The white suit that Zeus was wearing suddenly transformed, first engulfed in a white and gold breeze, turning the formal attire into a king’s garment. This was a sign that his power was coming and war was about to break loose.



“Men,” said Yunho in his new garb. “Today we storm the goddesses’ territory. Ready yourselves.”



The men did exactly as they were told. Poseidon(Donghae) rallied up the seas, stirring the waves and making the waters roar. A water tornado engulfed the sea god, transforming his clothes from his polo and slacks to a green vest and pants, his trident ascending from below to his hands.



Apollo (G-Dragon) played his harp and immediately, his white suit turned gold, a bright halo around his head. Apollo’s only weapons were his harp and his mind.



Ares (Jonghyun) snapped his fingers and fire engulfed him. The gods thought he was burning but it was his power. Ares was the god of War and nothing symbolized war and battle better than a burning flame. In the fires, he went from wearing a sophisticated suit to a traditional Grecian battle gear, complete with headgear, spear, and shield.



Hades (Changmin) came in his deathly brown robe. Since he was always the gloomy one, all he needed to do was bring in some cold, underworldly air into Olympus. Blue and gray air encircled the god of the underworld, giving him power.



Hermes (Ryeowook) the messenger tapped his winged shoes four times and in an instant, a gust of wind blew past him, giving him the power of speed.



One god was not present. Hephaestus. God of Fire. The Blacksmith. The outcast. The strange one. Aloof. Hephaestus barely joined in the conferences and meetings of the gods and goddesses. He was just their weapon maker, someone they’d go to when they needed new arms for battle.



But unlike the previous meetings wherein his presence couldn’t be felt, Hephaestus was very much present in this one, when his fellow gods called for unity in battle. The blacksmith god appeared in a cloud of black smoke, dressed in a black suit complete with a cloak and his black hammer.



“Did someone call for battle? Against the goddesses?” Hephaestus (TOP) asked, prancing around,s winging his deadly iron jackhammer. The gods looked at him with fear and intimidation, except for Zeus and Hades. They just stared him down, watching his every cocky move.



“Weapons are on you again?” asked Hades.



“Not this time.” Hephaestus said. “I have to make use of every single weapon I have. You are gods, aren’t you?”



“I suppose.” Zeus said, quite disappointed that TOP wouldn’t lend them any of his good, sturdy weapons. “Anyways, we have an important agenda today, as all of you know.”



“Yes.” Poseidon agreed with his brother. “The goddesses have gone too far. It is time we take our stand.” Poseidon tightened his grip on his trident. The gods all formed a circle and Zeus, their leader, made lightning strike and upon this immediate action, the gods were gone in an instant, ready to take on their female counterparts.






Hera had already descended to the mortal’s world and returned to Seohyun’s house. She entered the small abode and found Seohyun still lifelessly lying on the kitchen floor, drained of her strength and power. Hera placed two loving hands on her shoulder and with her godly powers, a purple haze engulfed Seohyun, bringing her back to life.



“The touch of immortality.” Seohyun’s weak and pale lips muttered. Slowly, her life was coming back and so were her powers. She was becoming a goddess again.



“Yes.” Hera said in a motherly, forgiving tone. She knew Hestia wasn’t to blame for what had happened. It was Zeus’ lustful desires that drove him to do such an act. “We have a battle to win, Seohyun. We are waging war against the gods.”



“What?” the innocent goddess of the hearth said, obviously surprised.



“The gods have been taking advantage of us. Abusing our resources. Stealing our wealth. We take a stand.” Seohyun’s sad eyes stared straight into the mother of all goddesses. Gahee understood, but wouldn’t consider.



“You have to fight, Hestia.”






“No buts. You have to fight.” She told the youngest goddess sternly.



“Okay.” Hestia said. Hera gave her an assuring, proud smile when all of a sudden, the ground began to shake, clouds started to cover the clear sky and the sound of thunder with the flash of lightning took them by surprise.



“What was that?” cried Hestia. Hera held Hestia’s wrist tightly, helping her to her feet.



“Zeus.” she gritted in between her teeth. It could only be Zeus. Nobody knew how to interfere quite like him.



“This is battle.”



“But I’m not ready.”



“You have powers.” Hera said sternly. “Use them to defend yourself.”



Without warning, the gods used their powers to destroy the goddesses’ city. Huge waves came crashing, fires exploded everywhere. There was a storm, complete with thunder and lightning as well as blindingly hot light. It was different calamities fused into one. And if that wasn’t enough, Hera peered out the window and saw the gods wrecking havoc on their side of the city. She grabbed Hestia by the wrist and pulled her out of the house.



“Ah! Hera!” Zeus called as he descended from the sky. Yunho’s feet touched the ground right in front of his wife. Hera looked at him from head to toe, waiting for him to make a move, just in case she needed to defend herself and the young girl she was hiding behind her back.



“Zeus.” she said. “I see you have arrived. With your army.”



“I’ve had enough of your maltreatment! Taking advantage of us, I heard? Maybe not this time. You see, I always make it a point to be one step ahead of everything.” Zeus laid his eyes on Seohyun who was fearfully hiding behind Gahee.



“Isn’t that right, Seohyun?” he asked with a sinister smirk. Gahee clutched Seohyun’s wrist tightly and hid her behind her back.



“You are abusive!” she snarled at him. “You abused our resources. Stole our wealth. Murdered and tortured, kidnapped some of our people. You corrupted this young goddess behind me right now. Zeus looked at Seohyun and smirked.



“Well since you were planning a surprise attack, might as well skip the boring part and get on with the surprise.” Zeus clenched his fist and produced a lightning bolt. Hera’s eyes widened for she knew what was coming next.



“Roll out!” She tugged Hestia to her side as they narrowly avoided the very close lightning bolt. She and Seohyun threw themselves to the side and together, they channeled their powers.



Gahee waved her hands in the air, creating circular and wave motions. Purple hazes and winds came about as she began to transform into her goddess alter ego. Gahee’s Grecian robe soon evolved into a beautiful peacock gown, after Hera’s bird the peacock. It had a glowing blue bodice and a petticoat that resembled the peacock’s wings with eyes. Gahee reached upwards and from the heavens came her sceptre, a purple and pink globe with orbits surrounding it, possessing her power and dominion over the goddesses. She stepped forward to confront her husband, fully dressed in the gear that made her known to everyone as the supreme Goddess Hera.



“My army of women is not going to take your little game for granted. We are going to fight.” Hera said.



“You and the weak goddesses? What are you going to do? We are much more powerful?” the gods stood by Zeus’ side, smirking arrogantly at the Queen of the Goddesses. Hestia was in the corner and though she was terrified, the youngest member of Olympus’ female roster stepped forward and from her meager duster came a beautiful gown the color of the hearth, orange and red. Seohyun stepped forward and stood beside Hera.



“I’m fighting with her.” Zeus and Poseidon snickered.



“You? You’re basically the most useless goddess there is! Hestia! Goddess of the Hearth! Pathetic! Next thing you know-” Hestia was annoyed with Zeus’ gloating and hurled a ball of fire his way. Zeus narrowly missed it as Poseidon cooled it down with his water.



“That the best you got?” Poseidon pointed his trident at her, hoping to send a gigantic tidal wave to blow them away. Water came gushing towards them when a mighty golden shield blocked it, making the waves crash on the houses and buildings instead.



It was CL. Athena. The goddess of wisdom and war. She stood up in her feathery gown with a spear on her right hand and a shield on the left. On her shoulder was her bird companion and the inspiration of her dress, the owl.



“Athena?” Jonghyun stepped forward. The God and Goddess of war were now head to head.



“Fellow warfreak. I see you have come.”



“Are you ready for battle?” asked the strong war-god. The equally headstrong Athena smiled and nodded her head.



“I am always prepared.”



The water that Poseidon released from his trident flooded the lands. The ripples were starting to form though there was no rain. The waters-which were starting to bubble-rose and turned into a small tornado and from the small tornado came the form of the body of a beautiful woman. The s, waists, and hips were formed and in her beautiful pose, water became flesh. Like the legends, from the sea foam rose Aphrodite clad in a revealing, slim fit swan inspired gown, covering only one . The other was concealed by a wing like pad. Her wavy brown hair blew fiercely in the wind. The goddess of love was beheld by her fellow goddesses and her beauty blinded even the most resilient gods.



“Lady Aphrodite.” spoke Zeus. Temptation could be seen in his eyes again. Hera’s eyes squinted in anger and jealousy but Aphrodite wasn’t about to give in to his lustful desires.



“Shut your hole, loverboy.” said the feisty love goddess. Zeus was totally insulted by the way Aphrodite spoke to him and with his, he was about to hurl a thunderbolt her way when an arrow stopped him from doing so. They all looked above and behold! The beautiful goddess Sun Ye, known as Artemis descended from the top of a building, clad in her huntress’ gear, a brown one shoulder mini dress with the texture of a deer’s skin, representing her animal. Barefooted and brave, Sun Ye stood by her fellow goddesses.



“I don’t think so Zeus.” Sun Ye said. She aimed her arrow and longbow at him, waiting for him to make a mistake. “Don’t test me.” All of a sudden, a boomerang of light came dashing towards Artemis, breaking her arrow and bruising her arm. It was a portion of Apollo’s harp that he had broken off and used as a boomerang.



“This is far from over.” Hera started. “As a matter of fact, it has just begun.” Hera flashed her palm and out came a ray of purple, headed towards Apollo. It drove Apollo to the ground and before Hera could do any further damage, Ares sprung in the defense of his fellow god and hurled fireballs at her.



“Not on my watch!” Athena blocked Gahee with her shield but Gahee insisted on fighting him, putting her arms over Athena and blasting Jonghyun with purple lilacs and pink thunders, throwing him over to the other side. Aphrodite hurled pink light balls towards them but Apollo’s light deflected it, making them hurl their way back towards Aphrodite. These pink light balls were hot like fire and burnt like acid and had the ability to damage anyone that came in contact with it and with the balls hurling their way back at Bom, Athena rolled in defense of the beautiful goddess and shielded her but Aphrodite was quite quick herself. The goddess of Beauty spread her arms out in a force field, shielding both herself and Athena.



“When I let this go, aim your spear at them.” Aphrodite advised Athena. This was a risky battle strategy but it was worth trying. Artemis saw this coming together and joined in, posing with her toxic bow and arrow. Hera joined in as well. Hestia was still in the corner, deciding whether or not she would jump in.



Why wasn’t Hestia participating?



Turns out the gods, namely Apollo, was luring Hestia with his harp. Hestia was in a trance and started walking slowly towards them, hypnotized by the soothing and lulling sound of the harp. Hestia kept on walking towards them and as soon as Hera saw this, she blasted Apollo’s lyre with her purple rays, ultimately destroying it. Hestia automatically snapped out of her daze and realized that she was walking towards the gods. What was even scarier was seeing Poseidon’s trident against her neck.



“Goddess of the Hearth,” Donghae threatened, deepening the trident into the young goddess’ throat. Seohyun was choking and trying to remove it but Donghae was just too strong. “Prepare to have your flame cooled down.” Hestia’s feist got to her head and knowing that she had to defend herself instead of being pushed around as she always was, she internally summoned her strength.



“Not on my watch.” she said with a smirk. Hestia crept her hand up from underneath, grabbed Donghae’s crotch and with that risky move, set him ablaze, starting with his private area. The pain was so intense that Donghae just had to move away.



“Don’t get me angry.” Hestia walked quickly towards them, creating fireballs with her hands. “YOU DON’T LIKE ME WHEN I’M ANGRY!!!” The youngest goddess showed them her inner fierceness as she hurled fireballs their way, resulting in ultimate destruction. The other goddesses followed suit, using their powers to aid Hestia. The gods weren’t about to let the goddesses beat them. They too got together and used their powers all at the same time, nearly defeating the women.



“Teamwork, ladies. Teamwork. All together.” Hera said. Athena readied her spears as Artemis readied her longbow and arrow. Aphrodite and Hestia readied their hands to form their burning balls of fury while Hera stepped to the front to take charge. The men had the same position, with Zeus in front. Husband and wife took a domestic quarrel to a whole new level. The gods and goddesses fired their powers all at the same time, resulting in an epic clash of colors and lights as well as destruction.



“You think you’re better than me? You arrogant son of a ?!” Hera gritted between her teeth. Zeus smirked and looked her in the eye, pushing his power towards them even more.



“Well guess what, your mother and my mother are just one so that makes you a , too!” he snapped. This made the gods and goddesses push even harder. Because of way too much pushing and abuse of power, their powers ultimately clashed, resulting in massive destruction in the city. Fire and water were thrown and spread throughout the city, killing millions and destroying even more. Pretty soon, the city that they built together in unity several years in the past was destroyed, reduced to rubble. If that wasn’t enough, the gods and goddesses were exhausted beyond belief.



“MY CHILDREN!” came a booming voice from above. The exhausted immortals looked above and saw the face of the great Titans speaking to them, obviously disappointed in their childish squabbles and fights.






“NO! PLEASE! HAVE MERCY!” Zeus came begging.



“MERCY? HOW CAN I HAVE MERCY WHEN YOU RUINED MY CITY! THE LAND I LOVE!?!?” Titan bellowed. Zeus felt weak and collapsed. As the gods and goddesses were lifelessly lying on the ground, Great Titan drained them of their powers and absorbed them, being the sole god ruling over Olympus. Possessing all their powers, he magically restored the city’s beauty and out of pity, brought the gods and goddesses back to life.






With a blink of an eye, all their powers were gone and were distributed evenly throughout the city, making it beautiful once again. There was no trace of war whatsoever and it was beautiful. Like nothing ever happened.

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Ouch. Nice war. Very desrciptive! Ehehes! Good luck on any other stories that you plan on typing up. :)
Aww it ended too quickly there still alot of greek mythology stories out there where you could get and i really wish all gods and godesses will have there story

oh well i still love it!!!
Inspirit7_love #3
THAT. PUNISHMENT. IS. HARSH... update soon!
Noooooo! Poor Taeyang! T____T
Herclues you you you... Cocky man. -____________- GO BOA! I too, side with BoA. :D
That's so sad... :(
Aphrodite seems to be plotting something in my opinion... Gahee shouldn't jump to conclusions so fast... *sighs*
Ngaaaws, I feel sorry for the girls... But I do think they desrve it... :\
This was one of the longest chapters I've ever hread, nice! Keep it up. :)
This is interesting. :D
james_maknae18 #10
I love reading stuff about greek mythology and i love kpop...
This is interesting~