Mansion of the Gods.




Olympus District. A small part of Seoul that makes up for its size in wealth and power. Only the immortal, the powerful, the notorious, the baddest of the bad can live here. Olympus District, named after famed Mount Olympus in Ancient Greece, home to the gods. People in this small area are larger than life. Gods and Goddesses as you may call them, governing over the people who worship them fervently. They rule over their people, some with just and fairness, other with a slight smudge of corruption. But the citizens love their gods and goddesses way too much to even look or pay any  mind to their acts of impurity though they have been made public.



The Gods and Goddesses resided in a beautiful all-mansion subdivision known as Mountain of Olympia, a variation of the city’s name. Right here is where the glorious mansions of epic sizes and intricate designs are. This is the restricted area of the city. Unless you are being honored or punished by the gods, access here is strictly limited and forbidden.

The biggest house on the block belongs to the most powerful couple in all of Olympus District. Yunho and Gahee, also known as Zeus and Hera. This rich, beautiful power couple govern over the entire district and are highly respected by the people. Gahee, with her immense femininity and power over women, helps the female population with marriage and childbirth while Zeus, Yunho, the almighty Yunho. He holds the power of the thunderbolt as well as the power of all the gods in Olympus District. While Yunho is loved and revered as a mighty and just ruler by the people, the other side of him that they have not seen, is greatly abhorred by Gahee.

An example? Take the scenario that is about to unfold, in the heavenly city of Olympus. The marital argument that nearly tore their city apart.

“Gahee! Gahee!!” It must’ve been around midnight when the almighty god Yunho arrived with his steps switching lanes in drunkenness. Yunho spent the night mingling with mortals or lower class people in disguise, dressed as one of them. He drank wine, had with various women and gambled for gold. Yunho may be a god but he sure knew how to live and roll with the mortals, as the gods would call them.

At their door, Yunho dizzily grabbed at the post and rang the doorbell which gave off a melodious, harp-like sound. No answer came, frustrating the mighty god. He rang the doorbell once more and violently called his wife’s name. Yes, Yunho would turn violent when angry.

“PARK GAHEE! PARK GAHEE! COME AND OPEN THE ING DOOR!” he cursed. As Zeus, he was highly expected to act with accordance. This drunken behavior is something the higher gods or officials would definitely see as improper and immoral. After minutes of waiting outside, the door magically opened by itself, allowing Yunho some space to enter. Upon entering their lavish and titanic mansion, he was engulfed in total darkness. Yunho used the spark from the palm of his hand to give him some light. The heavy footsteps from his godly shoes made a distinct sound.

“Where the are you woman?!” He bellowed in his deep, thunderous voice. It echoed throughout the house, even passing through the rooms. One of those rooms, namely their bedroom, was were Gahee was staying. Hearing her husband’s drunken loud voice, she took to her feet and gracefully made her way down the stairs, her soft, delicate feet landing on the cold marble floor. Gahee didn’t seem to feel it nor mind. Her mind was fixed on confronting her husband. It wasn’t the first time this had happened. Yunho’s drinking problem escalated from past time to habit to addiction. Gahee had no idea what to do with her husband. She knew about his drinking and gambling vices but what remained a secret was his womanizing. Gahee had hunches that Yunho had been going out with several women but loving him prevented her from sending him away.

“WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG?! YOU ING SLOW- WOMAN!” Yunho angrily yelled. Gahee ran down the stairs and was surprised to see him with a spark of light on the palm of his hand.

“There you are!” he said. “Why the hell did you lock me out?”

“I thought you had your keys with you.” Gahee spoke with her back turned against her husband. Yunho was infuriated upon learning that she didn’t even wait up for him and went up to their room to sleep.

“Didn’t I tell you to wait up for me?!”

“I’m tired of it.” Gahee said sultrily while walking, her hips swaying from side to side. Yunho eyed his wife’s hips and as Gahee sensed innuendo in the air, by the way her husband stared at him, instead of feeling flattered, felt insulted.

“Tired of what?”

“All your bull.” she turned around to face him. With a hand on her hip, tapping and tracing her hips with her long fingernails. “I’m done putting up with it.” Gahee turned around and walked her way to the stairs when Yunho grasped her arm and pulled her strongly close to his side. Gahee got yanked over to him and faced him with angry, squinting eyes.

“What do you want?!” she growled at him, her teeth gritted in annoyance.  Yunho released her arm and realized that he had trapped her for so long, had her under his control and had been so possessive without even realizing that he has been so abusive of her kindness. He released her arm and watched as she walked away from him. His drunken anger had come back after a few short calm hours, leading him to explode and call on her again.

“Next time, leave the lights on, woman. You don’t expect me to easily be going around walking in the dark comfortably now, do you?” Gahee heard this and instead of spinning around, she opened to speak.

“Why, you’re the god of lightning. You should be able to light your own path.” Gahee said. Yunho pretended not to hear her but what she said really struck him so he just had to open his mouth.

“You watch those words, Gahee.” he said with his back equally turned. Whenever they quarreled, in order to maintain calmness and peace, the turned their backs against each other. Gahee felt insulted that her husband was telling, teaching her how to speak!

“I’ll show you how to tell me what to do!” Gahee muttered from under her breath. Yunho overheard it and looked back by turning his head slightly to the right. Gahee was rubbing her palm, a sign that she was about to unleash her own womanly powers. The small cut she sustained on her palm was quickly healed by the purple lilacs. The God of Gods clenched his fists in frustration and bitterness, making sparks appear. The sparks had a crunchy, crackling sound that signaled danger and pain.

“Then show me now.” coincidentally or maybe because they heard each other, Gahee and Yunho whipped around at the same time and had flashed palms at each other. Purple lilacs with a purple electric color wave that stung so bad came from Gahee’s palm while the imminent and already manifested lightning bolt and thunder thumps came rushing out of Yunho’s palm. His lightning could electrocute 10 times that of regular lightning and a sting that would be equivalent to 2 rounds on the electric chair. The two powers came dashing almost converging with one trying to overpower the other. Yunho, besides being muscular and the all powerful, was really strong so him winning over his wife was definitely inevitable.

“You and all the other men are alike!” Gahee growled while exerting maximum force on Yunho in order to knock him out. “All you do is lie to your women! Play with them! Fool them!” She figured, if she couldn’t win using her powers, maybe she could win using her words.

“Why, all you women are the same, too! You’re all paranoid nutsacks who worry all the time!” Yunho scolded. “You want us to report to you at all times!”

“You have some serious disciplining to do! Can;t you control your hormones!?! You’re not a ing teenager anymore. There’s got to be something better than chasing mortal women all the time!!” Gahee brought her palm down and pointed up the ceiling, smashing the chandelier.

“You are married to a goddess for crying out loud!” Gahee cried out loud. “Don’t tell me you aren’t content! Don’t tell me you have lowered your standards to the point that you married the highest goddess there is and you still try to score with a mortal ! You know how insulting this is for me? You have any clue?” Yunho didn’t move. Instead, he used his lightning bolt and tried to aim it at Gahee who narrowly avoided it. Aside from the fact that it did cut off some of her precious hair, it went striaght to the door, setting their room on fire.

Why exactly did Yunho just react that way? Because it was true. Gahee was right. He was a god married to a deity of equal rank and importance, almost a female version of him and he tried to score big with worldly women who had an expiry date. It was as if he didn’t have any pride and dignity left in him. Still, since Yunho didn’t want to humble down though he had already been caught, he called upon thunder and came the giant thumps of doom. The lightning bolt that he was about to aim was seriously a huge one that could destroy possibly the whole mansion. Gahee braced herself and moved her hands in a circular motion. That motion created a small purple and pink flame ball which at first didn’t look that hot. Only when aimed would one feel the heat that it possessed. Gahee looked at her husband. I think you know what happened next.

Days followed and the two continued to fight like cat and dog. Even little things became subject to argument. Their personalities changed and in a negative way. Gahee, who was usually calm, collected and caring, became impatient and cross, annoyed with every little mistake in their house. Yunho on the other hand did not let his thunderous temper ruin everything but somehow, he reverted to his old ways despite constantly saying that he would change and prove to Gahee that he would drops his womanizing ways and his alcohol problems. This time, YUnho drank more and flirted with more women than ever, igniting a furious, jealous spark in Gahee that resulted to  more fights at home.

A second time, Yunho came home late, intoxicated and smelling like a mixture between a woman and tequila. As she did before and always did whenever he failed to show up before or at midnight, she’d have the lights turned off, leaving him no choice but to exhaust his powers, lighting the house up.

“What the ?!?!” Yunho cursed upon stepping into his mansion. It was pitch dark and it seemed as though no one was home.

“Gahee! Park Gahee!!!” he called drunkenly. The powerful god of all gods teetered from side to aside as he felt for the walls and tried to grasp whatever he could get his hands on to help him make his way through the darkness of the mansion. Along the way, Yunho got his hands on some vases and because he was drunk and disorderly, not to mention clumsy. The crashing sounds of vases and frames startled Yunho.

“Woman! It’s the second time you’ve ed around with me. Stop this nonsense right now! What is this/?!” Yunho’s voice thundered echoing almost all throughout Olympus City.

“Oh I’ve had enough!” Gahee’s voice emerged from the darkness. Yunho’s frame was invisible in the dark as he was clad in all black. The goddess appeared in the dark, glowing of purple, pink, and flowers, her signature feminine glow.

“What is the ing matter?!?!” Yunho yelled at his wife, his voice a raging storm. Gahee was a fearless goddess who stared the storm in the eye. She had no expression on her face as the winds blew past her beautiful face with every bellow. The wrath of Zeus’ power could not faze Gahee. She was all too powerful herself.

“Where’s the change you promised? Huh? Where is it?” Gahee asked. Yunho opened his mouth to answer but Gahee spoke ahead of him in a sarcastic manner.

“Oh that’s right! You forgot about them! Right! You were too drunk and intoxicated in another woman’s smegma to even remember!” Upon hearing this, Yunho’s temper flared up. He raised his arms and sent a wave of thunder towards Gahee. Gahee was blown away to the other side of the room.

“You have been such a , Gahee! What the is the matter with-”

“YOU!” yelled Gahee as she rose up from the floor by a cloud of purple lilacs. The goddess used her powers to retaliate, using the lilacs to tie him up and rose thorns to torture him.

“What is the matter with you men?!? You men are bastards!” argued Gahee who threw her power around on Yunho. Yunho flew over to the other side but before he could even collapse on the floor, Yunho got back on his feet and attacked Gahee with his lightning power that struck Gahee’s arm, deeply burning, gashing and scarring her.

“You have betrayed my trust time and time again! From now on, I cast you away, you and your men!” If there was one woman that spelled weakness for Yunho, it was Gahee. Women are men’ts weakness and that’s exactly how Yunho felt towards his wife. To him, when she was angry, he was totally powerless.

“What are you talking about?!!!” Yunho tried to beg at Gahee’s feet, praying that she wouldn’t take his powers away from him. Gahee was that strong. She knew how to extract powers from Zeus.

“Don’t worry, I won’t remove your powers.” Gahee said seductively. Her beautiful brown eyes turned a bright shade of lilac violet, gleaming in the dark. “I will only separate you from the women.” Only Gahee had the power to make the gods separate from their female counterparts. “I’ll just make sure you won’t use them around me.”

Just then, the entire room illuminated a bright pink shade, flooding the mansion with bright lights enough to blind the almighty Zeus. Gahee waved her arms around, totally manipulating all the objects in the mansion. Because of intense fury that was unleashed by Gahee, things rose in the air and smashed on the walls. Yunho tried to use his powers tos ave himself and this mansion. The god of all gods was no match for Hera’s wrath. Yunho tried to fight by throwing lightning bolts at Gahee who caught them with her hands.

“Save these lightning bolts for when you really need them.” Yunho’s eyes widened upon seeing the lightning bolt in Gahee’s hand. Gahee smirked evilly and crushed his lightning bolt, turning the powerful and bright life crusher into bits and pieces of dust. Gahee raised her arms with it came the shaking of the ground which resulted in the falling of suspended objects such as chandeliers and wind chimes.

In the mortal world, people are starting to panic, wondering what could be causing the massive earthquake. Everything from the ground up shook, leading people to start packing their things, hiding under tables and bracing themselves for the wrath of the Olympians. They were so sure their gods were having an argument for this happened each time a godly war took place.

“Lands beneath my feet, separate the good from evil. The man from the woman. Set apart the gods of the dark and the goddesses of light. Let them never converge again!” Gahee chanted at the top of her lungs. Huge cracks suddenly started to appear on the floor, working its way outside, until they were visible on the cement roads. Pedestrians and cars stopped and stared at this horrific sight, awaiting with anxiety at what this monstrosity could possibly do to them.

“What is this? What’s going on?” murmurs of similar nature made its rounds in the neighborhood. They feared the wrath of the Olympians but they feared the rapture even more.

“Gahee! What are you up to? What is this madness?!?!” Yunho was so close to getting down on his knees and crying. “Please stop this! I’m sorry!”

“You have burdened me for far too long. You have aggravated me, made my life the worst it has been, and used me. I will not stand for any of your bull anymore. You and your men have been nothing but pests to your wives. You deserve what is coming to you!” Yunho may be Zeus, the most powerful god in all of Olympus but only Hera had the power to bring him to his knees, begging like a pauper on the streets for scraps of food but in this case, mercy. With one mighty push, their beloved mansion, the beautiful gold, diamond, and marble masterpiece that was sculpted for them by the Higher Gods, crumbled into bits and pieces as debris went flying with Yunho’s body, being sent to the other side of the city, the place where the not-so-good were.

From a flying frenzy, Yunho landed flat on his back in Ares’ garden. Jonghyun, who was shining his spear and shield, heard the startling noise and wondered what or who could be up this early doing extreme sports and landing on his backyard. The vicious god of war carefully put his weapons down, stood up to check what had just crash landed in the back.

“Who’s there?” called his sly, stern voice. Yunho feared no one. In his arrogant mind, though he was just thrown out by his own wife, he was still the almighty Zeus whom everyone feared and loved.

“Zeus. Your master!” he told Jonghyun, the younger god, as he stood up and dusted himself. Jonghyun stepped out and saw him, looking dirty and broke. The young god smirked, sensing weakness at his own lawn.

“What brought you here, dear lord?” he mocked in a subtle way. Yunho realized that Ares was mocking him so he smirked, stood tall with his chin up.

“My wife threw me out of the house.” he said with pride. Jonghyun’s smirk turned into a ridiculing grin. The grin then evolved into a cackle that was menacing and mocking at the same time. Yunho looked at him puzzled. Had he no respect for Zeus?

“SILENCE!” he bellowed and clenched his fist, resulting in a small shower of sparks. Jonghyun was not the least bit fazed.

“What’s up, pops? Quarreled with the lady again?” Jonghyun asked.

“What’s it look like to you?” Yunho answered in an informal, sarcastic manner. Jonghyun just looked at the mighty god with pity and disgust. All the arrogance and power in the world was never going to make Yunho any more powerful and respectable in the eyes of his younger fellow gods.

“I see you and your wife are having troubles in paradise. Kindly leave me out of it.” Jonghyun said. He was Ares, the god of war. Unlike what books depicted him as, Ares was calm and quiet, though quite sly when not in battle. His cynical and sarcastic ways of dealing with people and gods alike made it confusing for others to understand him, thus misinterpreting him. But Ares, being a god who ruled alongside Zeus, was just and fair. Just so happens that war and bloodshed were his specialties.

“Gahee wants to separate the gods from the goddesses. She thinks we men are evils, ills to the society. We pose nothing but danger and heartbreak.”

“Mama drama again, I presume.” Jonghyun laughed. “That’s her reason?”

“It hurt my pride.”

“It hurts my ears.” he admitted. “Nothing’s worse than having to have to separate the lands because you came home drunk as you always do.”

“Hey don’t rub it. If it’s a city splitting she wants, it’s a city splitting she’ll get. I never say no to anyone who challenges me.” The mocking look on Jonghyun’s face was quickly replaced by an evil smirk, sensing tension and friction, and possibly war.

“Well, I’m a god, not a goddess. I shall fight by your side.” he said with a smirk. Jonghyun and Yunho looked at each other with sinister and conniving plans in mind.

The following day, Yunho and Gahee met face to face at a convergence point in Olympus city. Backing Gahee up were the goddesses, beautiful in their flowing gowns with mermaid hair blowing in the angry wind. Yunho was supported by his gods, with Ryeowook, the messenger on his right and Ares, the god of war on his left. They stared the goddesses in the eyes, filled with fury. The goddesses didn’t have to do anything, they believed. Their beauty and immense appeal were enough to drive the gods mad. They knew that. To Gahee’s right was Athena or CL, the goddess of wisdom born from the head of Zeus, her shield and her aegis glimmering in the sun. To Gahee’s left was Aphrodite or Park Bom, goddess of love and beauty. Her swan-white skin made her sparkle and shimmer. It was symbolic, the places of these two goddesses. Wisdom and beauty are what make the complete woman. Gahee is wise beyond the ways of the world but beautiful enough to launch a thousand ships, not if Aphrodite had anything to say about it.

“So it is decided.” Yunho spoke first. His serious voice echoing throughout the state. All the citizens heard their almighty god speak and they listened intently to what he had to say.

“The city of Olympus shall be divided into two. The men and the women. It is the request of my wife Gahee. So be it.”

“I knew it.” Gahee smirked, mocking her husband. “You’re a fake! You’re weak! You don’t have it in you no more! All it takes is a good, smart, and beautiful woman and you’re dead! Signs have been showing, dear husband. Signs.” Gahee warned, arching her eyebrow. She had known Zeus had been getting weaker and weaker, like all his power was being drained and she used this or was starting to use this to her advantage. She felt that Olympus’ ruler must be just, wise, and beautiful not biased, foolish and aging.

“I am but giving in to your demands as a gentleman. And I realized that I am wrong. I have made a mistake.” Zeus humbled himself down for the first time. He was normally like this. Normally, he’d be an arrogant with a huge ego.

“Don’t give me that kind of , God of Olympus.” Gahee retorted. CL snapped her head to her left, taken aback by how Gahee talked to her husband. CL pitied her father. She knew it wasn’t easy for him, what he was going through but then Gahee was wrong to verbally abuse, maltreat and humiliate him before the other gods and goddesses, not to mention the rest of Olympus. “Admit it! You’re a weak, lame, douchebag!” Gahee hissed. Yunho felt humiliated but kept his head high, opting not to answer back.

“I know you have been itching for your 15 seconds of fame, Gahee. I’ll give it to you. For once let a woman rule over Olympus. But this won’t take long. Especially with an attitude like yours. If you rule over Olympus, Olympus shall fall.” he warned. There wasn’t the slightest hint of anger or remorse on his face. As a matter of fact, he looked eager and willing to hand his kingdom over to Gahee, who seemed so power hungry.

“Are you a fool??!” Gahee yelled in his face. Yunho stared her in the eye. “There will be no more Olympus. This place shall have a new name under a new ruler. There will be no more union. Olympus signifies us gods as one. Well we are no longer one.” Gahee snarled.

“Very well. We are divided, so are our powers.” The mighty Zeus raised his arms and the ground started to shake. The gods and goddesses backed up, making way for the miracle Zeus was to work. Yunho clenched his fists tightly in the air, making thunder clap and lightning strike. From the cracked ground came an iron wall that had a high voltage of electricity, with the capacity to electrocute anyone who dared touch it. The great iron wall rose, dividing the land between the gods and goddesses. The iron wall, one that broke the once unified land and tore apart the once strong and harmonious relationship between gods and goddesses.


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Ouch. Nice war. Very desrciptive! Ehehes! Good luck on any other stories that you plan on typing up. :)
Aww it ended too quickly there still alot of greek mythology stories out there where you could get and i really wish all gods and godesses will have there story

oh well i still love it!!!
Inspirit7_love #3
THAT. PUNISHMENT. IS. HARSH... update soon!
Noooooo! Poor Taeyang! T____T
Herclues you you you... Cocky man. -____________- GO BOA! I too, side with BoA. :D
That's so sad... :(
Aphrodite seems to be plotting something in my opinion... Gahee shouldn't jump to conclusions so fast... *sighs*
Ngaaaws, I feel sorry for the girls... But I do think they desrve it... :\
This was one of the longest chapters I've ever hread, nice! Keep it up. :)
This is interesting. :D
james_maknae18 #10
I love reading stuff about greek mythology and i love kpop...
This is interesting~