Home Is Where the Heart Is


The youngest. Most demure. Quiet. Meek. Not many people knew who she was though she was one of the Twelve Great Olympians, her power and contributions weren’t great enough for her to earn a spot in the minds of the people. However, since her beauty and care were widely spoken of, she  managed to have earned a spot as one of the Greats and somehow made a mark as the goddess of the home.


Her name was Seo Joo Hyun better known as Seohyun or Hestia, the goddess of the home. It was the caring nature in this young woman that Zeus first noticed, therefore assigning the household as her particular care. Seohyun’s gentle personality made her a great aide of housewives and mothers, along with Hera. Hestia was also the goddess of the hearth and it was her job to keep houses warm, especially during the cold, winter season. Seohyun, despite her young age, was already deemed as housewife material.



Hestia, unlike the Twelve Great Olympians, yearned for a life that was much simpler than that of her fellow gods. When she was crowned a goddess, she was offered a spot in the village of mansions, resided by the most powerful of the powerful but she declined.



“I cannot stay in such lavish abodes.” Seohyun humbly declined. “I would much rather live alone in a simple house. With a small fireplace where I can sit and keep warm and a good sized kitchen where I can prepare my meals.” Zeus was astounded by her humility and simplicity and with great pleasure, he granted her simple wish and using only his powerful hands, built her a house in the city, blending in with the common city folk who could only dream of seeing the gods and goddesses up close. Seohyun, since she looked simple yet beautiful, was the closest they could get to having a divine being mingle and thrive amongst them as she wasn’t that great.



However, despite having a position as a goddess, nobody really looked up to Hestia. To the commoners, she was someone-a kind goddess-that they approached whenever they needed help with their homes and being a helpful woman, she did whatever best she could. But they didn’t look up to her the way they did the other gods. Though the commoners knew that a goddess chose to live amongst them, it wasn’t enough to strike fear in their hearts unlike if someone like Zeus or Hades would dwell with them like city folk. Apparently, Hestia was too gentle of a goddess for them to actually take seriously. Seohyun’s simple and motherly demeanor made it hard for typical people to actually see her as a goddess. If she didn’t use her powers in helping them with housework, they most likely would’ve forgotten that she was one of the Twelve Great Olympians. For some reason, they just didn’t fear or revere her the way they would bow down to Hera or praise Aphrodite. None of this mattered to Seohyun, though. She was a content person, perfectly happy with whatever she could do to help for as long as she served her purpose. Bothered by her contentment and lack of thirst for power and superiority, Zeus had come down to her abode to pull her in for a little talk.



Hestia was sitting at her fireplace one cold evening, trying to keep herself warm after a day of walking around in the cool afternoon breeze. Seohyun was living the life of a mortal-simple. She was sitting with her tea and blanket when came a knock on her door.



“Who is it?” she called. There was no answer but the knocking persisted. Curious, Seohyun stood up and walked carefully to her door, placing her ear against it and listening in for any movement the visitor might be causing.



“Who is this?” she repeated. The man outside just wouldn’t speak. Seohyun realized that she had a peep hole on her door and tiptoed to reach it, just to see the other side of the house. Why, a man was standing right outside her door! He was clad in a coat and slacks with a fedora and he seemed to be waiting for her to answer the door. Not a single word came from him.



Oh he doesn’t look too bad!  Seohyun thought. Trusting her instincts, she unlocked the door and faced the stranger.



“Hi.” said the stranger with a smile. His smile was one that was warm enough to heat up the season. Seohyun returned with a hospitable smile.



“Hello. Why have you come?”



“My name is Morton.” he said. There was a familiar gleam in his eyes that Seohyun had seen before. Being easy to trust, she let the man in her house.



“Hello Morton. What can I do for you?” asked Seohyun, offering him something to drink. “Would you like some tea or hot chocolate or something warm to drink?”



“Oh yes, that would be so lovely.” Morton replied in a gentlemanly manner. Seohyun blushed and went straight to the kitchen to fix him a warm cup of hot chocolate. Seohyun was known for her hot chocolate which she served to little kids seeking her warm, motherly presence.



“Hold on there.” Morton nodded and sat on the couch, observing the small abode that housed Hestia lived in. Everything was in perfect order and spic and span. Not a bit of rubbish to be found anywhere. Perfect homemaker, he thought.



The kind of woman I’d make my wife. he whispered to himself. Morton looked around and raised an eyebrow, waiting for the home goddess to come out with her acclaimed specialty: hot chocolate.



“Here you go.” Hestia came out of the kitchen with a cup of hot chocolate. Morton looked up at her and smiled, taking the cup in his hand and small sips. Heaven greeted his tongue at the taste of the delicious cocoa which was a blend of bitterness and sugary sweetness. Just the right kind of warmth. It made him smile. But nothing could be sweeter than the smile coming from the lovely homemaker who stirred up the concoction.



“This is wonderful. You made this?”



“As I do every night.” Seohyun humbly, honestly said. “Most children come to my house to have my hot chocolate. I’m not bragging, though.” she said.



“No.” Morton put the cup down on a side table. “You have every right to brag. Your hot chocolate was the most marvelous thing that has happened to drinking!”



“Thanks.” Seohyun smiled and looked down, blushing. “It’s really not that hard to make if you just try.” Morton just looked at her, realizing how beautiful she looked when she humbled herself and decided that he was infatuated with her.



“Whoever you marry would be one lucky pal!” Morton said. “You’re the perfect homemaker.” Seohyun took this as flirting, felt uncomfortable but smiled in return.



“Thank you.” she replied. “But I have no intent of marrying anyone. I’m a solitary person, although I would love some friendly company every now and then.” Morton smiled, quite disappointed because he had an interest in the youngest goddess. Understanding her decision, however, he got to his feet and bade her goodbye.



“Aren’t you going to finish the hot chocolate?” she asked him, the smile faded from her face as she picked the mug up. Sensing disappointment in her face, Morton picked the mug up and finished the last of the chocolate milk, making Seohyun beam with pride. It did her heart good to know that people were enjoying her specialty.



“Honey, I can have this drink anytime I want to.” Morton confidently said. “Because most likely I’ll be back tomorrow to check on this and you again!” Seohyun blushed, getting the hints that Morton liked her.



“Alright. Feel free to come back whenever you wish.” Seohyun hospitably said. Morton took to his feet and bade Seohyun goodbye. The serene and meek goddess escorted Morton out of her house, hoping he would come back the next day.



Upon closing the door, Morton started to walk and shed off his mortal exterior, revealing his true self. Why, Morton wasn’t human after all! He was Zeus! Zeus had come to visit Hestia for some hot chocolate and to observe her house. But why had Zeus taken particular interest in a seemingly unimportant and not-so-powerful goddess?



She is something. Hestia definitely would make a good wife. Her beauty is remarkable. Simple but remarkable. Not just another face in the crowd. Unlike Gahee, I’m at ease with her. It’s like she’s never angry. Only negative emotions are sadness and doubt. Perfect homemaker.



Hestia never forgot Morton. His face still lingered in her memory. Even his name was still on her tongue. Each waking moment was filled with his memory, anxious and longing for the time that he would come back for her as he promised in the past.



“I wonder when he’ll be back again?” she asked herself as she laid out breakfast for one the following morning. She greatly anticipated his return.



On their side of the city, where the gods were, Zeus sat beside himself, separated from his bitter and y wife Hera, and with no female to entertain him ually, he filled his thoughts with Hestia and her hot chocolate, but mostly Hestia. She wasn’t as hyperualized as Aphrodite but Zeus thought she was worth thinking about in his free time. He imagined what it would be like if he and Hestia were to get married.



Then I’d have that hot chocolate all to myself. All day. With Seohyun. He felt it was love he was feeling for her and not just pure admiration.



From now on, I shall visit her every single day to see her, catch a glimpse of her beautiful face, and talk to her. Zeus vowed to himself. However, he had to do it in the form of Morton, disguised as a mortal since he knew that Seohyun dwelt on the goddess’ side of the city and his wife Gahee goverened over it.



“For you, I will.” he said, looking over the wall which he built, barricading the gods from the goddesses.



The following day, Zeus stayed true to his promise. After getting little to no sleep at all, he stood up from his bed and looked outside his window, wondering what Hestia could be doing right now.



“Maybe she’s making breakfast.” he smiled to himself at the beautiful and simple thought of Hestia working in the kitchen, a look of delight and simplicity on her face, enjoying every single chore performed. The goddess of the home truly never left his heart and mind. Standing up, Yunho summoned his inner power and from the mighty and muscular god Zeus , he transformed into the lanky yet charming every man Morton. With his transformation complete, he left his house in a mortal’s form.



Seohyun was still in her house, having just finished eating breakfast and was now cleaning up the table when she heard a knock on her door.



“A visitor this early? What a surprise!” she said delighted and curious. Seohyun walked to the door and peered through the small hole. It was Morton! He had returned as he promised. Excited, Seohyun opened the door for him and revealed herself to him.



“You look as beautiful as a daisy!” he said as he kissed her hand. Seohyun blushed and smiled back. She was clad in a simple yellow dress and yellow flats, looking ordinary, homely yet very beautiful.



“Come on in.” she cajoled. “Have some breakfast. Have you had breakfast?” Morton walked inside the house and closed the door behind him.



“No. I’ve not.”



“You should’ve come earlier. I was having breakfast alone. Oh well, I can always fix up another plate for you.”



“That would be lovely. What’ll you make?”



“Just some pancakes, if you don’t mind But if there’s anything else you like, just let me know.”



“Pancakes would do.” Morton said, sitting on the couch. “I’m sure anything you make is delicious!” Seohyun blushed at his compliment and headed to the kitchen to make pancakes for her early morning guest.



“So what do you plan on doing today?” Morton asked while watching her cook batches of pancakes.



“I’m not quite sure. It might be chilly tonight.” Seohyun smiled. “How about you?”



“Not much. Maybe go out and buy some groceries, stocks for my house.”  Morton said. “Would you like to come with me?” Seohyun felt jittery when Morton abruptly asked her out and outright ignored the pancakes she was making.



“Oh! Your pancakes! You might burn them!” Morton reminded her as he noticed that she left her pancakes unattended due to their conversation. It must have swayed her, he thought.



“Oh my!” Seohyun squealed as reality bit her. She swiftly turned around and checked on her pancakes. They were almost burning so she quickly flipped them over, panicking.



“Are they burnt?”



“Nope. Good thing! They’re almost ready, though.” Seohyun smiled. A few minutes later, she fished the pancakes out of the frying pan and onto a plate.



“Well I guess now they are.” Morton said as he stood up and walked to the table apprehensively, meaning he wasn’t sure if he should.



“Go ahead and sit. I’ll just serve your hot chocolate.” Seohyun said. Morton did sit down and make himself comfortable, sitting at an angle where he could comfortably watch Seohyun do chores, doing her best. She was fixing him up his favorite cup of hot chocolate while he watched her.



“Here you go!” she happily handed him the mug and sat across him. He began to eat while conversing with her.



“So what do you say?” Seohyun thought it over but realized that she needed to do no more thinking. Morton was a complete gentleman and Seohyun saw no harm in coming with him.



“Maybe I could spare a little bit of my time for you. I’m not on a tight schedule anyways.” She smiled. This lightened Morton’s mood up.



“So how’s about I pick you up later this afternoon? Around 5?” Morton helped Seohyun clean up, who resisted his service.



“I’m the goddess of the home. Just sit there and make yourself comfortable. I can take care of this.” Hestia spun her fingers and into the sink went the dishes, foam arose and washed the dishes clean. In a matter of a few seconds, the dishes as well as the rest of the kitchen, were back in order.

Meanwhile, in the realm of the goddesses, Gahee seemed to have noticed this young man entering their territory and frequenting Hestia’s house. The goddesses soon became curious but Gahee was plain and outright disturbed. She was concerned for the well being of Hestia, who despite her anonymity and obscurity, was also a goddess.



“Who do you think he is, Hera?” asked Athena, tightly clutching her armor, getting ready to use it just in case. Despite her worry, Gahee calmly told Athena to put her armor down.



“There’s no need for bloodshed.” Gahee said. “Not yet.”



“But who could that stranger be?” asked Artemis.



“I don’t know. But he doesn’t seem to be posing as a threat to our land or to Hestia.”



“Hestia’s a weak fellow.” CL bluntly said. “She still needs some kind of guardian.”



“That’s it.” Gahee snapped back, getting a good idea. “Athena! Your owl!” Gahee pointed at the rounded white bird perched on the warrior goddess’ shoulder. “Your guardian owl! Send it to watch over Hestia.”



“Yes madam.” Athena saluted and took the bird with her finger, allowing it to perch lightly on her pointer. The warrior goddess stepped out of the golden mansion which she shared with the others and stayed at the balcony, looking at the marvelous sight that was Olympus.



“Fly to Hestia. Keep your guard on at all times. Keep her safe!” CL or Athena released the bird which flew way into the distance in search of Hestia’s humble abode. The owl was Athena’s companion and a trusty guardian which was seemingly omniscient. It was alert and could signal trouble to the goddesses from afar, making it the perfect guardian.



That very afternoon, Hestia was seen in her house, getting ready for her meet up with Morton. She had no idea that there was an owl perched on her rooftop, watching her fix herself. The owl’s eyes started to glow which was its way of sending information to the goddesses in the form of images. It was a pretty high-tech owl.



Just then, the owl’s head turned 180 degrees and seemed to have noticed someone enter the premises. Its eyes lit up when it saw a familiar face walking in the goddess’ area. This time, it wasn’t Morton. It was the god of gods. The ruler of Mt. Olympus! Park Gahee’s husband and current sworn enemy! What was his business here? The owl’s eyes began to blink red lights, signaling danger or threat.



What scared the owl even more was Zeus on the spot transformation from Zeus to Morton in a matter of seconds, headed towards Hestia’s house. The owl began to make noises as a way to alert the goddesses that there was an intruder. Good thing that Zeus was able to change into Morton and knock on Hestia’s door.



“Coming!” Hestia said as she raced to the door, opened it and smiled upon seeing Morton. Morton seemed to be bothered by the owl that was making noise but since he had no idea what this was or that it was connected to the goddesses, he just shrugged and asked Hestia about it.



“Do you by chance know whose bird this is?”



“What bird?” he pointed to the rooftop, making Hestia tilt her head back and look.



“Oh that bird. I have no idea. Maybe it’s lost.” Hestia said.



“Okay. So let’s get our date started. Where do you want to head first?”



“To the market.” Seohyun humbly said. “I have to get some things done.” Morton agreed to accompany her to the market.



Athena’s owl flew back to the mansion bringing some bad news. The goddesses were at the lounge waiting to hear something from the owl when it returned, making their spirits come alive.



“What have you got?” Athena was the first to consult her pet. The owl shot laser beams at a wall and showed them the exact scene that it had captured in its eyes. The goddesses behold the sight of Zeus transforming into Morton and heading to Hestia’s house. Hestia warmly received Zeus. The goddesses were all in shock.



“Don’t tell me Hestia didn’t know about Zeus abilities!” Athena exclaimed, annoyed.



“But what I can’t believe is that Zeus would take advantage of innocent Hestia to march into our territory.” Gahee said.



“Hestia knows.” Aphrodite slyly butted in after remaining silent for the remainder of the time. “We talked about it once.” She was still mad after finding out that her son had run off to save Psyche.



“Hestia knows?” Gahee growled, jolting up from her seat and walking swiftly to face the Goddess of Love.



“Yes!” Aphrodite said. “She has witnessed it time and time again. I know I shouldn’t divulge this but Hestia over there has a thing for Zeus.”  Aphrodite twirled her finger around her curls, arching her eyebrow at Gahee who was close to panicking.



She knew that her husband had a lot of women and those women, most of which were mortals, had produced half-god half-mortal children but this was far from acceptable. Zeus was at it again! And this time with one of their own! He was taking advantage, according to Gahee, of Hestia so that he could cause havoc and wait for an opportunity to take over the city.



“Not on my watch.” Gahee stormed out of the room and headed for the balcony. The other goddesses followed her and anticipated what she was about to do.



“Athena, you are my right hand woman. Take care of the mansion while I’m gone.”



“Where are you going, Hera?” Athena clutched her spear tightly.



“To put a stop to this.” Gahee took to the sky and flew to look for Hestia and Morton.






After having gone through her errands, Seohyun asked Morton if he wanted to eat somewhere.



“Where do you want to grab lunch?” asked Hestia.



“Well if you’re gonna ask me, I’d rather have lunch in your house and have some of the food that you cook.” Hestia giggled.



“Alright.” she said. “Let’s go then.” The two walked to Hestia’s home but were spotted by Hera from above. Hera was thinking of a sneaky way to attack.



Upon reaching Hestia’s house, Morton helped her with her groceries and was about to help her with kitchen work when Hestia apprehended him.



“Goddess of the Home. Thanks for your help.” she said. Morton sat down and waited, as he always did, for Hestia to finish preparing. He sort of felt guilty for not insisting to help her as she was a woman and he was a very gentlemanly person. But since it was her decision and she insisted, he just let her.



Gahee was levitating over the rooftop, seemingly spying over the two, watching their every move. She noticed how Hestia prepared everything while Morton was just seated, reading some magazines. This infuriated Gahee because once again, Zeus was being a jerk around women. Morton later stood up and decided that he confess to Seohyun.



“Seohyun!” he called. Seohyun was busy preparing a healthy vegetable soup when she spun around to attend to him.



“What is it?” she asked.



“I have something to tell you.” he nervously looked down. “Actually, more like something to show you.”



“What?” Seohyun worriedly asked, becoming curious and nervous at the tone of his voice. Morton didn’t speak rather just stood there and with arms wide open, allowed his power to run through his veins. Seohyun dropped her ladle and was starstruck at the sight that was before her. Morton was slowly enveloped in pink and purple lights, slowly turning into the God of all Gods, Zeus. Zeus was in her house!



“Oh My...” Hestia dropped to her knees in disbelief as Yunho showed himself to her in his godly form.



“Yes, Hestia. It is I, Zeus. I have come for you.”



“B-But why?” Hestia asked, her tears threatening to fall from her eyes.



“I have come to make you my queen. I have observed you for such a long time, Seohyun. And now it’s time that I have you.”



Seohyun wouldn’t admit it,  but she had fallen for Morton and moreso Zeus. It wasn’t in her nature to be greedy but the offer that Zeus had for her was one she was sure to have difficulty in declining.



“Oh Zeus...” she whimpered. Seohyun ran to Zeus as the mighty god took her in his arms. Hera saw this happening and immediately  made her move.



“NOT SO FAST!” came a thunderous voice from above. Seohyun and Yunho both looked around to see whose voice it belonged to. Their great surprise came when Hera appeared in Seohyun’s house.



“Hera!” Hestia ran to Hera but Hera refused to attend to her. She blasted her pink and purple rays at Hestia, making her stumble to the ground. Hestia couldn’t fight back as she was too meek to even start a fight with the highest of the goddesses.

“So this is how you do it, huh Zeus? You womanize so you can have one of my cohorts by your side, get her to divulge my tactics on how to defeat me?” Gahee once again shot purple beams at Hesta, even using one as a noose, suspending her by her neck. Hestia was lifted off her feet and choked, gasping for air.



“Hera, Hera please.” she coughed and begged, only making the sadistic Queen of the Gods tighten her grip. Zeus used his lighting power to strike Gahee in the arm, injuring her and forcibly releasing Hestia. Hestia fell on her side, her hair falling messily on her face. Gahee stood up and with all the rage in her, used her power to paralyze Hestia and send Zeus flying to the other side of the house. Hestia was in a immobile state.



Gahee wasn’t done with her husband. Mustering her immense strength, she lifted Zeus using her purple beams and sent him flying through the wall, up the sky and tossed him past the wall border back to where he really belonged. She couldn’t kill him. Part of her still loved him enough to spare his life. With Zeus gone, all Gahee was left with right now was Hestia. She undid the paralyzing spell and Hestia could move again.



“As for you.” Gahee spoke. Hestia backed away fearfully from the enraged goddess. “I shall strip you off your power. You are no longer a goddess but a mere mortal. Anyways, you were never one!”



“Please...” Hestia begged. “Don’t hurt me.” Gahee didn’t listen to her and placed a hand on her head. Hestia could only silently cry as she got weaker and weaker, her power being drained from her.



“You never meant anyways.” Gahee snapped. With Hestia’s power now in her hands and the former goddess weakly lying down on her house’s floor, Gahee flew back to the mansion of the goddesses.



Hestia was now just another forgotten mythological beauty.

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Ouch. Nice war. Very desrciptive! Ehehes! Good luck on any other stories that you plan on typing up. :)
Aww it ended too quickly there still alot of greek mythology stories out there where you could get and i really wish all gods and godesses will have there story

oh well i still love it!!!
Inspirit7_love #3
THAT. PUNISHMENT. IS. HARSH... update soon!
Noooooo! Poor Taeyang! T____T
Herclues you you you... Cocky man. -____________- GO BOA! I too, side with BoA. :D
That's so sad... :(
Aphrodite seems to be plotting something in my opinion... Gahee shouldn't jump to conclusions so fast... *sighs*
Ngaaaws, I feel sorry for the girls... But I do think they desrve it... :\
This was one of the longest chapters I've ever hread, nice! Keep it up. :)
This is interesting. :D
james_maknae18 #10
I love reading stuff about greek mythology and i love kpop...
This is interesting~