Chapter 36: Happy…..

1% Possibility



Yoona: Please Daesung.. I’ll do anything you ask.. just don’t take my son away..

Daesung: Anything?.. (Daesung don’t have any plan of doing anything anymore but because of Yoona said that she’ll do anything then he got an idea..)

Yoona: Yes.. anything.. (cries)




Daesung: Fine.. I will let you see our son.. but you have to lived here with us.. and pretent that you’re we are a family... a happy family infront of people and most specially with my mom.

Yoona: What?!.. Lets stop pretending Daesung. It will hurt Kyungsan more if he learns the truth. (Yoona, sat up because they were talking while lying in the bed)

Daesung: My son grew up without a whole family.. and I think you owe that to him. Its your fault why he doesn’t have one. You must thank me for making it happen for him.

Yoona: Why are you doing this Daesung?.. we both know that you hate me, why do you keep me close?

Daesung: I still hate you Yoona, actually I hate you more now, but I want my son to be happy, and obviously you are one of the people who can make that happen.

Yoona: Im sorry…

Daesung: You should stop saying sorry because that will never change anything. I will never forgive you. Im just doing this act for my son  whom you hide from me for a long time.

Yoona: I did not plan to hide it from you Daesung…

Daesung: Save that explanation for someone else Yoona, I don’t need it.. just be a good mom to my son. And a good wife infront of people, but you need to remember that this is just an ACT for my son and my mom too. As for you, you will still be my SECRETARY.. JUST MY SECRETARY when we are alone. Do you  understand?..

Yoona: If you really cant forgive me, can you just let me go?

Daesung: No.. I must see you suffer..

Yoona: I suffered too Daesung… (Crying)

Daesung: Not as much as I do! So don’t pretend!.. I wont buy it. Remember our agreement. Infront of my son, you are my wife.

Yoona: I understand..

Daesung: Okay, wait here.. I’ll call you when he is ready to see you.

Yoona: Thank You..

Daesung: Don’t thank me.. im not doing this for you.


“Yoona felt that every word that comes out in Daesung mouth is a knife that cuts her heart into pieces. But she cant blame him. She hurt him, she deserve it. All she can think of now is her son. And be thankful that even if it an ACT and not real. Her dream family will be possible, even just for a moment.”


Kyungsan Room


Daesung: baby…

Kyungsan: I don’t like you!

Daesung: Papa is sorry… what can papa do to make you forgive me? (kyungsan look at him)

Kyungsan: Bring my mama to me, and be nice to her. I want a family like my playmates papa. Without mama, I will never have a family.. (crying)

Daesung: I know.. baby.. I know.. im sorry.. So would you forgive papa if I can bring mama here?

Kyungsan: Yes (He wipe his tears and smile to Daesung)

Daesung: Yoona.. (The door was open and Yoona came inside)

Yoona: Hi Baby..

Kyungsan: MAMA!!! (Yoona hug her baby while Kyungsan is so happy to see his mama.)

Daesung: Happy?

Kyungsan: Very!!! (He run to daesung and kiss him in the lips and then he went to yoona and kisses her too then he said) Now its your turn! Kiss now! And Don’t fight anymore Okay? (Smiles)


“Daesung lean to kiss Yoona and she accepted the kiss. Kyungsan did that for a couple of times that makes them kiss each other more.”


Daesung: How many time to we need to kiss each other like this huh? (Smiles while Kyungsan and Yoona is sitting in his lap)

Kyungsan: Many times! (Laugh and he kiss them again)

Yoona: Baby.. lets stop now.. mama need to prepare dinner..

Kyungsan: No! More kisses!

Daesung: Yeah! More Kisses! (yoona cant help but laugh at the silliness of her son and his father, they are really alike)


“This day is an emotional roller coaster for Yoona. This morning she is crying but now, here she is with Daesung and her son laughing and kissing. If only she can keep this she will. But she knows. It will end. But before that happen, she will take this opportunity to make good memories that she could keep forever.”


Kyungsan: I Love You Mama! I Love You PAPA!

Yoona and Daesung: I Love You baby!

Kyungsan: Say I love you to each other too.. my playmate parents.. say that all the time to each other! (whine)

Daesung: I love you.. (He look at her as if it was real.. or is it really real?)

Yoona: I love you too.. (She did not control herself and kiss Daesung on the lips.. Kyungsan is so happy to see how his parents is so sweet.. He is jumping and singing because of happiness)





As promise.. :)

This is for all the subscribers who drop some comments. Thanks!..

Hope to have 8 comments, if i will have more than 8.. i will update 2 chapters in one go!.. hehehe...


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Taichihaya #1
Chapter 52: I like it.
karunate #2
ahaha is this your story now? im sorry , im someone who used to start your inspiration i will apprecatiate that if you remember me :D!!!~
lil3200 #3
omg i really love this story and your second one is fantastic also
yonayuppi #4
Chapter 52: waaa.... I just typed Daeyoon fanfic randomly then I found this!!! I finished read this in one night too.... and now I'm your loyal second daeyoon fanfic.^^ really like your stories authornim~~~
kirara201135 #5
i read in just one night. happy ending... i <3 it so much ^_^
thk you
purpledeer #6
Chapter 52: am i the first to know this good news?
Evil_Kitten #7
Chapter 51: i read this whole story in just one night... keke, nice ending, i think im gonna cry... oh happy endings :'(... lol, well done
macholibre #8
Chapter 51: Wow ur qwriting improved
yoonda #9
Chapter 49: eunhae XDXD daeyoon^^ i love your story thanks~