Truth or Jealousy?

I'm just a maid.....

Sungmin catch a taxi immediately after she got out from the coffee shop. Kyuhyun's apartment is not so far from there but she need to be quick. Kyuhyun's may need that envelope as soon as possible and Sungmin will make sure that she will arrive at his office earlier than 6pm. Maybe that way, Kyuhyun will forgive her. 

After 10 minutes of ride, she finally arrived at Kyuhyun's appartment. She ran to the lift and after arriving at 10th floor, she rush herself to Kyuhyun's room. "Where is that envelope? Uhh.. I just cleaned his room yesterday and he already mess up the room...AGAIN." Sungmin complained to herself. All his things is scattered on the floor, his clothes...books...documents... and including his most precious starcraft collections. Since Sungmin know how Kyuhyun's temper if he can't find his starcratf collection later, she unconciously cleaned up the room and put back all the things in original position. Even Kyu's dirty laundry. Then, she just  realised the fact that it almost 30 minutes till 6pm and she still unable to find the envelope. Maybe in his document cabinet? She fasten herself and yeah... she found it. Now, its time to go to Kyu's office. She grab the envelope and out through the door.

On her way to her destination, she been distracted again by the fact that maybe her KyuKyu haven't eat dinner yet. So she stop the taxi and buy some food for him and herself. YES.. including herself. She really wanted to spent a quality time with him because Kyu had been too busy lately and they hardly meet. She dare not to call Kyu unless its emergency or else she will be scolded again.

Suddenly, she kinda curious with the content. So she opened it. She felt so mesmerised by the photos contain inside it. It is about some touring agencies to Japan. She recall that Kyuhyun did ask her about the best place to go with love one, but she never thought that Kyuhyun will take her advice. So, she smile widely to herself and began to feel that her eyelid is getting heavier. And soon, her world went black. "Excuse me Miss, we already arrived at Cho Company." said the taxi driver making Sungmin stir from her sleep. Oh my Gosh.. I fell asleep? well, she seldom fall asleep at public places, maybe because she is too tired. All the meeting today make her feel exhausted. "Thankyou so much for the ride", Sungmin smile shyly because it is quite embarassing for her.

As she entered the building, she is quite shock when she saw some workers still stay back to work overtime. Now, who doesn't know that Cho Kyuhyun is a devil boss that always kept his employer for overtime when he felt unsatisfied with their works. Everyone knows that but still, the whole world wanted to get employed in this company due to high salary payment. People can endure hardship for money. For money and a better life. Sungmin's mind wondering whether she and Kyuhyun will have a better life TOGETHER? Seriously, she not so sure herself.

"May I see Mr. Cho Kyuhyun?" Sungmin asked the receptionist. She looked up at Sungmin like she is some kind of weird being and purse her lip is a straight line. After that, she spoke with an annoying tone making Sungmin feel scared a little bit. Why she hate me like this? We don't even know each other? Sungmin thought.

"Well, are you Miss Lee that will deliver the yellow envelope?"

"Ahh...yes." Sungmin faked a smile.

"Give it to me. I will deliver it to KyuBaby later." she said with a smirked.

KyuBaby????????????  Am I hearing this wrongly? Sungmin's head start to spin. Even I never called him that. This woman.....

In a flash, Sungmin's envelope is snatch away from her. "Hey, you are rude. You are not supposed to do this. Called Kyuhyun and say that I want to see him." Sungmin said with high pitch voice but still maintain calm because she want to avoid all unnessary commotion later. Kyu will get angry again and so she try to be nice again to that woman.

"So.. I not going to let him meet you ! You better stay away from Kyubaby or I will make sure you suffer." Sungmin rolled her eyes.... she said KyuBaby again..what is wrong with this woman? aishh....

When they started a staring fight which Sungmin might loss because she really feel scared of that woman, such a big eyes and with heavy make up and fake eyeslash.. it make her sweat.

Until she heard a voice she missed so much...but.... he called out a name of another woman...

"Seohyun ahh... why so noisy?" he came out from his office and what the... why there are "ahh...." when he called her? They are that closed?! Sungmin can't believe her ears.

"Oh.. Sungmin shi.... you already come? Where the envelope I asked? By the way, you are late. " Kyuhyun said. Now, Sungmin feel hurt.. so hurt by the fact that Kyuhyun speak with her like they barely know each other and he actually called her with a "shi..." Is this receptionist is closer with him than me? No way... Sungmin mind scream in pain! 

"The envelope is here Kyubaby. She refused to give me and wanted to see you." that lady by the name of Seohyun said. Now pretending to be so mature and nice tone. What an actress.. Sungmin feel irritated. Her heart burn in pain.. and what with the KyuBaby??! Sungmin can't believe that Kyuhyun actually accept that ridiculous nickname! make her sick.

"You can go now, Sungmin shi.. and thank you." With that, he dissapear into his room with that Seohyun.

Sungmin feel puzzled. What is their relationship? She don't want to know. So she quickly left the place without looking back until she reach the building's main entrance.. "ahh..stupid me! I left my handbag on her table and I haven't gave Kyu the dinner... stupid ahh!!!!!" she screamed making some people turned their head and look at her. Again... she embarrased herself in public.

In a dash, she quickly fly to Kyu's office.. yeah.. fly, because she walked too fast as if she is flying because her footsteps seems untouched on the ground.

And yet, she saw something she shouldn't. Kyu and Seohyun is hugging in the office... hugging.. she whisper and quickly ran away and suppresing her tears that might fall any minutes.

Sungmin afraid of the truth, the truth that they are couple... and so...she pray that this is merely her jealousy... Jealousy which is fake.. and that Kyuhyun love her, Lee Sungmin.




Sorry for using Seohyun for the character. I can't imagine anyone else.. so sorry.. "bow"

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hnafirda #1
Chapter 1: poor min
just confess, and see what kyu do
i hope kyumin always together
hnafirda #2
ommoo this is a hurt ff?
Chapter 14: thanks so much for the beautiful story !! looking forward for more great stories ^_^
Chapter 14: wow, great job :D
LoveNdyy #6
Chapter 14: Oh yeah, perfect and beautiful story!!
Yeah, sometimes, people are too blind to see the beauty of kyumin story...
Chapter 14: THIS
this is one perfect story okay?!! thank you for sharing this I really enjoyed reading!! Sungmin, so dedicated... and Kyuhyun wae you made Minnie suffer and you made me angry at how you badly treated Minnie, she wasn't to blame...hopefully all ends fine, I hope Kyuhyun will take good care of Minnie now she deserves it!! take care of your penguin Kyuhyun k?...hehe
This only sad thing about all this is that Heechul didn't find his love again... I hope he will find it someday cause love is definitly worth it!!

sorry for rambling too much... GREAT JOB!! I'll be leaving now sorry hehe~^^
Chapter 14: Your story line.... So unexpected especially about seohyun and heechul! Well done author-nim <33333
MwahahaXD #9
Sweet ending.
Good job author-shi! ><