The Secret Within

When the Rain Ends

--Author's POV--

Minri couldn't find words to speak. She couldn't comprehend how to think. Kim Jaejoong? He . . . How is he related to this? she wondered. What happened between the three of them? She fixed a questioning gaze on Taemin, hoping for a deeper answer.

He bit his lower lip. "He was the reason . . . my sister died."


Taemin kicked the grass at his feet. "He was the one driving! If she hadn't been in that car with him, she wouldn't be dead right now!"

An angry shout echoed throughout the air as Taemin clenched his red fists. Minri lightly squeezed his arm. "I'm sorry. But, why was she in his car?"

"They were dating," he said, his voice trembling. "Secretly, because if anyone found out, he'd be fired. She ended up dying because of him."

Minri faintly remembered a case reported on television on which a student teacher had been driving down hill on a wet, rainy day. The car accident had killed the passenger. When asked about the suspicion of the two dating, the student teacher had claimed that he was only driving his student home because she had no ride that day.

"He's a liar, Minri," Taemin continued, giving her a warning glance. "Don't trust him. I know he's trying to get friendly with you, but don't let him trick you into--"

"Taemin-sshi," Minri interrupted. She eyed him warily. "I know that he's had a bad acquaintance with you, but . . . why do you care if he's talking to me or not?"

That seemed to stop Taemin from speaking for a while. He froze and seemed to be tongue-tied. His light brown hair and cocoa eyes focused on one point in the distance. Playing with his fingers, he wondered what to tell her. Why do I care? I care because . . . I don't want him to take you away as well. But he didn't say that aloud.

"Because your a wonderful friend who deserves someone better than him," he told her with a hint of a sad smile.

"That wasn't really the answer I was looking for," Minri mumbled to herself.


"N-Nothing!" she answered hurriedly. She didn't know what she would have done if he'd heard what she had said. Would he. . . accept me? She nervously stared up at him. He was distracted by the sky once again.

"I wonder . . . if she's in heaven now," he whispered.

Minri bit her lip as her heart burned at his melancholic tone. She felt bad for him, knowing the truth about his step-sister. However, another part of her was hurt that he was still in love with her. It's none of my business, she reminded herself. He can love anyone he wants. I can't be bothered by his affections for someone else. It doesn't matter to me, she tried to think.

"Minri," Taemin called. She zapped out of her momentary delusion.


He smiled at her genuinely. "I'm glad I got to tell you more about myself. I feel closer with you now."

A grateful smile fell upon Minri. Her burdened heart seemed to fade away. "I'm glad too."

~ ~ ~

"Come on, we haven't had lunch yet! All we had was tears for lunch."

Taemin chuckled. "I don't think that counts."

"Exactly!" Minri exclaimed, pulling his hand and walking toward the school. "That's why we should go back and get something to eat!"

Taemin let her pull him along. As she skipped to the cafeteria with him, at that moment, he felt like there were no troubles in the world. For the first time in a long time, he felt happy. Maybe it's because I've finally told someone about how I feel. After this long, I'm finally relieved to let it out.

"Ay, look! It's Minri and Taemin!" called a familiar voice.

Taemin snapped his eyes toward the voice. Jonghyun. He was grinning and waving at the pair. He was seated at a table with SHINee. Minri smiled in return and sat down beside them.

"Come and sit, Taemin," she said encouragingly.

Taemin suddenly felt stiff and awkward. He didn't want to sit down. He had ignored his hyungs for so long, it would be weird if he started sitting with them.

"I, um, have to go," he muttered, turning his back.

Minri pulled his jacket sleeve while the rest of the boys eyed suspiciously. She gave him a pleading look. "Taemin, come on. Just sit down and eat with us."

Hesitantly, Taemin lingered there for a dew seconds, deliberating his choices. Finally, he sat down between Minri and Key. Key immediately wrapped his arm around his shy friend.

"Aigoo, it's good to see you here, Taeminnie!" he loudly squealed, cuddling him.

Taemin's cheeks turned pink at his hyung's affection. He pulled away lightly and move closer to Minri, who was watching them in amusement. Taemin opened his mouth to protest as Key continued to snuggle up to him.

"H-He's not usually like this," he mumbled, pushing Key away.

Minri giggled, unable to resist herself. "Really? Are you sure?"


"He's lying, Minri!" Key exclaimed, ruffling his dongsaeng's blonde hair. "We used to hug all the time."

"No, that was Taemin and me," Jonghyun corrected. He reached over from across the table. "Taemin, what about us?"

"This is why we're always being accused of dating rumors," Minho said, but he was smiling.

Onew bit into his chicken, beaming. "I miss this." It sounded more like I mush this.

Taemin couldn't help but glow at his friends' words. After everything that had happened, they still wanted to talk to him. He bowed his head, which was difficult do to Key's hold on him. He gave an apologetic glance at everyone across the table.

"I'm sorry. I. . . was not very good to any of my hyungs after the accident," he started. "I was in a state of shock and anger and I blamed it on everyone that I loved. I'm sorry for ignoring you guys for the past year. I promise to be a better Taemin in the future. You are all my family and I'm sorry for being cold."

"I can't hear you," Jonghyun said teasingly. Minho punched his arm while he snickered.

"It's alright, Taemin," Onew replied assuredly. "All we wanted was to be here for you. Like before. No matter what, Taemin, you are always part of SHINee and we'll always love our maknae."

Everyone nodded in forgiveness, patting Taemin's shoulder. Suddenly someone was sniffing. Minri dabbed her nose with a napkin. The boys all stared at her while she blinked at them sheepishly.

"W-What? This is too touching for me," she complained, wiping her eyes lightly.

"Aww, isn't she a sweetie?" Jonghyun said in amusement, wiping her cheek. Minri blushed and covered her face with the napkin.

"Yah, what's with the hand?" Key asked Jonghyun, glaring at the hand still resting on Minri's cheek.

"Nothing," Jonghyun grinned innocently, pulling away and picking at his food. He hadn't been able to help himself from her crying face. It had also been to create a reaction from Taemin.

"Sure," Onew nodded in sarcasm. They all exchanged looks at Taemin, who was glancing at Minri with concern. Minri gave him a look.

"Don't look at me, " she whined. "My eyes are red!"

"It's your own fault," Taemin laughed. "I didn't know we were emotional enough to make a girl cry from our friendship."

"That's us," Key said with a wink. "As for Minri, we all know she's a softie."

"You guys know her well?" Taemin asked. There was a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"I would think so," Minho replied. "But not as close as you are with her." he added.

"What does that mean?" the blushing boy asked, taking a handful of Key's french fries.

"Don't you know already?" Jonghyun asked with a knowing smile.

Minri's face was composed again as she threw away her damp tissue. "Well, I met them not too long ago. A few weeks ago, I met them and we started talking. That's how I got to know them," she explained to Taemin. "At the ice cream stand."

Taemin nodded, remembering the memory. Now that he thought about it, the reason why his friends went to talk with Minri was probably concern for Taemin. He'd always known his hyungs as curious and nosy at times. But usually, it was due to their worrying.

"I'm going to go get lunch," Minri said, tapping Taemin's shoulder. "I'll be back."

"I'll go with you. I haven't gotten food yet," he replied, getting up. But Minri held him down.

"Aniyo, I'll get lunch for you too," she said. "Don't worry about it."

Taemin watched her walk to the lunch line and wait. As he turned his head back around to face the table, his hyungs were all giving him nosy looks. He took a guarded expression and defensively spoke. ". . .What?"

"Are you two going out yet?" Key asked, poking his head closer.

"What?! No!" Taemin exclaimed. "Why would you ask something like that?"

"We all know you too well," Minho assured him. "Taemin, quit the act."

"But we're not dating," he replied. "I'm not lying."

"When are you going to ask her out then?" Onew asked, animated.

"W-Who says I'm asking her out?" Taemin asked, sitting up straighter. "We're just friends. It's not like that."

"Really?!" Jonghyun asked, perking up. The others shot arrows at him with their eyes.

"Um..." Taemin nodded, suddenly unable to speak.

"You don't have feelings for her?" Key asked in skepticism. "Because I honestly don't believe you. I've seen the way you look at her. And I've seen the way she looks at you. You two are seriously wasting your time with friendship."

"And you guys look good together," Minho observed.

"Better than chicken and I." said Onew. When everyone's stares him, he laughed. "I was kidding."

"But seriously, you don't like her?" Jonghyun asked. "I mean, I'm just wondering."

Taemin took another french fry from Key's plate, sparing time for his answer. He chewed it slowly while pondering what to tell his friends. He had only thought of Minri as a friend before, but now that the question had been asked, he wasn't too sure of himself. But he didn't want to give anything away.

"No, I don't like her. We're just friends; there's really nothing more to it."

~ ~ ~

--Minri's POV--

As I heard his response, my fingers felt cold. It felt like ice had been seeped into them, erasing all traces of warmth. That was when reality hit me hard. Taemin had no feelings for me, and that was final. Any hopes that I had before were crashing down the surface. Minri, stop yourself. You've been through this before. You only think of him as a friend. And so does he. You two will never end up together, and you already know it. So why, I asked myself. Why is my heart squeezing in on itself like someone's grabbing it and breaking it apart?

"Oh, you're back, Minri."

I forced myself to smile as Key waved at me. ". . . Yeah, I'm back."

"Did you get me more fries? Taemin stole all of mine."

"I only had two!" Taemin protested. He eyed my tray of lunch.

"Well, I brought two boxes of fried chicken and two boxes of small fries. That should be enough, right?" I asked.

"I'm sharing some of your fries, Taemin," Key declared as I brought the boxes in front of them.

Taemin pouted. "Fine. I'll--"

"No, that's okay," I answered. "You two take the lunch. I'm not very hungry right now. I think I'll go out and have some air."

"What? You're not hungry, Minri?" Jonghyun asked in confusion. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, you don't usually skip," Onew said.

"You don't have to skip lunch, Minri. I'll share with Taemin. We'll be fine. You don't have to--"

"Don't worry. I'm fine. My stomach just isn't up for anything right now. I'll be outside. See you later, everyone."

I waved walked toward the exit of the cafeteria. I forced myself not to run out of there.

"Wait! I'll come with you!" Jonghyun called, standing.

"No, Jonghyun, just eat!" I said.

Just as I was pushing myself out of the door, a hand gripped my fingers, blocking me from leaving. I sighed and turned around. "Jonghyun--"

But it wasn't Jonghyun. Taemin stood behind me with an unhappy frown upon his face. His hands were still laced in mine, warm and soft.

"You were the one who told me not to skip meals. It's unhealthy," he accused.

"I know," I said, looking away from his serious face. "But I'm not feeling too well. I just want to--"

"Do you need me to bring you to the nurse?" he asked, placing his hand over my forehead.

I turned my face away. "I-I'm fine, Taemin. A little fresh air will be enough. Go have fun with your friends, alright?"

He paused and gazed at me while I awaited his reply. "But you're my friend too."

"I'm aware of that."

~ ~ ~

As I swung my legs into the air, I felt the presence of someone nearby. I swished my head around, looking for any signs. I was seated at the balcony of the school gardens. The shining sun and the sweet scent of flowers seemed to wash away my thoughts, which I was grateful for. I didn't want to think about anything at that moment. Just as I began to relax again, I heard footsteps approach me and my comfort turned into pain.

"What are you doing here, Heena?"

She smirked at me, placing her hands on her hips while I stared up at her. Her rosy cheeks were pasted with foundation and powdered make-up. Heena's wavy brown hair curled down one side of her neck in a long braid, tied by a red polka-dot bow. Her uniform, as usual, was small and tight against her body.

"To see you. Do you know how long it took me to find you? Your tiny human form is a little too small for people to find."

"Well, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Heena. What do you need?" I asked, standing up and brushing away the dirt on my skirt.

She wrinkled her nose and watched me like I was a dirt piece of bacteria. "I just saw you hanging out with SHINee. What's up with that?" she asked, crossing her arms. "Is Little Miss Attention Hogger trying to steal more boys' hearts?"

"I'm not looking for any attention," I defended myself. "I'm trying to find true friends that actually care about me."

She gave me a glaring smile. "Oh? Well, have you found that yet? Because it looks like the only thing you want is to be Miss Popular. Sorry, but you can't ever take my title, you two-faced scumbag. You may have the art skills, you may have the looks, but you don't have anything else than can beat me. So leave them alone and don't try to be more than you are."

"I'm not looking for any competition. If that's what you want, please leave now," I replied, stepping around her and skipping down the stairs.

I felt her lingering gaze on me as she spoke. "You're never going to win their hearts! Any of them! You're no better than me!"

I hid in the shadows and tried to force down the sobs that were clinging in my throat. No, Minri, you've already cried enough today. You don't have enough tears to cry. Stop listening to her words. She's just trying to make you feel bad. But the more I told myself to fight the tears, the harder it was to resist. Soon, the waters trailing down my chin was enough to let me know that I had lost the fight against my inner self.

"Pabo," I whispered, beating the cold ground against my hands. "I'm a fool. A foolish, foolish fool."

No, I don't like her.

I dug my nails deeper into the ground, not caring if they would end up bent or broken.

You're never going to win their hearts!

A whimper arose from my lips as I tried to shake the words away.

We're just friends; there's really nothing more to it.
I couldn't breathe normally.

So leave them alone and don't try to be more than you are.

I lamented and laid my head against my knees, wrapping my arms around myself. Shivering, I embraced my fingers over my body but it didn't seem to help my trembles. As I faced the walls, they seemed to shake violently. I didn't understand why, nor did I seem to comprehend anything. Usually when I cried, I was aware of my surroundings, but for some reason, I couldn't seem to focus on anything. Everything looked shaky and blurry. Just as I was about to collapse and hit the ground, strong hands held me up and a warm coat covered my body. I looked up.

A shaky image of Jaejoong-sshi appeared before my eyes. He gave me a concerned look.

"Min. . . ri? Are . . . you . . . okay?" His words were slower than usual; they echoed through my ears softy.

"Jae . . . joong sshi?"

"What's . . . the . . . matter . . . with . . . you?" he asked.

I faintly recalled telling him that I didn't know. I remembered telling him that I couldn't see anything clearly nor hear him too well. The next moment later, I felt my lids close and darkness overwhelmed me.

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Taemin continues to grow as Minri bonds with him. What will happen? And will he forget the past?


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Silver9311 #1
Chapter 14: OMG i love the story, it made me cry T___T
The ending was really nice *wipes tears. i love the way you wrote this story :)
Chapter 14: I cried. My tear were dripping and my nose was runnign and it was so beautifuly sad.
I read this story twice and I have to say that it was awesome.
But... why Taemin ah!! Why did he have to go!!!! T-T
i cried, REAL HARD. I kinda get the ending but still don't, was that guy in the end Taemin? isn't he dead? imma super confused
Chapter 14: Dx amazing story!
Chapter 3: This should have more than 10 subscribers.... More like 1000000... update soon!!!
Chapter six and im in love!!! Kekeke please continue writing I love love it cant wait to see what will happen!Im your new official reader so dont let me down ^.^
DinoFroggy #8
H..Wow, I already forgot her name. XD
Heena? Heena's a bish. ):
Please update soon. :3<3
Omg her painting ! ;~;
Heena's terrible ugh
Update soon!