thank you

typical love


You were shock to know that ‘mr.mysterious-weird-get-up’ guy is your savior.

You’re very curious about him but right now you have to find a way to thank him ..

But how ..


That night ..


The chicken shop is crowded with costumers as usual.

And you are doing your work also as usual.


You said, as you greet costumer by costumer.


A costumer passes by.

“come” you finish.

Only one costumer always does that to you. He’s .. rude…

You sigh. You watch him as he seated to his favorite spot. How will I thank him…

“so how will you thank him” sojin suddenly appear beside you.

“omo, you scared me!”

“bowh? I was calling your name earlier but I didn’t have a respond .. are you that busy looking at . him?”

She said.

“a-ani … ammh .. y-you called .. m-me?”

She nods w/ a smile.

“i.. amhh ..”

You left her.

She giggled .. this is going to be interesting ..


You inhale deeply..

“It’s alright .. i-I’m just thanking him nothing else .. I’m going to g-give his order and .. s-say thank y-you”

“but why are you shattering .. are you nervous?” sojin asks.


Thank God .. the food didn’t fall off.

“stop that..”

“the what?” she said innocently.

You sigh. “just return to the kitchen and do your ‘whoosing’ and ‘flapping’ business there”

She left w/ a smile.

You look at his orders.

“how will I thank him? Should I say’ammh .. t-thank you f-for yesterday’ that will be weird .. ammh .. how about .. aish! This is hard”

Then you thought about something .. why haven’t  I thought about that?

You smile.


“h-here’s you o-order sir”

“o-oh .. thank-“

You left

“you” onew chuckle .. I think were even now..

He face his food, then he notice something ..

He smile, brightly.. she’s cute ..


“come back again .. sir, maam”

You were greeting the costumers that were leaving ..

“so, you thank him?” sojin appears again ..

You look at her.

“sojin-ah, you should stop doing that”

“doing what?”

You ignore her.

“comeback again si-“

A costumer stop in front of you..

“you’re welcome” he said.

you look up .. oh, it’s him .. he showed you the sticky note you put on the side of his drink, it wrote ‘thank you ..’ with a smiley at the end..

you nod.

“I’m going to keep it”

You nod again.

“and ammh..”

He said hesitant.. scratching the back of his head.. “a-are you okay now? I heard from your friend that you also work in the morning at a coffee shop .. I h-hope you take care of yourself now .. your friend is really worried about you.. so ammmh .. “

A smile slowly forms on your lips. He’s cute

“I’ll be going now …” he headed to the door, but your were shock to see that he just walk straight to it, and didn’t even bother to open it ..

“y-you o-okay?” you hesitantly ask.

He bend down holding he’s forehead. It must really hurt since he wore a bullcap.

“i-im okay..”

He stand up – still holding his forhead—and face the two of you and make a 90 degrees bow and slowly went out..

“he’s … weird”

Then the two of you burst out laughing ,,

“and cute” you added.

Sojin look at you .. teasingly..

“ bowh?”

She shook her head ..

“bowh?” she just ignore you ..


Onew POV

“I should really get rid of this condition  ... that is really embarrassing, aish”

He said as he was walking at the side walk ..

But he thought about you ..

“she’s really cute ..” and get the sticky note from his wallet ..

“that girl ..” he amile .. “ouch! My forehead … I will be the laughing stock of my members tomorrow “

He sigh …



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uhhhh so cute, I wish someone would do something like that for me =)
thanks for the great update =)
aish poor them I hope they will get together soon =)
and thanks for urpdating =)
awww poor Onew and his Onew condition ^^
but he is really cute and ohh so loveable ^^
keep the good work up =)
aww no Onew in this chapter q_q
but still thanks for the great update =)
I really like reading your story
well other than a few minor mistakes, this chapter was once again really great =)
I really love Onew and his Onew condition ^^ it´s sooo cute and the other member ignoring poor onew ^^
well anyways I hope you update soon, because I would really love to see what happens next =)
@DreamingLight: thank you ... :D
Well I don´t know what the others think of your story but I really like it and I hope you will keep updating =)
Well I think you should continue writing this story =) I really like the Idea =)and would love to read your story =)