Final Decision

Just Two of Us

While inside the elevator Min Heared the rumor in the company

"really Mr Cha will become the successor?" the lady in pink said

"Yup im his secretary so i know that" The other one said "Mr Cha is qualified as the sucessor since president train him personally"

"but president has a daughter right?" The lady in pink said

"I heared that her daughter dont have interest in the company" Secretary of Baro said

"By the way president said that Her daughter will comming" the lady in pink said

"Yes im excited to meet her they said she's beautiful" Said the secretaryof Baro

"Eheem" Min said the ladies just bow to her min reply and smile to them when the elevator open its Baro

"Good morning" Baro greet them with smile

"Good Morning" replied by the other one

"Min" baro said and look at Min, Min give him a sign to keep silent the secretary just look at Min. Baro just smile

Min follow Baro to his office

"I read everything here" Min said and give the papers to Baro

"Why? is ther any problem there" Baro ask "You are the daughter so i should ask you about anything" he said

"If i dont agree you will leave the company?" Min ask for corection

"Yes so wheather you agree or not you will stay here in korea"

"But why are you doing this to me"

"Everything here is belong to you" Baro said "Your father is already old im not deserving as his successor so i made that" he said and smile to Min "lets go prisedent said he will introduce you to the staff and baord member" he said and hold Min's hand


Next day after Min announce to the public everyone keep talking about Min's abilty on Business since she dont have any back ground in Business except on her own fassion design in US.

"i cant do it" Min said

"Min" Baro said and look at Min

"Its okay i really dont have interest in company so better you have it since you are my father succesor" She said and turn her back and run and go to the elevator Baro follow her

"Tell me the real reason why you dont want to work here" Baro ask

"I just cant work here"

"Because of me?" He ask

"yeah because of you~" min said and tear fall down Baro hug her tight When the elevator open and the staff was shock when they saw min and Baro hugging inside.  they just staring at Min and Baro but they dont realease on their hug, until the elevator close again

Baro drive the car and go to cemetary. "I hope she can help you" Baro said Min just smrik.

They off the car Min sit infront of her mother's thomb "Im done with my mothers problem" she said "i know now that feeling off daughter and mother closeness"

"So we should face now our problem" Baro said and Min just look at him "Im not dating her" Baro starting to explain "I just saw you to her thats why we are close, but i become more close to her when i heared that she has a cancer" Baro said "When you left me Min-ah and Myungsoo cant accompany me since we study differrent coures" he said "I meet a girl that is actually same like you same attitude and same hate physics" He explain and smile "i become more close to her and she my partner in every project that we have. Min-ah ask me about that girl but she keep asking me if we are dating i tell Min-ah about that girl and she give conlussion that we are dating. i dont know what Min-ah tells you" Baro said and look at Min "one thing that im sure" He said and get his phone "remember this? you give me this before." he show Min the heart key chain.

"You still keep this?" Min ask

"you told me that i have to give this to my future girlfriend. i think its time now to give it back to you" Baro said Min hold her smile but base on her facial expression she was so happy. she give it back to baro "are you refusing to be my girlfriend?" Baro ask

"Its my heart Baro, take it"Min said and look at baro, Baro was shock and hug Min tight.

"Ill take care of you" Baro said Min hug him back. They skip from their work today and enjoy each other accompany. Min-ah Myungsoo, Yoseob, the secretary was unable to reach the two for the whole day. When they back home Yoseob and her father waiting already.


"Min Baro follow me"Her father said they stay at her father office room. "Where are your mind Baro you cancel your meeting for the day" Min father said.

"Sorry for today chairmain" Baro said and look down

"Min if you dont want my company then so be it. dont drag Baro."

"Chairman its my fault" Baro said

"Aigooo im having heart attack because of you two" He said and lay his back on the seat

"Chairman" Baro started Min just shake her head. "I know the trouble that i make today" Baro said "I just accompany Min today" He said and hold Min hands

"i know this will happened" Her father said and give sigh Min and Baro was shock

"You know already appa" Min ask Baro holding his laugh

"Baro told me how much he like you" Her father said "baro even if i know you, if you hurt my daughter i dont know what will happened to you" He said

"Dont worry Chairman..." Baro stop for awhile because Min's father raises his hand

"Call me appa" He said Min blush and Baro smile

"okay appa" Baro replied

"What happened here?" Yoseob ask, when he saw Min and Baro holding hands he imediatly get his phone and contact Min-ah "Min-ah they are together now" He said Min run and grab Yoseob's phone

"Yah~ Yang Yosoeb why dont you find your own love" Min ask with high voice, Baro and the father just laugh

"Next time im lazy" Yoseob said and everyone laugh


After  6  years

Min-ah and Myungsoo have children one boy and one girl they stay in the other country. Min and Baro got married and they have one cute baby girl. She turning to three, like Min she has bangs too. She was composing her own song using piano. Once a year Yoseob parents are visiting them. They have family gathering in once a year. Yoseob found a girl who make him serious in his life. And soon they are getting married. 


They face many trials and make their life up side down, but at the end they are together and love each other like no one can separate them.



Min and Baro is there
with the other B1A4
i appreaciate it so much

thanks for reading my story *HUGS YOU TIGHT CHINGUS*

also thanks to all subriber and to all who keep commneting


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I'm going to read this now. I feel excited :)
aww same title as the song they sang together? <3
joymuel #3
Chapter 4: A lil bit c0nfusing ..
Chapter 20: that's is what i call a happy ending!. now lemme give you a hug...hahaha.
Chapter 19: wait.. what?! u cant end this like this!! T.T sequel please?!!? pleaseeee!!
dramatic #6
Chapter 17: update xp
Chapter 17: wow O.O
what happen with min and her mom? O.O
and.. baro u... aishh...
update soon...

and btw... is not long the chap... is perfect.. i really hate short chap xD
ah!? wait.. they are friends? lovers? or what?
is yoseob like her too?? huurrmm..