The Quiz

Just Two of Us

Min started to pout she don’t understand the question. And she doesn’t know what to answer. When their teacher turns her back, Baro throw piece of paper on Min table. When Baro helping Min he would write the answer in the piece of paper, and throw it to Min if the teacher turns her back. The answer of Min is always simple so the teacher will not catch them. Baro is best in physics but Min hated it. When it comes to Math Min knows everything but Baro hate Math. Baro help Min in Physics and Min Help Baro in Math.  When the two are throwing piece of paper everyone in the class is holding thier breath, They are all thinking what if the teacher caught by thier teacher. After class Baro go to library to meet Min-ah.


“I’m here already.” Baro smile to Min-ah while studying. Min-ah looks around, “Don’t worry Min already go home she’s not here” Baro smile again

“It’s not that” Min-ah said “By the way I just want to tell you about the rapping contest in our club, you have to compose your own song” she said and give fliers to Baro

“Yup I already know that” he said and read the fliers that Min-ah gives to him. “Is this is all?” Baro ask and smile.

“Yup” and look at her wrist watch “I have to go already I have to go home early.” She said and fix her things.

“I’ll go with you” Baro said and get the things of Min-ah


 As walking through the corridor students are looking at them most of the students in the school knows about Min-ah Baro and Min. But everyone is asking how did Min-ah and Min become enemy and Min who hated Baro before become best friend and Min-ah left behind.

“I saw it in physics quiz you gave her the answer” Min-ah said

“It’s just answer she will help me in Math quiz” Baro said and laugh

“Pabo” she said and knocks Baro’s head “what if you caught by our teacher you will lost your scholarship” she said

“I know what to do don’t worry” Baro said and mess Min-ah’s hair

“I thought they broke up what is this?” Students murmured at their back. Min-ah looks down when Baro look at her.

“Ignore them they dont know the whole story” Min-ah said and smile to Baro. (even the reader confuse read more so you can undersatnd the story kkk~)

“Sorry” Baro said

“You dont have to say sorry. We dont know maybe after a year me and Min become friends again and you are left behind” She said and smile

Baro laugh "Your so so..."

"But serioursly speaking take care of her I know you love her" Min-ah said.

“Min-ah don’t say that I just can’t leave Min that time”

“What about now?” Min-ah asks. “By the way I forgot I have to to my granny’s ill go now” she said and takes her things to Baro and walk fast.

"What about now?" He ask him self.


Baro got home and he was thinking about what Min-ah ask him "Phyisic quiz is much easier than Min-ah question" His min speak. "What about now?" He reacall what Min-ah ask him. "How should i answer? and what shpuld I answer?"


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I'm going to read this now. I feel excited :)
aww same title as the song they sang together? <3
joymuel #3
Chapter 4: A lil bit c0nfusing ..
Chapter 20: that's is what i call a happy ending!. now lemme give you a hug...hahaha.
Chapter 19: wait.. what?! u cant end this like this!! T.T sequel please?!!? pleaseeee!!
dramatic #6
Chapter 17: update xp
Chapter 17: wow O.O
what happen with min and her mom? O.O
and.. baro u... aishh...
update soon...

and btw... is not long the chap... is perfect.. i really hate short chap xD
ah!? wait.. they are friends? lovers? or what?
is yoseob like her too?? huurrmm..