Face the Truth

Just Two of Us

After Min and Baro recording their song Min-ah Myungso and Yoseob wait them outside the recording both.

"I didnt know that you ave a good voice" Yoseob said and put his arms on Min-ah shoulder and pinch her nose too. Baro just look at them.

"yeah~ Well done" Myungsoo said and two thumbs up

"well done?? you should prepare us drinks" Min said

"oh yeah wait ill buy some" Myungsoo said and walk away

"Min-ah lets go to powder room first" Min said and pull Min-ah

"Okay im your manager now" She said and start to fanning Min. Yoseob and Baro just laugh. 

"Min im your friend right?" Min-ah ask while they are in powder room

"What you want?" Min immidetly ask she already know that Min-ah want something from her

"Yah! i dont need anything you" She said and look down

"Is that so?" Min ask and smile wide "Okay i wont ask you anymore" She said

"Just a simple question" Min-ah said and give Min hug back "There is a rumor in school that you and Yoseob are dating" She said and look at Min "They say someone saw you together in Mall and way back to your house" She continue "Im your friend but you keep secret on me" Min-ah said and pout

Min pinch her pout "Why is there any problem if we both love each other? I mean i love him and he loves me too. I know that and i feel it too" Min said and walk away

"What do you mean?" Min-ah ask but Min already close while laughing


Yoseob and Baro still feel akward and dont talk to each other until Yoseob break the silence "What can you say about Min" He ask

"We are friend since we are young" He said

"Only friends, I mean Min is pretty and i feel that most of the guys in campus like her dont you like her?" Yoseob ask

Instead of answer Yoseob something messing Baro's mind. He keeps on thinking the concversation of yoseob and Min before leaving the camp site

"But what about you my appa your parents speacially your mom" Min ask him

"I know its more complecated now but they will use to it" He said "As long as your happy ill be happy too" Yoseob said and hug Min

Also the conversation of two student

"oh really they are fix marraige" said the other student while passing by to Baro.

"yeah so my friend is confuse now cuz she like someone, but family is family she cant refuse it" said the other one

"I also heared they you confess to her" Yoseob said and look at Baro waiting for his answer.

Baro just looking to the sky. "Oh that i just said i like her.. I wanna know her reply but i really dont like her for me she was just a dongsaeng" He answered "That confess is just a joke" He said

Yoseob smile why you dont like her?" He ask

"She really immature and i dont like her i really dont like me to be mine" he said

"Yah!!! baro" Min-ah call him When they turn their back Min and Min-ah was there Min was just looking down. Everyone dont wanna react to that sceen when suddenly Myungsoo arive

"Here's your drink" he said and give it to everyone

"Min-ah im tired i think i cant join to you now" Min said and walk away

"Min" Min-ah call her and try to follow her but Yoseob grab her arms

"I can take care of my sister" He said and look to Baro that is looking at him. Yoseob just give cold smirk to Baro and follow Min

"Sister?" Min-ah ask "What sister?" Min-ah ask Baro curiously

"What happened here?" Myungsoo ask

"I dont know" Baro said and walk away he was out of his mind "I was jealous to his brother?" His mind speak


While Yoseob is driving he keep asking Min randomly but Min still dont anwered to any question. So he send Min to their house.

"I dont wanna go home first" Min said "I wanna refresh my mind before meeting my appa" she continue

Yoseob turn the car and go to cemetary. "i know that when i saw that thomb even if our mother is still alive you feel okay " he said

Min off to the car and go to her mother's thomb and clean the area "here" Baro handed him drinks that myungsoo give them.

"Yoseob sorry if i make our mother died even if she still alive" she said

"It's okay uncle told me everything that" He said and take a sip of drinks "I know you hate our mother"

"I hate her but doing this thomb is not because i hate her that much" Min continue "After my acccident i always have a nightmare and always try to kidnap me in dream" She said "Appa always saying that shes died in the accident but i saw you and your father together with her visit me i just act im sleeping but i heared my dad saying that i tell her that you are already dead just dont contact me and my daughter anymore" She said "My dad do this because of my nightmare and still i dont believe that she is dien in the accident," she said

Yosoeb remember the reaction of Min when the teacher ask him about his mother he just smile but Min look away. Only Min Min-ah Yoseob and Min's father that Min memory back since before but the other know that her memory back when he hits the ball.

At night Min-ah still calling but Min keeps ignoring she recieve more that hundred miscalls and text.

"Min?" Yoseob knock the door Min dont reply Yoseob "Min i'm going to meet Myungsoo and Baro" He said and walk away

Min open the door "Why are you meeting them" She ask

"Its right to explain after saying after our relation" He said "Wait for uncle before sleep" He said and walk away

Min phone ring again and she answer it "Hello"

"Min can i sleep over?" my dad let me sleep over with you now

"Okay ill wait you here"


After a minute Min father arive

"Min" her father knock the door

"Appa" Min hug her

"Yoseob tell me what happened" Min said "Baro tell me too" he said

"Im okay appa" Min said and smile wide

"Min since Yoseob is here i think about this many times" He said and give Min folder

"Admission in US" She said "What is this"

"Your mom ask me since before if you could stay with her, But i think its time to open your eyes and forgive her" He said

"Im not a toy that she can borrow if she want to play and return to you if she used to it" she said and walk away "She left us dont give me to her" She said and shot the door


Sorry if i end here
i review this chaptER and its TOO long



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I'm going to read this now. I feel excited :)
aww same title as the song they sang together? <3
joymuel #3
Chapter 4: A lil bit c0nfusing ..
Chapter 20: that's is what i call a happy ending!. now lemme give you a hug...hahaha.
Chapter 19: wait.. what?! u cant end this like this!! T.T sequel please?!!? pleaseeee!!
dramatic #6
Chapter 17: update xp
Chapter 17: wow O.O
what happen with min and her mom? O.O
and.. baro u... aishh...
update soon...

and btw... is not long the chap... is perfect.. i really hate short chap xD
ah!? wait.. they are friends? lovers? or what?
is yoseob like her too?? huurrmm..