Chapter 3: Seventh Heaven.

A Night Without A Million Raindrops


‘Oooh, a key ring from Pikachu, kamshamnida!’ Kwangmin yelled. Jinyoung had given him the souvenir after he was back from helping Kwangmins mother. I looked at the present, perhaps a little bit jealous. ‘Why would I look jealous? It’s just a souvenir and I don’t even know this Jinyoung.’ I looked up, and looked straight into the eyes of Jinyoung. He was watching me while Kwangmin was toying around with his Pikachu. I quickly turned my head and glanced rapidly at Kwangmins exercises with a little blush on my cheeks. ‘Why in the world am I blushing?’ I thought. ‘Aisshh, Kwangmin, this one is wrong too, you have to quadrate it instead of multiplying it.’ I said to Kwangmin while ticking with my finger on his paper. Jinyoung came closer and looked over my shoulder with me at the exercises. His body was close next to mine and somehow I felt awkward and shy while a little tingling feeling was born in my stomach.  ‘She’s right, Kwangmin.’ Jinyoung said.  ‘Jinyoung and ___~ah, I’ll redo these exercises next week. Can you two stop with nagging about my mistakes?’ He whined irritated at us like a little kid. Frustration could be read from his face while he was busily  playing with his newly received Pikachu. Jinyoung didn’t move and just stood behind me. I could hear him breath  and his warmth silently touching my skin. He was too close. Kwangmin who we thought was still playing with his Pikachu, stood up suddenly and closed the math books in front of us. ‘Let’s get some ice cream in the centre of the cit, eh? That is way more interesting than stupid mathematics.’ He said while leaning over his math books.  Jinyoung finally moved and nodded as soon as Kwangmin spoke and looked at me for confirmation too. I honestly wanted to protest but when I saw Kwangmins smiling with puppy eyes, I didn’t want to be a funspoiler and joined them. Kwangmin smiled and turned around. ‘Mom can we go to the ice cream shop? We ‘re hungry.’ Kwangmin yelled at his house with the meaning that Kwangmins mother should hear it. ‘You mean, YOU are hungry.’ Jinyoung teased silently. I giggled like a little girl and watched Kwangmin shout more as he didn’t get a respond back from his mother. After a long time, he finally got a confirmation and we all went together to the ice cream parlor.

When we arrived at the ice cream parlor, Jinyoung and I took a blue colored ice cream, followed by Kwangmin who took a chocolate one. It tasted very delicious. ‘Yah, ____~ah, you have to smell my ice cream.’ Kwangmin ordered me excited. I wonderded why and just nodded and bowed a little and smelled his ice cream. ‘There is nothing wrong with it.’ I said while shrugging my shoulders. ‘What?’ Then Kwangmin suddenly pushed his ice cream on my nose. It felt cold and I should’ve known that he would prank me but I was already too late.  He and Jinyoung laughed like there was no end while I looked at them like I could bite them. It’s such an old joke, and yet I somehow always manage to put my foot in it.

Jinyoung who stopped laughing earlier than Kwangmin walked closer and lifted his hand up. He wiped softly the ice off from my face with his finger and put it in his mouth afterwards. He nodded in satisfaction and bended down next to me, to take his handkerchief from his pocket. When he took it, he gently wiped my nose area clean from the ice cream while grabbing my chin lightly with his other hand, making me look up at his smiling face.  His right hand accidently touched my cheek while he was cleaning my nose tip with gentle .

After cleaning my nose clean with his handkerchief that smelled like his sweet scent, he didn’t let go of my face and continued to stare. His eyes were pierced into mine and looked at me with the same look when we were with Kwangmin, only this time with a smile on his face. I looked back and felt a thousand of butterflies exploding in my stomach. His smile, his gentle hands and even his care made me feel like I was in the seventh heaven. It may sound a little cheap but this is how I feel now. ‘He’s so gorgeous,’ I thought while looking into his chocolate brown eyes. ‘Wait, what am I thinking? He is too old for me.’  I looked at Kwangmin and saw that he was observing us. I broke free from Jinyoungs gentle hands, to my distaste and turned to Kwangmin. ‘Soon you’ll taste my revenge, watch out!’ I warned him with a teasing smirk. Kwangmin faked a shriek and hid himself behind a chuckling Jinyoung.'Little kids...' he muttered while trying to pull Kwangmin from behind his back.

'You should apologize!' Jinyoung said with a stern voice, yet chuckling. Kwangmin pouted and shook his head. 'Shiro! She's going to get me back and that will be ten times worser than what I did.' he said and I shot him a smirk. 'You got that right.' I smirked in my head while looking as angelic as I could at Jinyoung who looked a little suspicious at Kwangmin. 'Her? She won't even hit a fly.' he laughed while looking at Kwangmin. 

Kwangmin shook his head and looked irritated. 'Aishh..Hyung~, why are you picking her side?' Kwangmin whined while putting his hand on his waist. Jinyoung just shrugged and looked at me. 'I just have a feeling I should.' he smiled at me and winked before he turned away and signed us to follow him. 'Come, let's go home.'

I smiled and stuck out my tongue at Kwangmin. Kwangmin crossed his arms and followed grumpy Jinyoung while my head was flying somewhere else. 'He winked at me...' I squealed while I kept repeating the moment he winked at me in my head.


This was Starryfire chapter ^^

Please look forward to the next chapter and thanks for commenting and subscribing ^^!

Ppyong ~!

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NerdyBana #1
Chapter 34: This fanfic made me cry T^T You're so good author-nim :>
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Kwangchu #4
Chapter 34: I think it was a little late since I just read this story now-_-
I'm really in love to this story! I like it! I love the ending! Both XD
14 streak #5
Chapter 34: Awwww i like the happy ending!!! The original one was too sad T.T i didnt want her to die alone in such a white room~~~
Anyways........ That was AWESOME!!!!! ^^ ♥♡
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 34: awwwww.....i liked your both endings, but i more prefer on happy ending of course, heheheeh :)
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #7
Chapter 34: <3333333 omg! I liked the other ending (not that it was sad, but it was a good chapter) but I LOOOOVE this ending! You've done it again! <3333
Chapter 34: I loved it soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! :D <3333 You made me cry T_T
Chapter 33: OMG WHY?? I find the happy ending sadder than the sad one. JinYoun's back to come get me t_t You made me cry~ why? *mblaq* xD