Irresistable Love.

A Night Without A Million Raindrops

It has been a few weeks already since we found out that I was pregnant but I lied to Jinyoung about not having our junior. The truth was, the pregnancy test was possitive.

I didn't have a choice, I wanted to keep the baby but I would know that if Jinyoung knew about his existence, he would make an appointment for me to take it away at the hospital.

My tummy was growing bigger and it became harder to hide it. I had been wearing sweaters and over-sized shirts so no one would ever notice.

Jinyoung had asked me multiple times why I was suddenly gaining so much weight and I had always responded that I was eating well, unlike when my mom was home. There was a part true about it. I have never eaten well when my mom was home.

Sometimes, I would go to the hospital for check-up and until now, the baby has been growing very well but the more he grew, the more worried I will become about the fact that I really should tell Jinyoung about it. And today is the day that it would be too late to do abortion and I would tell Jinyoung about it. 

Hope he wouldn't be mad and just accept our baby.


I rubbed my neck as I got a neck ache. Yesterday, I didn't sleep well since I still had to adjust the size of my tummy while sleeping. Kwangmin tapped my head with a book  and smiled. "What's with you? Haven't you gotten a good night sleep?" he asked me with a smirk.

I pouted at him and poked him with my pencil. "That's because this tummy-'

Right, Kwangmin didn't know about it.

"What tummy?" he laughed.

I widened my eyes and stuttered. "Ah, I got a new pillow yesterday and I call it a tummy since it so big but it really didn't give so much support to my neck." I made up while nodding like crazy.

Kwangmin laughed weakly and rubbed my neck. "You should be careful with trying out new goodies." he told me.

I laughed and nodded slightly. "Yeah, I know." I turned back to the teacher as he came in our classroom. Kwangmin stood up from the table and went to sit on the chair next to me. We both looked at the teacher as he was silenting the class.

"Listen class, I have corrected the test and I'm proud to say that your grades got better. The whole class is doing well." The teacher told us with a smile. I silently squealed and hit Kwangmins arm softly.

I was very excited and glad because a few days ago, I had made a pact with Jinyoung. Everytime when I get a good grade on my test, he would come over to my house and spend a night with me, instead with Yoona. And this grade is the first one to let the pact work.

When I saw my paper back onto my table, I squealed happily as I saw that I got everything right. Well, I wasn't really surprised since I had studied the whole night for this subject.

Kwangmin raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I didn't know that you were a smartass." he teased.

I hit him again and smiled. "Better than a dumbo, like you!" I teased back. Kwangmin didn't know what to say and just slit his eyes at me.

I put away safely the paper into my bag and walked out of the classroom as the bell had rang. Suddenly, I had a urge of getting a lot of candy. I smacked my lips as I thought about cotton candy.

"Yah! Thanks to you I'm eating a lot. Are you happy?" I joked at my tummy when nobody was around. I rubbed it slightly and then held my book in front of it. I walked over to the office of Jinyoung and knocked onto the door.

When there was no response, I slowly opened the door onto a slight opening and peeked inside.

There was no one. I opened the door more wider and saw that his room was indeed empty. My disappointment hit me and I dropped my hand of the door. "Oh, he isn't here." I thought disappointed when I looked through his room.

I sighed and closed the door as I took my paper out of my bag. I looked at my grade and then let my hand fall down with the paper. "And I was so excited to show it to him." I muttered sadly. Then my eyes flashed from my paper at his door and a idea shot through my head. I walked over to the counter and saw Yoona sitting behind the table. She was reading a book, since there weren't a lot of patients.

"Ooh, hi." Yoona beamed when she saw me standing in front of her. I smiled at her and leant closer to her. "Where's Jinyoung today?' I asked her.

Yoona rolled her eyes to the ceiling and thought about it. "I don't know. I have seen him this morning at school. I think that he went outside for some lunch." she said but she was still hesitating.

I nodded and smiled again. "Ooh, he will be back right?' I asked her. Yoona nodded and smiled.

"Oh, well. But I can't stay longer, I have classes. Do you have some ducktape?' I asked her again. Yoona bent down and picked up some tape for me. She handed it over to me. I put it down and ripped a piece of the tape.

I thanked her and walked over to Jinyoungs door. I folded the paper and taped it against his door so nobody would notice it, only Jinyoung when he opens it. I smiled at the paper and walked away, glancing a last time over my shoulder.

When I was climbing the stairs, I had noticed that I was slower than usual and my breath was a little irregular. I was tired more often. I bit my lip and supported me on the rails. I wiped off the sweat of my forehead and smiled when I had reached the third floor. 



It was lunch time. I walked with Kwangmin to the canteen and smiled at him. "So, what are you eating today?" I asked him. Kwangmin turned to me and laughed. "The same as usual. Black bean sausaged steak." he smiled.

I widened my eyes and looked at him in disbelief. "That's not the same as usual. What got into your mother for making this delicious dish?" I asked him. Kwangmin smirked and tapped my nose. "Nothing, she was in a very good mood today. But why are you drooling so much over it?" he asked me. 

I rapidly slurped back my drool and wiped off my lips. "I wasn't.' I denied.

Kwangmin smiled and took a seat at a table. "Come." he said while patting the chair next to him. I smiled but then I forgot that I left my bag at the classroom at the second floor.

"Wait, I forgot my bag. I'll go get it as fast as I can." I smiled at him. Kwangmin nodded and turned to his food. I walked out of the canteenbut when I had reached the second floor, someone pulled me behind a door.

"Whaa~!' I said but got silented by soft lips onto mine. I looked at him and loosened myself as I saw Jinyoung in front of me. I smiled in his kiss and kissed him back. I held my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"You were searching for me," he asked when he pulled away. I smiled at him and hugged him. "I missed you. Where did you go?' I asked with a pout.

Jinyoung kissed my cheek and looked at me. "I went to a restaurant to take some food away. Do you like chicken?" he asked me when he held up a box with food.

I my lips and nodded. "Yes, I do." I said.

Jinyoung smiled and gave a soft kiss on my lips. "I see that you got a good grade, at what hour should I arrive at your house?" he smirked. I laughed and held his hands.

"Let's say, at six o'clock. I'll make something very delicious." I smirked. Jinyoung had learnt me how to cook and sometimes, I would experiment other things.

Jinyoung nodded and began to kiss me again but I felt somehow very uncomfortable. "Jinyoung, people might see us." I said through the kiss. Jinyoung pulled back and his lips. "You're right. Sorry, I got a little carried away; shall we go to my office? Yoona is out for lunch." he told me.

I nodded and walked after him to his office.

"But wait, I need to get my bag." I rapidly told him and sped up the stairs.

I heard him chuckle and a flutter went through my stomach. As soon as I got my bag, I walked to Jinyoungs office and saw him sitting on a chair, leaning back with his arms behind his back.

"That's fast." he said when he saw me entering his room. I nodded and put my bag against the wall of his room. I went to sit onto the bed and laid down.

"I'm tired~" I whined. Jinyoung stood up and went to sit next to me on the bed. "Well, you don't look really well. A little pale." he told me when he felt my forehead.

I smiled at him and closed my eyes. "Just a little. I forgot to drink iron." I told him.

"Since when are you short on iron?" he asked me. Then a thought shot through me as he was suspecting something. I gulped and sat up right.

"I-... Euh... I'm having my periods..." I lied. Jinyoung looked at me and then smiled. "Ooh, well, then eat a lot of seaweeds and such...humh..." Jinyoung informed me while he my hair. I nodded and hugged him. I bit my lip when Jinyoung couldn't see me. "How long am I going to keep this a secret?" I thought panicked.

Jinyoung wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled. "I'm very lucky to have you." he whispered in  my ear. I smiled upon hearing his words and tightened my grip on him. "Me too." I muttered on his shoulder.



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NerdyBana #1
Chapter 34: This fanfic made me cry T^T You're so good author-nim :>
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Kwangchu #4
Chapter 34: I think it was a little late since I just read this story now-_-
I'm really in love to this story! I like it! I love the ending! Both XD
14 streak #5
Chapter 34: Awwww i like the happy ending!!! The original one was too sad T.T i didnt want her to die alone in such a white room~~~
Anyways........ That was AWESOME!!!!! ^^ ♥♡
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 34: awwwww.....i liked your both endings, but i more prefer on happy ending of course, heheheeh :)
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #7
Chapter 34: <3333333 omg! I liked the other ending (not that it was sad, but it was a good chapter) but I LOOOOVE this ending! You've done it again! <3333
Chapter 34: I loved it soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! :D <3333 You made me cry T_T
Chapter 33: OMG WHY?? I find the happy ending sadder than the sad one. JinYoun's back to come get me t_t You made me cry~ why? *mblaq* xD