
A Night Without A Million Raindrops

To my sweet _____~ah

I don't even know if I can call you that as a mother.

I know I have been miserable to you and I have decided to leave you alone.

I wasn't worth being called as your mom and I have realized that you might be better off without me. 

As you can see now, I took everything with me and let the house stand behind with you.

I'm sorry for abandoning you but it's for your best.

I know it's so sudden and that I have left without saying goodbye to you first but this has been on my mind for a long time

but I couldn't say it to you due my alcohol addiction.

If you still want to see me, I'll be at the airport, waiting for my flight.

My flight goes at around 7pm and after that, you won't see me anymore.

If you don't come, I understand, I won't blame you.

Have a safe and happy life,

your mom.



My tears burnt while I stared at the note. Even if she had treated me badly, she was the only relative I have, without her, I don't even know what to do. I was not ready for this, I can't live on my own, it's too early.

I slowly sobbed and looked at my watch. 7PM, that was the time that I was eating with Kwangmin at the reastaurant. When I was supposed to be early back home, I would have caught her but now, it's too late.

I fell down on my knees while the paper in my left hand drifted away on the ground. Kwangmin caught me and held me into his arms.

'What's wrong _____~ah?' he asked me shocked as I sat lifeless in his arms. I didn't say anything and just hiccupped from the pain in my heart. She ditched me, she just freaking ditched me.

As Kwangmin didn't get a response, he grabbed the paper next to him and read it. I cried on his shoulder as the pain in my heart wouldn't stop. Kwangmin hushed me while he my hair.

'Selfish monster.' I could hear Kwangmin mutter after reading my paper. He held tightly onto me and kissed my hair. 'Don't cry, ____~ah, everything will be alright.' Kwangmin comforted me but I kept on crying.

'Kwangmin,... what- d-d-do... I-I d-do....' I sobbed while looking at him with tears. Kwangmin bit his lip and looked through my room. There was nothing.

'I-I don't have money, I-I can't buy furniture! I don't know where I will sleep....' I rattled with sobs. I was so scared. This is too sudden.

'Sssttt... Don't cry, everything will be fine...' he muttered. I shook my head and looked at him. 'Kwangmin! Don't you get it! I'm alone! My mom turned her back on me! She is my only relative!' I managed to squeak the last word from my throath before I fell back into his arms and cried. This was too much.

Kwangmin bit his lip again and tightened his grip. 'You are better off without her. You know, you can stay with me as long as you want, my mom loves you.' Kwangmin tried but I shook my head.

'I-I can't live with you forever.' I told him with sobs. Kwangmin bit his lip and slowly gave in that it was impossible to let her live with him forever but then an idea came into his mind.

'I have an idea. But we have to borrow money.' Kwangmin told me. I looked up at him and wiped my tears off. 'H-How?' I hiccupped.

Kwangmin smiled and took out his phone from his pocket. He dialed a number and put it against his ear. He waited to go over while he my cheek with a weak smile.

'Everything will be alright.' he muttered at me. I looked down and sniffed.

'Ah, Jinyoung,....' Kwangmin began as that person had picked up.

I widened my eyes upon hearing his name but didn't look up to Kwangmin. I just stared at the floor and listened at Kwangmin what he had to say.

'Uhmm... Well we got a little problem here... Yes, no, not me, it's about _____~ah, ...., you are nearby? .... Then.... Yes that's great... Okay.... Bye!' Kwangmin chirped happily.

He closed his phone and put it in his pocket. He raised my head with his finger and smiled. 'Pull yourself up, we are going to meet Jinyoung now.' he smiled. I looked at him confused and snorted.

'What?' I muttered. Kwangmin shook his head and pulled me up. He grabbed me in his arm and led me my house out in a moment. He locked the door while I stared through the dark with an absent gaze. The cold air didn't do me any good and I had to bit my lip to not to cry again.

Kwangmin smiled and put an arm around my shoulder. He pushed me to walk and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He dialled a number again while he watched over me as I was still silent and looking at things lifeless.

'Uhu... Yes mom... Yes,... Youngmin has to sleep alone tonight..., alright.... No, Jinyoung.... Yes, he has an extra room.... Okay see you tomorrow....' Kwangmin ended his call with his mom and then stared at me. We reached the corner of the street and headlights were shining into our direction. I squeezed my eyes a little shut due the harsh light and sniffed again.

The car stopped and a familiar person stepped out of the car. He opened the car door and smiled at Kwangmin. He just laughed and guided me to step into his car. Jinyoung looked at me with a confused look but I just ignored it and sat into the car.

Kwangmin went to sit next to me and held my hand. I put my head on his shoulder while I stared out of the window silently. Jinyoung went to sit in front of us and drove the car.

During the ride, Kwangmin softly my hand, in order to calm me down and sometimes looked back at me. I just stared at nothing and let a tear fall down.

Jinyoung was watching us from the rearview mirror and still had that puzzled look. He then finally asked Kwangmin.

'What happened?' he whispered while his eyes were focused onto the way. Kwangmin sighed and looked at me. 'Her mom abandoned her.' he muttered.

Jinyoung looked shocked but didn't look back at me since it would be a bad idea for someone who is driving the car.

'You can sleep.' Kwangmin muttered at me as my eyes threathened to fall close. I slowly shook my head and replaced my head on his shoulder to lay more comfortable.

'I don't want to.' I whispered, the first thing I have said since a long time. 'Why not? he asked me back.

I held his hand tightly and avoided his look. Tears stared to well up in my eyes. 'Because... I have a feeling that when I wake up, everybody will be gone. I'm so scared that... people,... including you will turn their back on me... I'm so scared to be alone.... right now....' I began to cry and sobbed on his shoulder. Kwangmin replaced himself and looked at me with sympathy.

'_____~ah, don't be. I will never ever turn my back on you. Never! How annoying you will be!' he supported me but that didn't help me not even the slightest bit. Jinyoung who had observed this whole couldn't help but to feel a little jealous from the inside. He didn't say anything and drove us safely to his house.


There arrived, I saw his house being lightened up by lights. Jinyoung stepped out of his car and opened the door to his house. Kwangmin helped me step out of his car and guided me to his house.

The scent of his house made me feel a little better since I always liked to smell his scent. The warming system was and took the cold away from me. On the right side of us was the living room where the television was . We couldn't see who was watching television but I could already guess it was Yoona. Jinyoung stuck his head into the living room and talked with Yoona. I could hear her give permission for me to stay over and Jinyoung guided me upstairs.

Kwangmin smiled weakly and squeezed my hand. 'Don't cry...' he muttered in my ear when he saw that I was on the verge of crying again. I sniffed my nose and suddenly was yearning for Jinyoungs arms.

Jinyoung opened a door on the second floor and revealed a neat room. He the lights and walked with us into the room. He pulled the blankets a little off from the bed, a sign that I could sit on the bed. 

'Well, this is my room, you can sleep here and I'll be sleeping with Yoona tonight.' Jinyoung told me. Kwangmin who was surprised by his explanation chuckled. 'You and Yoona sleep seperated?' he asked him laughing. 

Jinyoung nodded and smiled. 'Problem with that?' he asked Kwangmin. Kwangmin laughed and patted his shoulder. 'Dude, why seperated? You guys are almost dating for like a lifetime.' he asked.

Upon hearing their conversation, I felt a little better but still had that pain.

'Yah! Mind your own business. But we had tried to sleep next to each other but I somehow don't end up sleeping with her. I feel insomniac with her.' he explained.

Kwangmin laughed and went to sit next to me. 'We are sharing a bed tonight,...' Kwangmin said while nudging me with his body. I looked at him slowly and then down.

'Ooh, no, you're not sleeping with her tonight. You're going to sleep upstairs in that guest room.' Jinyoung told him. Kwangmin raised an eyebrow. 'Why?' he pouted.

'You can't allow a girl and a boy to sleep in one bed.' Jinyoung responded. Kwangmin frowned his forehead with a smirk. 'Then what are you and Yoona doing then? Besides I'm her childhoodfriend.'

'No,' there was jealousy in his tone. Jinyoung folded his arms and looked at him sternly. 'You are going to sleep upstairs tonight.' he said.

Kwangmin pouted again and put his hands onto his waist. 'But why does she sleeps in your room and not me? I mean, this bed is yours, isn't it better if a boy sleeps in it instead of a girl?' he asked him.

Jinyoung blushed and looked at him. 'Aisshh... Don't ask so many questions. You are a pig, so you sleep upstairs, end of discussion!' Jinyoung said.

Kwangmin muttered a 'fine' and then looked back at me.

'Alright, it's late. You should wash up. It's time to go to bed.' Jinyoung shood Kwangmin. Kwangmin stood up and kissed my cheek. 'Ill be right back.' he muttered in my ear to Jinyoungs displeasure.

Kwangmin disappeared and I looked at the door like a lifeless doll. Jinyoung walked closer at me and bent down on his knees. He put his hands onto my knees and looked at me in the eyes.

'______~ah..' he whispered. I looked back at him and tears started to roll down. Jinyoung stood up with a look of sympathy and brushed my tears away lightly with his warm hands. 'Hey,...' he whispered.

I began to cry and Jinyoung took me into his arms. He kissed my hair and rubbed my arms. 'Don't cry... I'm here...' he comforted. I nodded and buried my face in his neck. His scent always calmed me down.

'Hey, do you want me to stay with you tonight?' he asked me. I was so glad he had suggested that but there were too many people in this area that it was almost impossible to sleep with me.

'Yoona, Kwangmin...' I began but he hushed me. 'I'll take care of it. Tonight, you are the most important right now.' he smiled.' And I have missed you.'

I looked down and took his hand. 'I would like that.' I said. Jinyoung smiled and gave me a light kiss. He rubbed the tears away with his thumbs and kissed me on my cheek. He stood up from his bed and took off his jacket. 'You should wash up too. It's not good for you to stay up so late.' he told me. I nodded and smiled weakly. 'Thank you.' I muttered while butterflies flew through my stomach. Jinyoung smiled and kissed my lips before leaving his room.

I went to brush my teeth in his bathroom and unclothed me until I remained in my white tank top and underwear. I stepped into his bed and covered me up with the blankets. His smell made me almost doze off in his comfy bed but then got disturbed by Kwangmin who walked into the room. 

'Hey, how are you doing?' he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and blinked with my eyes. 'Better, thanks to you guys.' I smiled.

Kwangmin smiled and my bangs behind my ear. 'Goodnight then.' he whispered. I nodded and smiled back.

'Goodnight too.' I muttered.

Kwangmin stepped back and closed the door. I could hear his footsteps on the stairs before a door closing and a silence.

I closed my eyes and dug myself more in his blankets. I could hear a clock ticking from the corner of his wall and on the rhythm of that I slowly dozed off again. 

A few minutes later, I could feel a body slipping next to me in his bed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest. The warmth of his body came off and shared with me. I put my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his body.

He slowly my hair and smiled.  'Goodnight.' he muttered. I nodded and kissed his cheek. 'Goodnight Jinyoung.'


Mehehehehehe ^^

Please look forward to the enxt chapter ^^

I love you guys for commenting and such, thanks ^^

Bye bye!




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NerdyBana #1
Chapter 34: This fanfic made me cry T^T You're so good author-nim :>
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Chapter 34: Uwaaaahhh~!!! This story really touched my heart.. I was on the verge of crying.. AUTHOR-NIM DAEBAAAKKK ^^
Kwangchu #4
Chapter 34: I think it was a little late since I just read this story now-_-
I'm really in love to this story! I like it! I love the ending! Both XD
14 streak #5
Chapter 34: Awwww i like the happy ending!!! The original one was too sad T.T i didnt want her to die alone in such a white room~~~
Anyways........ That was AWESOME!!!!! ^^ ♥♡
claribelmiranda #6
Chapter 34: awwwww.....i liked your both endings, but i more prefer on happy ending of course, heheheeh :)
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #7
Chapter 34: <3333333 omg! I liked the other ending (not that it was sad, but it was a good chapter) but I LOOOOVE this ending! You've done it again! <3333
Chapter 34: I loved it soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! :D <3333 You made me cry T_T
Chapter 33: OMG WHY?? I find the happy ending sadder than the sad one. JinYoun's back to come get me t_t You made me cry~ why? *mblaq* xD