C h a p t e r 6: Easier

A Promise To Be Kept {Sequel}

C h a p t e r 6:


Listen: Let’s Break Up by Lee Seung Gi



                “Aish, I’m horrible to her,” JaeJoong said as he sat on the curb by his house.  “I hope she’ll talk to me tomorrow.”


                “How about now?”  JaeJoong looked up and was shocked to see JiJae standing there.  She walked towards him.  “Can I sit next to you?”  He nodded and made a space next to him.  She sat down and immediately hugged him which surprised him more.  “I’m sorry.”  He quickly hugged her back.


                “No, I am.  I made you cry,” JaeJoong said, resting his head on top of hers.


                “No, it’s my fault.  I’m overreacting.  All I ever do is think about KyuHyun.  All I do is think about that if I ever confess to you, will KyuHyun not love me again when we meet?  Will I forget about him?  Will I hurt him?” she kept spilling out questions.


                “He’ll love it that you’re with someone else.  Isn’t that his reason why he wants you to move on and have someone new in your heart?  He wants you to be happy with that person like how he keeps you happy.  He wants to see you smile all the time and wants you to feel protected from the person you love,” JaeJoong said, slowly moving closer to her.  “He wants the best of you.  He wants to make sure that you’ll never be sad again.  He wants you to love him and…”

JaeJoong then paused.  JiJae turned to face him.  Once she did, she froze there, realizing how their faces were only centimeters apart, their noses brushing against each other.  JaeJoong stared into her eyes and slowly to her nose then lips.  He slightly tilted his head and leaned in closer.  JiJae just closed her eyes, waiting for him to continue.  Her heart skipped a beat once their lips touched.  She was literally frozen, unable to move at all.  JaeJoong slowly back away and both of their eyes opened.  JaeJoong looked at her while she was avoiding his gaze.


                “I love you.”


                “I…I…I…”  JiJae just stuttered, not knowing on what to say.  She stood up and quickly ran away.


                “Wait!  JiJae~ah!” JaeJoong called out.  He groaned in frustration.  “Did I do something wrong again!  Ah!  She’s always running away from me!”


JiJae stopped by a pole and leaned against it.  She sat on the ground, replaying the event that just happened; his soft lips against hers.  She touched her lips, still feeling the warmth from him.  She looked ahead of her, not seeing JaeJoong running after her like he always does.  ‘Should I go back?’ she asked herself.  Shaking her head, she shrugged her thought off.  She stood up and sighed, looking at the dark sky.


                “I think I just want one more thing before I do let you go,” JiJae said to the sky, hoping KyuHyun heard her.


A week passed.  JiJae had avoided JaeJoong the best she can.  JaeJoong realized it since the first day and didn’t even bother to try and approach her.  He felt as if she wanted time for herself.  As for JiJae, she felt more alone than ever.  YooChun realized it and became curious about everything.  JiJae was in the library while JaeJoong was outside, eating his lunch.  YooChun walked up to JaeJoong and sat next to him.


                “You know, if JiJae is avoiding you, keep going up to her,” YooChun said.  “Why is she avoiding you?”  JaeJoong put down his chopsticks and sighed.


                “I kissed her then I confessed to her,” JaeJoong confessed.


                “That’s why?” YooChun asked.  He was glad that JiJae even walked to him.


                “Yeah.  Otoke?  I hate being away from her.  She keeps saying that she’s going to move on, but she can’t.  I keep feeling that she needs to do something before completely moving on,” JaeJoong said.


                “Then, help her do that.  Think hard and you’ll know what to do,” said YooChun.  JaeJoong smiled and turned to him.


                “Thanks man.  You’re the best.”


                “It’s no problem.”


A week had passed again.  School ended for the day.  Throughout the week, JiJae had been worried about JaeJoong since she hasn’t seen him.  JiJae was walking to the front of the building.  Once she was outside, JaeJoong came out of the side and held her arm.  She gasped from his surprise presence.


                “Look, I-I wanna bring you somewhere,” JaeJoong said.


                “W-Where?” she asked him.


                “It’s a surprise.  It’s something that you were never been able to do.”




                “Just—I’ll drive you home so you can get changed, okay?”  JiJae nodded. 


JaeJoong smiled, happy that she’ll go with him and happy that she didn’t avoid him.  He held her hand and led her to his car.  He opened the passenger door for her.  Once she did, he ran to the driver seat and drove to her place.  The ride was silent.  When JaeJoong parked in front of her place, he looked at her wondering why she wouldn’t move.


                “Oppa?” she called him.


                “Hmm?” JaeJoong responded.


                “M-Mianhe.  I keep avoiding you and I’m really sorry for that.  A-Are you…are you made at me?” JiJae asked him, letting her tears slowly fall.  JaeJoong took off his seatbelt and quickly hugged her.


                “I can’t be mad at you.  You’re going through something hard,” JaeJoong whispered in her ear.  JiJae sobbed quietly as she hugged him back.


                “Thank you for not being mad at me, oppa,” she said.


                “You’re welcome.  Now go get ready.”  JiJae broke the hug and looked at him.  She smiled and nodded before getting out of his car.


10 minutes passed and JiJae came out wearing a pair of light washed jeans, a black tank top with a gray cardigan on.  Quickly, she walked to his car.


                “Mianhe, did you wait long?” she asked.


                “Anio, I wouldn’t mind waiting longer.  I’ll still be here,” JaeJoong replied and started the engine.  “Ready?”


                “Ready when you’re ready,” JiJae said with a smile.  JaeJoong smiled and drove off.


                “Do you want to eat anything?  In case you get hungry?”


                “I’ll be fine.”




After half an hour, JiJae fell asleep.  Her head was leaning against the window.  JaeJoong saw and stopped at the red light.  Quickly, he looked at the back, hoping to see something comfortable for her head.  Nothing.  He took off his sweater and neatly folded it before placing it on her head.  He passed by the bakery.  He parked by the sidewalk and quietly got out of the car.


                “Kamsahamnida, Aujuma,” JaeJoong said and bowed.


                “No problem, dear.  JiJae~ah is going to be happy,” she said and walked back into the kitchen.  JaeJoong smiled and walked back to the car.  Quietly, he went inside and drove off.



                JaeJoong smiled and parked his car.  He looked at JiJae who was still sleeping peacefully in the car.  He didn’t want to wake her up.  He took off her seatbelt and carefully took out the sweater.  He sat her back and went out to open her side of the door.  He carried her bridal style out of the car before taking out the bag of food he brought earlier.  He closed the door and walked out.  He felt that she was stirring in her sleep, but then fell asleep into a deep slumber.  JaeJoong chuckled at her sleepiness and took out his phone.


                “DongHae~ah, I’m here,” JaeJoong said.


F l a s h b a c k


                “Aish, where is it?” JaeJoong asked himself.  Soon, someone walked up to him.


                “You alright?” he asked.  JaeJoong sighed and shook his head.


                “I’m looking for someone,” JaeJoong answered.


                “Who?  Maybe I can help you,” he offered.  JaeJoong smiled.


                “I’m looking for KyuHyun’s grave.”

His eyes widened at the mention of his best friend’s name.  He had missed him and since his death, he had been crying and refused that he died.


                “Cho KyuHyun?” he asked, making sure he did heard him right.  JaeJoong nodded.  “Why are you looking for his grave?”


                “He was the boyfriend of Kim JiJae.  I-I love her and I was hoping that she wanted to go to his grave.  She never did because she’s scared of his parents,” JaeJoong answered.  He looked at JaeJoong and smiled.  He extended his hand.


                “I’m Lee DongHae, KyuHyun’s best friend and JiJae’s best friend or she likes to say that I’m her only brother,” DongHae introduced himself.  JaeJoong smiled and shook his hand.


                “Kim JaeJoong.”


                “Nice to meet you, I’ll show you where it is, but then you have to call me when you’re there because I haven’t seen JiJae~ah for a long time.”


                “Okay, gomawo.”


End of Flashback


JaeJoong found his grave.  He smiled and put the bag down.  He then sat down and kept JiJae between his legs.  His arms are wrapped around her shoulders as she was peacefully resting against his chest.  JaeJoong kissed her head and rested his head on top of hers.  He heard someone coming their way.  He turned his head to see DongHae happily walking towards them.  He sat down and smiled.


                “Did she fall asleep during the whole ride?” DongHae asked.


                “Yeah.  She must’ve been tired for the whole week,” JaeJoong said.  DongHae smiled and patted her head.


                “Aigoo, my baby is all grown up,” he said and kissed her forehead.  Slowly, JiJae’s eyes opened.  She was in shock.


                “F-Fishy?” she asked.  DongHae blushed at his nicknamed.  JaeJoong snickered.


                “Shut up, Kimchi,” DongHae muttered.  JiJae giggled and looked up to see JaeJoong trying to hold his laughter.  He stopped as he saw her.


                “Oppa, where are we?” JiJae asked.  JaeJoong smiled and let go of her.


                “Go see for yourself,” JaeJoong whispered in response. 


She looked at him confusingly and turned around.  She quietly gasped as tears were quickly forming in her eyes.  She stood up and walked closer to the tombstone that she has been longing to see.  Slowly, JiJae knelt down and looked at it.  She sees pictures of him, his favorite flowers down, and what shocked her the most was how there was a picture of her and KyuHyun.  She smiled as she let her tears go down her face.  JaeJoong and DongHae watched her from behind.  She touched his tombstone and silently cried.


                “Oppa, I’m here,” JiJae said in a quiet tone.  “I’m finally here.”


She crossed her arms and set them down on the ground as she buried her face in her arms and cried.  Memories of the two of them started to play.


Listen: Geu Deh Ji Geum by Lyn



F l a s h b a c k #1:


                “Hi,” KyuHyun greeted shyly, but made sure he looked confident and cool in front of her.  JiJae turned to him and smiled as she blushed.


                “Hi,” she shyly greeted back as she curled a strand of her hair behind her ear.  “Um…”


                “Want to hang out?” he asked.  JiJae giggled.


                “But, I barely know you,” JiJae said.  KyuHyun took her hand and lightly shook it.


                “Cho KyuHyun.  I’m age 15, president of the student council and captain of the track team and math league.  I like playing games and would love to hang out with you after school if you’re available.”


                “Kim JiJae and sure, I would love to hang out with you,” JiJae said.  KyuHyun smiled.


                “Okay, I’ll pick you up later.”

F l a s h b a c k #2:


                “Yah!  Stay away from KyuHyun oppa!” SeoHyun yelled and smacked JiJae in her cheek.  She touched her cheek as tears started forming in her eyes.  “You hear, stay away from him!  He’s going to be mine soon anyway!”  She was about to hit her again when someone grabbed her wrist.  SeoHyun turned back and her eyes widened.  “K-KyuHyun oppa.”


                “SeoHyun, don’t call me oppa and don’t you dare mess with her,” KyuHyun said coldly.  SeoHyun just nodded and quickly scurried away.  KyuHyun stood in front of her and lightly shook her shoulders.  “JiJae~ah, gwenchena?”  JiJae turned to him and lightly smiled.  KyuHyun wiped away her tears.


                “Gomawo, oppa,” JiJae said and hugged him.


                “No problem, JiJi.”  JiJae giggled.


                “I like that name,” JiJae said.


                “Then I’ll call you that.”

F l a s h b a c k #3:


                “JiJae~ah!  C’mon, I wanna bring you somewhere!” KyuHyun said and dragged her away from a classroom she was about to enter.  JiJae tried to struggle from his grasp.


                “Oppa!  I need to stay after for music club and then for basketball practice,” JiJae said.


                “One day of missing it wouldn’t kill you.  Besides, it’s cancelled for today,” KyuHyun stated.


                “Bwoh?  What did you say to them?” she asked suspiciously.  KyuHyun grinned and gave JiJae his helmet.  He put his helmet on and got on his motorcycle.  “Hop on, princess.”  JiJae rolled her eyes yet smiled and did what he said.  Soon, he sped off.


                “Ah!” she screamed.


                “Gwenchena?” he asked.




Soon, they arrived at a beach.  They took off their helmets and JiJae smiled at him.  KyuHyun held her hand and they started walking around the boardwalk, going on rides, playing games and walked along the shore.  KyuHyun stopped walking and stood in front of her.  She looked at him to see a very serious expression on him.


                “Oppa,” she called.  She was about to ask if he was okay but was cut off when he put his finger on her lips.


                “JiJae~ah?” he called her.  She just looked at him, curious on what he’ll say.  “For half a year we’ve been going out and…you’re the only girl who I love to be with.  I want us to make sure that we will be together much longer.  I’m not like proposing to marry you, but…I wanna just confess that I’m in love with you.  I really, really, really love you.  I never even loved a girl…I mean, you were my first girlfriend and for sure I am in love with you and…if you’re too shock by this and you want to break up with me then, I’ll be fine with that.  If you do want to break up…” KyuHyun was suddenly cut off when she kissed him in the lips.  He was shocked at first, seeing how she made the first move, but he let it go as he kissed her back.  JiJae smiled through the kiss and broke it and hugged him tightly.


                “I love you too, oppa.  I don’t want anyone else but you,” she said.  KyuHyun smiled and tightly hugged her.


F l a s h b a c k #4:


                “YOU WHAT!” KyuHyun’s parents yelled.


                “I love her,” KyuHyun said as he held JiJae’s hand.  “And, I’m going to marry her when we finish college.”


                “KyuHyun~ah!” Mrs. Cho yelled.


                “KyuHyun, I…think about it!” Mr. Cho asked.


                “I did and I made my decision final,” he said and angrily dragged JiJae and him out of the house.  Once they were outside, KyuHyun turned to JiJae who was in tears.  He frowned, feeling guilty that he hurt her.  “Mianhe, did I hurt you?”  She shook her head.


                “Your parents don’t like me,” she said.


                “Well, don’t care about them.  I love you.”


End of Flashbacks


Listen: Love Is Never Gone by DBSK (I miss them T_T)



                “I miss you, oppa.  You’ve been with me all the time and you’ve protected me all the time,” JiJae said as she wiped away her tears.  “Oppa, how are you doing there?  I bet you’re happy that your princess is at your grave.  I’m happy that I am.  It feels like I’m next to you, too.”  She then giggled and turned around to see JaeJoong and DongHae quietly watching her.  They smiled and walked towards her when she motioned them over.  She was sitting down between them and stared ahead.  She turned to JaeJoong and hugged him tightly.  “Thank you so much, oppa.  You’re the best.”  JaeJoong smiled and hugged her back.


                “Anything for you, JiJae~ah, anything,” JaeJoong said.


                “Call me, JiJi,” JiJae said with a pout as she looked at him.  JaeJoong chuckled and nodded.


                “JiJi,” he said that made her smile.  DongHae stuck his tongue out at her.  She turned to him and hugged him too.


                “You helped him right?” she asked him.  DongHae nodded.  “Thank you too, oppa.”  DongHae smiled and hugged her.


                “No problem, Kimchi,” DongHae said.  JiJae giggled.  She then looked behind her to see JaeJoong standing up.


                “You two have your reunion.  I’ll be sitting by the tree,” JaeJoong said.  JiJae nodded and turned back to DongHae.


                “Fishy, come to Seoul and visit me.  I really missed you,” JiJae said with a pout.  DongHae chuckled and ruffled her hair.


                “Okay, I’ll visit next time,” he said.


                “Promise?” she asked.




                “Good.”  She then rested her head on his shoulders.  DongHae smiled and put his arm around her shoulders as he pulled her in closer.


                “So…are you finally going to move on?” DongHae asked.  JiJae smiled.


                “Yeah, but first…I want to do everything that I want to do for school,” JiJae answered.


                “What are you going to do?” asked DongHae.


                “Music, art, student council, sports, maybe do some community service like what KyuHyun and I did before,” JiJae answered.


                “Busy college chick you are.”  JiJae giggled and closed her eyes.


                “I feel more at ease since I’m here.”  She then picked her head up and looked at him.  “And, I think moving on will be easier now.”  DongHae smiled and hugged her.


                “That’s my kimchi,” DongHae cooed and kissed her forehead.  JiJae giggled.


                “And you’re my fishy,” she softly said.


                “You know, with our names dealing with food, I want some fish and kimchi,” DongHae stated.  JiJae laughed and ruffled his hair.


                “Like you always do.”


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if this is a sequel,then what the real story?...
OneHeroo #4
This is cute and so cliche haha! But I like it! Keep up the good work!
this story is so sad. ): thanks for updating.
sob sob T_T..
love ur story.. update soon ok, thank u :)
btw i'm new here.. ^^
shiez!! LOVE THE POSTER!!! everything is blended so well. ur good at poster art. :)