C h a p t e r 5: Simple Yet Difficult

A Promise To Be Kept {Sequel}

A/N: I am sooooooo sorry!!! Super, duper sorry for not updating for a few months! I'm sorry for being a bad author. I was just being an extremely lazy person and forgetful too! I'll try to finish this story before school starts, which should be easy since I already finished this on winglin.


C h a p t e r 5:


Listen: Love U I Love You by Lyn




                “Oppa, it’s been a year since we’ve known each other.  We should celebrate,” JiJae said.


                “Hmm…okay.  What should we do then?” JaeJoong asked.


                “Mollayo, I was hoping you’ll know,” JiJae responded with a small giggle.  JaeJoong smiled since he always loved to hear her giggle.


                “Okay, then…let’s go to our secret place then,” JaeJoong suggested.  She smiled happily.


                “Okay.”  She looked at her lunch and then at his.  “Oppa, can I have a sushi?”


                “Sure.”  JaeJoong looked up and saw YooChun.  “YooChun!  Over here!”  YooChun looked up at them and smiled and sat down next to JaeJoong. He looked at JiJae and gave her a smile.


                “Hello,” YooChun greeted.


                “Hi, YooChun,” JiJae greeted shyly.


                “Don’t be shy.  I’m Jae’s friend and any friend of his are going to be a friend of mine.  Will that be alright?”  She looked at him happily.


                “Yup,” she responded with a nod and smile.



                “Oppa!  You’re walking too fast!” JiJae yelled.  School was out and the two of them ran to their place.


                “No, you’re just too slow!” JaeJoong responded with a laugh.  JiJae pouted and just walked.  JaeJoong turned around to see her behind.  He ran to her and bended down.  “C’mon, get on my back.”


                “Okay,” she replied and climbed on.  “Oppa, let’s go to the bakery first.  I want some egg custard.”


                “Sure, and get me some banana bread.”




When they arrived, JiJae hopped off his back and they entered the shop.


                “JiJae~ah is that you?” halmoni asked.


                “Hi, halmoni,” JiJae greeted.  Halmoni smiled.


                “What can I get for you?” she asked.


                “Egg custards and a slice of your delicious banana bread,” JiJae ordered.


                “Okay, princess.  Your order is coming up.”  She then looked at JaeJoong.  “And who he might be?”


                “My friend, Kim JaeJoong.  Oppa this is halmoni.”  JaeJoong smiled and bowed.


                “Annyounghaesayo, halmoni,” JaeJoong greeted.  Halmoni laughed.


                “You don’t have to be so formal.  I’ll feel so old,” she said.  The two of them chuckled.  “JiJae~ah, is it a to-go order or you wanna eat here?”


                “To-go please.”




When they got their order, her halmoni told her it was on the house.  Of course she would feel bad but knows that she won’t win against halmoni.  JaeJoong bended down again and JiJae smiled, understanding his message.  She got on his back and without any trouble; JaeJoong stood up and walked to their destination.  JaeJoong walked to the tree where KyuHyun put the carving on.  JiJae got off his back and sat down, leaning against the tree as she read his carving and ate.


                “I miss him,” JiJae said, breaking the silence.


                “At least…you moved on, right?” JaeJoong asked.  He didn’t hear her answer, so he looked at her, seeing JiJae staring at her bracelet.


                “Sorry, I can’t let go of him,” she answered.


                “Then you better promise me too that you will,” JaeJoong said seriously.  JiJae looked at him and saw a really serious face on him.  She nodded.


                “I promise.”


                “Good, now let’s eat,” JaeJoong said, eating a piece of the banana bread.


JiJae giggled and slowly ate her egg custard.  She leaned against the tree and stared at the sky.  ‘Oppa, are you happy up there or are you still sad?’ she thought to herself.  ‘Please be happy.  I’m smiling and laughing, something that you love to see.’  A tear slid down her cheek.  She didn’t notice and JaeJoong looked at her.  He frowned and leaned to her so that he can wipe away her tear.  She looked at him.


                “You alright?  You had a tear,” JaeJoong asked.  JiJae nodded.


                “I’m fine.  I’m just…wondering if KyuHyun oppa is happy or still sad,” JiJae answered.  He looked up at the sky then at her with a smile.


                “He’s happy to see you smile and laugh,” JaeJoong replied.  JiJae smiled and hugged him.


                “Thank you for being with me, oppa,” JiJae said.


                “Always glad to.”


Listen: Sky Chord by Shion Tsuji



As the days passed, JiJae just couldn’t be away from JaeJoong now.  Most of the time, they would be together doing whatever comes in mind.  JaeJoong couldn’t be happier than ever.


                “JiJae~ah, you always seem to want to be with me more,” JaeJoong said.  “Why is that?”  She looked at him with a smile.


                “It’s just…I feel more at ease with you, and I like it a lot,” JiJae answered.  JaeJoong’s heart fluttered at her answer.


                “Then…let’s go to the beach today,” JaeJoong suggested.  JiJae giggled.




When school ended, JaeJoong held JiJae’s hand as they ran to the beach.  They laughed along the way.  JaeJoong ran out of breath and soon stopped running.  He turned to JiJae to still see her laugh.


                “What’s…so…funny?” JaeJoong asked as he was catching his breath.


                “You could’ve taken your car, oppa,” JiJae responded.


                “Oh, but we need fresh air and it’s better to walk than to sit in a car,” JaeJoong replied.


                “That’s true.”


They sat down on the soft, cool sand as they watched the waves crashing down.  JaeJoong moved a bit closer to JiJae, hoping that she wouldn’t notice.  She turned to him and her eyes slightly widened.


                “Whoa, weren’t you sitting there earlier?” she asked with a small laugh.


                “Maybe,” JaeJoong said with a smile.


JiJae giggled and faced the sky that was slowly turning pink and orange.


                “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she asked.  JaeJoong looked up and nodded in agreement.


                “Yeah, it is.”  He frowned, remembering how one day he and Yumi were watching the sunset.


Listen: A Little by Seo Jin Young



                “Oppa and I would usually watch the sunsets on the beach,” JiJae said.  “We both love the colors of the sky.  He says that I’m the sky because like the sky, I’m warm.”


                “He says a lot of things.”  Tears were forming in her eyes.


                “Why?  You made it sound like it’s a bad thing,” she said.  JaeJoong looked at her, seeing how hurt she looked.


                “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it like that.”


                “I told you, KyuHyun oppa always has his reasons on his words.  He always does.  He had a reason in his promise.  I know that you think that I can’t even keep his promise but it’s still so hard.”  Her tears just flowed down her cheek.  “It’s breaking my heart knowing that I can’t even do such a simple yet difficult thing.”  JaeJoong held her shoulders so that she’ll look at him.


                “Then move on!  You look like that you did move on but you just can’t admit it!” JaeJoong yelled in frustration.  “JiJi, just move on!”  Her eyes widened.  Her heart felt like her heart stopped beating as she blankly stared at the ground.  JaeJoong let go of her.  She quickly stood up and turned away, her back facing him.  “JiJae~ah…”


                “Don’t…ever call me JiJi,” she tried saying as angry as she can, but all he heard was her sobs.  “Never call me that.”


                “What’s wrong?  How come?"


                “I-I’m leaving,” she said and soon ran away.  JaeJoong stood up and ran after her but lost her trail.


                “JiJae~ah!  JiJae~ah!” JaeJoong kept calling.  “Yah!  Kim JiJae!”


JiJae heard his footsteps coming closer.  She hid at the side of a dark building, hoping he wouldn’t find her there.  Soon, he was there, next to her, but JaeJoong just has no clue that she was there.  JiJae stayed as silent as she can while he stood there.


                “JiJae~ah, really?  What did I do?  I’m sorry if I said something wrong!  Tell me please!” JaeJoong yelled.  Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.  “Was it because…I called you JiJi?  If I did, I won’t call you that again or…I’ll help you move on something if that name involved with KyuHyun.”  She just shook her head.  She didn’t want to deal with him yet.  “If you don’t want to see me now, then see me tomorrow.  I’ll wait.”


She heard his footsteps disappear.  JaeJoong let his tears fall as he knew that JiJae wouldn’t face him for a while.  JiJae went out of the side of the building.  She hugged her knees as she cried.  She felt someone sitting next to her.  Her head shot up as she turned to only see YooChun.


                “You alright?” YooChun asked.  She shook her head as she tried to wipe her tears away, but kept coming back.  “What’s wrong?  I saw JaeJoong and he was crying.”


                “He was?” JiJae asked.  YooChun nodded.  “What did he say?”


                “He didn’t see me though.  We walked past each other,” YooChun answered.


                “I wanna move on so much.  I want to put someone new in my heart,” JiJae confessed.  YooChun said nothing, hoping she would say more.  “I miss KyuHyun oppa so much.  I wish that he was alive right now so that the confusion is gone.  I’m scared to forget him.  I’m scared that if I love someone else, he’ll be hurt, even if I promised him that I would find someone else in my heart.”


                “Then just find someone else.  I see that you love JaeJoong,” YooChun said.  She looked at him and shook her head.


                “No I don’t,” she said.


                “Yeah you do.  You just can’t admit that because of KyuHyun.  You’re scared to keep his promise because you’re scared to have someone else.  You’re scared that when you two meet again, he won’t love you again.”  JiJae cried more, not wanting to admit that YooChun was right.  “And the way you’re responding is that I’m right, right?”  JiJae didn’t respond.  “That’s a yes.”


                “And how would you know?”


                “Because it’s written all over your face.  JaeJoong can partially see it because he’s only concern on helping you move on.  It’s obvious for me since I’m not the one concern.  Also, I can read people easily.  Talk to JaeJoong tomorrow.  He’s going to keep apologizing.”  YooChun stood up.  “Let him call you JiJi.  You like it when he does.  See you tomorrow.” 

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if this is a sequel,then what the real story?...
OneHeroo #4
This is cute and so cliche haha! But I like it! Keep up the good work!
this story is so sad. ): thanks for updating.
sob sob T_T..
love ur story.. update soon ok, thank u :)
btw i'm new here.. ^^
shiez!! LOVE THE POSTER!!! everything is blended so well. ur good at poster art. :)