C h a p t e r 2: Her Secret Place

A Promise To Be Kept {Sequel}

C h a p t e r 2:


Listen: Painful Love by JunJin



                “Jae, where were you?” YooChun asked when he saw JaeJoong sitting down.


                “JiJae-she-oh my goodness.  She really does look like her,” JaeJoong said, trying to figure out what to say.


                “Like who?” YooChun asked.  JaeJoong sighed and sadly smiled at YooChun.


                “Yumi.”  YooChun chuckled.


                “Yeah, sure.  How does Yumi look like anyway?”  JaeJoong smiled and took out his phone.  He chose the picture of her just smiling and giving a peace sign.  “Wow, she does.  Except for the dimples that Yumi has and JiJae doesn’t.  Oh and Yumi’s hair is more brownish like.”


                “Yeah.  I miss her a lot now.  But…I saw JiJae crying.  I don’t know what it was about, but I felt bad,” JaeJoong said.


                “You should’ve gone up to her.”


                “She will find me as a stalker though.”


                “She can’t kill you.  What she say anyway?” YooChun asked.


                “Something about her oppa.  Saying that she wanted him by her side,” JaeJoong answered.  He touched his ring finger and soon, his heart skipped a beat with fear in his face.


                “Hey, what’s wrong?” YooChun asked.


                “Look at my finger and say that my ring is there,” JaeJoong said.  YooChun nodded and looked.


                “Can I lie and say that it’s there?” YooChun asked.


                “Oh, !”  JaeJoong said loudly under his breath and turned around.  YooChun’s and JaeJoong’s eyes widened.


                “I guess you lost this?” JiJae asked, holding out the ring she found.  JaeJoong took it and read the initials.  ‘JJ+YM’.   JaeJoong smiled and put the ring back on.


                “Thank you so much,” JaeJoong said and immediately hugged her.  JiJae’s eyes widened as she pushed him away.  He looked at her questionably.


                “It’s no problem,” she said sweetly, but before heading to her seat, she turned to him again with a cold expression.  “Don’t follow me again.  My life is none of your business.”  She sat down and read her book, as if nothing happened while JaeJoong’s and YooChun’s mouths were wide opened.


                “Did she just…” YooChun stopped talking when JaeJoong nodded.  “What’s up with her?”


                “Who knows…but I’ll find out,” JaeJoong said so that she wouldn’t hear.


                “Yeah, Jae, good luck.”




It was now after school.  JiJae walked around to find her locker.  After 10 minutes, she finally did.  She perfectly opened her locker in one try and put all of her books, binders, and notebooks in.  She turned back to see anyone behind her.


                “Feels like someone was there,” she mumbled to herself.  She went through her folder and took a picture out of her and KyuHyun.  JiJae was on his back and they both cheerfully smiled with peace signs.  She sadly smiled.  “Oppa.”  She put it on her locker so it’ll be the very first picture to see once she opens it.  Quickly, she turned around.  “Yah!  Haven’t I told you to leave me alone?”  JaeJoong just stood there, not knowing what to say.


                “Um…hi.  I’m not bugging you though,” JaeJoong said.


                “You saw me crying outside and listened to what I said.  And now, you’re here and you were watching me, were you?” she asked, getting furious with him.


                “I-I-um…” JaeJoong was speechless.


                “I knew it.  Leave me alone.”


                “Wait!” JaeJoong called, but JiJae ignored and ran away once she shut her locker shut.  JaeJoong sighed and ran after her.


JiJae stopped for a bit for some breath.  She turned around to see no one around her.  In relief, she sighed and continued on walking until she reached a bakery.  She entered and was greeted by the owner who was almost like her grandmother.


                “Hello, sweetie.  How are you today?” she asked.


                “I’m fine halmoni.  How are you?  Is business going good?” JiJae asked.


                “Neh, it is.  Would you like the usual egg custard?” halmoni asked.  JiJae nodded happily and sat down next to the window.  In just a minute, her halmoni came back with her egg custard.




                “Anything for KyuHyun’s princess.”  She then walked back to the kitchen to prepare more food.  JiJae quietly ate and stared at the window with tears forming in her eyes.  ‘Anything for KyuHyun’s princess…’ those words kept repeating in her head.


F l a s h b a c k


Listen: Lucky by Ashily OR My Little Princess by DBSK

Lucky: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xv4xRv-Vyws
My Little Princess: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7FtCDPN38c


                “Oppa, where are we going to eat?” JiJae asked.  KyuHyun smiled at her.


                “Look up and read the sign, angel,” KyuHyun smiled.  JiJae giggled and shook her head at his silliness.  She looked up and read that it was a bakery.


                “Oh, yum.  I sure would love some…” JiJae got interrupted.


                “Egg custard,” KyuHyun finished for her.  JiJae smiled at him.


                “You know everything about me, oppa,” JiJae said softly.


                “Of course I know.  I come here all the time and halmoni makes amazing egg custard,” KyuHyun said.




                “Well, she’s like my halmoni.  Now c’mon.”  KyuHyun held her hand and dragged her inside.


Once they entered, JiJae smiled at the simple, clean, and organized place.  She then saw a woman around her 70s walking up to them.  She looked at KyuHyun and then at her.


                “So, Kyu, is this young lady your famous princess?” she asked.  ‘Famous princess?’ JiJae thought to herself.


                “Neh, halmoni.  This is my, JiJae,” KyuHyun introduced.  “JiJae~ah, this is my halmoni.”  JiJae smiled and bowed.


                “Annyounghaesayo, halmoni,” JiJae said.  Halmoni chuckled.


                “Don’t bow to me, I feel so old when you do.”  JiJae and KyuHyun laughed.  “So, what would you two like?”


                “Egg custard,” KyuHyun ordered for them.


                “Okay, egg custard coming up.”

Halmoni then walked inside the kitchen while KyuHyun lead them to a table next to the window to sit at.  KyuHyun held her hand.  JiJae blushed as she enjoyed the warmth in her hands that he gave her.


                “Isn’t halmoni nice?” KyuHyun asked.


                “Very, oppa,” she said.  In 3 minutes, halmoni came in with a plate of egg custards.


                “There you go.  It’s on the house so eat as much as you can,” she said.


                “Anio, halmoni, I should pay because I’ll feel bad if I don’t,” JiJae said, rejecting her offer.


                “I’ll feel bad if you do.  Now c’mon, I’ll do anything for KyuHyun’s princess.”  JiJae softly smiled and ate the custard.  KyuHyun smiled at her and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.  JiJae looked up as she slightly blushed.


                “My little princess.”

End of Flashback


Listen: Daisy by Alex



                “Hey,” she heard a voice.  JiJae looked up and saw JaeJoong.  She coldly glared at him and turned away.  “Can I talk to you?”


                “No,” she bluntly answered, slowly taking bites of her egg custard.


                “Look, I just want to know why you were crying earlier,” JaeJoong said.


                “That’s none of your business,” JiJae said, not looking at him.


                “Please.  I want to help you.”


JiJae couldn’t take it anymore as she just ran out of the store.


                “Halmoni, I’ll be back!” she yelled before leaving.  JaeJoong soon chased after her.  ‘Halmoni?’ he thought to himself.


                “Wait!” JaeJoong called. 


‘Aish, does he give up!’ JiJae yelled in her mind.  She made a turn and then another quick turn.  JaeJoong looked to his left then to his right.  He stopped running and walked around.  JiJae quietly hid behind a wall.


                “He’s so annoying,” she mumbled.


                “JiJae~ah!” JaeJoong called out loud.  “JiJae~ah!  I won’t give up!”


JiJae kept quiet, hearing his footsteps slowly fading.  She helplessly fell and hugged her knees, crying.  She didn’t bother looking up, knowing that she’s alone and has no shoulder to cry on.  She held onto her wrist, holding her charm bracelet.


                “Oppa, oppa, oppa,” she kept saying.  “Otoke?”


Listen: Because of a Man by Joo

(Start at :35)


It’s been a week and all JaeJoong did was following her secretly.  Sometimes he gets caught, and mostly he doesn’t.  It was the first day of spring, KyuHyun’s death anniversary.  JiJae immediately went out of the school once it was over.  She drove back home.  She packed KyuHyun’s favorite food and drink.  She walked to the flower shop and bought his favorite bouquet of flowers.  After, she headed to their secret place.


                “JiJae~ah, why are you going there?” JaeJoong asked himself, secretly following her.


The closer JiJae was to her destination, the more hesitant JaeJoong became.  ‘Yumi~ah,’ he thought and held onto his ring.  He took a deep breath and continued to follow her.  JiJae set everything down and leaned against the tree they’re usually in.


                “Oppa, I’m here.  I-I really miss you, oppa.  Its spring and you know how I easily I get sick because of the rain right?” JiJae said.  Tears were already falling uncontrollably.  “Oppa, help me.  I’m suffering without you.  I don’t know what to do anymore.  I’m so scared, oppa.”  JaeJoong frowned and tears were slowly falling from his eyes and just can’t help but to pity her.  “C-College is hard without you too.  I-I remember that we’re supposed to do everything together in college.  I’m going to do them next year, I promise.  I’m keeping the words that you want us to do together, but…I don’t know about your promise, oppa.  I’m so sorry.  I can’t do this.  I have no one anymore.”  She covered , hoping to stop her loud sobs.  “Oppa…saranghae.  Please don’t be mad at me.  I hope you’re not…you told me…that…you can’t…be angry…at…your…princess.”


It suddenly started to rain.  Luckily she brought covering for the food, but for her, she was soaking wet, as well as JaeJoong.  JiJae did nothing but just sat there crying, feeling helpless.  JaeJoong couldn’t take it.  He ran to her and hugged her from behind.


                “It’s okay.  Please, don’t cry.  He won’t be mad at you,” JaeJoong said while he cried.  JiJae hit his chest as she cried.


                “You stupid idiot.  I said to stop following me.  Why are you making everything harder for me?” she asked him while crying.  She buried her head in his chest while JaeJoong comforted her.


                “I’m sorry, I just want to help,” JaeJoong said.  “Just please…stop crying.”


                “You idiot.  You’re just a stubborn idiot.”


                “Yeah, I’m a stubborn idiot.”  JiJae slightly smiled and took deep breaths, trying to stop her cries like he said.


                “Th-Thank you,” she said.  JaeJoong hugged her tighter and kissed her head.


                “It’s no problem.”


JaeJoong noticed her breathing becoming normal so he loosened the hug and looked at her as he wiped her tears away.  He gave her a soft smile which she gave back.


                “Thank you,” JiJae said again.


                “It’s no problem, JiJae,” JaeJoong said.  JaeJoong suddenly carried her bridal style underneath a tree.  “We have to try and stay dry.”  JiJae just nodded as she saw him took the food and put it in front of her.  “I’m guessing that you’re supposed to eat that today, right?”  She nodded again and took the food out.  She gave some to JaeJoong.


                “I can’t finish this alone,” JiJae said as she got some food for herself.




                “No problem.”  They just silently ate.


                “These…were KyuHyun’s favorite food,” JiJae said, breaking the silence.  JaeJoong stopped eating and looked at her.  He saw her giving a sad smile.  “He would usually beg me too cook these foods too.  I always give in and cook for him because I love making him happy.  He taught me how to play Starcraft even when I thought that the game was stupid, but he proved me wrong.  Proving me wrong was his favorite thing to do too.  I hate it when he does that, but it made me love him even more.”  She looked at him to see JaeJoong paying every single attention to what he’s saying.  JaeJoong already saw fresh tears forming.  “He calls me his princess, angel, and gave me a nickname that only he can call me in.  He told halmoni that I’m his famous princess too.  He told me how to stand up for myself and how to not give up.”  JaeJoong crawled next to her and hugged her again.


                “W-What do you mean by that?” JaeJoong asked.  She stayed quiet for a while and soon sighed.


                “His parents never wanted us together so we ran away,” JiJae answered.


F l a s h b a c k


                “KyuHyun~ah, you need to break up with that girl,” said Mrs. Cho.


                “Umma, why?” KyuHyun asked, getting furious with his mother.


                “She’s not fit for our status and we already arranged a marriage for you,” Mr. Cho answered.  KyuHyun’s eyes widened.


                “Arranged marriage?  With who?  SeoHyun?” he asked.


                “Yeah, isn’t she a fine lady?” Mrs. Cho asked with a smile.


                “No, she’s a ,” KyuHyun replied.  Mr. and Mrs. Cho gave him a glare.


                “Don’t say that about your future wife!” Mrs. Cho yelled.  KyuHyun just smirked at them.


                “My future wife is Kim JiJae.  A girl with a heart and a girl whom I love,” said KyuHyun and turned around.  His eyes and his parent’s eyes widened to see her standing at the doorway crying.  JiJae ran away as KyuHyun chased after her.


                “Yah!  Cho KyuHyun, you get over here!” Mr. Cho yelled.  KyuHyun ignored his parents’ calls and chased after her.


                “JiJae~ah!” KyuHyun called.  JiJae stopped running and turned to him.  She then ran to him and tightly hugged him as she cried.  KyuHyun hugged back.  He softly shushed her.  “Shh, angel it’s alright, okay?  Don’t worry alright.  I’m not going to leave you.”


                “Promise?” JiJae asked.




Months passed.  Their relationship wasn’t easy, but they survived through it until it was the day of the marriage.


                “JiJae, c’mon, we’re leaving,” KyuHyun said.  JiJae nodded and getting her packed luggage.


                “Ready, oppa,” JiJae said.  KyuHyun smiled at her and kissed her.


                “Let’s leave this place…for good.”  JiJae smiled and held his hands as they left Icheon.


End of Flashback


                “He was always sure of his decisions and whatever decision he made, I usually agree.  I couldn’t disagree with him.  No matter what, he has his reasons,” said JiJae.


                “So you two ran away for love?” JaeJoong asked.  JiJae nodded and wiped her tears away.


                “We lived here for a year.  After a week we moved here, he showed me this place.  I loved it here so much.  It was our secret place.  Since it was a big place, we’re always in this half of the garden.  I never went to the other side.”  JaeJoong let go of her as she walked around the tree.  She smiled.  “And he made this craving.”

JaeJoong looked at it as it read ‘Kim JiJae + Cho KyuHyun 4ever 4 All Eternity.  Saranghae, JiJi’ with a heart around it.


                “Wow,” he said.


                “He’s a cheesy guy but I love him like that.”  JaeJoong smiled when he saw her smile.  She turned to him with a serious face.  “Why do you follow me?”  JaeJoong’s eyes widened, not hoping for that question to be asked soon.  JaeJoong sighed and took out his cell phone, showing a picture of Yumi.  “Is-Is that me?”  JaeJoong shook his head.


                “You look like my first love,” JaeJoong answered.  “You---I mean I---You made me curious about you.  I don’t know why, but…it feels right now.”


                “What do you mean?” JiJae asked.


                “I wish I knew too,” said JaeJoong.  JiJae looked down to his finger.


                “Are you married to her?” JiJae asked.  He shook his head sadly.


                “She couldn’t make it for 3 more days.”  Tears formed in his eyes.  “Just 3 more days and her hopes, wishes will come true.  But she didn’t make it.  She died in my arms.”  JiJae felt sorry and she hugged him.


                “I’m sorry,” she said.  JaeJoong smiled and hugged her back.


                “It’s alright.  I promised to move on and I did.  Whatever makes her happy, I will be happy.  I can’t disappoint her.”


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if this is a sequel,then what the real story?...
OneHeroo #4
This is cute and so cliche haha! But I like it! Keep up the good work!
this story is so sad. ): thanks for updating.
sob sob T_T..
love ur story.. update soon ok, thank u :)
btw i'm new here.. ^^
shiez!! LOVE THE POSTER!!! everything is blended so well. ur good at poster art. :)