Homecoming... "coming home"

The road trip back to your heart. [Hiatus]


~part II~

“Where are you Junsu?” “JUNSU YAH!! Where is my baby brother?” Junho’s voice resonated off the gleaming marble walls in the palace like hallway. His young son had followed closely behind and is anticipating his favourite uncle’s appearance as well.

“Hyung! I’m here!” Junsu had called out before Junho tears down the house in search for him. Their house is simply too big, it is almost like a maze. Junho, his wife, and his son reside with Junsu and their father, as Mr Kim, their father, is very fond of Junho and his family.

“OMO!! Let hyung take a look!” Junho spun Junsu around in circles, looking at Junsu closely. “Suie hyung! I missed you!! Play soccer with me!!” Junho’s son grabbed on tightly to his uncle’s thighs and attempted to pull Junsu along out of the study. “Go play outside. Your uncle and I have something to talk about.” Junho chided his son.

“Hyung… what happened? With the accident?” Junsu asked his brother concernedly, while the older man shrugs it off. “I will fill you in on that some other day.”

“Hyung… have you apologized? The man’s family would be so upset… it will be good if.” Junsu was interrupted by Junho, as the man raised a finger, motioning Junsu to stop speaking. “We will stop talking about this… understood?” Junsu knows it’s useless to rant on about it. He had made a decision to drop the topic, or at least til his father returns home. Junsu knows his father would be the one calling the shots for this issue.

“OH! Hyung… I have good news though! I got a transfer!” Junsu squealed as he hugged on to the official transfer document tightly, grinning from ear to ear. Junsu had dashed straight to the study room to check out which department he was posted to, the moment he sat foot into the house earlier on.

“I barely managed to convince appa… you will be joining my discipline though… I promised appa that I will have your back. You mind?” Junho asked with a concerned tone.

“Any department will do! I am not specialized anyways!” Junsu replied happily and dashed out of the room like an over excited puppy, without even changing out of the rags he is in. His next destination is to the field outside. It has been too long since he saw a proper soccer ball. A game will help ease his conflicted and uneasy heart.

POV from Junsu

I was surprised when the appa actually sent our family chauffeur to pick me up at the airport. He sure has his way of keeping track of my existence. I don’t remember telling him when my plane is landing… The reality just came sinking back into my mind the moment the plane touched down. The dread and misgivings returned like an unpleasant wave of salt water… flushing at my emotional sores…

And the most mind boggling thing that happened today… is that I got kissed. My first kiss was robbed… and I shall not elaborate. I have no idea how a kiss felt like… since I never actually kissed a living thing before, asides from my pet dog and cats.

I can’t believe I actually “agreed” on a date with him though… I don’t even know why I replied “yes”. This is all because he said he doesn’t take rejection kindly… and I didn’t want to lose a friend when I just made one! But I didn’t bargain for a date!!

I am very flattered by him though… WAIT!! Why am I sounding like a little girl? But I AM flattered!! He is the first human being that actually kissed me after all! But I don’t even see him romantically… I think.

When we were in school, I would be the type that nobody wants to look at… I think. I get many prank letters claiming to be love letters… and I do believe the contents sometimes, but Joongie says that only daft people will fall for such childish pranks. So I never dated, and I never really gave dating much thought either. Appa and hyung were, and still are very strict about my “curfews”… since forever… unbelievable right? I am 26 after all… If Joongie is mommy’s boy… then I am… what?

Anyways! I will be meeting Yoochunnie hyung the day after tomorrow… and I shall keep this to myself! Just in case appa and hyung tries to pry into my affairs again. I wanted to reunite the four of us at first… but he said that he wants to see me alone… maybe he has something he wants to tell me in private? Also, I actually do have good news to share with him as well! I got a transfer!!

Yoochunnie hyung is a good listener back when we were in India… and I like to tell him things about appa, since he kind of understands, even though we are pretty new acquaintances. Joongie says that I shouldn’t reveal too much information… but I did still like to share with him this good news when we meet. Maybe I can ask him to join me! Then I will finally have a colleague-friend… friend… you know.

The thing is, even though Minnie, Joongie and I graduated together, we had our placements in different hospitals since our intern days. I have always wanted them to join me… but they say that they like it better elsewhere… so I wanted to join them instead, but I never got to though. I still hold hopes that we can all work together someday!

And about hyung… I don’t know what to do about him. He insists that everything is well… and that he will tell me what I need to know when he thinks I need to know. Everyone is still treating me like a little boy… but I won’t complain. When the time comes… I will make appa and hyung apologise to the family. Think about it… If I were to be killed in a car accident, hyung would be super upset at the driver too right?… Hyung needs to understand that it is not that simple.

Hyung and I never experienced any close relative’s passing before… but I know, in reality, a loved one’s death is a very painful blow to the family. It’s been a month since the incident… and I don’t know how much forgiveness had appa or hyung salvaged, since hyung wouldn’t talk, so I think I will talk about it again when he and appa are more ready to listen.

Whatever it is, I am home now… I still have around one week of rest time to sort these issues out… and one more thing! SOCCER!! HERE I COME!!

Two days later…

“Jung sshi!” a tall handsome middle aged man, Junjin, called out to Yunho as he was changing into his scrubs. Yunho would usually don on a scrub suit instead of his white robe, as it is easier for him to enter the operating theatres without having to undress and dress up again.

The hospital Yunho works in, will be receiving a new doctor, Jaejoong. However, the designated mentor for Jaejoong had just called in sick, after fracturing his ankle. Yunho’s name is the last one on the list for mentorship activities, but there really isn’t anyone more experienced than him available. He had been working for approximately six years, but is never willing to participate in any mentor-mentee programmes.

The latest house officer that replaced the previous one was scared off by Yunho as well. Everyone would think that being female meant she would stand a better chance with Yunho, but there were direly mistaken. The poor lady was so nervous around Yunho that she totally blew her chances for impressing him.

Yunho subsequently labeled her the “mannequin”, the “flower vase”… usable only for decorative purposes and prevention of eye sores. She was dubbed so, since the day she ran and even fell down at the sight of the patient’s wound bleeding profusely.

“Yah! I’m not ready for another.” Yunho was cut off by a soft punch on his shoulder as the older man stuck his tongue out at him. “Boss’s orders. I heard he is some big shot. Be careful with him.”

“Those oldies! They still dare ask this favour of me after what they made me do?” Yunho was referring to the incident with Jaejoong’s mother. The board initially wanted Yunho to meet Jaejoong’s mother and apologise personally, but he would rather die than do that. The board had no choice but agree on the negotiated deal. Yunho had to e-mail her a sincere letter of apology, and accept whatever reply she gave with a “I apologise again”. Yunho’s mood was at the pit bottom for nearly a week because that.

“Anyhow, the new guy is a guy… again? When am I ever going to meet a potential date if this goes on?” Yunho complained as he snapped shut his locker with a loud bang and headed out after the older man, who was already waiting outside. “You are actually complaining when you are the one scared that babe away?” the older man laughed while Yunho stared back, he is not amused.

“Babe? What need do I have for a mannequin? She is a freaking reincarnate of a flower vase!” he replied and shoved the man a little. Yunho actually has a considerably wide social network, even though he is all prickly and sarcastic most of the time. People closer to him would know that he can be a real sweetheart when with his patients, and also when he is in a good mood, which is rare.

“You are not entirely straight are you? And since we have such lack in number of females in this profession, you can consider a guy!” his friend had brought up a good point and got Yunho wondering about why he had not considered any male colleagues. He had actually dated quite a few boys before, when he was still in school, but they never got to the stage where he did touch them. He still preferred s, and so he thinks.

“Whatever, as long as he or she is not a loser!” Yunho replied as they were making their way to the briefing room. But before reaching, Yunho had stopped all of a sudden and headed back where they came from “Yah Junjin, you go on ahead… I will catch up later.” Yunho had urged Junjin to go into the room without him.

He does not mean it when he says he did catch up.


POV from Yunho

I am getting a new junior just after I managed to dump one. They just wouldn’t allow me to go “solo” for once! I know I am kind of the “senior citizen” here… and I don’t need to guide anyone to feel like a senior! Plus, they can’t just give me an extra job without asking for my permission beforehand!

Also, my appa is at it again! Did I mention before that he is the director of the medical school I graduated from? Or rather… to get into any decent hospital… you have to graduate from my school… no… it’s his school. Anyhow, back to appa being a “” again… he is really stressing me out this time!

I can’t take it anymore! How can anyone be SO obsessed about awards? My entire wall is covered with nothing but certificates after certificates… my shelves have so many trophies stacking up already. My whole house is decorated with plaques, “toilet paper” like certificates, trophies… ALL GOLD… and medals... ALL GOLD as well! NOTHING else… Appa is a er for winning. He NEVER accepts the word “LOSE” or “SECOND” or “SILVER”, or “CONSOLATION”… Aish…

 I truly think that he regards me as nothing more than a trophy making machine. He has influenced me so much that I myself, cannot accept anyone who is less than a trophy making machine. What a appa does… will dictate what his son does. And I am the disgruntled, conformed and total sore loser son he churned out. I totally understand why umma left!

This die-before-losing concept is so drilled and ingrained in me that I can’t even apologise properly without feeling like committing suicide first! I hate myself sometimes… but most of the time, I hate the person who forces me to apologise even more! How pathetic am I?!

“Yunho yah! Where are you?! Your mentee is here already!” Junjin… hyung… or just Junjin. He had called me to enquire about my whereabouts… since I was missing from the briefing. Well… I had purposely skipped this session because I wanted my “upstairs” to know about my reluctance in complying!

“I am constipating. It’s not coming out.” I lied… but that will deter them. I will take my time… enjoy my freedom… do my ward rounds first, then “face the music” later. Those irritating a**! They need to know that I am an unwilling victim of their oppression!

“Which toilet Jung sshi? Boss wants me to you in case you feel weak from over-constipating. He said you can continue after you have met your latest life partner.” Not going to happen! Call of nature always comes first!

“Make me.” I hissed into the phone. This friend of mine knows how stubborn I can get. “Yah… Yunho yah! He is hot. I swear! Just come and see him for yourself.” Why is Junjin whispering? I can barely hear him! Wait! What is this? A hottie? Using a beauty to lure the man is such an outdated strategy!

 “Whatever. Good luck.” I hung up and secured my stethoscope around my neck, before making my way to the wards. I wish Junjin the best of luck when scouring through all those toilet cubicles!

The thing is… briefings are always a hassle! They contain nothing but gossips, politics… some bootlicking, and A LOT of hypocrisy. I avoid it as much as possible… unless there are important issues to discuss. So far, no one can make me go somewhere when I don’t want to.

My first patient of the day is this old lady with an intestinal obstruction… I operated on her a few days back. I do general surgery… meaning; I see all kinds of patients, as long as it’s under the umbrella of “surgery”. This is the field I specialize in, and that’s because, don’t mind me saying, I like having a… variety. Though “variety” is not the best word to be used in this context... Anyways, back to the old lady, she is doing well and I hope to discharge her by tomorrow! This type of cases makes my mood good! I like it when things are smooth-sailing! Who doesn’t?

“I knew you would be here!” Junjin’s irritating voice rang behind me as I was busy auscultating for her bowel sounds. I was almost done with a minute of monitoring the pattern, when that stupid voice has to interrupt me. This person better come prepared for some from me!

“YAH! You are so dead!” I walked over briskly and stared down at him threateningly, even though he is the same height as I am.

“Yunho yah! Don’t make my life any more difficult! PLEASE!!” Who is making whose life difficult? What is so important about this PUNY little house officer? He is just a house officer for god’s sake!! Who is/are the one(s) that is/are not allowing me to live my life peacefully huh?!

“Can’t you just take him?” I swore angrily at my senior... not bothering to hide my displeasure from the house officer standing behind him. I can’t be bothered!

“I have a whole bunch of interns for exchange if you want! I really don’t mind!” Junjin quipped at me with that stupid amused tone. Interns? No thanks… they are worse! “Yah! Hyung! Just take him with you!! Please! He is ONLY ONE person! Just one more!! Please!” I don’t know why I am begging him actually… I even called him hyung… which is rare.

“I can’t… my group is too packed! And I am still getting a new group from your appa’s school later… they will be here soon. Don’t waste my time!” Too packed?! Is this some sort of tour group to him? I didn’t retort… since his expression is already starting to get a little austere… debates over! I lose! I know I can’t push it whenever he goes through that face transformation.

“This is Jung Yunho. He is going to be your mentor til you pass your probation.” Junjin turned and spoke to the smaller figure behind him. That guy is possibly a head shorter than me… I can’t even see him with Junjin in the way… and then he spoke. He spoke! That’s rare! NO ONE speaks to me on our first meeting. Does he not know that I am the mentor from hell yet?

“A pleasure to meet you sir. My name is Kim Jaejoong.” He is a Kim… fortunately… I had sworn to blow serious if I ever hear the surname, Kwon, again. By the way, his tiny airy voice sounded really special, I was tempted to give a damn… to check him out… but I quickly decided against it.

“Uh huh.” I answered without looking at him. I did not even bother to shake his hands. He needs to know MY ground rules. That is, I don’t receive people nicely when… I don’t know… I am just not good with humoring people… and I can’t care less about giving a wonderful first impression. They need to know me… because I won’t bother to know them.

“Come with me.” I said to him in a half ordering tone, after Junjin had left. Without waiting for him to register my routine, I proceeded with my rounds. I did that on purpose actually… I just wanted to give him a hard start.

After a long while of treating him like an invisible being, I finally decided to spin around to check if he had actually caught up. I was kind of concerned; since I couldn’t sense his presence or hear his footsteps behind me. I turned suddenly and slammed right into a creature, of some sorts. And by creature, I meant the really really out of the world sort. Just my type. Uh hmm! He had stumbled back a little before regaining his position… I have to say that his body is unexpectedly soft too. Eh hmm!

A babe? Or a pretty man? Doesn’t matter!! … Stop staring Jung Yunho!! But he is the one that is staring at me so intensely though. Those eyes!! I can see the slightest frown forming on his beautiful… eye brows… his face is… SO… SO ATTRACTIVE!! I couldn’t actually pluck my eyes off him… and then I got really concerned about how I appear to him… very worried about his first impression of me.

I got concerned that I forgot to shave… that I forgot to comb my hair after tousling it while changing. And I haven’t washed my face this morning! I haven’t! AISH!! Who cares!

“Yah! Watch where you are going next time huh!” I think that just slipped out. I didn’t mean for me to say it in such a rude fashion… but I just did! I was the one who bumped into him first as well… but I WON’T apologise!

In response… there isn’t a response. He just knitted his eyebrows together and looked at me with an appalled expression. He appears to be very turned off by my rudeness. Oh dear… However, instead of speaking up like I thought he would, since his lips were quivering, he just kept his exquisite full lips tightly sealed. It’s as if he is having a hard time accepting my behavior, and is swallowing all his opinions with much difficulty.

I am seriously curious now! He does not cower or bother to look at me as though he is at my mercy. Through the way he is poised, I can see the sheer confidence coming from deep within him. Then I eyes travelled down from his face to his body, and saw how he was dressed so… so… not normal… abnormally. He is wearing this black tank top beneath his white robe, coupled by a tight pair of jeans... nothing fanciful or formal. Also, the top is so… I don’t know… I can even see some of the nice snowy skin it fails to cover. Don’t tell me he came in that?! All the house officers I met before were usually all dolled up in office wear!

He looked surreal though! … Ethereal in the iest manner! … Exuding such appeal… it’s almost difficult not to stare. I doubt any human, of both genders; can take their eyes off him. He looked like the type of punk that you will pull off the streets… except without the exaggerated accessories or dingly dangly stuff… He is a more elegant and classy version of a punk. AH! I know what he looks like!! He looks like a hooker! Hustler? Oh man, where did that come from?

“Are you a hooker? Dressed like that? Huh?” !!? I couldn’t keep my big fat mouth shut!! That remark just rolled right off my tongue! MY PRECIOUS FIRST IMPRESSION!! RUINED!!


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mizz_puchie #1
i always love your fics.....please write more author shi.....
eclipse #2
Update soon~~
omgomg #3
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to update soon! I love this. Yunho is sdjfklsdjf funny! and OMG Jaejoong's relationship with his mom so funny!!!
Sylvia14 #4
I don't know what's the right word to call Yunho's behavior - bipolar disorder? Split personality? LOL. A doctor, but contrary to the popular belief, he's a bully and the others dread seeing him,not to mention his predilection for bickering with mothers, including his own in "Acceptance..." and of course 'molesting' Jaejoong.
lol at the last line xDD
jae loves jiji very much~~
does yoochun already know about junsu's family?
hahaha !!!!! aww, joongie really loves jiji right ?!?! :)
sanasuki #7
awww, poor JIJU,become the victim..wae Yunho such a jerk?
finally yoochun meet junho...
will yoochun meet junsu too???and find out that junsu is junho's younger brother???
thanks for update...
LOL! I think jae was so adorable when he got scared n run from his mom !!!
omgomg #10
hahahahaha!!!! omg this is so funny!! I LOVE Jae's relationship with his mother. I laughed so hard! I hope Jae maintains his vigor against Yunho and not become someone defenseless and girly.. he should be strong and fight off Yunho too.