Beware the wolf

The road trip back to your heart. [Hiatus]


Hi! An update! ^.^

There will be fast forwards here and there... so please bear with me!! The saga will start soon! *bows*


POV from Mdm Kwon Boa (Jaejoong’s mother)

I met my husband way back when I was in high school… he was my high school sweetheart. But then again… everything happens to be a “was”… since he died even before Joongie was born. Our relationship was one of those subjected to endless objections and oppressions… but I kept us going by giving up everything I had.

I conceived my little Joongie when I was barely 18… and there wasn’t even anyone with me when I gave birth… since I was chased out of my house. My appa wouldn’t acknowledge my relationship… much less my child, and he did not even cast me a second glance when I turned my back on him and left… he did not try to stop me either.

Those were hard times! I was bringing my baby up single-handedly. And I barely have enough to feed my baby back then… but he was always a good boy. My precious precious child! He was everything I have left from the relationship that I had sacrificed everything for.

I remember how I would go out to work early in the morning and come home late at night… leaving my baby boy all alone in the house, even though he just became a toddler. I know I was a terrible mother… leaving two bottles of milk on the baby walker which I will leave him in for most of the day. Up til now, I still feel bad thinking about the past.

My baby is a very smart child though. He knew that if he was hungry, he could drink from the bottle… and I would rush home during lunch breaks just to check on him and change his diapers for him. Those were during desperate times when the neighbors are away… but he would never hold on to me or cry for me to stay. I never had a problem with taking care of him. He is just like a doll… I have never seen him cry since he past the age of six.

Then my appa died… I did not even get to see him for one last time… but I know that he had been watching me and helping me out in secret. Appa had unexpectedly willed his entire fortune and company to me though… so I choose to believe that he had forgiven me… and I truly hope so. Since I have no siblings or other close relative… my little Joongie was everything to me. I loved him with my life… and always will. Like every mother would.

For 26 years, I swear by allowing him to do anything he wanted… gave him everything he needed. Showering him with anything I can get my hands on… regardless of whether he had asked for it or not. He was my pillar of strength… a very important figure to me!

And for this quarter of a century… he never caused me to worry about him. He studied hard, only hung out with the people that I approved of. Made me proud with top grades… went to the top schools… and became a doctor, which was one of the options I gave him. To sum it all up, he is very obedient and I never needed to worry about him rebelling… up til this particular volunteering thing.

I never could understand what he sees in these activities. And I didn’t really know how to react to him being like this… so I lost. He ended up getting what he wanted… even though I had locked him up in his room just to keep him here… He managed to run away. Even having the “courtesy” to leave a long note of apology… I will get him for that when he comes back!

In the meantime, I have decided to pave his future for him… since he resigned from his housing hospital altogether. I have connections with the most prestigious and largest hospital in this country, so I shall utilize it to get my baby in. Since I have never liked the housing hospital he worked at. There are too many erts there. They like to feel him up, and even though he doesn’t say much, I know he feels very insulted.

Did I mention that my baby is a hottie? Just like me! It’s kind of understandable that people will like what they saw. People always say I look like his unnie… and I indulge myself in that sometimes. Since I AM still a hottie that can still make man swoon at my feet… youth isn’t something I have lost… yet.

OMO!! I almost forgot!! Talking about my youth and beauty… I met the most preposterous man on earth!! The tip top type of moron!! A… A… Aish!! I shan’t be childish and fight with a person younger than me! WAIT!! Maybe I should… I AM female… while HE is male… and that means I can around him right? He was the one who started it, by insulting me! He will pay!

Jung Yunho! That is his name!! I was in the hospital premise when I bumped into him. My mood was bad… his mood was… I don’t care! He had wronged me! NO ONE dares to stare me down like he did when I am in a foul mood! NO ONE!! My secretaries are trained to perform according to my mood… since I have to admit that menopause is getting to me already.

It didn’t take me long to think of what to do. I just dialed the CEO’s number and made the call. I don’t care if Jung sshi is the president’s son or even god’s son! He is going down! This hospital is dependent on my appa’s monetary support for so many years that he had somehow become a “shareholder” as well… though it is still pretty much government funded, the board still has to treat me with the necessary support.

“Just leave him be, Boa… he barks worse than he bites.” That was the reply I got. But I was adamant on receiving an apology… so his boss promised me he will get that person to take responsibility for his behavior.  Actually… I don’t even care about the apology! I just want to humiliate him like he had humiliated me in public… childish right? Shhhh! My son does not need to know about this!

Oh! And back to my boy! He is coming back in exactly thirty three days, twelve hours and fifty minutes… oh! Fourty-nine minutes! Every second without him by my side will mean an edgy and petulant me. He is my best cure for foul mood, depression, bad days and basically… every day. Even bad hair days!

In the meantime, I will get the ahjumma to redecorate his room again. That wallpaper is no longer in fashion… and the study table is there for too long! I think I will get him a new set. The sofa and the shelves need to match well though… so… I think I will change everything! AH! Also, the chandelier is already outdated! There is this new pattern of Swarovski crystal that caught my attention the other day. I think I will get a matching one for myself as well.


“Ah Choo!” Jaejoong sneezed once while his friends and the new member to their pack sat facing one another on the train to the volunteer destination. “Jae hyung! Mommy’s boy! Your umma must be thinking about you again!” Changmin teased.

Yoochun had decided to join them after Junsu’s “sincere” urgings, and Jaejoong is not the least pleased about his friend’s decision. Even though Junsu did wake him up in the middle of the night to ask him for consent, he still felt that Junsu shouldn’t have stuck his nose into Yoochun’s business.

Jaejoong also got very concerned when he saw Junsu in that sari, but his friend sees it as a simple glitch that will bring about no repercussions. Jaejoong ended up blaming Changmin again and threatening to snap that youngest’s head off if anything had happened to Junsu.

POV from Jaejoong

I think umma is already tearing down my room… I can almost sense her thinking about me… but then again, when does she not? She can get really obsessive at times… but umma will always be umma… and I will always love more than anything else in the world… I truly believe that.

Anyways… back to last night. I was going to donate my clothes to Suie when Changmin offered a something else instead… and when I found out what Suie had been wearing, I almost had a heart attack. What the heck was that? He might as well not be wearing anything!

That big kid came knocking at our room door dressed in that… that… and asked me if the stranger could join. I threw a question back at him, asking him if he had already mentioned our travel agenda to the stranger… and he said yes. He told me that the stranger “agreed” to join… so I had lashed out at him, hence, the awkward silence between us now. He still thinks I am angry.

He could have consulted us before actually talking to that guy about it. I know how he likes to get ahead of himself and do things that he will regret… though I don’t actually mean that he will regret this… but it’s just that… He is TOO open to options and people! TOO… as in overboard…

I like that personality of his… always kind to everyone else… always including people that he thinks might be lonely… when alone… seriously?! Which part of the guy looked lonely to him? That guy is here on a backpacking trip for god’s sake! Aish… I don’t mind him doing that during our project works in school last time… or even during attachments… I really don’t! But we barely know this guy! … You see what I’m getting at?

I feel unsafe… since I am like the only one who has a keen sense for danger. This two babo with me are the definition of pure innocence! It’s not that I am not innocent!!… I am CLEVERLY innocent. They are… just innocent. GULLIBLE is the word!! Yes!

To tell you the truth… I hate the way that guy stares dreamily at my friend! I don’t like it! It is not a erse look or anything… just uncalled for! I know my friend is cute… and I know he is as sweet as sugary syrup… but no tasting is allowed unless you go through ME, JUNHO HYUNG and even CHANGMIN. And the buyer will not be allowed a refund! Metaphorically… However, he does not make the cut! Sorry about that!

I degressed… Anyways, we are still stuck in the train on our way to Orissa… and all ready to go. I am so looking forward to visiting their tourist attractions!! We have talked about going for a walk around during our free time. I heard they have beautiful beaches there! Wait… why am I even talking about the tourism stuff? We are going there for labour, not leisure. Labour… Maybe I can use this word to make the stranger waver… should I make full use of it?

“Yoochun sshi… you can change your mind now… it’s not too late! Suie tends to see the world through rose-coloured glasses… he might make things sound much better than it actually is…” this warning came from the bottom of my heart… with a little bit of bigotry. I want him to give up the idea so bad that I don’t mind putting him in the spot.

“I know it will be tough. I have been to the army before… we crawled along with mud skippers and slept with a layer of mud cake on us for days.” Is he trying to get back at me for assuming he is not MAN enough?! Is he actually trying to intimidate me with his army stories instead!?! Some balls he has there!!

Before I could answer, Suie and Minnie were all over him… enquiring about how their army days would be like in future… with the adorable looks of anticipation… Since when has he become such a popular figure among the two? “Yah! Army is purely subjective! Everyone’s experiences will differ, so no point in asking!” Aish!

Somehow or rather, my other personality had emerged… and I can’t seem to agree with anything that guy says, even though he did not say anything wrong or unpleasant.

Only Suie and Minnie are able to tell whenever this second nature of mine rears its ugly head. There is a reason why people think I am one hell of a fierce or over-defensive person… which I am not exactly… it’s just my brotherly mechanism bossing me around again.

The two pals of mine did try to butter me up a little after I threw a “silent fit”… but I chose to ignore them for the rest of the train ride. Because of this… nothing but awkward silence ensued. I know I am being an … but I just can’t sense any good coming out of this guy! How do I get that across to Suie? He is always so accepting of others… much less his benefactor!

This guy is complicated… very complicated indeed. I have noticed how somber he would look whenever he is looking out of the window; away from us… how he wore that almost… angry… kind of look on his face. Vengeful… with a little resentment… ESPECIALLY when we mention the word “family”!

I suggest we stay away from him. I am usually open to socializing… but this guy is way out of our league. He gives a whole new meaning to the word “complex”!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A couple of weeks later…

“CATCH!!” Junsu shouted as he kicked the rattan ball in Yoochun’s direction. The four are currently engaged in a game of “football”, and Junsu is enjoying himself since Jaejoong had started to open up a little to Yoochun over the past two weeks.

Jaejoong was always on guard against Yoochun and treated the man like a predator trying to get fresh with one of his little lambs. However, Yoochun had exuded a unique charm that could sweep even the most cynical person off his feet.

His experience in the medical field had earned him the respect of both of Jaejoong’s best friends, and though it is frustrating for Jaejoong, he has himself to take care of as well, since he himself couldn’t help but admire the man as well. But only in secret though.

“Joongie!! HOW COULD YOU MISS?!! You were so close!!” Junsu yelled at his friend as the other man kicked the ball towards the goal post and missed it by a few inches. Junsu is always psyched when it comes to spherical objects, and Yoochun is now aware of that. It was his idea to play as he wanted to see more of that side of Junsu.

Junsu’s wails and adorable squeals never fails to fascinate him and make him loosen up, whenever he is all tensed up from thinking about things back home.

POV from Yoochun

I have not expected to do anything fruitful during my trip here, but I ended up spending a good twelve hours a day working for a good cause.

Every day will be wake up, wash up with whatever water we can find, drive in to our destination of the day, station there til everyone is too tired to move and then retreat back to wash up again. We slept in that caravan-like vehicle most of the time… and we would either bunk on the floor or on hammocks…

It is truly tiring… but the experience is no less fun than the little angel had promised. I bonded with the three friends well enough to share my life story with them… and they would too. I feel bad about keeping my parent’s death a secret though… I only told them that I am here to rethink my career option… which is not the truth.

I think the one name Jaejoong… the pretty one. He is the only one that can see through me. That is rare! No one can tell that I am not being truthful except him… and it is dangerous to hang out too much around him. I choose to stay closer to the other two more unsuspecting ones.

Why is it that I am sounding more and more like a con man or something? … Anyways… I did use my time to plan the next step of my career… so it’s not exactly a lie either.

To sum up the benefits of this trip, I was able to clear up my mind and think more objectively… it kind of gave me a “make-over” in mood. And I have to admit that I have fallen in love as well… I have allowed myself to indulge in the blissful feeling… should I confess? Will I have time for love? There are things that I have yet to do.

I was given paid leave for two weeks before I came here… so I had two weeks of extra time to settle my parent’s funeral… look through their will… settle their properties… and most importantly! To source around for possible witness for their accident!

My parents are rich folks… so I will not lie about how comfortably I have lived my life over the years. I am pretty much self-sufficient though… so I used part of the money they have left me, to start a full-fledged search for their murderer… I even used my connections with the police… and then I found him.

Believe me… I wanted to rip his head off his neck when I first saw him… but I have decided to devise something more elaborate for him instead. I intend to join the hospital he works in. I can find out more about him from there, and then I can play him around a little.

The reason why I am so vengeful is pretty clear cut. HE was NEVER found guilty of drunk driving. I was prepared to throw in big money for hiring the best lawyers to fight this case for me… I even went head on with him and his over-bearing father… but I could do a single thing since the police were so hesitant about pressing charges for drunk driving! He was nowhere near convicted even though I was so sure that he was drinking!

It does not require a genius to know that he had been drinking! That bastard’s vehicle was caught on traffic cameras, swerving around the road where my parents crashed; he could not even drive straight!! I even saw the video footage myself… since my friend was one of the policemen involved in the case… that bastard was drunk for sure!

I can swear on my parent’s name!! I know how a drunkard behaves!! I see hundreds of them admitted into the emergency department for falls because they can barely walk straight!

But lo and behold! His blood alcohol level was way below unacceptable!! I almost couldn’t believe my own eyes when my friend had showed me the report. The worst part is that his blood alcohol test was done in HIS FATHER’S HOSPITAL!! How convenient is that?! Someone tell me!!

And of course I wouldn’t take it lying down… so I wanted to sue them for possible tampering of evidence… but the police ruled that possibility out! They actually ruled out such an obvious possibility!! They even told me that unless I have a sample of the murderer’s blood on that day itself, they can’t do anything!

My parents died… both of them!! All because of his recklessness… and there is only an insignificant law suit that is still ongoing, in a bid to revoke his license and throw him into jail for two weeks… two weeks ONLY!

And as if this is not the worse news, his father would not even accept a two weeks sentence… so the police are still in the process of tussling with him over the jail term. However, I shan’t give a damn about two weeks!! He deserves more than that!

A part of me had also died the day I heard him claiming that he doesn’t remember anything about the accident… a BIG chunk of my conscience just dissipated and I have made the decision since then to ruin this despicable creature to the best of my abilities!

And as expected… his attorney naturally assisted him to plead guilty for sleeping behind the wheels. Saying things like he is too tired from working night shifts… and he can be pardoned because of that. RUBBISH!! ONLY he knows what he did! I WILL make him spit out the truth one day!! If he

Who would pity my parents? They didn’t deserve to die that like! That bastard will pay for their death! I don’t care if he was REALLY sleeping… he needs to know that my parents are dead BECAUSE OF HIM, and he will need to pay a bigger price than what he have got.

I can’t bend the law like they had… but I will make him pay in my own way. I already have a private investigator behind his story… and I shall return home a vicious man, capable of ruining him like he had ruined my life. No! Should I just ruin his family like he had ruined mine?


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mizz_puchie #1
i always love your fics.....please write more author shi.....
eclipse #2
Update soon~~
omgomg #3
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to update soon! I love this. Yunho is sdjfklsdjf funny! and OMG Jaejoong's relationship with his mom so funny!!!
Sylvia14 #4
I don't know what's the right word to call Yunho's behavior - bipolar disorder? Split personality? LOL. A doctor, but contrary to the popular belief, he's a bully and the others dread seeing him,not to mention his predilection for bickering with mothers, including his own in "Acceptance..." and of course 'molesting' Jaejoong.
lol at the last line xDD
jae loves jiji very much~~
does yoochun already know about junsu's family?
hahaha !!!!! aww, joongie really loves jiji right ?!?! :)
sanasuki #7
awww, poor JIJU,become the victim..wae Yunho such a jerk?
finally yoochun meet junho...
will yoochun meet junsu too???and find out that junsu is junho's younger brother???
thanks for update...
LOL! I think jae was so adorable when he got scared n run from his mom !!!
omgomg #10
hahahahaha!!!! omg this is so funny!! I LOVE Jae's relationship with his mother. I laughed so hard! I hope Jae maintains his vigor against Yunho and not become someone defenseless and girly.. he should be strong and fight off Yunho too.