You again? ...

The road trip back to your heart. [Hiatus]


Hi! An update!

Do forgive me if you find this too draggy! *bows*

Introduction of Yunho-Jaejoong umma feud next!

Do stay and read! *claps hands together*


The three friends were scheduled to travel down to the eastern part of India after a day of resting in the capital. They will be able to get whatever basic necessities that they needed to survive the next month or so, from the capital. Usually, the three will buy more food stuff so they can distribute to the villagers they interact with as well, after all, their families are rich and can afford the excess.

The volunteer project leader had assigned the three to report to the hospital when they arrive at their destination, they will be assigned work to do there. The three of them had ended up with a mobile clinic when they were in Africa. This time will probably be the same as they would be around for a substantial period and the project leader was hoping they would cover more areas.

Yoochun on the other hand, had actually planned to just travel throughout India via train so he can have all the time in the world to think his life through. Trains take a longer time than planes, so he had gladly opted for that option.

 “Yoochun sshi. How long will you be staying here for?” Junsu asked Yoochun as they sat beside each other in the cab ride back to their hotels. The three friends have ended up sharing a taxi with Yoochun because he could somehow articulate better in front of the locals. And since the three friends have yet to meet their translator, they could barely get a meter past the airport’s main exit.

“I am probably staying a month or so.” Yoochun answered after thinking through the question. He had reconsidered his intended length of stay as the heat was still something he still needs to adapt to.

“Oh! You like India? Back packing?” Junsu asked happily as he plastered his face onto the window, eyes gleaming with excitement as he takes in the strange sightings. There were cows and tricycles everywhere as their cab drove pass, this is something they do not see often back home. “You guys here for back packing too?” Yoochun was curious about their travel agenda since they looked like they spent more than a decade in India.

“Nope. We are headed to east India tomorrow… we will be volunteering at the hospital there.” Junsu had replied honestly while Jaejoong looked on uncomfortably. He wanted to opt for more discretion, and felt that Junsu should not reveal so much information to a stranger. Yoochun could sense his unrest.

“Hm? Hospital?” the word had sparked Yoochun interest. He wondered about why the three people would volunteer at a hospital. “To build a hospital?” Yoochun could not contain his curiosity. They did look like construction workers with that unsightly get up.

“We could do that next time! But we will probably run a mobile clinic this time…” Junsu chuckled happily. He had remained as honest as ever. Totally trusting…

“What are you people? Doctors?’’ Yoochun’s curiosity heightened and he could barely contain his excitement. If they are doctors, then they are the same kind.

“Eh? How did you know?” Junsu asked, surprised that Yoochun would suggest that.

“Really? All three of you?” Yoochun asked excitedly. He couldn’t believe his luck. He had not only met three Koreans… he had met three doctors. That is just too rare.

Junsu nodded his head and said, “We are rookies though… but this trip will give us more experience so we look forward to it.”

“How old are you guys.” Yoochun asked finally. They looked like they were barely twenty to Yoochun.

“Twenty six.” Changmin had chipped into the conversation suddenly, sounding very proud of his age, as though satisfied that he is no longer a little boy. Jaejoong felt that the question was really unnecessary as well and hit Changmin on the back, prompting him to keep his trap shut.

After Jaejoong’s obvious display of disapproval, Yoochun had decided to allay his anxiety a little, by letting them know more about himself. “I am thirty three. I am a doctor as well… from SNUH. I am pleasantly surprised to meet three doctors here… it’s a pleasure!”

“EH?” the three pairs of eyes widened as they stare at him.

POV from Junsu

Omo! I just met a fellow doctor here! OMO!! I am so excited!!! We have been away from the familiar surrounding for too long… and to meet someone that shares a similarity here just heightened my excitement! I want to know more about him… he even works at the biggest hospital back home!!

“I practice in the emergency medicine department… but I have only been there for two years though... very enriching experience for me.” Yoochun sshi had given us a brief background introduction. Omo!! I would like to work at an emergency department as well!! Appa insists on keeping me in the paediatrics department no matter how many times I beg him for a transfer… that department is just not the place for me… I can’t bear seeing any more sick children… plus, some treatment regimens can even come off as cruel.

Even Joongie and Minnie got to work in their preferred settings! Then to make things worse, I have to witness a senior consultant falsify a report so that the child of their bias could get the organ transplant first… that boy had this benefit because his parents were filthy rich… The contesting child, another girl, eventually lost the suitable organ to the boy… she even passed away as a result. These unethical practices happening around me every day is driving me to my moral limits. Appa knows I don’t condone such practices… yet instead of trying to change them, he tries to change my perception.

As for that incident, I can’t forgive those people who were involved… appa included! And of course myself… I had not been courageous enough to speak up against these unethical acts. I knew I could have turned the situation around… and gave the girl a fair fight… but I didn’t. I just allowed the opportunity to slip away… I really hate myself for that! Those patients entrusted their life to us… yet we exploited this trust, just to gain some benefits from it.

“Suie… what’s with that face again?” Joongie had poked at my cheeks as I pouted… I always pout when I am reminded of that incident. I swore that after returning, I will make things right again! I will no longer stand by and watch the higher ups bend the rules and principles to their advantage!

“Nothing… just tired.” I mustered a smile at Joongie and rested my face on his palms… I like how Joongie is always so sensitive to my feelings… especially when I am feeling down.

“I think we are here.” Yoochun sshi had said softly before the cab actually stopped at our hotel.

We looked like a bunch of villagers from the countryside trying to check into a big and well furnished hotel. There is this really stark difference between the way we are dressed and the other occupant’s dress codes… I have never seen such colorful costumes before! OMO!! The women here are only wearing a severely undersized t-shirt under that nearly transparent veil!! This is such indecent exposure!!!

I was busy trying to avoid looking at those under-dressed beings when Yoochun sshi had returned with our room keys in hand.

You see… I don’t know what is this special connection we have… but whenever we are meant to go separate ways, we will somehow bump into one another again. After I almost went on my knees out of gratitude for the favour earlier on, we had bumped into one other again outside the airport. Under the same hopeless circumstances again… while we were trying to communicate with the cab driver.

Yoochun sshi had kindly offered to “” us to our hotels this time round… he even helped us with the room arrangements…

I know… I am making us sound useless though that’s not totally true… but it still is when applied here… since something did happen again. Minnie, who was in charge of booking the room, had screwed up… so we ended up with two rooms when the initial plan was one… I shall not adopt the blame system and solve the problem calmly!

I tried and tried… I really did… but the staff did not seem to get me… so Yoochun sshi had to intervene again. And somehow or rather, we ended up with the consensus that he will share the extra room with one of us… and as if I don’t feel bad enough for dragging him into this… Yoochun sshi had to insist on paying… I didn’t even get a chance to pull out my credit card! … What to do? I shall pay for his dinner then…

This is how Yoochun sshi had ended up stuck with us… even though he should be travelling around freely by himself… I feel so bad!!

“I don’t want to share a room with a stranger!” Minnie had made his stand really clear… in front of the “stranger” at that… how embarrassing… he is our benefactor for god’s sake! To think we are actually monkeying around that matured man… I wonder how he views us now… we are all doctors right? Why is it that we are so different?

“I will share the room with Yoochun sshi then.” The problem solving mechanism within me had kicked in before I could curb it. Since I was the one who had met Yoochun sshi first… I will naturally feel more comfortable around him… I think… but it wouldn’t be fair to make Joongie or Minnie share a room with him right? It will be better for me to volunteer myself instead of picking lots.

“Are you sure you are alright with sharing a room with me?” Yoochun sshi had asked me. In truth... this question had made me feel really bad. We are the ones imposing on him yet he is still so accommodating towards us… he is such a nice guy!!

“Of course I wouldn’t mind!! Don’t be bothered by Minnie’s childish tantrums! He just needs to sleep it off.” I reassured Yoochun sshi and even tried to carry his back pack for him. He wouldn’t allow it though… I just wanted him to feel more at ease around me.

“Minnie?” He asked me as if I have spoken some foreign language….

“Minnie is Changmin-ie… like me. I am Su… so Su-ie. Jaejoong-ie and you are Yoochun-ie.” I believe he needed an explanation of the mechanism behind our way of addressing each other… how does he address his friends anyway? “Yoochunie.” Sounds endearing! I subconsciously repeated his name again and accidentally looked into his piercing black pupils. Woah! They are luring me into another dimension. “Yes?” He asked.

“Ah! Nothing! Your dinner is on me!” I need to change a topic! The way he was looking at me had made me feel so shy all of a sudden! I don’t like to feel shy! I am usually a sociable person!!

POV from Yoochun


I had parted ways with the little angel that I just our first meeting… I could feel the unwillingness to part ways deep inside… since it is not every day that I get to meet people who speak the same language as me… an angel at that! I hope to meet him again someday… I only have a name though… how many Kim Junsu exists in Korea anyways… how the hell do I find him?

Then on my way out of the airport, I saw the cab queue being held up by a bunch of tourists. Upon closer inspection, the bunch of “tourists” is actually the three people I had just parted ways with. Hmmm… they seem to have encountered some form of problems again… lost in translation again? … All three of them this time…

“Where would you like him to go?” I had gone up to them subconsciously and offered my help again. Apparently, they have a booking at a hotel near the train station... pretty far away from the airport… wait… a hotel? The way they are dressed didn’t make sense… but I shall not judge too quickly.

I had decided to be the gentle man and offered to accompany them since I am headed somewhere nearby… we ended up sharing a cab… or more like a “sharing more about yourself” session.

The little angel and his pals are doctors as well… such youth and vigor! A reminder of what I was and still am! I am so drawn to him especially when he babbles on and on about how he aspires to be like me…

He doesn’t know that it’s not good to be me though… Anyways, I have never encountered anyone more bipolar and expressive than him! He can go from high to very low within a split second… what an interesting person!

Due to my unwillingness to part, I had ended up settling the issues they have at the hotel as well. Fate really is playing a joke on me… we somehow ended up sharing a room as well.

I have to admit that I had suggested that we share the room… since the staff had insisted that will be no last minute cancellation. I thought through my options and decided that I quite like the ambience of this hotel, so I had decided that I would “buy” the other room from them since they have an extra.

However, when I requested for an extra guest bed for one of them, the staff said we have two rooms for four… so they wouldn’t provide that… one of them had to bunk in with me.

The tallest one had insisted that he would not share a room with strangers… the icy looking one just remained looking like he would bite my head off. Fortunately… I had gained something out of this hassle… I actually get to spend a night with the little angel… literally.

We had “happily” retreated to our separate rooms when the icy looking one insisted that the little angel stay with them… he even volunteered to sleep on the floor so his friend to do so… do I look like some predator to him?

The reason behind him suggesting that was partly because the beds were a single king size… I don’t feel insulted or anything… but I have to agree that the little angel needs to be more aware of his surroundings… not everyone’s intentions are as pure as mine.

Do forget about what I just said though, I am NOT ually frustrated or anything… okay… maybe just a TEENY WEENY bit.


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mizz_puchie #1
i always love your fics.....please write more author shi.....
eclipse #2
Update soon~~
omgomg #3
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to update soon! I love this. Yunho is sdjfklsdjf funny! and OMG Jaejoong's relationship with his mom so funny!!!
Sylvia14 #4
I don't know what's the right word to call Yunho's behavior - bipolar disorder? Split personality? LOL. A doctor, but contrary to the popular belief, he's a bully and the others dread seeing him,not to mention his predilection for bickering with mothers, including his own in "Acceptance..." and of course 'molesting' Jaejoong.
lol at the last line xDD
jae loves jiji very much~~
does yoochun already know about junsu's family?
hahaha !!!!! aww, joongie really loves jiji right ?!?! :)
sanasuki #7
awww, poor JIJU,become the victim..wae Yunho such a jerk?
finally yoochun meet junho...
will yoochun meet junsu too???and find out that junsu is junho's younger brother???
thanks for update...
LOL! I think jae was so adorable when he got scared n run from his mom !!!
omgomg #10
hahahahaha!!!! omg this is so funny!! I LOVE Jae's relationship with his mother. I laughed so hard! I hope Jae maintains his vigor against Yunho and not become someone defenseless and girly.. he should be strong and fight off Yunho too.