Then an angel comes along

The road trip back to your heart. [Hiatus]


Hi! An update! ^,^

I apologise for being too draggy... and will defintiely try to hasten the chapters as much as possible!

Do stay and read! Please do comment as well, and provide me with areas for improvements! Thank you. *bows*


The next morning...

“Urgh…” Yoochun stirred as he brought his hands up to his throbbing temples and turned the pounding sides to rest on his soft satiny pillow. Trying to sit up but to no avail, Yoochun lay with his eyes half parted, trying to figure out if he is really at home.

The curtains were slightly parted, and the sunlight is streaming in, warming up Yoochun’s cool cheeks as he continued the state of daze and disorientation. “Aish…” Yoochun sighed as he made a recollection of how he ended up in his own bed, all cleaned up, and only in the jeans he had on last night.

He also calculated silently in his mind, the odds of Junsu being the one bringing him back, cleaning up his vomitus, and tucking him in nicely. The possibility is high. Then he wondered how high the odds are, of Junsu being still somewhere around the house, or sleeping in the living room. Possibility for this is low.

Nevertheless, Yoochun still harbored a little hope that the younger man might still be around, so he pushed himself up slowly, and staggered out of his room. Greeted by the empty living room and hallway, the man sighed dejectedly and made his way back into his master bedroom again, for a nice long shower.

Stripping down to his boxers, the man took a quick look at his wrist, a habitual action he does to check for punctuality, and realised that his watch is removed as well. Sulking, Yoochun complained in his head, about Junsu’s willingness to tidy him up, yet disinclined to stay the night.

Slipping out of the bathroom, Yoochun made his way to the grandfather clock in the living room, to check the exact time. It was almost 8 in the morning. This clock is the only family heirloom he got from his dead parents’ room, an antique that does not suit his furnishing, but still accurate as any other, something for him to remember his parents by.

“Ding dong.” Yoochun jumped upon hearing the doorbell ring while he was still spacing out in front of the clock. He wasn’t expecting visitors, so he had immediately wrapped the towel in his hands, around his boxer, and opened the door. There wasn’t anyone outside, but he could see a figure darting off to the lift lobby. The back view looked familiar, so Yoochun called out the first name he could think off. “Junsu!! Is that you?! Aren’t you going to greet me first?!”

Yoochun shouted after the person and was about to give chase when he tripped over an unexpected bundle, left at his door step, causing him to fall with a loud thud. “AIGOO!! What the!!” Yoochun cursed under his breath as he examined the obstacle in front of him. “JUNSU YAH!!” he quickly recovered from the fall, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

“OH!! Yoochunnie hyung!! Are you up already?” Junsu was about to enter the lift when he heard someone calling out for him.  He only intended to deliver breakfast on his way to work, since he wanted to “comfort” the guy, but then again, he did not actually know what to say to Yoochun, so he was hoping not to run into the man.

“Rushing off somewhere?” Yoochun sat awkwardly on the floor, with the towel and boxer dangling loosely on his hip. Junsu wanted to bolt at first, but forced himself to retreat back to the apartment. Helping the man up gingerly, Junsu retrieved the bundle and handed it to him while they stood facing each other awkwardly.

“It’s my first day of work today hyung… I’m glad to see that you are alright…” Junsu said softly and glanced at his watch. Noticing Junsu’s troubled’s expression, Yoochun placed a hand onto Junsu’s shoulder and said gently. “Sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you last night. Good luck on your first day.” Yoochun bent down and looked the younger man in the eye, before kissing him softly on the lips, earning a fierce blush.

“Bye.” Junsu hurriedly broke off their prolonged bodily contact and rushed off, into the still available lift, squeezing into the shadows to conceal the tomato colour flush on his pale cheeks. “YOU WILL HAVE TO MEET ME AGAIN FOR THE LUNCH BOXES!” Yoochun shouted before the lift door closes on them.

POV from Yoochun

My day isn’t too bad after all.

It started off with me waking up and feeling disappointed that the little angel wasn’t around… and then he came fluttering to my door step. With cute little wings. Transforming what would be instant ramen for my breakfast, to a traditional Korean breakfast set.

He was really shy today though… refusing to look me in the eye, trying to run away, and shying away from my kiss. Seriously? I suspect that I have said something wrong last night… maybe something that rubbed him the wrong way. Goodness me… I don’t remember having the tendency to talk rubbish when I am drunk!

My seniors use to praise me for being the most rational drunkard in the world. No one ever needed to drag me home or tell me to stop spouting nonsense when I am drunk! I believe that is how the little angel managed to bring me home at the first place… I am the type that can even fill up an application form after a few bottles of booze and throwing up.

What did I say to him then? “I want to sleep with you?” “Spend a night with me?” Maybe I said something like, “I want to do you til you drop…” something like that? Aish!! Not possible!!

Thinking back about my relationship with him… I can only say that we had nothing but one hell of a streak of bad luck. From our first date… til our second date… which is last night… til the third meeting… which just happened. There really isn’t anything memorable to speak of. Unless we can actually count how we screwed up as memorable.

Whatever it is, I am going to see him again to return these plastic boxes to him… so we can start communicating from there. It’s his first day of work today… so I shall not be a douchebag and cost him his punctuality point. Anyhow, if he is faced with any problems at work, it is unlikely that he would need to turn to me… since he already has two awesome friends. I only hope that he will at least have a place for me at the back of his mind when he is thinking about confiding in someone.

I don’t want to sound like I am promoting myself, but it is true that he can rest well knowing that his secret is safe with me. I will not even tattle tell on him when I am drunk! I swear!

While still basking in the “love” that the little angel had brought about with his appearance, I turned around to re-enter my apartment, just to find that the door is already shut... tightly sealed. MUST BE THE WIND!! !! MY KEYS!! I AM OFFICIALLY LOCKED OUT OF MY OWN HOME!!

My key is pretty high tech… since it’s just a magnetic thing… but I still can’t do anything without it! I SHOULD HAVE GONE FOR THE PASSWORD LOCK!! DAMN MY LIFE!! TO BE ME!! And I’m still in my boxer and towel. GOD!!! There is only one way to get inside without having to contact the locksmith… which will still be unhelpful in my case. A pretty radical solution I have thought of before, but NEVER tried out!


Planning my next move, I placed the bundle onto the floor, ducked and hid as I made my way to lobby. I don’t need anyone to charge me for flashing in public!

Then I found the pipe closest to my kitchen window… and hopefully, they are opened. Taking a deep breath, I hugged onto the pipe… shivering at the sudden contact with the cold COLD metal on my bare skin… and started shuffling upwards. Exerting my well trained biceps, using the towel as harness belt for safety, I scaled the pipe inches by inches, taking note to check for the presence of my loose boxers. I think I will get new boxers too.

My apartment is private lodging, and there are definitely security guards around… so I made sure I was fast enough to avoid detection. This is the most exasperating day of my life!! The biting wind… the ness… the headache!! AIGOO!!

About my ingenious plan, I can only say that I have always taken note off the thick pipe right beside my windows, but I never actually thought I would have a use for it. At least my smart brain did contemplate using that when I was locked out once after I was robbed… so here I am, finally having the chance to try out how it feels to be spiderman. Except that I have replaced the suit with a nice navy boxer. “CHUN PARK-ER fighting!”

Reaching my level, which is the seventh storey, I willed myself not to look down as I proceeded to give my windows a hard push. They opened. THEY ARE NOT LOCKED!! THANK GOD!! Then I untied the towel around my waist and the pipe, and scrambled onto the concrete structure, before throwing myself into the kitchen sink.

This… is an example of unforgettable. My arms are hurting, my thighs are sore from all the clinging and my is half frozen. I am SO changing the lock!! Password or not, as long as it does not require a freaking key!!


A week later…

Over the course of a week, Yoochun had received a call of acceptance and even attended the two days orientation course, but he did not meet Junsu there, since the younger man has already had his.

Yoochun had specifically applied for Junho’s department, with the excuse that he is interested in whatever Junho’s department does. Nonetheless, Junho’s department generally includes a lot of heart and lung surgery, and Yoochun is actually relatively new to the discipline, the medical board was hesitant about allowing the man a place there.

He had to lie to the hospital’s medical board that he wanted to branch into that discipline as his permanent specialty, though he knows that it will tough there. Rumors have it that cardio doctors usually start work with an episode of active resuscitation, and end their day with one more. That is no joke, but Yoochun feels the need to do it anyways.

Junsu, on the other hand, is just thankful that he got to go somewhere other than the paediatrics department. Everybody in that department is well aware that Junsu and Junho are from the same package, and treats the younger man well.

Junsu started work earlier than Yoochun, and is almost fully functional under his brother’s strict guidance. However, as time passes, it became painfully obvious to Junsu that his brother isn’t doing many things right, and no matter how Junsu tries to talk his brother out of it, he would only get sweeping statements like, “You don’t know.” Or “I do this so you won’t have to do it.”

Junho truly believes that with him around to do whatever dirty task required of him, Junsu would be spared. The Kim brother’s relationship is hence, strained.

“Seonsaengnim! This is Park Yoochun seonsaeongnim here with me.” A tall lady brought Yoochun to Junho’s room and made the introduction. Junho did not know anything about Yoochun, but Yoochun knows perfectly well, who he is. An adversary.

“A pleasure meeting you. My name is Kim Junho… and I am head of this department. We pretty much cover all forms of surgery that includes the thorax.” Junho said with a smile, while reaching a hand out for handshake.

Yoochun was hesitant about touching the man’s hands at first, but he quickly faked a warm smile and even shook the hand with as much enthusiasm as he can manage. Junho did not see through Yoochun’s perfect front, and neither can the people beside them. In fact, he had taken the pains to practice smiling in front of the mirror since a few days back. “A pleasure meeting you too.” Yoochun’s voice cracked and he cleared his throat as a hidden form of expressing his abhorrence and disgust.

“I assume you have been given your orientation?” Junho smiled at Yoochun again, while the man tries his best to reply cheerily. “Fresh out of orientation! This hospital is pretty well established!” Yoochun most definitely did not mean what he just said.

“How much experience do you have in this field?” Junho asked as he led Yoochun to the wards for an introduction to the rest of the staff. “I was a surgeon for a few years… but the last two years were spent in emergency medicine.” Yoochun said while trying not to look bored.

“You can start working once you get yourself used to the system here. There will be a few months of probation as well… but you can just treat it as any other normal working day. Junho smiled at Yoochun again, making the other man’s blood boil. Yoochun had to constantly remind himself to keep up the blithe spirit, for a good first impression.

Upon reaching the meeting room, their final destination in the ward tour, Yoochun is met with a whole group of new faces, wearing the usual curious expression. This group of doctors has been working together for a considerable amount of time and they are genuinely thrilled to receive a new co-worker. Though Yoochun does not exactly share their sentiment, he still pretended to be equally excited.

“Where is he?” Junho asked as his eyes roved around the room, in search of someone, whom he had noticed to be missing from the group.

“Out transferring the bad case.” A short bespectacled man replied as he sipped at his coffee. “That case cost us the whole morning… we were tired… so we gladly allowed him to volunteer for the transfer.” The man jumped to the group’s defense upon spotting the gradual frown forming on Junho’s forehead.

Apparently, there was a pre-op patient who collapsed early in the morning, just when Junsu came on duty, and the team was busy up til the late morning, before Yoochun arrives in the ward. The patient was subsequently sent to the hospital where Yunho and Jaejoong work in, where Yoochun use to work, for a more in depth intervention, which is not readily available in Junho’s department.

** Yoochun and Yunho use to work in the same hospital, but they have minimal interaction as they come from different departments.

“Anyhow. Who would like to be Yoochun sshi’s friendly guide?” the head of department asked and a few hands shot up almost immediately. Mostly females.

“You dating anyone?” Junho asked Yoochun whimsically, and laughed heartily when Yoochun nodded his head. Then with immediate effect as well, most of the hands disappeared. Junho then picked the bespectacled man who was talking to him earlier on.

“A pleasure meeting you.” Yoochun stuck out his hand at the man, and received a warm handshake from the shorter man, who is grinning from ear to ear. “The pleasure is mine!”

Yoochun heaved a sigh of relief silently, thanking the heavens for saving him from having his arch enemy as his mentor. He was still bracing himself for the tough months ahead, but he does not worry any more. Junho will only write his personal report base on the bespectacled guy’s feedbacks.

“Junho sshi already has a mentee. Cute guy! You will meet him soon.” The bespectacled man whispered to Yoochun playfully as the taller man stares at the exiting Junho. No one saw how Yoochun’s face really looked like, it was a look darkened with the most negative of all emotions.


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mizz_puchie #1
i always love your fics.....please write more author shi.....
eclipse #2
Update soon~~
omgomg #3
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to update soon! I love this. Yunho is sdjfklsdjf funny! and OMG Jaejoong's relationship with his mom so funny!!!
Sylvia14 #4
I don't know what's the right word to call Yunho's behavior - bipolar disorder? Split personality? LOL. A doctor, but contrary to the popular belief, he's a bully and the others dread seeing him,not to mention his predilection for bickering with mothers, including his own in "Acceptance..." and of course 'molesting' Jaejoong.
lol at the last line xDD
jae loves jiji very much~~
does yoochun already know about junsu's family?
hahaha !!!!! aww, joongie really loves jiji right ?!?! :)
sanasuki #7
awww, poor JIJU,become the victim..wae Yunho such a jerk?
finally yoochun meet junho...
will yoochun meet junsu too???and find out that junsu is junho's younger brother???
thanks for update...
LOL! I think jae was so adorable when he got scared n run from his mom !!!
omgomg #10
hahahahaha!!!! omg this is so funny!! I LOVE Jae's relationship with his mother. I laughed so hard! I hope Jae maintains his vigor against Yunho and not become someone defenseless and girly.. he should be strong and fight off Yunho too.