When all hell breaks loose

The road trip back to your heart. [Hiatus]


Hi!! A second update for 30/4/12... since I wouldn't be able to update til next week... T^T

Do stay and read!! *bows*

Here is a more light hearted chapter... but still important for Yunjae's development!

Thank you for reading!


POV from Mdm Kwon

I woke up to an empty house again today… with a spread on the table… a tasty bowl of soup with steaming rice in the cooker… freshly grilled fish with a dozen other side dishes. All laid out nicely under a piece of cloth.

My son spoils me as much as I spoil him! I think I will get a full-time housekeeper to stay in with us. Looking at the dish washer that is beeping, calling out to me... telling me that it is done. I can deduce from this that Joongie had left the house in a hurry. He did not even have the time to wait for the dish washer to finish its job! My poor baby!!

Feeling dejected and upset, I scooted to the bathroom to clean up and prepare myself for a de-stressing morning run. But upon entering out my washroom, I found my medication for gastric pain out of place on the shelf… with the cap slightly loosened. I was prescribed this medication when I had a gastric ulcer sometime back... DON’T TELL ME MY JOONIGE HAS ULCER TOO!! NOOO!!!

Running back to my room, I grabbed my phone and dialed at it furiously… scraping at the smooth surface with my long manicured finger. “JOONGIE!! COME HOME NOW!! HOW CAN THEY MAKE YOU WORK WHEN YOU HAVE A GASTRIC ULCER!!” I screeched into the phone after I was directed to leave a voice message.

This is the last straw!! I have had enough!! It’s been more than a week since I last interacted with my precious son!! I am at the verge of a nervous breakdown!! The hell of the hospital is way worse than where he came from initially!! And I know it is supposedly bigger and more advanced! But this is NO excuse to overwork someone!! And not just anyone!! My poor baby!!

“Beep. Yeoboseyo. My apologises, the director is not here yet, may I take your call?” I phoned the CEO, whom I have decided to “un-friend”, just to get a lady answering my call instead. NOT HERE YET?! What is this?!? My poor baby has to go to work hours before the given time… and the rest of the higher ups can sleep in?! I want equal worker’s rights!!

“Umma. I can’t take any calls now. I will call you back. Eat well!” My Joongie hung up almost immediately after rapping the barely audible sentence. “YAH!! QUIT YOUR JOB!! DON’T WORK ANYMORE!! UMMA WILL FEED YOU WELL!!” I screamed, just to hear a click on the other end of the line.

THAT’S IT!! I am going down there personally if he chooses to play dumb again!! I speed dialed.

“YAH!! KIM JOONGIE!! LISTEN TO UMMA!! BE A GOOD BOY AND COME HOME!” He hung up on my again after whispering something… and the next time I called, he had switched off his damn phone altogether. I shall buy him a phone that can’t be switched off when he comes home later!!

Grabbing my hand bag, I pulled my hair into a bun, slipped into the nearest dress I can find in my overcrowded closet and dashed out of my house in my Fendi pumps. High heels are good as weapons… since I tend to get violent when I am this riled up! The CEO is minced meat! 


“Kim sshi. Didn't sleep well last night? Umma calling her little boy to check on him?” Yunho "greeted" the younger man as he re-entered the curtains, after answering his mother’s ceaseless calls and “chain voicemails”. Jaejoong was a little taken aback by Yunho’s "politeness" and most unexpected acknowledgement of his presence, yet too embarrassed to look at the man.

Pulling his coat tightly around himself, consciously tugging the red turtle neck upwards, Jaejoong slipped behind one of the nurses to avoid the older man’s bemused gaze. “Do you actually trend your fashion according to the seasons? It’s not winter yet… I think a nice deep V-neck will be more suitable.” Yunho said on purpose. Probing dangerously at Jaejoong's raw nerves.

“My turtles are rotting in the closet, so I might as well wear them. You’ve got a problem with that?” Jaejoong snapped at Yunho rudely just to meet the amazed stares from his fellow colleagues and nurses. Everyone present were marveling at his bravery, until Yunho’s expression darkened and turned stone cold.

“Yes. In fact, I do. I thought you were hiding hickeys. You still have time to be frisky?” Yunho quipped at him before making his way to the beautiful man’s side and hovered over him threateningly, daring him to answer as defiantly as he can. Jaejoong couldn’t bear the thoughts of losing out, and flipped out at the taller man.

“I am surprised that one such as yourself can sound so uncouth and unprofessional! It is only human nature to satisfy their needs! I cannot fathom your purpose of bringing this sort of matters up while on duty!!” Jaejoong gritted his teeth and stared back awkwardly while Yunho “gazed” back into his face, trailing down his clavicle, as though he can actually see through the thick layer of red cotton.

Then Yunho shifted his hands and chucked the case notes onto the trolley in front of Jaejoong. And with immediate, all those gathered around had scattered themselves into all four directions. The nurse even brought the patient they were reviewing off for a shower.

Pulling the curtains shut, Yunho shoved Jaejoong in and pulled off the younger man’s white coat, earning a gasp. Jaejoong proceeded to issue Yunho a slap, just to have his hands pinned up against the wall behind him. “You!! Self-conceited bastard!!” Jaejoong immediately head butted Yunho in the jaw line and tried to push his way out from beneath the man, but he did not succeed.

“Call out for help if you want.” Yunho hissed confidently at Jaejoong while the younger man squirms around more, trying to kick the taller man in the crotch.

Seeing that Jaejoong is helpless under his big frame, Yunho grabbed a whole of the red collar and peeped inside, smirking at Jaejoong happily. Jaejoong’s sudden change in attire meant he is shy around Yunho, and Yunho is satisfied to know that. There was an unexplainable desire to dominate, and Yunho did not bother to keep it in check. This incident had frightened Jaejoong even more.

He now knows that Yunho is not trying to fool around with him, and is fully aware of what the taller man is capable of. Shamed by Yunho, Jaejoong could not but dash out from behind the curtains, but only after straightening out his creased clothes and the distress clearly written all over his face.

POV from Jaejoong

That bastard!! Demon!!

Wait!! Why am I so affected by his outlandishly childish behaviour!? I have all those old man from my previous housing hospital pawing me all over before… and I have always treated their hands like paws. Literally…

Except this man is different... he is more straightforward in his attempts to harass me!! I hate it!! Hate it!! Hate it!!

Because of this IDIOT, I have lost a fair amount of weight, lost an obvious amount of muscle mass… which will explain why I was so weak earlier on. And not forgetting!! I don’t even dare to interact with poor "isolated" umma more than necessary because I didn’t want her kicking up a fuss. My life is my foe’s debt!!!

To add on to my discomfort and unwillingness to carry on living, I started to experience massive headaches and gastric pain every so often as well… which are near intolerable sometimes! I don’t even have the time to take my medication on schedule!! But luckily, I did get to consume a couple of umma’s capsules this morning.

I have actually made an appointment in secret a few days back… for a scope. No one needs to know… even Suie and Minnie doesn’t know, since they will be busy after starting work in a couple of days. Umma will be the last to know though. I will rather die young and leave my poor mother a “widowed” old lady again than tell her that I am sick.

“JOONGIE AH!! YOU!! STOP RIGHT THERE!!” I just exited the washroom after rinsing my puffed up face and ran into umma… head on.

I broke into a run even before I know what I am actually doing. It’s as if I am some fugitive escaping from her now. DAMN!! How does she run in those shoes?! I have to outrun her or I’m dead!! JUST LOOK AT HER FRENZIED FACE!!

“KIM JOONGIE!! YAH!!” a thousand dollar limited edition high heel pump came flying at me… so instead of ducking out of range or dodging it, I caught it and placed it onto the ground gently, before charging off in the opposite direction. That’s a few thousand US dollar saved!!

“YAH!! YOU UNFILIAL CREATURE!!” She screamed at me again and threw her other shoe this time. AISH!!

“Umma!! I will stop running if you stop chasing!!” I said while trying to catch my breath. We look ridiculous!! Playing cat and mouse chase in the middle of a hospital corridor… looking like a pair of lovers squabbling… Gosh!!

“OKAY!! OKAY!! UMMA WILL STOP CHASING IF YOU STOP RUNNING!!” She finally stopped and bent over to catch her breath. Looking all stunning and glowing even after doing her morning run here… That’s umma for you. A beautiful woman.

“Why are you here umma?” I asked calmly as I edged towards the staircase exit, ready to bolt if she ever throws fit again. You see... She had a cat fight with my previous neighbor, after that ahjumma called me a sissy... the after effect was gory. We had to move because of that particular incident.

She does cat fight like a domestic cat fighting a leopard or panther. And of course, she will be the bigger and wilder cat.

“Joongie ah! Do you know how worried I am?!! I am going crazy!” She straightened up and walked towards me. That’s ample exercise for you! She is no longer panting while I still am. I think I will accompany her for her morning jogs next time… when I feel better.

“I don’t wonder… you look like it.” I whispered, intending only for myself to be the audience. “Umma… I told you I will call you back right? I was following the rounds…” I reasoned with her.

“OMO!! SOMEONE MUST DIE FOR TURNING YOU INTO A SKELETON!!” She screeched like a banshee and twisted me around violently while she looked me up and down, like they do during the airport checks.

“Umma! That’s why I was avoiding you! You over react too often!” I reprimanded her quietly.

“You are sick!! I am bringing you to my doctor!!” She said firmly as she maintained her grip on my wrist, hard enough to cut off the blood circulation there. Then she dragged me out… into oblivion.

“Umma!! Please!! I still have work to do!! Please!! I’m a doctor!! I can take care of myself!! I AM NOT SICK!!” I pleaded with her while she continued to be stubborn. “NO!! You stole from my medicine cupboard!! I saw what you took!!”

Aish!! I think it’s time I try out the ultimate trick on her. If I leave with her… I can dream about coming back. Or rather… I can dream on about working altogether!! She will deem me as unfit for labour for the rest of my miserable life!!

“UMMA!! My pants are falling off!!” I shouted at her while the lift door opens. Then I shoved her in promptly after she releases my already numbed hand, throwing her shoes into the dimly lit box after her. Without wasting any time, I turned to run off in the opposite direction.

My actions were followed by a high pitched “howling”… and I am surprised the wires holding the lift did not actually snap. However, there is no time to look back. I ran and ran for dear life… finally slamming right into a “walking great wall of china”. I think I broke something.

The thick pile of muscle and bones that stopped me in my tracks belonged to that demon. WHY AM I ESCAPING FROM THE DEPTHS OF HELL… RIGHT INTO A SWIRLING POOL OF MOLTEN LAVA?!

Nevertheless, the room in which he just exited from looked promising… it looked like a pleasant hideout!! “I need to hide!!” I whispered angrily at him. I can’t believe I am begging him for a favour!! But umma is near!! I can sense her!! The familiar scent of her perfume and the loud sounds of her heels clobbering the ground as she advances menacingly!!

“PLEASE!! Excuse me first!!” I pushed pass satan himself and dove into the embrace of the dark slot beneath the double decked bed. Rolling under it and settling down inside, praying that she will just walk pass.

And walk pass she did… after the sound of the door shutting… and heavy footsteps closing in on my hiding place. Hell in another form is about to break loose... and there I was, thankful that the storm is over...


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mizz_puchie #1
i always love your fics.....please write more author shi.....
eclipse #2
Update soon~~
omgomg #3
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to update soon! I love this. Yunho is sdjfklsdjf funny! and OMG Jaejoong's relationship with his mom so funny!!!
Sylvia14 #4
I don't know what's the right word to call Yunho's behavior - bipolar disorder? Split personality? LOL. A doctor, but contrary to the popular belief, he's a bully and the others dread seeing him,not to mention his predilection for bickering with mothers, including his own in "Acceptance..." and of course 'molesting' Jaejoong.
lol at the last line xDD
jae loves jiji very much~~
does yoochun already know about junsu's family?
hahaha !!!!! aww, joongie really loves jiji right ?!?! :)
sanasuki #7
awww, poor JIJU,become the victim..wae Yunho such a jerk?
finally yoochun meet junho...
will yoochun meet junsu too???and find out that junsu is junho's younger brother???
thanks for update...
LOL! I think jae was so adorable when he got scared n run from his mom !!!
omgomg #10
hahahahaha!!!! omg this is so funny!! I LOVE Jae's relationship with his mother. I laughed so hard! I hope Jae maintains his vigor against Yunho and not become someone defenseless and girly.. he should be strong and fight off Yunho too.