My nemesis

The road trip back to your heart. [Hiatus]


~part II ~

Do comment and give your opinions... I hope this is not too confusing! *bows*

Do stay and read! *claps hands together once*


The next day…

“Relax now Mr Song. I am just going to pull the tube out… don’t strain yourself too much alright…” Jaejoong’s soft soothing voice allayed the patient’s anxiety, as the elderly man tries to breathe and relax more for the beautiful doctor in front of him. “It might hurt a little… bear with me okay? Breathe in and hold!” the man nodded his head and the doctor had pulled the chest tube out in one swift motion.

Jaejoong was busy stitching up the drainage site when his phone rang. The nurse beside him had kindly placed his caller on loud speaker. “Yah! Rookie sshi! Get your down here in 5 minutes or you are screwed!” Yunho’s booming voice had startled the patient as well.

“Mr Song… relax! I’m almost done!” Jaejoong instructed the patient as the man grimaces. “Filthy cesspool! I’m so screwing you instead!” Jaejoong muttered under his breath as he cut the remaining thread and wipe the wound down with disinfectant.

“Your dressing will not be water proof, so you have to shower with extra care. Maybe you can start showering from tomorrow onwards?” Jaejoong smiled politely at the patient and placed a comforting hand on the old man’s shoulder. Jaejoong was the best doctor in many patient’s heart, even though they do get a little of visual shock every time they see him. He can appear cold, but he is indeed a very warm person, a very responsible person as well.

“Aigoo! Seonsaengnim! You were really gentle earlier on! Thank you!” the man patted Jaejoong’s hands a little and said with a satisfied tone. “Eat well and rest well! I will drop by again tomorrow.” Jaejoong said finally and left with the procedure tray. All the nurses love him to bits too, since he is the only doctor who will clear up after himself.

“Rookie. I did say 5 minutes right? Do you know how much you have overshot?” Yunho had appeared right behind Jaejoong as the younger man clears his requisites into the puncture resistant boxes, hissing at him dangerously. However, instead of getting all flustered and terrified by Yunho’s oppressive aura, Jaejoong just stared back at the taller man, unfazed, and shrugged. “I figured you were just being difficult.”

Jaejoong is coping fairly well under Yunho’s atrocities. Aside from not having enough sleep and not having enough time to eat, Jaejoong has no other complains. He used to work in the intensive care unit for a year while at his previous housing hospital, so he knows a knack or two when it comes to dealing with cranky senior doctors.

“You are SO failing your probation!” Yunho narrowed his eyes threateningly and stomped out. This sentence had gotten Jaejoong a little worried, since he knows that Yunho has absolute power over whether he passes or has to redo, but he also knows that Yunho is just throwing a tantrum. Yunho had been threatening him with the probation talk every few hours, ever since they first “hit off”.

POV from Jaejoong

The past two days was so full of … I get the “best” mentor anyone has ever had… I have a umma who is constantly going on and on about how she wants to tag along with me and beat the snotty creature to pulp. I don’t even know how she found out… Minnie or Suie probably call her to come to my rescue. But of course… he wouldn’t get the pleasure of seeing me seeking help.

I had to actually threaten umma and my two besties with suicide before they obliged to leaving me alone… That bastard will pay for messing up my life this way… someday! I feel bad for doing what I did… since I know everyone is only concerned… but I need to prove to myself that I will not be defeated!

One thing is killing me for sure though… I am seriously overworked for the past few days… and I have only been here for less than a week!! This is no joke… the way he functions is really no joke! I have never seen anyone as “virile” as he is in my entire life! He comes to work earlier than me… just to scorn at my punctuality. He works overtime til nearly 12 midnight everyday… and gets me to stay with him with the worse excuses.

I am SO drained… but I will rather die than admit it!  He wants to see how long I can last!? I will show him that I can pull through this no matter what! Though I still wonder if he is human sometimes… how can he still walk around so nonchalantly? I swear I never saw him yawn either!

The thing is, I am new here… but I am already working as a full-fledged doctor, on the first few days of work. He is supposed to give me an orientation first! I strongly believe that he is trying to see if I would screw up… he is really the worse kind! I have made a decision that once I leave his “guidance”, I am SO going to avoid him like AIDS. He can make me sick! I mean it literally!

Not only do I get insults after insults every second of every minute… I also got a life time worth of unnecessary criticisms that I am currently used to it. I treat whatever he says as bull now. I do not take his words seriously… I am not going to take HIM seriously… and I am not going to learn anything from him either… lest I become a big fat er like he is!

“Hey… sorry to interrupt! Did you see Doctor Jung around?” I popped my head into one of the closed curtains and found a nurse carrying out some procedure.

You see… I was just clearing up after myself earlier on when he called me to follow him, but he had disappeared before I could ask him where he is headed to. I hate it when he does that, and on purpose!! SO IRRITATING! How old is he exactly? Playing hide and seek at this age!

“No… he just instructed me to remove this central venous line and left.” She replied.

“Thank you!” I turned and was about to leave when I heard an ear piercing scream coming from behind me, followed by a hard bump as someone push pass me. “AHHHH!!! HELP!! SOMEONE CALL A DOCTOR!!” a female’s voice… “AHHH!! DOCTOR KIM!!!”

I spun around just to see a fountain… no… a geyser! The patient which the nurse was removing of the line from, is spurting blood from the hole on his neck… from the ex-central venous line entry wound.

And before I could register the chaos in front of me, my legs had started moving by themselves, and I was right in front of the spurting neck in a flash. The blood looked brighter than the usual dark red we see… so I can only assume that some artery had burst... even though the wound is pretty far away from the carotid.

I quickly concluded that he will die within a few more spurts if I don’t staunch the bleeding… so I grabbed the nearest pile of gauze I could reach and pressed it down onto the hole as hard as I could. Taking care not to massage the carotid too much…

Blood was splashing onto my shirt… my arms… my entire body per se. It is warm and sticky… soaking under my clothes like a blood bathe. “CALM DOWN!! Stop looking for gauze and get help!” I shouted at the panicking lady behind me as she ran around like an unrestrained wild horse… overturning objects around her as she searches for more gauze. The amount of gauze really doesn’t matter… it is bound to soak through anyways… and I don’t even have gloves on!

I can see that the patient is already turning pale, but at least the bleeding is kept under control. I could only grasp on tightly to the neck region and try not to slip and fall on the blood pooling at my feet. “OMO OMO!! THERE IS NO ONE!! NO DOCTORS!! WHERE ARE ALL THE DOCTORS?!!!” She was panicking as she paced in and out of the curtains.

“Nevermind that!! Get the blood bank to standby four pints of blood first! Start him on a fast drip! Get a colleague to follow me to the operating theatres! And also!! Get the ultrasound guy as well!” I was shouting orders as a few more nurses came running in after her. WHERE IS THAT BASTARD WHEN I NEED HIM?! “Oxygen too!! And get me a blood pressure reading!” I gave more orders…

“DON’T FORGET TO CALL JUNG YUNHO WHILE YOU GUYS ARE AT IT!!” I shouted after them and reapplied more pressure to the area. I can feel the pulse slowing under my palms… and the blood just keeps flowing with every beating of his heart.

Fortunately, everyone was back in a split second, hooking the poor guy on oxygen… trying to get a blood pressure reading. The place was a big fat mess as everyone tries to do their job at the same time. However… everyone is here except THAT guy!! The main character of the show! Jung bastard sshi!! Is this how he wants to play this?! Endangering someone for his own SICK little pleasure!? I AM UTTERLY DISGUSTED!!

“WHERE IS HE?!” Everyone stared back and shook their heads… I think I will just act on my own for now… this is so damn ridiculous!! I AM ONLY A FEW DAYS OLD!!

“In sync! You take the head and you take the tail!” I instructed the nurses to synchronize their movements with mine as we push the patient’s bed out of the narrow space. I almost had to get onto the bed with the patient… but luckily, I am slim enough to fit into the spaces along the corridors and lift.

“What’s his name?!” I asked the nurse-in-charge as she busied herself with hooking up the blood transfusion set that had just arrived. “Nevermind! Take my phone, call the theatre and tell them we have an emergency case! Tell them his name as well!”

“I’m Lee… hyun… I don’t want to die!” the patient was whispering to me as his eyes starts to roll back… and the worst part is… we are still in the lift!! SO SLOW!! “Mr Lee! We will have to find out what happened to you first! And then we might have to operate! Do I have your consent!?” I tried to keep the patient as alert as I can while we exit the lift. He nodded his head… good.

“Is this the patient?!” One of the ultrasound radiologists is already in the operating theatre by the time we have arrived. I could only concentrate on keeping my hands from sliding off his bloodied neck. The noise was nearly unbearable as everyone was shouting above me… I am sweating buckets and trembling, but they just continued fumbling… THE PATIENT IS ABOUT TO DIE FOR GOD’S SAKE!

“ENOUGH!! Do the ultrasound now!! AND CALL JUNG YUNHO AGAIN!!” I almost screamed… and everyone paused and quickly got back to work. The most MOST terrible part is that I can’t operate on him! We need that bastard here… and he is not!! THAT IDIOT!!

“He has an aneurysm at the carotid… I think something punctured it!” the radiologist had apparently found an torn up aneurysm close to the central venous cannulation site… and he thinks that by removing that line, the aneurysm was affected. It is a close shave… I believe this man will be fine after they fix his vessel and give him the replacement he needs. He will live…

“Take my phone, call the vascular team… or any cardio doctors, and tell them the general surgery team is handing over this case.” I did not even know anything about this man… I only know, via the nurses, that he is here for some gastric surgery… I don’t even know why he is hooked up on a central venous line at the first place!

“What case is this?” the senior doctor, who brought me around the world in search for that bastard on my first day, came in all gloved up, but before I could reply, he had exclaimed in my face. “OMO! What happened to you?!” he still recognizes me… through the bloody mess I am in. How sweet of him…

“The ultrasound report is there… aneurysm… can you proceed first? I think he is out.” The patient is already knocked out… I think we should hurry before his brain starves. Plus… how long do they intend for me to stay in this back breaking position? Hovered over the patient on this overly short operating table…

“Good job!” he said as he proceeded to clamp the bleeding artery. With that, I finally make my exit. I need a good bathe… since we aren’t supposed to touch patient’s bodily fluids without any protective gears.


“What happened?!” a loud voice demanded as a tall man charged into the scrubbing area, where Jaejoong and all the ward nurses with him are preparing to exit the theatre. “OMO! What happened?” he gasped at the sight of the group in front of him, looking back at him wearily.

Jaejoong had it the worse. He was all covered in blood and sweat, while the assisting nurses did not have it any better either. On the whole, they looked like battle field medics coming back from a battle. “Junjin said something happened to my case! What happened? He got stabbed?” Yunho even tried to inject a little bit of humor to the tensed up atmosphere. Jaejoong just rolled his eyes and folded his arms impatiently.

“I was removing the central line as you have instructed… then it started to bleed.” The nurse-in-charge spoke up first and sounded very guilty. “I think the aneurysm got punctured…” she added on slowly, as if afraid that Yunho will blow a fuse.

“What? Aneurysm?! Aish…” Yunho is frowning a little as he looked at the cowering nurses in front of him. “Did you carry out the procedure correctly?” Yunho asked without the intention of blaming her, but Jaejoong did not quite take it the right way.

“Smack!” a tight slap landed on Yunho’s face as he was preparing to enter the theatre. Everyone was stunned by the loud slapping sound it had produced. Jaejoong, who was standing farthest away earlier on, is now right in front of Yunho, with his hands raised up, preparing to issue another blow.

“You are the worst!! Despicable!! I want a change of mentor, or I’m leaving!” his sweet airy voice remained, but the pent up anger is very apparent to everyone present.

“That poor man in there almost died because you decided to play the disappearing trick on everyone!! I HATE YOU!! CALL YOURSELF A DOCTOR?!” Jaejoong shoved Yunho as hard as he could and flounced away.


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mizz_puchie #1
i always love your fics.....please write more author shi.....
eclipse #2
Update soon~~
omgomg #3
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to update soon! I love this. Yunho is sdjfklsdjf funny! and OMG Jaejoong's relationship with his mom so funny!!!
Sylvia14 #4
I don't know what's the right word to call Yunho's behavior - bipolar disorder? Split personality? LOL. A doctor, but contrary to the popular belief, he's a bully and the others dread seeing him,not to mention his predilection for bickering with mothers, including his own in "Acceptance..." and of course 'molesting' Jaejoong.
lol at the last line xDD
jae loves jiji very much~~
does yoochun already know about junsu's family?
hahaha !!!!! aww, joongie really loves jiji right ?!?! :)
sanasuki #7
awww, poor JIJU,become the victim..wae Yunho such a jerk?
finally yoochun meet junho...
will yoochun meet junsu too???and find out that junsu is junho's younger brother???
thanks for update...
LOL! I think jae was so adorable when he got scared n run from his mom !!!
omgomg #10
hahahahaha!!!! omg this is so funny!! I LOVE Jae's relationship with his mother. I laughed so hard! I hope Jae maintains his vigor against Yunho and not become someone defenseless and girly.. he should be strong and fight off Yunho too.