Too much for a day.

Unlucky I'm Inlove with My Bestfriend

As if the sky is crying for me, it rained. I was still sitting on the bench – alone. How could he leave me just like that? Nope, you pushed him away. How could he choose Jessica over me? He didn’t even loved you. How could he still feel so happy when I just broke our relationship? He’s never been happy with you.

I walked home absent-mindedly, not minding that I’m still drenched from the rain. I will just tell my butler to pick up my car tomorrow morning. But tonight, I just want to be alone. I was walking home when I felt that somebody is following me. Jaejoong? Nah, he’s gone to Jessica. He’s gone for good. I looked behind just to make sure. No one, I’m just not used being alone. I continued walking. Then I felt it again, that someone. I turned around, no one. Then when I turned around again to continue my walking, someone pulled me and covered my mouth with a cloth drenched in a solution that made me sleepy. I tried to fight back but luck isn’t on my side today. I lost consciousness and with that, he dragged me to a van.

“ – but boss said that we shouldn’t kill her yet,” a hoarse voice I heard when I regained consciousness. Where am I? I tried moving but I discovered that my arms are tied on my back and my feet are also roped. What ‘boss’? Who is he? I tried talking but my mouth is covered with a dirty cloth. What the – am I gonna get killed?

“Where is she?” another voice asked. “She’s all tied up in that room, boss,” the hoarse voice before replied. Their boss? What do they need from me? A family’s enemy? I can deal with them anytime, but not today. I received so much pain. Approaching footsteps can be heard. Footsteps from a person wearing stilettos. Stilettos – a woman? Their boss is a woman? Then the door flung open.

Y-you? What on earth – “I see you’re awake, Mi Yeo-ssi,” Jessica said as she entered this oh-so-rusty-and-dirty room. “Remove the cloth from ,” she commanded her men. They removed the cloth and I grasped for fresh air. “The look on your face is telling me that you feel betrayed now,” Jessica started. Yes, I do. My closest friend kidnapped me? Why? “Feeling any pain now?” she continued. “I – w-why are –“ I tried to speak. “Oh, I forgot. You’re already hurt. Your dear boyfriend, ah no, ex-boyfriend chose me over you, Mi Yeo-ssi,” she laughed hysterically. She likes to rub salt on other people’s wound. “H-how did you – “ I tried again. “Oh I know he will. I’m his first love, and first love never dies, right?” she said, with a smirk plastered on her face, “I know you know this. That’s why Yoochun still chose you even when I started dating him. Ugh that guy. I love him, can’t he feel it? But why of all the people on earth, you are the one in his heart. He used me, Mi Yeo-ssi. He used me to make you feel jealous. You must be damned lucky. But now,” Jessica explained, “I succeeded in making your life miserable. I succeeded in breaking your relationship with Jaejoong. Jaejoong thought I love him, funny. As if I would. Idiot.

I kept quiet. I don’t know what to say or what to feel. My closest friend betrayed me because she thinks I’m stealing Yoochun from her? So she broke my relationship with Jaejoong as revenge? And now she kidnapped me to what? Kill me? “W-why did you –“ I spoke but Jessica’s phone rang.


“Let’s confirm if Jaejoong really chooses me over you.”

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Chapter 20: finally they are together not with Jessica around :) really like the story & you did a good job so will surely read the sequel :)
Chapter 18: So Jaejoong was really confused with his feelings to Jessica that's why he did that & unfortunately, Mi Yeo misunderstood all what he did that she thought he loves Jessica. will continue reading :)
Chapter 14: Mi Yeo really love him so much that she even saved him even though it was Jessica who in the first place, he wanted to save. hoping Mi Yeo will be fine & really hate Jessica for doing this! curious on why did Jaejoong said he love her when he even let their relationship to break apart so will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 9: Mi Yeo is really a good person because even though Jaejoong did that to her, she didn't get mad or make a scene on the restaurant when she saw them together & even heard their conversation. She even said sorry to Jaejoong when I think it's not her fault. will continue reading :)
new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I like it! hate Jessica because why she must come back when everything's going well with Jaejoong & Mi Yeo? She's even getting revenge on Mi Yeo when Mi Yeo is not at fault! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
elfminoz #6
Chapter 20: TT.TT....please i need tissue
Chapter 20: This story made me cry! I'm not joking. I was crying when I read this. Good job, author-nim! :) <3
redblossom07 #8
omg!! i love this story!!
this made me cry!!.
to the readers out there, ready your tissue while reading this.
rudelysweetk21 #9
it was a great story..kekek when there was only miyeo's povs i cried,,TT__TT really it made me cry but later on when i read jae's povs then it made a better sense..heheh at times in miyeo's povs i want to shout at jae..ahah and argg jessica..hate her in this fic..haha but glad everything is fine in the love it.. i don't know i have soft spot for best friends turned into love..:)) jejej good work..
Joyvin #10
Ohmygod, this story is rlly rlly good. Rlly awesome. You made me tear too :'(
Rlly rlly great story.