Another Announcement

Mysterious Destinies [announcement account]


Hi. I am hoping that by now, you are familar with the characters in the story.


My way of remembering them is by the first grouping I did (palace group, forest group, and village group). If you're familiar with who your character was grouped with at the beginning, it would be easier to remember everyone ( I hope). 


Our next author is B_ann1 ~


We'll be looking forward to your chapter. 




And yeah, if you want to announce something as well, PM me and I'll post the announcement for ya~


One more thing, I'm thinking of making a chatbox... I'm thinking that maybe we'd like to know each other more (and through that, make things more interesting, perhaps?) So what do you think? If I make a chatbox, will you go online in there? I mean, will you have time to hang out in there?


AND ONE LAST THING!!! I PROMISE THAT THIS WILL BE THE LAST! LOL. Could someone please take care of the poster for our story? If you can make a poster and a character map, please, please, please do! But if no one would volunteer making one, please volunteer in being the one to arrange those stuff. I mean, I need someone who will be the one to request from a shop.


We need a character map, a poster, and a background. It's just that I've been so busy lately and I can't take care of everything so I need your help. Please.... Thank you~

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okkaay :D:D
Hehe okay :)
The turns are still about the same ><
Good luck to our co-moderator XD
goood luck one the finals :D
and yesh you're finally back!! welcome back hehehehe
The character chart is really nice :D
Hehe the character chart is simple but clear XD
i'll try to finish the update tomorrow
and then imma focus on the poster and try to finish it by sunday :]
the character chart is great help for people to know how whose who.
Hehe okay ! :D
Got it XP
where's the chat box?