Character Backgrounds

Mysterious Destinies [announcement account]

I'm done with the character background summaries!


I just included in the summaries the stuff that you might need in writing your updates (personality, likes, dislikes, etc.).


I have grouped you in three: Palace Group, Forest Group, and Village Group. In the first chapter, you'll see why and what that means.


I hope that the summaries are much easier to understand. 


I know that it's a little hard to write for like 20 characters and I'm also having a hard time but I think it would be easier if you know who you're with. That's the main reason why I grouped you. If all 10 girls are in one place at once, it would be very difficult for them to interact. Just like how it is in the real world. 


My suggestion is that you read all the characters' informations carefully first and then when you start writing the updates, just consider their personality. The extra stuff like habits, likes, dislikes, are just there for extra spices or extra information if you need it on your story. If you don't need it, you don't really need to know it.


About the "How did you meet?" section, some characters are not yet acquainted with their partners at the beginning of the story. You don't need to follow the other characters' answers. For example, if they wote "We met while I was walking in the park," you can edit that or tweak that so that their meeting would still be appropriate for the story. I just put it there in case you need guides.


Truth is, it's kinda easy to write the first chapter (at least for me... maybe because I'm the first to write but I'm hoping that I wrote the introduction in such a way that it would be easier for you to think of what to write next). I just started it and the only thing that gave me difficulty in writing the first chapter is making the character summary! I hate copy-paste-ing a lot, you see.^^


I hope we all enjoy this. It's more like a roleplaying, I know, but I hope I have given you enough instructions that would make things easier to follow. 


By the way, how do you want me to send the characters' backgrounds to you? By e-mail, perhaps? PM me your e-mail.


And here's the official story account and where we'll post all the chapters


Mysterious Destinies   


And here's the official order of when you'll update:



1 kiyomu-chii 

2 chattykitkat 

3 ChocolateSky

4 hiikyoung 

5 B_ann1 

6 Eunhye

7 pandagirl84  

8 kikichai

9 xxFiction 

10 Eunhye101


Hope you're okay with it!


P.S. I also can't see the icons in the previous chapter OTL.

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okkaay :D:D
Hehe okay :)
The turns are still about the same ><
Good luck to our co-moderator XD
goood luck one the finals :D
and yesh you're finally back!! welcome back hehehehe
The character chart is really nice :D
Hehe the character chart is simple but clear XD
i'll try to finish the update tomorrow
and then imma focus on the poster and try to finish it by sunday :]
the character chart is great help for people to know how whose who.
Hehe okay ! :D
Got it XP
where's the chat box?