announcement 4?

Mysterious Destinies [announcement account]

Hi again!!!!


I just posted the 7th chapter. ^^


Oh, yeah, actually I'm here just to remind that we have a chatbox so if you have time, feel free to stop by.


I suggest that you enable the message thing in the chatbox. There's an option there that allows you receive the messages in the cbox while you're not online. That case, you'll know if someone is in the cbox or what they've said. It can also serve as the other authors' announcement "page" *shrugs* I don't know how to explain it in words so... *shrugs again*


Anyway, I made a simple character chart. It has the character and their partners beside them. Except for Minah whose partner is below here (due to lack of space) ^^


Tell me what you think of it. I want to have a character chart so as not to be confused anymore about who's who and who's partnered with who.


please check it out. 




(if you want to change anything about the character chart that i made, like the pictures that i used in  your character or stuff like that, tell me...)

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okkaay :D:D
Hehe okay :)
The turns are still about the same ><
Good luck to our co-moderator XD
goood luck one the finals :D
and yesh you're finally back!! welcome back hehehehe
The character chart is really nice :D
Hehe the character chart is simple but clear XD
i'll try to finish the update tomorrow
and then imma focus on the poster and try to finish it by sunday :]
the character chart is great help for people to know how whose who.
Hehe okay ! :D
Got it XP
where's the chat box?