Chapter 2 Posted

Mysterious Destinies [announcement account]

I just posted chapter 2!


By the way, in the first chapter, if I wrote your names inceorrectly, I'm really sorry! *bows*


And my job is to just post the chapter, my comments will go in the comments section, too, just like the rest of you. ^^ 


If you also want title for your chapters, tell me, okay?


Our next writer is ChocolateSky~~!!!


Please send your story to me 2-3 days after this (which means.... 23rd or 24th of April, I think?)


By the way you can send your stories to me via e-mail. I'll PM you my e-mail address. Just ask me for it~ ^^

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okkaay :D:D
Hehe okay :)
The turns are still about the same ><
Good luck to our co-moderator XD
goood luck one the finals :D
and yesh you're finally back!! welcome back hehehehe
The character chart is really nice :D
Hehe the character chart is simple but clear XD
i'll try to finish the update tomorrow
and then imma focus on the poster and try to finish it by sunday :]
the character chart is great help for people to know how whose who.
Hehe okay ! :D
Got it XP
where's the chat box?