
Mysterious Destinies [announcement account]


I have some announcements to make.




But first, here's my application (oh gods, kill me, i'm sooooo late!!!)




Chinese Wind 09 IconKIYO'S APP FORM





I was reading your applications and whenever I get to "dislikes" section I'd be like, "Oh gods, help me, these girls are going to hate me!" since a lot of you put "aegyo" as your dislikes.




Anyway, I have decided on the girls!!!




But first, KILL ME.








Since I only had 9 applications, I felt bad choosing 6 and leaving out the 3 left. But anyway, I went on to reading your forms and although I must say that I have a few favorites, all your applications are interesting and I bet that all of you can contribute to the story and write twists.




So I have decided to take all of you (all right, now's your queue to kill me.)




Truthfully, I know we'll all have a hard time writing for 10 different people, not to mention to memorize who's who and not to mention their partners, too and all the people around them. But try considering it as somehow like an anime or drama with lots of characters. 


Don't worry, though. I have "grouped" you in such a way that you'd be able to know each other more (I think). And the groups are in such a way that it will be easy for you to know the characters. 


So read this part carefully now.


Japanese Post IconUpdating



I shall write the first chapter and the next one would be chattykitkat


If you're willing to be the third, fourth, or whatever nth number of writer you want to be, tell me. Otherwise, I'll put you in a random number. Tell me before the second chapter (chattykitkat's chapter) is posted. 


As I've said, 2-3 days after I've posted the first chapter (I'll post it later this tomorrow or the day after), you have to update. But for the second writer, chattykitkat, I'll give you 5 days since I know it would be difficult because it's the first time you'd be knowing the characters. As for the third and the rest of the writers, you only have 2-3 days to update after the previous update. 


To update, comment here and I'll give you an e-mail address. Please send your update through that address.


For more info on updating, read the rules in Forewords. I'll post an official "rule book" later.


Chinese Wind 10 IconStory




Do whatever you want with the story. Please don't ask me questions such as, "Can I do [this]?" or "Can I make character#5 do this to character#1?" or "What should I write?" If you ask me, my only answer would be, "it's up to you ^^" so don't bother asking.


Feel free to add twists to the story. You can add mysteries and let the other authors continue or end the mystery you've started.


Couplets IconAnnouncements




Do not unsubscribe to this fic. Updates and announcements will be posted here. I will make another story account for the official story. Let's try to keep the story account clean. Questions, suggestions, and requests may be posted here or on the official story account. I will post on your wall the official story account and subscribe to it.


Chinese Wind 15 IconThe Girls



Here is a list of the characters and their partners


username | character's name | partner


Kujaku Icon 64x64 pngxxFiction | Park Sora | L




Maru Icon 64x64 pngChocolateSky | Young Mi-cha | Sungyeol



Bashou Icon 64x64 pngB_ann1 | Baek ChunHee | Hoya



Seigaiha Icon 64x64 pngpandagirl84 | Park Min Hi | JR (Nu'est) 



Usagi Icon 64x64 pngEunhye | Ryu Min Hyun | Sungjong



Keitou Icon 64x64 pngEunhye101 | Min Deul Lae | Taemin 



Kingyo Icon 64x64 pngkikichai | Kang Minah | Dongwoo


Kaya Icon 64x64 pngchattykitkat | Lee Sookyung | Himchan 



Tonbo Icon 64x64 pnghiikyoung | Yong Kyunglim | Kikwang


Kaichuuzu Icon 64x64 pngkiyomu-chii | Han Yerin | Woohyun


Yeah, I added those cute little icons as a representative of your character. I picked icons that would fit the personality of your characters. Hope you liked it like how I loved it. LOL


Brush Holder IconOthers



This is so stressing, from the creating of this story, to making the rules, to conceptualizing, to choosing, to grouping you girls, and to making the finalized stuff.


I'll give you a background of each characters. I'll make a summarized version. *sigh* someone help me, this is so difficult!!! LOL


If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. ^^ Let's all have fun, ne? 

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okkaay :D:D
Hehe okay :)
The turns are still about the same ><
Good luck to our co-moderator XD
goood luck one the finals :D
and yesh you're finally back!! welcome back hehehehe
The character chart is really nice :D
Hehe the character chart is simple but clear XD
i'll try to finish the update tomorrow
and then imma focus on the poster and try to finish it by sunday :]
the character chart is great help for people to know how whose who.
Hehe okay ! :D
Got it XP
where's the chat box?