App Form

Mysterious Destinies [announcement account]


Application Form: [delete the brackets or my side comments and please make your app form as neat and readable as possible.]

AFF Username:Profile Link:

Your name:[how should i call you?]

How often are you online?


*character bacground:

Name: [korean name, please. All of you are going to be koreans. I’m not being racist! I just want a realistic start]


Age: [this is international age and not korean age :> your age must be within the range of 17-23]

Date of birth: [month and day]

Birth place: [or where you lived most of your life before moving to seoul]

Height: [tall, moderate, or kinda short... or compare your height to your Infinite partner]



Pictures of uljjang or artist [i don’t mind if you use korean artists’ pictures. Please give 2-3 links of the pictures. This will be the basis of how you will look like in the story]


Uljjang or artist’s name:


Fashion/ Preferred Clothing: [how would you want to look like when you’re in the other world? Since you’re spending your whole time there.]



*Introduce yourself~


Personality [I like detailed ones]


Background [family background. Include a short intro of your members.]


Likes [at least 5]


Dislikes [at least 5]


Hobbies [at least 2]


Habits [at least 2]


Fears/ Weaknesses [at least 1]


Strong points [where you’re confident at. At least 1]


Trivias [at least 2]


*Being in the other world


How did you find the book that transported you to the other world? [I might tweak this, though] or are you from the other world originally?


Since you will be helping the others achieve a certain goal, what can you contribute to the group? [it’s okay of you say you’re kinda useless. I mean, it’s exciting if some are kinda useless. Lol. Sorry. But if you do have a certain skill or talent, you can say you’re a good hunter for food or you’re a good spy or you can cook well with so little ingredients, or you’re good at healing, or any skill needed for survival]


Who are you most close with? [i might tweak this, too, though]


How did you feel being transported to a foreign world? [you hated it? you loved it? you were scared?]


*Love Story:


Love Interest: [Woohyun is taken... so please choose another one. Choose 2. One for first choice, one for second choice]


His Personality:


Is he from your world or from the other world?


How did you two meet?


How do you act around each other?


Do you have any rivals? [if yes, who?]


Anything else you want to say that I forgot to ask? :>

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Thank you!


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okkaay :D:D
Hehe okay :)
The turns are still about the same ><
Good luck to our co-moderator XD
goood luck one the finals :D
and yesh you're finally back!! welcome back hehehehe
The character chart is really nice :D
Hehe the character chart is simple but clear XD
i'll try to finish the update tomorrow
and then imma focus on the poster and try to finish it by sunday :]
the character chart is great help for people to know how whose who.
Hehe okay ! :D
Got it XP
where's the chat box?