Chapter 17: I am pregnant!

I am sorry I cannot wait for you until the end!


-2 months later-

Eunhyuk and I had extremely fun on our honeymoons and we brought many souvenir for our family and friends. We gave out most of them but left our family ones last so we can give them when we face to face. Some reason don’t know why I feel so sick after coming back from the honeymoon, and I get tired easily than before. I laid myself on bed as I was really tired and a bit sick maybe because of the cold weather? As I was closing my eyes resting, Eunhyuk came home after his schedule and saw me laying myself on bed, he quickly came towards me if I was okay.

Eunhyuk: Honey,  are you okay? (shaking my arm)

I slowly open my eyes and nodded to him saying I am okay.

Eunhyuk: Did you remember, what's happening today? (lifting me up, to sit properly)

Laura: Yeah, I remember today we are going to visit eomeoni, abeoji and Sora eonnie (nodding my head at the same time)

Eunhyuk: Yeah, get change now!

I nodded what he say and got up to get my clothes to change.

Eunhyuk: Honey…

I turn around as I heard him calling me.

Laura: Yea?

Eunhyuk: Are you sure you are okay? You look sick?

Laura: I am fine! I need to get change now, long distance drive!

He nodded and I got change afterwards.

During the long distance drive, somehow I am very tired and I felt asleep again but this time in the car. As Eunhyuk was driving he notice me as I was sleeping heavily not even waking up, he puts a jacket around me to keep me warm. Finally the 3 hours drive we arrive at Eunhyuk home town and his house.

Eunhyuk: Honey wake up! We arrive!

I looked at him as I was shocking that we arrive while I just having a short nap.

Laura: We arrive? (curiously)

Eunhyuk saw my curious look and started laughing how he founded cute.

Eunhyuk: Yeah silly head, we still need to get the souvenir in the back.

I nodded what he said and stretch myself as I got out of the car and heading where Eunhyuk was getting the souvenir. He took out the souvenir and smile to me as I smile back. And we hold hands to walk to my parents-in-law's house.

We finally arrive in front of the door, somehow maybe eomeoni was hearing us laughing and talking at the same time as we were walking up she was just behind the door before we even knock.

Eunhyuk mother: Welcome home guys!

Eunhyuk and I just stood there smiling but we were dragged in as we greeted Eunhyuk mother in front of the door after we gave the souvenir to her. As we arrive at the lounge we saw his father and his noona we both greeted them nicely and sat for us comfortably.

Eunhyuk father: How are you guys doing?

Eunhyuk: We are doing really fine, appa.

Eunhyuk father: Well today your eomeoni have prepared a lot of food for you guys to come!

We both sat there smiling as there was a lot of food prepare for us.

Eunhyuk mother: Guys, dinner is ready!

All of us shouted: Okay and headed to the dining table to eat those yummy food.

Eunhyuk mother: Laura, you eat more today! You are still so skinny from last time!

I just laugh what she say as she was referring me skinny still.

Laura: I will, eomeoni! (as I was smiling to her)

Eunhyuk: Yeah eat more! (as he was whispering to my ear)

I gave him this death glare, but both of us just found it naturally awkward if we do that.  My parents in law kept passing me a lot of food and I was really happy for that. Some how after I ate the teriyaki chicken, I felt a bit sick and I just wanted to throw up. I cover my mouth as I wanted to throw up. They notice me as they were asking me am I okay?

Eunhyuk: Honey are you okay?

Before I couldn’t even answer him, I quickly rushed myself to the toilet for throwing up. Sora eonnie follow me as she was checking if I am okay.

Eunhyuk mother: Son, is Laura okay?

Eunhyuk: I think so, but I noticed her she gets tired really easily and she is a bit sick right now.

Eunhyuk mother: I think, Laura might be pregnant!

Eunhyuk looked shocked: She is?

Eunhyuk mother: Well tonight, you guys stay here and tomorrow me and your noona will take her to the hospital to check

Eunhyuk nodded.

Sora: Laura, are you okay?

Laura: I am fine, eonnie! (smiling to her)

Sora eonnie just my hair to keep those messy parts away from my face. She smile back and both of us headed back to the dining table. After arriving at the dining I realise that eomeoni, abeoji and Eunhyuk gave me this weird look.

Eunhyuk :Honey… (as he was looking to me)

I looked back him, while I was drinking water that Sora eonnie pass to me.

Eunhyuk: Omma thinks you might be pregnant!

I looked shock but unfortunately right now I am just choking on water after I heard the word pregnant towards me!

Eunhyuk: But don’t worry omma say she will take you to the hospital to check tomorrow along with noona. And also we are staying here tonight to make it easier.

I nodded my head and went back to the food again. As they were eating peacefully, I touched my stomach as I was wondering if I could feel a new born inside me. It was getting late already and everyone headed to bed except us in a small single bed.

Eunhyuk: I guess tonight, we have to cuddle each other? (as he was back hugging me)

I nodded what he say and headed to bed cause I am freaking out if I am pregnant or not for tomorrow!

Laura: Honey.. (as they were cuddling each other before sleeping)

Eunhyuk: Yeah?

Laura: If I am pregnant, will you be happy? (looking curiously)

Eunhyuk: Well having a children is everyone happiness, why saying that?

Laura: Nothing much just acting weird!

Eunhyuk: Okay? Get to sleep now! (cuddling me tightly towards him)

I nodded what he say and off I go to my dreamland.

It was early in the morning already and I got up early as usual. As I headed out to the lounge after I got change, I realise eomeoni and Sora eonnie has waken already.

Eunhyuk mother: You wake already Laura! Come eat now!

I smiled and nodded and went to the dining table to eat my breakfast.

Eunhyuk mother: Take your time Laura, since we are going to the hospital (holding my hand)

I was silent but kept eating until I was finish.  After I was finish, eomeoni and Sora eonnie was about to finish. I smiled to them and they smiled back as we were preparing to head to the hospital. As we were almost about to leave, Eunhyuk woke and realise we were heading to the hospital. He came towards me and kissed on my forehead and whisper to me.

Eunhyuk: Text or call me after you are done! (whispering to my ears)

I nodded and headed out.


Doctor: Congratulations! Mrs Lee you are pregnant for four weeks!

I looked shock but somehow very happy after hearing as I was becoming a mother! Well pretty much eomeoni and Sora eonnie was more excited than I was, they both were praying to god wishing me take care and prevent any accidents with the baby!

Doctor: Well Mrs Lee, since you are a doctor I will transfer you back to your working hospital at Seoul Medical Hospital, will that be okay?

I nodded and smiled to the doctor.

Eunhyuk mother: OMG! My child, you must be very careful with your first baby! Because first time being pregnant isn't easy.

Laura: I will take care and must sure this baby is health.

I could see the smile on her face and I was touching my belly to feel where is my child growing. Forgot to tell an important person, I took out my phone and was about to call him, maybe he was more excited than I was he call me first.

Laura: Hello?

Eunhyuk: Hello honey, how was the check-up?

Laura; The check-up went really good!

Eunhyuk: Any news?

Laura: Well….

Eunhyuk: Well….what?

Laura: That you are going to be a father soon! (shocking him)

After hearing the news I could hear him in my ear laughing so hard. I think he might be on his schedule as I could hear other artist voice. I was just laughing what he was saying as was talking in his alien languages as no-one could understand after the last words was.

Eunhyuk; Honey, I will pick you up tonight! I have to go now! And also I love you! (cheerfully)

I laughed at his cheerfully voice: Love you too!


As we were heading home, eonmeoni and Sora eonnie just hooked to my arms just to must sure I am okay! As we arrive home both of them immediately told abeoji and I could see his face that he was just  so happy having a grandchild. He didn’t mind if it was a boy or a girl but as long as the child is health he will be happy. I smiled what he say and headed back to Eunhyuk room to rest as what they told me too. I couldn’t really sleep but I turn on the tv as I realising it was Strong Heart on with many different artist on today.

I kept watching it after Lee Seung Gi oppa notice a sign on Eunhyuk board saying today means a special today to me.

Seung Gi: Oh, Eunhyuk hyung on you board it said todays means a special day to you. How is today special?

Eunhyuk just kept smiling after he heard the news from me and he was just excited as he wanted everyone to know. Kangin oppa interrupt.

Kangin: Well after Eunhyuk and Laura was talking on the phone, he got extremely excited for something? And all the members was just looked at him weirdly!

Eunhyuk just laughed at his silliness of what he done: Well today, my wife Laura went to the hospital for a check-up.

After hearing the word hospital everyone had an worry face on them. Except Eunhyuk had a smile on his face.

Seung Gi: What happen to Laura?

Eunhyuk: Well the news was I….be...a….father….soon! (as he ended really cute)

All the artist was just shock and was extremely happy for us.

Seungi Gi: Congratulations  hyung! How many months is she?

Eunhyuk: She just check that she is 4 weeks pregnant!

Then suddenly all the artist started to congratulated him and give bless to us for wishing our baby to be nice and healthy. After watching Strong Heart I was really proud that our baby came to Earth to live with us giving us hope and happiness already before it is born. He came back here immediately after the show had ended and his schedule was over already. His was back really quickly as I could see his excitement on his face as he was hugging me really tightly and lifting me up a bit for fun.

Eunhyuk mother: You guys, after dinner is already! You guys better go home then! Laura I will make you some healthy soup for you to take home!

We both smiled and nodded at the same time.

Laura: Kamsahabinda eonmeoni!

Eunhyuk mother: It's okay child! (seeing a smile on her face)

After dinner Eunhyuk and I headed home waving bye to them off we go, going back home. During the long distance drive again.

Laura: Honey?

Eunhyuk: Yeah?

Laura: Thought any goods names for our child? (holding his right hand while he is using his left on the wheel)

Eunhyuk: I don’t know yet, well maybe after our child is known is boy or girl?

Laura: Yea… (relaxing back on the car seat)

Eunhyuk: You thought about any good news?

Laura: Well yea, if its girl we can call her Lee Shinye and boy Lee Soojoong

Eunhyuk thought it was just good names as I say but he notice one thing.

Eunhyuk: Why does our child have an S on their name?

Laura: Well S- represent Super Junior and Smile? That came from both of our side?

Eunhyuk: You are just genius, well rest now take a nap! When we arrive home I will wake you!

I nodded and stretch myself carefully to sleep. Eunhyuk was kindly passing his jacket to me as he was driving. He gave me a peck on the forehead like a good night kiss? As I thought myself as a child…

I think it might be really exhausted since I am also carrying another person inside me as I fall asleep to deeply as I couldn't wake up after we arrive home. Then unfortunately Eunhyuk had to carry me carefully since I am pregnant and glad he got help from our apartment security also he will be in trouble if he couldn’t find help.

As he arrive at home first he took me in to lay myself comfortable on bed, as I was still sleeping with no idea and he went out and thank the apartment security from help him also he will be struggling from carrying me.  As he went I slowly open my eyes and realise myself in our room with our comfortable bed. I sat myself comfortably to stretch myself. Eunhyuk came back in and notice me.

Eunhyuk: You woke (as he was squadding in front of me)

Laura: Yea, why didn’t you wake me?

Eunhyuk: You were sleeping so deeply I couldn’t even wake you!

Laura: I am sorry! (holding into his hands)

Eunhyuk: Its okay, where the baby? ( as he was curious to know)

I smiled and took his hands to feel the baby. He smiled and gently put his head as he wanted to feel and hear the baby.

As he couldn’t hear anything he looked me deeply but a bit childish.

Eunhyuk: Thank you!

Laura: What for?

Eunhyuk: From having this baby!

Laura: No need, this baby belongs to both of us! (wrapping my arms on his shoulder)

He smiled and gently came towards me to my face kissing me. We both smiled to each other and hugged each other warmly.

But its getting really late and both of us especially me need to rest. Before I could even sleep! I was being nagged by him saying sleep  properly, no turning side ways or else you will hurt the baby nervously. I seriously want to kill him with all these words. I told him get to sleep now also I chop him tonight! He laughed at my angriness and headed to sleep and I slowly fell asleep again in his arms.

Ever since I am pregnant Eunhyuk took the role as the house-man which cause me want to laugh at him when he is cooking, doing the washing and the cleaning at the same time. But I know he didn’t want me to over-stress myself and move a lot while I am pregnant. But sometimes he can be very annoying if he is there bugging you to sleep properly, eat those healthy food with naturally no taste at all and many more that you just cant stand him! 

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EunkyungLee #1
I cried so much at the end =( I love the story =) <3
EunhyukFutureWife #2
Amazing story
*sobs* touching.. :')
*sobs be patience eunhyuk oppa..
get well soon for laura eonni..
OMG There's gona be a lil Eunhyuke!..>.< adorable
awww i love the DRESS...>.<
thanx XD
i will update as soon as possible but not right now cause i feeling really sick at this moment of the cold weather >~<
xXCute_Star_136Xx #8
Read's forewood...
'Smile Group
Laura- Leader and also the leading rapper in the group (Nickname: Lion, Lion Omma, Old lady)
Elana- Main vocal (Nickname: Koala, Dirty mind lady, scary person) (Sungmin girlfriend)
Sugie- Sub-vocal and sub-dancer ( Nickname: Kung fu Panda, clumsy Sugie) the one who Laura can talk to about her feelings
Jessica- Lead vocal (Nickname: Seal, Ahyumma, Snail) (Donghae girlfriend)
Hera- Main rapper and lead dancer (Nickname: Crazy women, ghost, good child)
Helen- '
HEY It's my name! I am REALLY going to read this now!

Reads chapter one..
Awesome.... Really good.. continues reading...

This is really great! I'll subscribe a keep reading. ~<3
awwww soooo cute >.<
thank you after Tuesday I will update most of the chapters where i am too >< thank you for supporting me!