Chapter 10- I love you!

I am sorry I cannot wait for you until the end!


I finally came home… 2 weeks in hospital is just making me sick X_X I just miss home especially my bed how it is soft and comfortable. My grandparents, my sister including Kirt have decided to rent a small apartment near our dorm so they can take of me easily and make sure I am in a healthy condition. And also WGM Junyoung and I are now singles how we left the show and also because of my treatment I didn’t have time and also JYP made me rest and convince me to quit the show. A lot of fans supported us was sad how the news spread we aren't going to be on the shown anymore. But we will still remain as friends.

My tumour can cause me to suffer especially during night it can be really painful of the treatment I receive and the effects that comes. I told myself to hold on and fight back to not loose because of this tumour! One night as I remember I was in a painful situation I didn’t want to wake my members how they took care of me day and night and I don’t want to annoy them again. I walk out of really slowly as I could to get pain killers. I was depending on the wall and successful walk out. I intake painkillers and started to feel relax how the pain is going away. I looked at the calendar only 4 more weeks until the treatment is done and I can be back normal and return healthy to my fans. Glad I didn't wake them I better go back to sleep or else they notice me that I am out to get pain killers…


Tahe and I broke up few days ago. Because how I left her out too much these days and she was fatedly saw her ex-boyfriend and he was also a k-pop artist. She message  him a message while I was the MC during the music bank and she send it to me by accident. I was so angry during the time and  went to the toilets and express my anger to the window. But as I think deeper it my might be my fault too because I left her out and took care Laura while she in her treatment. I ending up breaking my arm and went to the hospital for bandage.

And unfortunately my members thought it was kind of funny how I broken my hand because of Tahe. I didn't really care and thought of Laura will she care?

I going to visit her now and give each other another chance for loving. I hope we really come back as couple because I seriously miss her and love her. But I need to ask another person does he agree that he will let Laura go? And the person is Junyoung.. When I broke up with Tahe I  immediately thought about going back to Laura but was stopped by him as he told secretly me that he also likes her too.  Texting to Junyoung

To: Junyoung

Hey Junyoung this is from Eunhyuk hyung I will like to meet up with today and talk.. Will that be okay?

From: Eunhyuk

As I was sending the message I thought myself I don't care if Laura is sick or not as along as I love her and everything doesn’t matter if we go back together.

I receive the signal and open to the message from him..

To: Eunhyuk

Hey hyung sure I will meet you today than at 7pm around at Dream World Cafe? Will that be okay?

From: Junyoung

I quickly reply and say yes sure I hope I can tell him today that I want him to let go Laura…


I was looking from the windows seeing how blue the sky was.. For really I wish I could be a bird that could travel anywhere and be freely to others…

Sugie: Eonnie here's  water (giving me the glass of water)

Laura: Thanx (as taking the cup from her)

While I was still thinking about been a  bird Sugie ask me a question and I never thought of how to answer the question..

Sugie: Eonnie, do you miss him?

I was a moment silent and turn towards her, wondering why she was asking this question

Laura: Yes I do.. (nodding my head at same time)

Sugie: Why don’t you guys go back together?

Laura: Do you think we can?

Sugie: Why not? You guys love each other and cry for each other! He already broke up with Tahe and here's your chance!

Laura was looking unsure but Sugie gave her the advice to let him have another chance and to be together..

Laura nodded and hugged Sugie after she gave her advice…

She thinking for herself, can Eunhyuk and I be together?

She was about to take her phone to call Eunhyuk as she wanted to meet him. But instead somehow their heart was connected. When Laura opened her she was shock seeing a message send by him…

To: Laura

Laura, do you mind we meet up? I have something to say to you! Meet you at 8pm at the park where we broke up… I hope I see you there……..

From: Eunhyuk

Laura replied to his message and say yes..

I was really surprise when I receive her message back saying yes my mind is just blowing off. I replied her really quickly okay see you tonight! I was praying to god wishing everything turn it out to be good!


-7pm Dream World Café-

I came early and so did he. We greeted each other politely and was about to start to the main points.

Junyoung: Hey hyung what did you want to talk about?

Eunhyuk lean forward from his chair

Eunhyuk: This is about Laura!

Junyoung: Your telling me you are going to get her back..?

I nodded it just like Junyoung just knows what am I going to say next..

Junyoung: I promise you I will let her go!

Eunhyuk: But don’t you love her?

Junyoung: I do.. But there is someone in her heart already!

Eunhyuk didn’t spoke and was waiting for the answer..

Junyoung: There's no point loving a women which has her heart to someone else..

Eunhyuk: You sure?

Junyoung: It's not about sure or unsure! It's about loving her and giving her happiness, I know I am not the person who can give her those. I will take her to the person she truly loves in her heart.. I hope she does receive the happiness and love from that person..

Eunhyuk: You must love her a lot!

Junyoung: I do but her heart isn't on me! There is no point loving for because of that. Hyung I guess you might need to tell her those lines I say!

I nodded: I think I have somewhere to go now!

Junyoung: Good luck! I hope you two can really go back together again!

Eunhyuk: Thank you (as I ran after the doors)


-8pm park-

I am waiting for her. She hasn’t come yet and in a moment I was a bit disappoint but somehow she appear and made my heart a bit warm.

Eunhyuk: You came now..

Laura: Yea…

Eunhyuk: I want to tell you something (looking deeply to Laura)

Laura: What is it? (looking at him also)

Eunhyuk: I love you…..

Laura heart was smiling but she didn’t know what she can do next.

Laura: But I am sick! You wont mind taking care a sick person?

Eunhyuk: I don’t care it's because I love you!

Laura: You are crazy! (as she was looking shock)

Eunhyuk: Love doesn’t matter! If you love the person you wont mind if the person is sick or not because you just love them!

As I was looking at him his words melted my heart. I didn’t know what can I say because I was just so, touched by the words he told me

Laura: Are you sure?

Eunhyuk: I am sure!

He pull close to me and crash his lips to mine. First I was shock but later I kiss back passionately and the kiss didn’t really end after the wind stopped us. We looked at each other in the eye and smile together and hugged. I miss hugging him, his heart is always so warm. I feel safe whenever I feel lonely.

I miss her smiles and her hugs whenever I am stress or struggles to face any problems. Her smile and hugs will also brings me hope and I always success whenever she is there to help me.

Laura I love you! I will never leave you if you are sick or not!


I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ i finish all my school assignment and tests now!!! 

thank you everyone from supporting

I am sorry i cannot wait for you until the end is waiting!!

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EunkyungLee #1
I cried so much at the end =( I love the story =) <3
EunhyukFutureWife #2
Amazing story
*sobs* touching.. :')
*sobs be patience eunhyuk oppa..
get well soon for laura eonni..
OMG There's gona be a lil Eunhyuke!..>.< adorable
awww i love the DRESS...>.<
thanx XD
i will update as soon as possible but not right now cause i feeling really sick at this moment of the cold weather >~<
xXCute_Star_136Xx #8
Read's forewood...
'Smile Group
Laura- Leader and also the leading rapper in the group (Nickname: Lion, Lion Omma, Old lady)
Elana- Main vocal (Nickname: Koala, Dirty mind lady, scary person) (Sungmin girlfriend)
Sugie- Sub-vocal and sub-dancer ( Nickname: Kung fu Panda, clumsy Sugie) the one who Laura can talk to about her feelings
Jessica- Lead vocal (Nickname: Seal, Ahyumma, Snail) (Donghae girlfriend)
Hera- Main rapper and lead dancer (Nickname: Crazy women, ghost, good child)
Helen- '
HEY It's my name! I am REALLY going to read this now!

Reads chapter one..
Awesome.... Really good.. continues reading...

This is really great! I'll subscribe a keep reading. ~<3
awwww soooo cute >.<
thank you after Tuesday I will update most of the chapters where i am too >< thank you for supporting me!