Chapter 12: Our relationship got reveal to the public!

I am sorry I cannot wait for you until the end!

We haven't see each other for a week! Damn I miss him so much. After most of treatments I done I started to work back in the hospital as a doctor again but as a singer JYP will make me rest more until I full recoveruntil he will let me work! His like appa to me but I am very please to have appa like him so caring for his children. JYP nation is like family with siblings love. Like us Smile as the oldest sisters, Wonder Girls as second oldest sister, 2pm and 2am the twin brothers and of course our little sister Miss A and Joo.

JYP nation is just so real you cannot imagine the love between us. OKAY! Let me snap out of there!


Glad we decided to have breakfast together 6:30am at Lovers of the Day Café. I was going off at the hospital as I was working night shift and  was about to head there for my morning. I waited for a him for a few minutes because of the working I have I was a bit sleepily and fell asleep on the table. He finally came and saw me, he started laughing and poke my face as he saw my both side dimples.

Laura: You finally came!

Eunhyuk: Yea.. You look tired? (as he was rubbing my shoulders)

Laura: Yes I am!

Eunhyuk: Don't push yourself to hard! It hurts my heart okay?

I nodded to him and looked at the menu

Laura: What do you want to eat? (looking at the menu)

Eunhyuk: Anything maybe set A? Since they have all my favourite food!

Laura: Um..okay I will have set B than with pineapples!! (cheerfully)

Eunhyuk: Not changing?

I nodded and we called the waiter for our set. While we waiting for our sets and having our moments. We never realise that someone was behind us and taking pictures.

Just in a few hours our photos was been released to the public =_=


JYP Entertainment-

JYP: Are you two dating again?

I nodded and stand there in silent with him.

Eunhyuk: We both decided since we are couple again there is no need to hide.  And we actually want to tell the public we are a couple! (in confidently)

JYP: Well I don’t mind you dating but the point is you guys going to have a lot of antis..

Eunhyuk: It doesn’t really matter because I love her.. If we get anti or not

I stood their staring at him as he was saying if we get anti or not he still love me. I was really touch by his words and I am glad JYP didn’t stopped us!

JYP: Have you guys told SM yet?

We both shook our heads at the same time..

Eunhyuk: I going to say in exact same thing what I told you Mr Park

JYP: Okay, when Mr Lee also agrees than we will announce you guys are originally a couple but have broke up not long ago and came back for each other!

We both nodded and smile to each other.


SM Entertainment-

SM: So Eunhyuk you are dating with her?

Eunhyuk nodded and waited for him to speak

SM: So did JYP say anything about this?

Eunhyuk: He is waiting for you to agree than he will announce that we were originally a couple but have broke up not long ago and came back for each other again!

SM nodded and didn’t spoke for second. And its fearing Eunhyuk that he is not going to agree.

SM: Okay I will do what JYP say! But you guys know that you have risk from having anti's right?

Eunhyuk nodded and SM order in to go back work. While the rest of SJ members are behind the door the waiting for him.

Yesung: How was it?

Eunhyuk: He was do what JYP is doing..

Siwon: So is that a yes?

He nodded and made every member happy how they both got back together including Donghae the one that supported their relationship!

In a few hours both entertainment has announce that Smile Laura and Super Junior Eunhyuk are currently dating!


I feel different how our relationship is been reveal sometimes I am  been bullied by artist that are jealous from me dating him especially Jung Juri sometimes she just wants to kill me from her jealously of me. Hehe eonnie!!

Including him, he got a lot of male artist jealous about him especially the one that are older than me or him like Haha oppa ^^!!

But unfortunately both of us we not see each other for a long time. Because he joined Super Junior-M and he will be over sea for quite a long time for 3 months! Which is killing me >< But we made promises that we will contact each other at night no matter other busy the other person is. Off he goes to Taiwan left me by myself but I still go my members with me! Today part of my schedule is to attend OMS! I am definitely going to be bullied >< Fingers cross hope nothing happens.


-Oh My School-

Shinyoung: Today we have a new guest here today!

Tony: Who is it? (confusing) while other artist was sitting down listening

Shinyoung: She was in a relationship with a guy but their secret was been reveal to the public!

Yoseob: I know! I know! It's Laura noona and Eunhyuk hyung?!


Everyone started clapping and I came to the camera. Rule is never walk in front of the camera as they think it's rude!

Laura: Annyeonghaseyo! I am Smile Laura-shi! Please take care of me for todays show! (politely greeting everyone)

Myseongsu: Laura you may sit! (blushing)

Laura: Thank you oppa!

Shinyoung: Laura is it true you are currently dating with Super Junior Eunhyuk?

Laura was a bit shock first thing been ask was are you guys dating! I nodded and listen to what other artist was talking.

Kikwang: Noona! You know you were my idol type before? Now you are dating with Eunhyuk hyung how could you? (childish)

Laura: What are about now? Am I still your idol type?

Yoseob cutely interrupt…

Yoseob: His idol type is Hyosung! (suddenly the cam focus on those two)

Laura: See! You have your idol type now! Don’t be jealous from me ha! (strong attack)

Hyosung:  Eonnie!

Shinyoung: So how long have you guys dated for?

Laura: I can tell but the option is that it has to kept a secret for this show!

Shinyoung: Yes, is that right everyone! Everyone nodded and it made me a bit nervous saying this.

Laura: Well we both started dating back in 2007!

Miyoen: Wow! How long! I think most of the artist here now haven't in debut yet.

After those words everyone was been into laugher.

Laura: Because back then, we have good feelings for each other and we started dating until 2010!

Shinyoung: Is it because the tumour on you?

I nodded: And I thought it will be best for us to break up and I also didn’t want him to know I got this type of tumour!

Simon D: You must love him a lot!

I nodded: Than later we move on, he got a girlfriend and I got a guy that has good feeling towards me! But somehow fated brought us back together! So we started again! And we were caught by the paparazzi!

Kikwang: Was it the photos that was been released on the internet?

I nodded..

Soyeon: Where were you guys?

Laura: We were having morning breakfast together!

All artist: How romantic!

I smile and feel nervous of words that I say.

Kyung Lim: So who here is actually put Laura-shi as their idol type?  On the count of 3.. 1…2….3!

Lee Joon, Dalmatian Daniel, Kikwang  and ZE:A Siwan! Including MC Tony

I was a bit shock but was a bit sorry for them picking me as their idol type! While I have been taken.

Shinyoung: I heard that Smile have a comeback not long ago?

Laura: Yeah, with our repackage mini album "Bring it on!"

Shinyoung: Why don’t you sing and dance the "Bring it on" moves?

I was a bit shock but was been applause by many artist.

Laura: Okay

Yoseob: Also noona show us the kneeling on the floor one with one leg out and the hand swinging hard to the other side?

I nodded: Um.. Okay!

Smile - Bring it on!

Please girls don’t mess up with us!

You try and piss on me?

Okay! Just Bring it on!

Why aren't you coming?

Are you just afraid of us?

Don’t worry, JUST BRING IT ON! (kneeling and swinging my arm hard)

I will tell you how we win!

After dancing I was been applause by everyone..

Shinyoung: What is this song about?

Laura: This song is about Smile are gangster girls and one day they met this tribe of girls trying to pick on them, so this song is trying to bring it on the fight to them!

Tony: Why does this song sound like the black tribe?

I was a bit shocked and laughed…

Well the show kind of went really well and I have fun talking to all my friends and my eonnie's and oppa!

Hyosung: Bye eonnie!

Laura: Annyeong! Go home safe remember! Byee!

Waving bye to my friends I better go home now and rest for my fun day!


-Smile Dorm-

While I was in my room studying for preparing exam. I felt my phone was vibrating and check and realise it was him.

Laura: Hello!!! (cutely)

Eunhyuk: Why are you so happy? (curious)

Laura: Nothing much, just happy because you call me!

Eunhyuk: Silly girl, what are you doing right now?

Laura: Studying, while the rest of the members are out, you?

Eunhyuk: Having dinner!

Laura: How's the food? Good?

Eunhyuk: Well better than the food you cook!

Laura: Excuse me! You want me to fly to Taiwan and chop you as my dinner!

Eunhyuk: Just joking! Don’t be that scary! You know

I ignore what he say. And continue studying and talking to him at the same time. But later I realise it was getting late and I need to quickly study and go to sleep.

Laura: Eunhyuk oppa! I need to go now!

Eunhyuk: Okay! After you kiss me!

Laura: How? (curious)

Eunhyuk: Just the sound on the phone!

My facial expression was just shock what he told me.

Laura: Fine  -Kiss!

Eunhyuk: Thank you! Rest now! Don’t stress yourself!

Laura: Okay I will! See ya!

Eunhyuk: See ya

I just think he just suit as a child instead of a man! But I just love him his childish personality I just cant help it!

3 months later he came back and surprise me while I was working in the hospital! I was shock but miss him very much even thought we talk on the phone regularly 

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EunkyungLee #1
I cried so much at the end =( I love the story =) <3
EunhyukFutureWife #2
Amazing story
*sobs* touching.. :')
*sobs be patience eunhyuk oppa..
get well soon for laura eonni..
OMG There's gona be a lil Eunhyuke!..>.< adorable
awww i love the DRESS...>.<
thanx XD
i will update as soon as possible but not right now cause i feeling really sick at this moment of the cold weather >~<
xXCute_Star_136Xx #8
Read's forewood...
'Smile Group
Laura- Leader and also the leading rapper in the group (Nickname: Lion, Lion Omma, Old lady)
Elana- Main vocal (Nickname: Koala, Dirty mind lady, scary person) (Sungmin girlfriend)
Sugie- Sub-vocal and sub-dancer ( Nickname: Kung fu Panda, clumsy Sugie) the one who Laura can talk to about her feelings
Jessica- Lead vocal (Nickname: Seal, Ahyumma, Snail) (Donghae girlfriend)
Hera- Main rapper and lead dancer (Nickname: Crazy women, ghost, good child)
Helen- '
HEY It's my name! I am REALLY going to read this now!

Reads chapter one..
Awesome.... Really good.. continues reading...

This is really great! I'll subscribe a keep reading. ~<3
awwww soooo cute >.<
thank you after Tuesday I will update most of the chapters where i am too >< thank you for supporting me!