Round 94

Personal Differences

Round Ninety-Four

That’s the sound of my heart beating for you.”

Krystal giggled to herself at the dinner table and Papa Jung looked at her strangely. “What are you giggling about?”

Mama Jung giggled too and nudged her husband. “You should know, of all people. Who else can make her giggle like that?” She then turned to Krystal and asked gently, “Soojung ah, how are things with Young?”

Krystal’s smile was radiant. “Young is very nice to me. We’re progressing well.”

Papa Jung coughed loudly and the two women looked at him. “Are you alright, Daddy?” Krystal asked with concern.

He stood up abruptly. “I-I’m done with dinner. I’ll be in my study if you need me.” And with that, he left the dinner table before Krystal could say anything more.

What’s wrong with Daddy?” Krystal asked Mama Jung.

The older woman merely smiled and shook her head. “He’s an old soft pudge. Don’t worry about him.”


Jessica sighed in relief when they left Cheonjiyeon Falls. Yes, she agreed with Yul. It was a beautiful place and the view was majestic but the sun was unbearably hot. She wanted to get out of the sun more than anything after looking at the waterfall for the past thirty minutes. Yul on the other hand, was itching to jump in for a swim.

I’ll catch an eel for you,” Yul said in jest but Jessica did not react. All of her mind was occupied with thoughts of a cooler place like an air-conditioned room. “Sica? Baby? What’s wrong?”

Jessica pouted. “The weather. It’s too hot.”

Yul smiled and wiped the perspiration off her forehead with the tissue paper he took from her hand. “But you’re hotter,” he quipped and earned a slap on his arm from his wife.

Why are you so cheesy these days? What’s going on?”

Cheesy? You don’t like cheesy? Should I stop then?”

Jessica paused and blinked. “You don’t have to stop.”

Yul laughed heartily at her answer and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Alright. Let’s go somewhere else. We’ll go to a place that you’ll like for sure.”

A shopping mall? Or are we going back to our resort?”

Yul grinned and shook his head. “This place is so much better than those two.”

Jessica was curious. “What is this place?”

It’s a secret. You’ll see when we get there.”


Jessica didn’t want to admit it but Yul was completely right about her. She did like it. In fact, she loved it.

They play education films here. We could watch a few. And there are 140 sculptures of the various ual positions displayed in this park.” Yul gave her the rundown of the place as he had at each and every place they visited. She didn’t know how he knew those things but she wasn’t surprised anymore.

140!” Jessica was shocked. “That’s a lot!”

You can choose the ones you like and we can try them.”

I want to try as many as possible.”

Yul guffawed. “See? I told you. You’ll definitely love this place. I was saving the best for last, baby. Love Land is definitely the best for you.”

This park is called Love Land?”


Yul, let’s try that position tonight.” Jessica pointed at a sculpture of a man who was holding a woman upside down with his face in her valley.

Baby, you’re pregnant.”

Oh, right.”

Yul chuckled. “We can try that after our little baby Kwon is born and you’re recovered from giving birth.”

Jessica pouted. “That’s too long.”

We can try other positions in the meantime, okay?”



And true to his word, Yul brought Jessica back to their resort and made sweet love to her that night. In a brand new position that Jessica picked out from the park.


They’d covered all the different places on Jeju. From the temples to the waterfalls to the bridges to the museums, they visited them all. Leisurely, of course. Jessica did not want to wake up early. Nor did she want to hurry. So when they got to the last day, Jessica was sad.

I’m going to miss Jeju.”

So am I.”

Let’s come back here one day.”

Yes, we will.”


Mmm, how about our wedding anniversary? We could come here every year for a few days.”

That’s a great idea!” Jessica was excited. “Let’s do it!”

Yul nodded and smiled. “And we can bring our kids here with us. They’ll love this place too.”

Jessica pouted. “No. I don’t want to come here with our kids. I want it to be just the two of us.”

But we can’t leave our kids in Seoul and come here just to enjoy ourselves.”

Why not?”

Who’s going to take care of them while we’re gone?”

There are plenty of people who can help us do that.”

Well, if it’s only for a few days…”

Yul…” Jessica put on her pleading expression and tugged on his sleeve. “I don’t want to share you with anybody else on our wedding anniversary.”

Yul smiled and her hair gently. “Alright, I understand. We’ll make it happen somehow. I promise.”

Jessica smiled. A promise from Yul meant that it would happen. Yes, that was one of the reasons why she loved Yul so much.


Taeng and Tiffany loaded their bags into his car before getting into it. Now that the Kwons were done with their honeymoon in Jeju, Jessica would be able to run MIB for her and it was their turn to have their break. They were heading to America to visit Tiffany’s family. Taeng was nervous to say the least. He wasn’t sure about how her father would react to her. And her brother too.

Sure, her family knew that they were engaged to be married and Tiffany had assured him that there was nothing to worry about but he couldn’t help but worry. What if her father didn’t like him? what if her father thought that he wasn’t good enough for her? What if her brother felt the same way?

Tiffany seemed to be able to read his thoughts when she turned to him and gave him her best smile. “They’re going to love you, Taetae. Don’t worry your little head over it. Let’s enjoy ourselves and take a good break.”

I’ll try my best, Fany ah.”

Tiffany laughed softly and shook her head. “Taeng, they’ll love you. You won’t even have to try.”


Taeng and Tiffany checked in and boarded the plane in good time. They were seated together and Tiffany had the window seat. They got themselves comfortable and the plane took off punctually. Soon, they were cruising along and all was well. Except for one.

Tiffany knew that Taeng was nervous just by looking at him. And she felt the love for him surge up inside. He was nervous because he loved her and cared for her. Her family’s opinion of him was important to him because he loved her and cared for her. He was so many things and it was all because of that single reason.

She thought it amazing that she could find a person like Taeng. Life really did love to throw her curveballs. But this was one awesome curveball. She loved this curveball with all her heart and soul. Without him, she would never have known that she was capable of feeling such strong emotions.

She reached for his hand. It was cold, so she rubbed it with her hands and smiled at him. “Taetae.”

Yes, Fany?”

She didn’t give him time to react. She simply clamped her lips over his and the life out of him. After a moment, she broke their kiss and grinned at his dazed expression.

Are you still nervous?” she asked with a glint in her eye.

Taeng shook his head, agape.


She cuddled up against him and laid her head on his shoulder.

Goodnight, Taetae.”

Goodnight, Fany ah.”


That’s it. It’s been almost two weeks now.”


No more buts. You’ve lost.”


No, no, no. Don’t try to go all puppy eyes on me. You lost. And that means I’m not staying over for a week. I miss my own room. I want to spend some quality time in it.”

But how could you make me tell everyone that I farted while we did it! There’s no way I can tell anyone about that!”

Sunny shrugged. “It was double or nothing. That was the agreement.”


Yoong. I need some time for myself. I’ve been sleeping over with you so often that I might as well be living with you. We need some time to do our own stuff. I need some time to go out with my friends. I haven’t hung out with Hyo for a while.”

Yoong hung his head and Sunny couldn’t resist hugging him.

Don’t be so sad. It’s just a week. You can go out with Young and Hyun like you said and I’ll go out with Hyo.”

But I need to hug you to sleep,” Yoong whined.

Oh my gawd, Yoong. How did you fall asleep before you met me?”

That was before…”

Hug a bolster. Hug a pillow. Here,” Sunny tossed him a blouse of hers, “put this over your pillow and hug it.”

Yoong looked at her blouse and the pillow on his bed doubtfully. “I’m not sure about this.”

Well, try it. Either way, I’m not sleeping over this week. Deal with it.”



You’re earlier than I am.” Young was surprised to see Yoong sitting at their usual area.

My girlfriend ditched me for her girlfriend. I have nowhere to go but here.”

You’re pathetic.”

I’m not.”

You are.”

Hyung!” Hyun appeared with a smile.

Wow! Even Hyun is early tonight. What has the world come to?” Young was amazed.

Hyoyeonie said that work can be rescheduled to accommodate other priorities so I rescheduled a report and came here.”

Rescheduled a report?!” Young was tickled pink. Hyoyeon had definitely found a way to persuade Hyun out of his workaholic ways. It was good. He was happy for Hyun. “You rescheduled a report for us? I’m so touched by your brotherly love.”

Hyun smiled awkwardly. “I realized that I miss you hyungs when we met again after a long time. I told Hyoyeonie about it and she said that I should cherish the two of you more and give you higher priority. She said that work is endless so I should learn to reschedule things to fit other needs in life.”

Hyoyeon is a very wise woman, my friend. Hyun, I think it’s awesome that you’re taking her advice.”

Yeah, you should listen to your girlfriend. She’s a smart cookie.” Yoong grinned.

Yoong, your girlfriend is a smart cookie too. You should listen to her,” said Young.

am listening to her! She wants to spend a week away from me and I‘m complying with her wish.”

Complying doesn’t mean you agree and it certainly doesn’t mean you see her point.”

Hyung, what are you talking about?” Hyun asked.

Young turned to Hyun and pointed at Yoong. “Your ex-player hyung here is now reduced to a pathetic man who can’t live without his girlfriend.”

HAHAHAHA! Who’d have thought,” laughed Hyun. “Hyung, that’s a surprise!”

I’m perfectly capable of living without Sunny, thank you very much,” Yoong insisted.

If you’re capable of that, she wouldn’t have to resort to playing that game with you to win this week of time away from you.”

Are you saying that she rigged the game so that I would lose it?”

What I’m saying is you need to give your girl some breathing space.”

What? Am I smothering her or something?”

Yoong, you work with her. She’s with you at work and after work. She sleeps over which means that she sees you day and night. That’s all day. 24/7. Yoong, that’s not very healthy, is it?”

Yoong paused. “I didn’t think of it like that.”

Well, now you should.”

But I like being with her all the time. I don’t think it’s too much.”

But she does.”

How is it that you sound as though you know her better than I do?”

I don’t know her better than you do. I’m just less involved in it than you are.”

Hyung is right. It is easier to be reasonable when you’re standing at the side lines,” Hyun added.

Are you saying that I’m being unreasonable?” Yoong asked with wide open eyes.

Perhaps,” Hyun stated coolly.

Yoong blinked. And at that moment, Young felt sorry for Yoong. He knew that part of the reason for this behaviour was his fear of losing the ones he loved. Just like his parents. And despite what they told the world, he knew that Yoong’s parents weren’t on the best of terms. So it was no wonder that Yoong was especially clingy when it came to Sunny.

Yoong. Sunny loves you. But she’s an independent woman. She needs some time to herself. Her friends. She won’t love you less if she spends a little less time with you.”

I know what you’re trying to say, Young. I get it. Thanks.”

Anytime bro.”

Yoong heaved a sigh before flashing a wide smile. “So it’s our guys’ night out! Let’s drink!”

Now that’s the Yoong I know and love.”


It was a very long flight and Taeng was dead tired by the time they got to Tiffany’s home. Yet despite his tiredness, he was determined to put on his best smile to make a good impression.

Daddy!” Tiffany shrieked happily and flung her arms around her father’s neck. Taeng stood at the side awkwardly and watched as father and daughter hugged. It was a while before they turned to him and when Tiffany introduced him, he wiped his hand on his pants nervously before taking her father’s hand to shake it.

Taeng remembered the advice that Yul gave him. “It’s all in the handshake, Taeng. Make it good and firm. But don’t worry too much about it either. Sica has a terrible handshake but I fell in love with her anyway.” He decided that Jessica’s example wasn’t applicable to him since Tiffany’s father was not going to fall in love with him so he practiced shaking hands with the his plush toys. Now, it was time to put the practice to good use.

He shook his hand firmly without gripping it too tightly. Hurray! He did it! Mission accomplished!

Tiffany’s father smiled as they ended their handshake and said, “So, you’re Taeng. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Taeng could barely give him a smile—he was so nervous.

Welcome to the Hwang household. It’s a simple house but there’s room for you. I’ll let Miyoung show you the way.”

Miyoung.” Taeng giggled. “It’s cute”

Yes. It’s my name. My cute name.”

You don’t know my daughter’s name?”


He knows that it’s my name, Dad.”

So why is he acting like it’s his first time hearing it.”

It doesn’t go with the image I put up at work so I don’t use it.”

Well, at home, you’re Miyoung.”

Yes, Dad!” Tiffany flashed a megawatt smile and laughed. “Follow me, Taeng. I’ll show you to your room.”


The room was small but pleasant. Clean, neat and sufficiently furnished.

I’ll let you settle yourself in. Come out when you’re done.”


And with that, Tiffany smiled and left the room.

Taeng looked around the room. This room would be his refugee for the next few days. He hoped he could get through them without messing anything up. That worry stabbed him hard and he reacted instinctively by reaching into his luggage to pull his peas out.

Happy, Happier, Happiest, this is our room now. Do you think we can get through this?” Taeng stared intently at his peas and smiled. “You think yes? I hope yes too.”


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD