Round 93

Personal Differences

Round Ninety-Three

Taeng shivered in anticipation as Tiffany pushed him onto the bed rather roughly. He bounced as he landed on the bed and Tiffany giggled.

Taengoooo…” Tiffany made a show of shutting her closing and Taeng realized that his jaw was hanging loose. He turned red and shut his mouth immediately as he tried desperately to keep calm. The memories of last night, however, made it difficult to do that…


What did you need help with, Fany?” Taeng asked as soon as they stepped into his apartment.

Come with me. I’ll show you.”


Tiffany led Taeng into his bedroom and he followed, wondering what she could possibly need help with in the bedroom. He stood at the foot of the bed where she positioned him and waited. Tiffany got her knees on the bed and faced him. Then, she surprised him by ping her dress and taking it off. He didn’t quite understand what was happening. What exactly was this help that she needed?

She dropped her dress onto the floor with a flourish and smiled at him as she sat back on the bed in nothing more than her lingerie.

Er…what was the help that you needed?” he asked again, unsure about the situation that was unfolding before him. It looked a little like seduction to him but it didn’t make any sense at all…or did it?

Tiffany simply flashed a wide smile and said, “My whole body is aching. I need you to give me a massage.”

Oh…okay.” Taeng was happy again. So a massage was what she needed help with. That wasn’t a problem at all. He was accustomed to giving her shoulder massages whenever she was tired from work. The only thing he didn’t quite understand was why she had to remove her dress for this. It was a distraction to him so he bid himself to focus on massaging her. “Turn around, Fany ah.”

Tiffany turned around and lay down flat on her tummy. He was confused again. Why was she lying down? “Fany ah, why are you lying down? I can’t reach your shoulders that way.”

I need a whole body massage.”

A whole body massage?”

Starting from my feet, up my back and all the way to my shoulders.”


 “Start with my shoulders and work your way down please.”
(pass: aintnosunshine)


His head was in Tiffany’s arms when he came back to his senses and he hoisted himself up with his elbows to take a good look at her. Was she alright? Had he gone too hard on her? But all his worries vanished the instant he saw her radiant smile. She was positively glowing.

Thanks for helping me, Taetae. You were a great help.”

And the broadest grin broke across his face as he glowed with pride. That was a best feeling of all. Bar none.


Now, as Tiffany took his clothes off, he could barely contain his excitement for what was to come. He understood perfectly this time. She was going to return the favour and he could only hope that he could hold on till the end. It had been most intense last night. More intense than any other. And he couldn’t wait to feel it again.


The doctor had said during one of their earlier visits, that it was alright for Jessica to fly but she decided not to in the end. She couldn’t shake off the worry for her baby’s safety so Yul had agreed to stay in the country instead of having their honeymoon in Europe as they had planned before learning about her pregnancy. Europe could wait, they had decided and opted to make the trip after she had given birth instead.

Nevertheless, Yul had a week and a half off from work and he wanted to make full use of it. So, he brought her to Jeju instead. He’d gotten the idea while talking to the guys about his thwarted honeymoon plans. Yoong had been quick to offer him free accommodation at his resort but he insisted on paying for it. It was much too expensive a gift to accept, he had said. In the end, they agreed that they would gather their girlfriends and pool their cash to get the villa for him as a wedding present and he had no choice but to relent.

When he told her about it, he’d been surprised to learn that she had never truly explored Jeju before. Ironically, she’d been to places that were far, far away but had never really visited the island for more than a day. So Jeju it was. That was the plan.


They left for Jeju the day after their wedding. And after they got there, they took things easy. Jessica made Yul promise to allow her to sleep for as long as she liked and he agreed with a laugh. There were some things that would never change and he was glad for them. After all, they were the things that defined her.

So it was the following late morning when he received an e-mail from Tiffany that contained a link. It was a link to their guest book! They hadn’t had the time to browse through their guest book before leaving for Jeju but now, they had all the time in the world.

Baby, Tiffany sent us the link to our guest book. Come and see.”

Jessica came out from the bathroom looking as gorgeous as ever and joined him on the luxurious king-sized bed. He shifted his laptop so that they both could look at it properly and clicked.


Just married,” said Jessica with a toothless smile.

Yul smiled too. “That’s us.”

They exchanged a brief kiss and turned back to the guest book.

“Happy wedding Yul & Jessica! Best wishes to both of you and may the ups (or even downs) keep you closer and stronger together, forever and after.” ~H.Hilmi

Aww…that’s so nice of Hali,” said Yul.

From your office?”

Yul nodded. “Hali’s great.”

To Yulsic: A happy ever after life of sweet and romantic lifestyle.” :wub: ~sousou

Jessica pointed at the emoticon. “Sou gave us hearts.”

But all I need is yours.”

Jessica giggled and hit his tummy. “Cheesy.”

But you like it,” Yul quipped and laughed when Jessica stuck her tongue out at him.

“Yul, you’re a great and lucky man. I’m so happy but too am jealous that you’re marrying Jessica.

I hope that your life will be fruitful and filled with DFS Jessica!” ~Tony

DFS? What’s DFS? And he’s jealous of me?” Yul frowned.

I’m a gorgeous bride so it’s only natural. You should get used to it, Kwon seobang.”

You’re mine.”

Jessica giggled. “I’m yours, don’t worry.”

To Mr. and Mrs. Kwon

Congratulations! It has been a pleasure these past months to get to know the two of you. I wish you all the best, and may your family be as beautiful and happy as you two are!” ~Wolf

Of course our family will be as beautiful as us,” said Jessica with a confident smile.

To Mr. and Mrs. Kwon,

Have a wonderful wedding and a blessing life together.

PS : Yul, I bet you will have a very mind-blowing time, tonight! Go rock it, dude!” ~a.d.h.

Yul and Jessica looked at each other and giggled.

My sincere congrats to Yulsic! You two have been through a lot!! May you guys have a blissful marriage and look forward to plenty of kids from you guys…your children would be super handsome and pretty! ~Jason R.

“To the newlyweds, YulSic!

Congratulation on your wedding! May today be the most memorial day for both of you! The Prince and Princess of the day, yeeaah? ^__^

Yul, stop trying to indulge yourself in your work now that you have Jessica as your wife! Make sure you go home earlier and pamper her real good, alright? I’m expecting good news from the both of you soon! Haha

May God bless the both of you always! May you two be happy and may you two be together long enough though the road is gonna get rough and thorny ahead of you. ^^”

From Jojo, Yul’s colleague.”

Congratulations for your wedding Mr. And Mrs. Kwon, i wish you a happy marriage for a long long time :D I’m happy for both of you! Have lots of children~ Thank you for inviting all of us to the wedding!” ~I. L. Smith

Yul smiled and said, “Jason is a wonderful colleague. And so are Jojo and Smith.”

Yul & Jessica…tell us the of your baby! & Have a wild night ;)” ~The Greatest Gif Guess.

TO YULSIC, Congrats on the wedding! May this beautiful couple last forever and ever!” ~Nana

“Congrats on your wedding yulsic! Have tons of kids alright! /smirks/ be sweet and lovey dovey to each other till the end okay! Enjoy you honeymoon keke” ~Chermaines

Happy wedding! I hope you guys will continue to love each other till like forever kekeke. But I guess that won’t be a problem. Stay healthy and love the baby! And happy honeymoon!!” ~Jenny

To Mr and Mrs Kwon:

Congrats on your long awaited marriage and I wish u a happy marriage life with your own family and don’t forget to make more Yulsic quality time hahahahhahahahhaha Yul please be easy on Sica and for Sica to be a good housewife and keep down your shopping habit

From: magda”

Mr. and Mrs. kwon,

Congratulations on one of the biggest moments of your lives. We all know what the two of you had been through. It was never easy but that made this relationship worth it. Never stop loving your other half. Spend forever in the arms of each other and make a lot of little Yuls and Sicas… :)

Wishing you all the best in your marriage and family life.

love lots, xoxo”

Tif’s staff are so excited for us, aren’t they?” Jessica giggled.

Yul nodded. “Your best friend definitely knows how to pick her staff. They’re such wonderful people.”

Dear Mr. Kwon, I still remember the day you help me with my case. Your words solely make me confident that I will win against my ex-husband. After we won the case, I move to Jeonju and start a new life. I came to your office once but you were not there. Your colleague told me u were busy with ur wedding and to cut long story short, I present u these voucher to my chalet. its small but u will get the best experience of Jeonju at my chalet. It’s 100% free. Just for my knight. From Mrs. Kim HaNi.”

Jessica kissed Yul’s cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

“ Congratulations!! May both of u live happily n be blessed with lots of babies :evil:” ~zero

More babies?” Yul grinned.

We’ll see,” replied Jessica, noncommittally.

I hope both of you will cherish every moment you will spend together even more, now that you two are married and will have a baby soon! I know you can be a good mother, Jessica! Can’t wait to see you and a mini you when we go out for shopping! Best wishes from you friend!” ~taeha

Jessica giggled. “Shopping, I can’t wait.”

All Yul could do was shake his head.

To the YulSic couple Mr & Mrs Kwon congratulations on your wedding

Are you prepared for married life don’t expect too much!!! nah! just kidding

I know you’ll do good fighting best wishes for both of you

I know it’s too early but expecting to be Baby Kwon’s Godmother

Can’t wait to meet your baby!” ~Chelle

To Mr. & Mrs. Kwon

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEDDING! Set your Honeymoon on FIRE… Go and Multiply!” ~ D.

Congratulations for both of you and Yul don’t too rough to Sica on your wedding night…remember she’s pregnant.” ~cabur

“From: Nia_91 to the lovely Yulsic couple~

May your marriage bring you all the exquisite excitements a marriage should bring, and may life also grant you patience, tolerance and understanding.

The best birthdays of all are those that haven’t arrived yet ;)”

To the Newlyweds Yul & Jess,

Congratulations for finally making it official! You’ve met the best life partners you could ever have!

I hope it wasn’t tough overcoming each other’s personal differences, cause it’s going to be an amazing road ahead.

Best wishes in creating new chapters and memories with the little one on the way!” ~ Yoong C. :banana:”

“Dear Mr and Mrs Kwon, congratulations on your wedding! Hope the wedding and the honeymoon afterwards will leave many pleasant *winkwink* memories for you both! Here’s wishing you both a blissful and harmonious marriage and hopefully we’ll see many little Yuls and little Sicas soon! :) ” ~sjx

“Dear Yul and Jessica,

Congratulations on your wedding. You are both a blessing for each other.

Cheers to your union and many many more babies to come! Lovelots!” ~E.Thinker

Why are there so many messages that are hinting at us having many babies?” Jessica asked. “Do I look like the motherly kind?”

Yul laughed. “All thanks to you, my dear. It’s clear to see that you can’t keep your hands off me.”

Jessica huffed. “You want me just as much as I want you and you know it. You just like to tease me.”

Yul grinned handsomely. “Yes, you’re completely right,” he admitted as he tapped her nose playfully, making her pout. “But you’re just too much fun when I tease you. I can’t help it.”

To the Kwons,

Have fun on your honeymoon ;) HAHAHA no I hope you two create great memories together as husband and wife ! ~Love, long distant cousin Jung”

“Dear Yul, remain the upstanding person that you are and continue to shower love and care upon Jessica. You’re the man! ;)

Dear Sica, you’ve grown so much ever since you met Yul, love him in your own special way and i wish your baby health :p” ~Jasmine

Dear handsome Mr. Kwon and lovely Mrs. kwon, congratulation on your wedding. Your love story is an inspiration to all of us and I’m glad I get to know you two along this journey. Happy wedding! May god bless your marriage and give the both of you beautiful children. Till forever and eternity. :)” ~s.michii

Dear Yul and Jessica,

This is the first day of the rest of your life. May it also be the first day of the best in your life. May your marriage be a wonderful adventure together and may your cup of love never run dry.

Best wishes from your friend, Tipco..”

Congratulations for Mr. Kwon Yul and Mrs. Kwon Jessica

Happy wedding day and start a wonderful life together from now on :)” ~P. Meme

To Mr. and Mrs. Kwon

I hope you spend the rest of your life happy and together because I know that when you’re together you’re the happiest persons in the WORLD hope you have ” la vida perfecta que siempre han querido, aunque tal vez no se pueda tener perfecta, espero que la vivan lo más feliz que puedan” ~Nadia

The newly wedded couple smiled and hugged each other briefly before reading on.

“Kwon Yul and Jung Jessica…or may I say Kwon Jessica. You two are one of the best couples I have ever seen! You both really are perfect for each other. I hope you hold each other close in the best or bad times and have trust and faith all the way~ Wishing you a very Happy married life! <3 ” ~S.Craze

Dear Yulsic,

Congrats on getting married!! There’s been a whole lot of ups and downs since you two became a couple but you have shown everyone that YULSIC IS THE BEST! I hope you have a happy marriage and stay awesome! Take lots of selcas and post them for us!! Saranghae <3” ~P. Guin

To my ever dearest YulSic,

Congrats on your wedding! I’m so happy for you both! :) You guys have come a long way and it’s been a pleasure to witness your relationship blossomed over time. Your story is the epitome of love. ^_^ You guys are truly blessed to find each other. I hope that you’ll continue to stay strong for one another as you enter a new chapter in your lives. Always love and cherish each other. I also hope that you’ll be good parents to your little Yul’s and little Sica’s. Stay happy and stay in love Mr. and Mrs. Kwon! :)” ~R. S. Kpr

These messages make me feel so warm and happy,” Yul remarked.

Me too,” replied Jessica with a smile.

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Kwon,

Congratulations for your wedding, may your married life be filled with happiness, joy, and never ending love. (i don’t mind getting diabetes cos of yr sweetness. Lol! Have a happy married life!

p.s. make a lot of kids!

p.p.s. what’s with the makeup yul?” ~B. Buzz

Argh,” Yul groaned. “I told them not to put too much makeup on me.”

Jessica blinked. “They put makeup on you?”

Yul scrunched up his face and nodded and Jessica burst into peals of laughter. “You…with makeup! No wonder I thought you looked a little different.”

Yul cleared his throat awkwardly and clicked. He didn’t want to dwell on the topic.

To our lovely and the most handsome and gorgeous couple in the world. I’m really really glad that finally you’re married. I’m really happy to know that. I hope Yul will continue to take care of the only ice princess and your child very well. Give her comfort and love when she needs them the most. She is such a fragile wifey and you have to make her become your first priority than your work since you gonna be a daddy soon. Whatever happens, stay by her side. And to our gorjess Mrs.Kwon, keep continue to become ert Sica and a lovely and understanding wife and a good mother to your child. enjoy your married life and I hope to see more Kwons’s kids or twins running in the house..keke..Fighting!!” ~dorky kid

To Yul & Jessica or YulSic, whew you guys finally got married keke. Congratulations I’ve been waiting for this longer then you two know keke. Anyways, good luck with your marriage life and your soon to be baby, I’m sure he or she will be just as gorgeous/handsome as you both are.” ~panda

“Hey Yulsic! Happy happy happy newlyweds!! I wish the both of you the best of wishes in this holy matrimony. May the ship of your love sails smoothly and be strong in whatever conditions life might throw at you both. The wedding is SO beautiful!! Congratulations Yul and Jessica! Can’t wait for the arrival of mini Kwon-Jung!” ~Zaty

Congrats to both of you!! Finally, today is your D-Day~ Wish our dearest Yulsic to be the most lovely, cutest, happiness couples in the world. Wish Yul to stay handsome and Sica to stay gorgeous always! Have more more kids after your first, Heehee. Last but not the least, Stay Happy and Healthy Always!!” ~Y. Jas

I just wanna wish you all the best in understanding your personal differences and making it work towards a fruitful marriage life with each other.” ~s. mirk

“Congratulations! What a wonderful wedding! Such a nice day to see handsome and beautiful newlyweds :)” ~Key Won

I think, with so many well wishes, we’re definitely going to have a very good time together,” Yul said confidently.

Do you really think so?”

Yul nodded. “I know that we’ll make things work. I love you too much to ever let you go. And you love me just as much, right?”

Jessica smiled at him most lovingly and their eyes sizzled with an electric connection through the air. “I love you with all my heart.”

Yul smiled. “Then nothing will stand in our way.”

Jessica giggled. “Nothing will stand? I don’t think that’s true.”

Yul narrowed his eyes and Jessica squealed. She tried to get off the bed but he was too fast for her. He grabbed her with one hand and pushed his laptop away with the other before pinning her on the bed.

So tell me, what exactly is going to stand?”

Jessica couldn’t stop giggling. Yul began to crack up too and together, they hugged and laughed for a very long time.


Back in Seoul, Krystal finally got to meet Young again. Ever since the wedding, he’d been too busy to meet her and as a result, she hadn’t had a chance to ask him about that night. Her sister had told her to ask him about it and she was curious to know why.

I’ve missed you so much,” said Young when he saw her.

I’ve missed you too.” And she raised her head as he bent to give her a peck on her lips. “And I have a burning question to ask you.”

What is it?” said Young as he took her hand in his and started walking down the footpath that wove through the park along the Han River.

It’s about the bachelorette night. My sister told me to ask you about it. All I remember about that night was a lot of drinking and some dancing.” Young stiffened at her words and she noticed. “Did I do something wrong?”

Do you remember who you were dancing with?”

I remember my sister egging me on to dance with one of the dancers I got to dance for us.”

That guy’s name is GD. You danced with him.”

Okay…so why do I need to ask you about it?” Krystal blinked as another question popped into her head. “And how in the world do you know his name?”

The owner told me. We’re friends, you know that.”

Oh. Yeah. Okay, but I still don’t know why my sister told me to ask you about it.” Krystal noticed how Young’s expression changed and how he took a deep breath. It didn’t look too good to her at all. “Young, did I do something wrong?”

Young sighed and nodded and Krystal was attacked by a flood of worrying questions that couldn’t be contained. “What did I do? Why didn’t you tell me? What’s going on? Just how wrong was it? What?”

She was silenced by Young’s finger on her lips. “Shh.” She was surprised by the contact and stopped firing her questions at him. “Krys, I really don’t think we need to talk about this. The incident has passed.”

But Krystal couldn’t be stopped. She had to know. “Please. Tell me.”


If I did something wrong, I want to know what it was. I don’t want to make the same mistake again. Do you understand?”

Young sighed again. Then, he raised his eyes and met hers. “You danced very intimately with GD and there was a lot of body contact between the two of you. But in your defence, you were quite drunk.”

Krystal didn’t know what to do with herself. She danced intimately with that dancer? She allowed him to touch her? Oh gosh. She couldn’t believe it. What exactly had she done while she was drunk!

He…GD. That guy. I let him…touch me? How?”

Young shifted his feet and looked away. “Krys. Let’s not talk about it. Really. I don’t want to talk about it.”

No. I’m not going to sweep this under the carpet. You’re obviously unhappy about it. But I can’t make any amends if I don’t know what I did. So, please. Tell me.”

Young made a growling noise. It was a sound that she had never heard from him and she was a little shocked to hear it. Young must be really unhappy about it and her heart sank at the thought. Young was the man who had helped her when she needed help the most. He was her first friend in this foreign land. He was also her first love. She didn’t want to hurt him. Yet, here she was, hurting him.

Never mind. If you don’t want to talk about it. Let’s not,” she said quickly. “It’s alright. I don’t need to know. Let’s just take a stroll and enjoy the breeze, shall we?”

If you really want to know, I’ll show you.” He tapped on his phone and handed it to her. On the screen was a picture of her and a man. The man had his arms wrapped around her waist tightly. Their hips were practically plastered together and it was evident even from the still picture that she was probably grinding against him. She gasped. This didn’t look good at all.

She looked at Young and wondered how he managed to hide his displeasure so well during her sister’s wedding. If it had been Young in the picture with a girl in his arms like that, she would have blown her top long ago. And with that thought, the guilt in her heart deepened.

I’m really sorry.” She reached for his hand and held it tight. “You don’t have to hold it back. You can yell at me if you’re angry.”

Young cupped her face in his palm and her cheek with his thumb. Then, without warning, he kissed her hard. She was taken by surprise but it didn’t take long for her to reciprocate and soon, they were kissing deeply. And she was beginning to burn in the heat between them when the sound of laughter jolted her from the kiss. He too, had heard the laughter for he pulled away and looked down at his feet awkwardly.

They released their hold on each other and stood awkwardly on the path as the group of strollers passed them by. But once the strollers walked further down the path, she found herself being pulled back into his embrace and held tight.

Krys, I’m only angry because you’re very precious to me. I don’t want to yell at you. I don’t want to make you sad. I want to make you smile. I want to make you feel loved. Yes, I was angry. I still am, when I see that picture. But you know what? It’s silly to keep it. I don’t know why I haven’t deleted it yet.” Young kept one arm around her as he deleted the picture with the other hand. “There. It’s gone. Enough said. You apologized. That’s enough. I know that you were drunk. But please be careful next time.”


Shh.” She was silenced by his finger again. “Shh. Listen, can you hear it?”

She blinked. “What am I supposed to hear? I can’t hear anything.”

He shook his head. “Listen harder.”

What is it?” she found herself whispering after a moment.

Still can’t hear it?” He guided her head and held her so that her ear was flat against his chest. “Can you hear it now? That’s the sound of my heart beating for you.”


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD