Round 80

Personal Differences

Round Eighty

Tiffany was so shocked that she couldn’t utter a single word. She allowed herself to be pulled to the car park by Taeng and got into his car when he opened the door for her. He got into the driver’s seat and switched on the engine and the air-conditioning before finally turning to her.

She looked at him looking at her and for a long time, they didn’t speak. They simply looked. Until Tiffany finally found her voice.Why did you pull me all the way here, Taeng? And why aren’t you saying anything?”

I’m waiting for you to realize what you’ve done wrong.”

I haven’t done anything wrong.”

The entire office is convinced that you like Dennis. They’ve been looking at me strangely recently too.”

So this is about you being jealous.”

I’m not jealous.”

You are.”

I’m not. I trust that you are faithful. I have no reason to be jealous.”

So if this isn’t about your jealousy then what is it? I have a purely professional working relationship with Dennis.”

He doesn’t!” Taeng raised his voice in frustration.

And what can I do about that!” retorted Tiffany.

Something! Anything!” shouted Taeng, flailing his arms about haphazardly.

Why are you yelling at me?”

Taeng ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t know! You’re so frustrating!”

I’m frustrating?” Tiffany pointed at herself in disbelief.

I trust you but I don’t trust him. I know that he’s just a client to you but sometimes it doesn’t appear that way. And you are the one who told me to keep my distance from Gyuri. But now you’re doing the same thing with Dennis!” Taeng burst out in frustration.

Tiffany huffed indignantly. “How is this the same? Dennis is my client. Gyuri is not. Dennis and I have never hugged, unlike you and Gyuri and Dennis has never ever stayed over at my house to watch a movie like Gyuri has!”

Do you like Dennis?” interjected Taeng.

Why are you asking this again? I told you I like him because he’s a nice client.”

No, I don’t mean like in that way.”

What do you mean then?”

Do you like Dennis? Would you like him to be your boyfriend?”

Taeng, you shouldn’t be asking me these questions if you trust me.”

Taeng shook his head and lifted his sad puppy eyes to meet hers. “I trust you. But you may have fallen for him. You just don’t know it yet.”

Tiffany shook her head violently. “No way. Where are you getting all these ideas from? Stop listening to what people are saying in our office.”

Taeng sighed. “I love you, Fany ah, and I will do anything to make you happy. If you think that you’ll be happier with someone else, I won’t stop you from leaving me. I know that Dennis is a very nice man. He seems very sincere as well. For a man to be preparing and bringing lunch for you so often, he must be serious about you.”

Taeng. Stop it.”

And he has his own company. He can come up with his own menu. He’s creative and smart and so good-looking. I think you’ll be very happy with him.”

Stop it! Shut up!” yelled Tiffany.

Taeng looked at her with heart wrenching sad eyes and said, “I won’t be selfish and keep you for myself. I just want you to be happy.”

And with that, he got out of the car and walked away. Tiffany slumped against her seat and shut her eyes. What had just happened?


It was such a lovely meal. You really know how to please my taste buds.”

Jessica smiled at the socialite she was with. “You deserve nothing but the best.”

The Jungs certainly know how to do business. You’re as sharp as your father.”

Jessica tittered. “You think I’m sharp? Wait till you meet my sister.”

Your sister. Are the two of you getting along?”

We are.”

The socialite stepped closer to her and dropped her voice to a whisper. You don’t have to pretend. Your secret’s safe with me.”

Like real, it is. Jessica scoffed at her words in her heart but betrayed none of it on the surface. We get along very well. I have no secret.”

Jessicaaa,” drawled the socialite, “I know what it’s like to be you. I have a half-sister too. Turns out my idiot of a father got careless with some woman in Jeju. And right now, that evil is scheming against me to get my father’s wealth. But I have my ways of defending what’s mine.” She unleashed an evil smirk. “I’m more experienced in this than you are so if you need any ideas, come to me. We are the rightful heirs to our fortunes. Don’t let that half-sister of yours try anything funny.”

Fear and insecurity stabbed at Jessica’s heart for a second but it ebbed in the next instant. She wasn’t like this socialite, she assured herself. Krystal wasn’t like that. Aside from teasing and being a little too playful at times, Krystal was a lovely sister to have.

Besides, she didn’t exactly need her father’s fortune. She had a job. She could make her own money. She wasn’t at the complete mercy of her father or anybody else for that matter. On top of all that, she had Yul. Yul would always take care of her. She had nothing to worry about. And she suddenly realized that she would have been just like this socialite—jobless, dependant and a total . She would have been, if it weren’t for Yul.

Just then, her phone rang. I’m a lazy girl… She looked at the caller id. It was Tiffany. My BFF’s calling me. I’ll see you again some other time.”

Call me,” said the socialite as she walked towards the car that was waiting by the pavement.

Jessica gave her a perfunctory smile and wave before answering the call. What’s up Tif?”

I just had a huge fight with Taeng. I think.”

A huge fight? Over?”

A client.”


Not you too…”

Hey, I didn’t say anything. He’s the only client that you told me about.”

Right…I suppose…”

What? You’re losing me here.”

Taeng is really angry.”

What is he angry about?”

He’s really angry with me because of Dennis. But he says that he trusts me. It doesn’t make any sense. I think he’s just jealous.”

If Dennis is as handsome as he is in that magazine you showed me, Taeng has good reason to be jealous.”

But he says he isn’t.”

He’s lying.”

Taeng doesn’t lie.”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “All guys will lie at some point.”

Not Taeng. Neither would Yul.”

You’ve got a point there. Mmm, maybe Taeng just doesn’t know that he’s jealous.”

That sounds like a logical explanation.”

Of course it is.”

I think I need to get away from the company and get some drinks. Are you free later? Around dinner time?”

I just met up with a really y but filthy rich girl from my circle so I’m done for the day. But I can’t drink. The doctor said that it’s best that I avoid alcohol altogether.”

You can have fruit juice then. Did the meet up go well?”

It certainly did. I wowed her with delectable food served by the city’s most handsome waiters. I’m practically her new BFF now.”

Hey, what about me?”

Jessica tittered. “I may be her new BFF and she’s certainly not mine.” She could hear Tiffany’s giggle over the phone.

I like how you think, girl.”

So do I, Tif.”


Yul? Can you come out for dinner with me?”

What’s up Taeng? You sound upset.”

I am.”

What is it about?”


What’s wrong?”

I don’t know. I just know that it’s all wrong. It’s going all wrong.”

Hang in there, Taeng. I’ll meet you after work.”

Thanks Yul.”


Yul, I’m meeting Tif for drinks later so I won’t be home for dinner,” said Jessica as stepped into her bedroom. She had gone home to change out of her office wear into something y for her date with Tiffany. She was running out of time to wear figure hugging outfits with so she wanted to make the best out of it while she could.

You’re meeting Tiffany?” Yul sounded amused over the phone. “I’m meeting Taeng. He just called me not long ago to ask me to have dinner with him.”

It looks like they’re both in need of a friend.”

It must have been something really bad. Anyway, you’re going out for drinks with Tiffany? Remember not to—”

I’m not drinking alcohol. I remember everything that Doctor Han said.”

I love you baby.”

Jessica smiled, for she could hear the smile in his cheery tone. “I love you too.”

See you back in your room tonight.”

Don’t be too late, Kwon seobang.”

I won’t. I’ll be back before bedtime.”

Okay,” said Jessica.

Wait, I want to talk to our baby.”

Jessica smiled. “Okay. I’m putting the phone on my tummy now.” She lowered her phone and pressed it against her tummy which was, at the moment, still a very flat one. She held it there for a while before bringing it back to her ear again. “Are you done?”


What did you say this time?”

I was telling our baby about how beautiful and y you are.”

Jessica giggled.


Jack and Coke please.”

Will that be for the both of you?”

No, just me.”

I’ll have a non-alcoholic fruit punch.”

Coming right up ladies. I’ll be right back.” The waiter grinned at them charmingly and his gaze lingered on Jessica for a little while before leaving their table.

Jessica giggled. “If he knew that I am pregnant, he’d flip.”

Pregnant or not, you’re still as beautiful as ever, Jessi.”

Yeah, but I’m more than out of his league now.”

You don’t need them to look at you now. You have Yul.”

And you have Taeng. So what you do what Dennis for?”

Tiffany tossed her head back to flip her hair behind her shoulder before giving Jessica a pointed look. I don’t want Dennis.”

Are you sure? He’s everything you’re looking for in a man.”

I have Taeng.”

You don’t think Taeng is good enough. You want to try Dennis.”

No I don’t.”

Okay, maybe you don’t want to try Dennis, but I’m sure you’re enjoying yourself. It must feel good to have a man like Dennis pursuing you.”

Tiffany frowned. “I wouldn’t say that…”

Jessica flashed a knowing smile. “We’re both girls, Tif. I know what you’re thinking. But I’m telling you to watch out if you don’t want to lose Taeng.”

Tiffany sighed. “Okay…maybe…just maybe I’m enjoying his advances a little too much. It’s been a while since I’ve felt like that you know. The feeling of being wooed is…”

I love it too. But I love Yul more. You know…I never did think that Taeng would be the one for you…but now I think he is.”

Really?” Tiffany blinked in surprise. “Why?”

Because you’re pushing Dennis away for Taeng. Your dream guy has finally appeared and he’s interested in you but you’re not considering him.”

Jessi, I’m engaged to Taeng. How can I consider another man?”

Even if you aren’t engaged to Taeng…would you consider Dennis?”

Tiffany paused. “Nooo…” she answered slowly.

You really love Taeng. And he won’t ever cheat on you. As ideal as Dennis is, there’s no telling if a guy like him might cheat on you one day.”

Jessi, you make a very compelling argument,” Tiffany was smiling with amusement as she replied.

Don’t you know? I’m the love guru. I’ve been cheated on by five men. I’m an expert when it comes this.”

Yul will never cheat on you either.”

I know.” Jessica smiled confidently. “So just whine and pout and do whatever it is that you’re so good at that he loves and he’ll forgive you in an instant. Then you can have delicious makeup .”

Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Your formula doesn’t apply to me, Jessi. I’m not you and Taeng isn’t like Yul.”

Jessica’s eyes glinted with assuredness as she said, “My formula words for all men and women. It’ll work on you too. Although your results may not be as fabulous as mine.”

Tiffany laughed out loud. “Jessi…you just had to say that. Yeah, yeah, you’re the love guru, Mommy Jessi.”

Jessica frowned. “Don’t call me that. I want to enjoy the rest of my days before I really become one.”

If you stop forcing your formula down my throat, I’ll stop calling you mommy.”



I think Fany likes Dennis.”

Have some faith in yourself, bro.”

I’m nothing compared to him. He’s Fany’s dream guy. I know. He’s just like Siwon. Without the painful past.”

She never said that she wants anything more with Dennis, did she?”

She didn’t say it but I can see it.”

So what are you going to do about it.”

She has to choose.”


Between me and him.”


I don’t want the entire office talking about her and Dennis. I don’t want to see Dennis bringing lunch for her. I don’t want to see the two of them laughing and smiling at each other as though they are on a date.”

Well, I’ll support you. You know that.”

Thanks Yul,” Taeng smiled gratefully. “I knew that I could count on you.”


Taeng, I have to go home now. I promised Sica that I’ll be home early.”

Let’s go then.”

They paid the bill and Yul headed for his car. Taeng was about to get into his when his phone rang. It was Gyuri. Hi, Gyuri. How are you?”

I’m okay, I guess. But I was wondering if you could meet me for a drink or two? I have something to say to you.”

I guess I could meet you for a while. Where do you suggest?”

How about the café near your place?”

That’s fine.”

Okay, I’ll see you there in a bit.”

See you, Gyuri.”


Tiffany was driving home after bidding goodbye to Jessica when she passed by the café. It was a café that bore great memories. Taeng saving her from Siwon. She would always remember that. She would always remember how relieved she felt when she saw Taeng.

He was her saviour. He always had been. He’d saved her from Siwon. He’d saved her from Sunhae. He’d saved her from drunken Kangin and his friends too, although Kangin turned out to be a pretty cool guy in the end. He’d saved her so many times and in so many ways. Wow, she hadn’t realized that before.

I really should stop my nonsense right now. Taeng is the one I want.

So with that thought in mind, she stepped into the café to buy two cups of coffee and some donuts. Perhaps she could use Jessica’s formula and resolve their argument tonight. Or not.

Her jaw dropped in utter shock which quickly turned into raging anger. Right before her very eyes were Taeng and Gyuri. And they were kissing.


Hi Gyuri, what did you want to say to me?”

Taeng looked over the table at Gyuri with concern. She seemed to be very troubled.

Taengoo…I…He asked me to go back to him.”

Seungho? He asked you to be his girlfriend again?”

Gyuri nodded. “Should I?”

Taeng shook his head vehemently. “No!”

Gyuri sighed. “I knew you’d say that. But I don’t know… He does seem to be very sincere this time. I think he’s learnt from his mistake.”

Gyuri, he cheated on you! How could you ever think about going back to him?”

Gyuri looked at him with doleful eyes. I like him. A lot.”

Taeng was alarmed to see tears welling up in her eyes and he got up and sat beside her immediately, putting his arm around her to comfort her. I will support you. No matter what you decide to do. That’s what Yul said to me too. And it made me feel so much better. Does it make you feel better if I say that too?”

Gyuri smiled through her tears and burst into a little giggle. “Oh Taeng… you never fail to make me smile.”

Taeng sighed. “I’m not feeling too good myself, actually.”

Gyuri’s eyes widened. “Why not? What happened to you?”

I had a fight with Tiffany. A bad fight. And it’s all going wrong. But Yul told me that he will back me up no matter what I choose to do.”

What? A fight? What did you fight over?”

Dennis. I think Tiffany likes him. All of their meetings look like dates and she obviously enjoys being with him. And she doesn’t think that there’s anything wrong.”

Dennis?” Gyuri scrunched up her nose for a moment before her eyes lit with enlightenment. “Ah! That hunk! At the party!”

Taeng sighed twice as heavily. “Yes, that hunk.”

Oh…I’m sorry…I meant…that dude.”

No, it’s okay. I know that he’s really good looking.”

Taeng, you’re good looking too.”

I’m not.”

You are! You’re very charming! How can you not believe that?”

Do you really think that I’m better than Dennis?”

Taeng…you don’t have to compare yourself with him. You’re a good man. You have tons of adoring fans who love you and your show because of how endearing you are. You are the best friend I’ve ever known and I adore you too. You are a wonderful person and Tiffany is so lucky to have you. And I’m not just saying this but I would love to have you as a boyfriend if it weren’t for your undying love for Tiffany and my own silly feelings for Seungho.”

Really? You’d like me to be your boyfriend? You actually think that I’d be a good boyfriend to have?”

Of course! Ask anyone! Ask your fans!”

Most of my fans are ajummas. Do they count?” Taeng was unsure.

You have a fair share of young ladies who go gaga over you too.”

That’s nowhere as many as Kangin’s. He has the most female fans. He’s the real hunk of the radio station.”

Dude.” Gyuri looked at him pointedly. “You really need to believe in yourself. Have faith in yourself. You are awesome. You are worth fighting for. But you have to believe it before anybody else can.”

I don’t know… It’s just that I’ve had no other girlfriends before. They never wanted me, those girls in high school. Tiffany is my first girlfriend and she’s the only girl I’ve ever kissed. But Dennis, Kangin… I’m sure they’ve had more than one girlfriend before. They’d have kissed so many girls by now. They’re like experts. And I’m just…I’m just…”

Gyuri laughed suddenly and Taeng was perturbed.

Why are you laughing at me?”

Oh Taeng… You’re so adorable! Do you actually envy guys like Dennis and Kangin because you think they’ve kissed many girls before?”

It’s not that. They’re just…so wanted by girls, you know? Sometimes I can’t help but wonder why Tiffany said yes to my proposal.”

Oh my gawd, I can’t believe a guy like you would sit here and have such thoughts! Seriously, I’d jump on you in a heartbeat if you and I were available.”

Taeng didn’t know whether to believe her or not. “You’re just saying this because you’re my best friend. It’s what best friends say.”

No. I’m not saying this because we’re friends. I definitely wouldn’t say this to all of my male friends. You’re special, Taeng.”

Taeng sighed and hung his head. This was all too depressing and he didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

Taeng. Look at me.” Gyuri’s tone was surprisingly firm and he looked up, locking gazes with her. This is a one-time only offer.”

What is?”

You are a desirable man, Taeng. And I’m going to prove it to you right now.”


Gyuri’s eyes grew determined and she cupped his face with her hands suddenly, yanking it close to hers. Taeng’s eyes grew wide as he found himself just an inch from Gyuri’s nose. Huh?! And the next thing he knew, her lips were on his. Completely.


Tiffany clapped her hands to to muffle the silent scream that escaped. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Taeng and Gyuri! Kissing! Tears of rage sprang to her eyes and she couldn’t blink them away fast enough. It was just like the losing battle that windscreen wipers fought against a heavy thunderstorm—the tears prevailed.

She marched up to them and yanked Taeng away from Gyuri. With all the strength she could muster and more, she slapped him as hard as she could. His head was flung to the side by her resounding slap and Gyuri gasped at the force of the impact. The slap could be heard quite clearly above the chatter of other patrons of the café and as if on cue, the entire café fell silent.

She didn’t notice any of the abnormality, however. Her shoulders heaved from the exertion of strength and her own tumultuous emotions after she slapped him. Her heart was racing on the angry adrenaline that had overtaken her senses. Her mind was in a whirl, struggling to come to terms with the reality of what she had just seen and done. So an awkwardly silent café was the least of her concerns just then.

You stinking ! Cheating wimp of a slug! Don’t you dare show your face in front of me again!” Tiffany flared up and unleashed her anger on him before turning around to leave. She’d almost made it out of the café before her arm was pulled back by him. Let go!” she yelled and tried to yank her arm out of his grip but he held on firmly—surprising her a little with his strength.

I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It isn’t what you think it is!” Gyuri’s frantic apology reached her ears.

The hell it isn’t! I’m not three years old! I know what a kiss is when I see one!”

I was only trying to help him! I swear! I meant no harm and he wasn’t cheating on you!”

Fany…” his tone reeked of utter desperation and it made her turn around to look at him. His eyes were no less fraught with distress. “…Please don’t break up with me.”

Taeng is innocent! It’s my fault! It’s all my fault! Tiffany, he loves you with everything he’s got. You can’t break up with him! He’ll die!” pleaded Gyuri.

Says you who were happily kissing him just a moment ago!” fumed Tiffany.

No, no, no! It wasn’t a kiss kiss. I was only trying to make him feel better,” explained Gyuri, desperately.

HAH! What a great way to make him feel better,” Tiffany retorted sarcastically. She then turned to Taeng, her eyes all ready to pierce him to death and she did not mince her words when she said, “You like Gyuri a lot, don’t you? Go ahead! Ask her to be your girlfriend! And how dare you confront me about Dennis! It’s my goddamn business how and what I want to do with him! And no matter how bad it looked, at least I’ve never cheated on you!!!”

The sight of tears rolling down Taeng’s cheeks made her want to cry with him but she swallowed the lump in and hardened her heart. She could crumble but not now. Oh gawd, the pain was killing her. Her world was coming to an end. And even a love guru wouldn’t be able to save her from this heartbreak.

She watched as Taeng crumpled to his knees before her. Her lips trembled as she resisted the urge to comfort him and she clenched her fists by her side to stop herself from embracing him with her arms. He had never looked more broken and she had never been in as much pain over anybody but her mind wouldn’t let her soften on her stance. No. She wasn’t going to let another man take her heart and rip it apart again.

And to think that I was so touched and moved by your proposal.” Her voice was so strained that it was on the verge of cracking any moment now. “Did you make me that happy just to break my heart today?”

Stop it!” bellowed Gyuri all of a sudden. “Stop saying all those cruel words that you know will hurt Taeng! It’s not his fault!”

How is this not his fau—“

Tiffany was smothered by Gyuri’s hand and pushed out of the café most unceremoniously. She was pushed out onto the street where Gyuri finally let her go.

What do you think you’re doing!” Tiffany was thoroughly angered by this woman who dared to kiss her man and push her around. Literally.

I’m only trying to stop you from hurting Taeng any further.”

Tiffany wanted to laugh her head off at how ludicrous Gyuri’s words sounded but was shocked into a daze when Gyuri slapped her hard on her cheek.

Do you know how much Taeng loves you? How could you play that dirty game with Dennis and hurt him like that? How could you not trust him? How could you possibly think that he had a part to play in that kiss? Are you sure you know him? Because if you’d just stop to think for a moment, you’d realize that you can never find another man who loves you like Taeng does.”

Tiffany found herself being shaken hard by Gyuri but was too stunned by the slap and the woman’s words to react in that moment.

Tiffany, I kissed him. Okay? I kissed him because I wanted him to believe in his own charms. Can you believe that he doesn’t think that he’s worth loving? Can you believe that he’s envious of people like Dennis and Kangin because he thinks they have charms that he doesn’t have? How could you trample on his self-esteem like that? Don’t you realize that you’ve just broken a man who has done nothing but try to be good enough for you?”

Gyuri huffed in exasperation. He didn’t believe me when I said that he’s a good boyfriend to have. Can you believe that? I couldn’t let it slide. I had to show him that I meant it. And I’m not trying to steal Taeng from you, Tiffany. As much as I’d love to love Taeng, my heart regretfully belongs to another man. But that’s beside the point.”

Tiffany blinked rapidly as Gyuri leaned towards her and spoke softly in her face.

The point is that Taeng loves you to the ends of the Earth and you’d better decide whether you want him or not. He’s a fragile kid. You shouldn’t be playing around with his heart.”

At last, Tiffany found her voice. I’ve never wanted anybody else. It’s always been Taeng.”

Gyuri stepped back and flashed a crooked smile. “Then prove it.”

And suddenly, it was crystal clear to her. What she had to do. What she should have done. And so she ran. She ran back into the café for him. Only, he wasn’t there anymore.


Taeng couldn’t be found anywhere. He wasn’t at home. He wasn’t picking up her calls or replying to her messages. And when she checked the office, it was empty. Where was he? Tiffany was worried sick about him after looking for him all night when she received a call from the Kim family early the next morning.

How are you, Tiffany?” asked Mrs. Kim.

Honestly…?” Tiffany hesitated.

You can’t be feeling too good right now, can you?”

Tiffany was surprised. “H-How do you know?”

I figured that something must have happened between the two of you because Taengoo showed up in the middle of the night. He must have taken the late bus to get here because he didn’t come in his car. And he hasn’t spoken a word since he got here. I’m quite worried about him, Tiffany.”

Guilt stabbed at Tiffany’s heart as she plucked up her courage and told Mrs Kim everything. Everything from Dennis to Gyuri to the last time she saw him and when she finally stopped talking, Mrs. Kim sighed deeply. Tiffany, I think we owe you an apology.”

Tiffany was shocked to say the least. Nothing made any sense at all. Why did Mrs. Kim owe her an apology? If anything, shouldn’t she be the one apologizing for upsetting Taeng to the point of him fleeing to his home in Jeonju?

Mrs. Kim…I don’t understand.”

I’m afraid we haven’t been completely honest with you.”

Honest with me? What about?”


What about Taengoo?”

He’s a little different. A little special if you will.”

I know he is. He’s very special to me too.”

Mrs. Kim let out a small laugh. “I don’t mean that kind of special. I guess there really isn’t anywhere to put this so let me come out and say it. Taengoo used to suffer from Selective Mutism.”

Selective Mutism? What’s that?” Tiffany was perplexed.

It means that he would not talk in certain situations.”

I’m not quite sure if I understand you, Mrs. Kim.”

Taengoo as a child, was inclined to be anxious and overly worried about things. He had a very strong sense of good and bad and had a very high expectation of himself in terms of being a good boy. On top of that, he was quite the loner. At first, we didn’t think that it was a problem. We simply thought that he was shy.”

Mrs. Kim paused and sighed before continuing.

But later on, it became apparent that it was more than being shy. He had a real issue with talking under stressful circumstances. For example, he could not talk to us about the bullies because he felt so stressed and anxious that his muscles were tensed up. As a result, his vocal cords were locked, so to speak.”

Tiffany took a deep breath. This was completely new to her.

It certainly did not help that Taeng was being bullied in school. I think you’d have heard about it from Hayeon the last time you were here?”

Yes, Hayeon mentioned that he was bullied and didn’t want to tell you about it.”

And it began to dawn on Tiffany. Everything clicked into place suddenly. Right from the first time she met him, all the quirky things about him had puzzled her. His odd inability to work around her. His socially awkward behaviour. His obsession with talking to his peas. Now it all made sense.

Hayeon told me that his peas helped him a lot. So did his dog?”

Cherry. Did Taengoo tell you about it? Yes. He talked to Cherry a lot. And it was through Cherry that we found out what was happening to him. We had to eavesdrop on his conversations with Cherry before we realized that he was having such a hard time in school. We then got some help from the doctors and it was only after the doctors intervened that Taengoo began to talk to us more freely about his hard time in school.”

Tiffany took a deep breath to calm herself. This was a truckload of information for her to absorb.

And this is why we owe you an apology. You see, Taeng is a special kid that way. He did not have a normal childhood. His time in school was fraught with bad experiences with bullies and being an outcast in general. And it wasn’t until we got him a doctor to treat him properly that he began to improve and learn to handle his fears and anxiety. So when you turned up here, we were overjoyed.”

Mrs. Kim sighed again.

I understand if you want to walk away, Tiffany. You have every right to. But please understand that we simply wanted our son to have a chance with you. He had been rejected by too many people. Too many girls. He just needed that one big break. And that big break is you.”

Tiffany could hear a tiny smile in her voice just then.

Thanks to you, Taeng has improved vastly in his social skills. And when he told us that he was going to be a DJ, we were astounded. Imagine, our Taengoo! A DJ! Talking on radio to tons of people! We were more than overjoyed. And we felt that you are a blessing to Taengoo. But having heard your story, we would understand if you chose Dennis over Taengoo. We can’t force you to stay. But I would like to say that Taengoo is just about the sweetest person you will ever know and I think that more than makes up for everything else that he lacks.”

Mrs. Kim…” Tiffany was at a loss for words.

We’ll let you mull over it. Don’t be pressured into making a decision that you think you should make. Please follow your heart because Taengoo deserves nothing less than that. All of his heart and soul is yours. But it is ultimately your choice to accept it or not. That is all I have to say.”

Mrs. Kim…”

If you wish to accept Taengoo for all that he is and isn’t, call us. We’ll send him back to where you are.”

Mrs. Kim…I’m sorry.”

Don’t be. It’s not your fault. We should have told you.”

I think I need some time…”

Of course. Take your time.”

The call ended and Tiffany slumped onto her chair in a daze. Everything had happened in less than twenty-four hours and it was way too much for her to handle.


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD