Round 79

Personal Differences

Round Seventy-Nine

The florist was about to lock up her shop when her husband arrived. Hey pretty girl, I want to get some flowers for my wife.”

Flirting with a florist ain’t going to get you free flowers.”

I wasn’t talking to you, florist. I was talking to this pretty girl with the cute little teddy.”

The florist pouted and smacked her husband’s arm. “You’re such a tease.”

Only with you, my dear.”

The florist giggled. “Bring me home, dearie. I can’t wait to get home.”

With pleasure.” Her husband grinned and picked up the little girl who was their daughter and headed to the car—albeit, a rather old and dilapidated one.

You know,” said the florist casually, “I met a man who looks just like you today. If you had a brother, he’d look like that, I’m sure.”

Her husband froze at the wheel and turned to her. “Do you know his name?”

No, we only talked about his pregnant fiancée and flowers.”

He has a pregnant fiancée?”

The florist smiled and nodded. “He seems to love his fiancée very much. The look in his eyes when he talked about her was just so warm. And the way he looked at Hyegyo… I could tell that he wants a child of his own too. Good thing he doesn’t have long to wait.”

I see…”

Dearie, why aren’t you starting the engine?”

Oh, er… Yeah. I’m just about to start it.”


Dennis Oh made frequent visits to Tiffany’s office and each time he came, he’d bring a box of salad and sandwiches. It was a matter of time before their co-workers began to gossip.


He’s here again. D:


With more of his salads and sandwiches.


Does Taengoo know what he’s up to?


It’s obvious to us but I don’t know about Taengoo.


Somebody should tell Taengoo to be careful.


And who’s going to tell Taengoo?


Taengoo’s heart will break ):


Not if he takes action now!


I want Taeny. I hate Dennis now.


I’m with Lhya on that.


But who’s telling?


Should someone speak to Tiffany?


Er…I’d rather tell Taengoo.


Or should we let them resolve it by themselves?


I’m with Zas on that. We shouldn’t meddle.


But what if Dennis wins? D:


You know what? Let’s have some faith in them people.


Tiffany smiled at Dennis as he entered her office. “Hey.”



Tiffany opened the box and looked at the sandwich. “It’s the same as the one you gave me the day before.”

Dennis smiled and waggled his finger. “Nuh uh. You have to try it before commenting.”

Tiffany bit off a part of the sandwich and chewed. Her eyes widened in surprise. “Wow! This one is so much better!”

Dennis laughed. “I worked on the sauce for this one. And judging from the look on your face, I’d say that this has to go on the lunch time menu for sure.”

Yes. This sandwich is really good.”

Just then, Taeng opened the door and stepped in. “Fany, would you like me to get you something for lunch?”

I’d like a strawberry smoothie.”

Okay Fany. Have a good meeting with Mr. Oh. I’ll be back soon.”

Taeng didn’t look or sound like his usual self and Tiffany was perturbed. What was the matter with Taeng? Surely…it wasn’t about Dennis?


Taeng didn’t quite know how to react to what he’d heard. His co-workers had been gossiping about Dennis and Tiffany and he’d overheard them. The pantry was definitely not the place to share secrets. It angered him that they’d talk about Tiffany like that. She was their boss for goodness sakes. Yet, a part of him agreed with what they’d said. Was Dennis after Tiffany?

He had nothing but trust in Tiffany but upon seeing how she allowed Dennis to get close to her like that, he had to admit that it didn’t feel good to him. It was understandable, he had told himself on several occasions. Dennis was Tiffany’s client. It was natural for them to form friendships with clients. It certainly helped with the business. There had been many a time when Tiffany became actual friends with clients and they’d spread the word about her fantastic company and excellent services. So how was Dennis any different?

The vibes. The vibes were different. He didn’t feel it at first. But after Dennis started to appear more frequently, he’d gradually picked up on it. He wasn’t entirely immune to such vibes. This man had an agenda beyond the professional. It was getting personal. Too personal.


Fany, I got you a strawberry smoothie.”

Thanks Taetae.”

Is there anything else?”

Actually, yes. Taetae, can you shut the door and sit down?”

Taeng shut the door and sat down. “What is it Fany?”

Are you okay?”

Taeng blinked. Why wouldn’t he be okay? “I’m okay.”

So you aren’t angry about anything?”

I’m not angry but…”


I’m not happy about Dennis.”

So it is about Dennis.” Tiffany wore a knowing smile and it disturbed Taeng somehow.

You know about it? But yet you are going along with it?”

Taetae, he’s our client.”

But there should be a limit.”

Has he crossed any limits?”

Taeng thought for a moment. “No.”

Precisely. We all know that he’s interested in more but he hasn’t gone beyond setting up meetings and bringing me sandwiches. The meetings are definitely spent discussing about work and the sandwiches I see as business related too because he’s trying to come up with new sandwiches for his lunchtime menu.”



Do you like him?”

Tiffany blinked rapidly and stared at Taeng. “Do like him? Of course I do. He’s my client.”

Taeng shook his head. “No, I don’t mean it in that way. Do you feel more excited when you see him? Do you smile more when you’re talking to him? Do you enjoy spending more time with him?”

Excited? I’m happy to see him but am I excited? I don’t think so. Do I smile more? I smile at all of my clients all the time, don’t I? And it’s not like I want to spend more time with him but at least it’s not something I have to suffer through.”

Fany, I may not know a lot of things. And believe me when I say that I have complete trust in you. But what you’re telling me is making me very angry.”


Everyone in the office is talking about you and Dennis. I’ve never heard them talking about any other client this way. I’m angry with them but I can’t tell them to stop because even I’m not sure if what they say is true or not. And now I’m angry with you because you don’t seem to care.”

What do you mean by that? I don’t seem to care? Didn’t you just say that you have complete trust in me?”

Trusting you isn’t the same as agreeing with what you’re doing.”

You don’t agree with what I’m doing.”

I don’t.”

What should I do then? Act all aloof and nonchalant? He’s my client for goodness sakes.”

He’s a client that you like more than other clients. And you’re refusing to see that.”

I always mention you when I talk to Dennis. He’s fully aware that I’m engaged to you. I made it clear.”

So you’re happy to play with him within the boundaries you set up for your own convenience?”

I’m not playing. I’m working.”

Then I have nothing else to say. You win. I’ll get back to work now.” Taeng stood up abruptly and left her office, shutting the door with a quiet bang—just a tad louder than usual.


Taeng did not get angry often. Tiffany could count with one hand, the number of times he’d blown up in anger. And each time he got angry, it was usually for reasons other than himself. He’d gotten angry with her when he thought she had broken her promise. He’d also gotten angry with her for being unprofessional at work. He wasn’t exactly the jealous type, although it seemed to her that jealousy was playing a bigger part in his unhappiness this time.

She couldn’t change the way she worked with Dennis, could she? Their meetings were always for a purpose. She had no reason to cut down on the number of meetings. On top of that, Dennis had never crossed the line. She was aware that he flirted with her a fair bit during their meetings but flirting wasn’t a crime, was it?

Okay, maybe flirting wasn’t extremely professional but it was certainly more enjoyable than boring? Surely Dennis’ flirting couldn’t be worse than a demanding client who would complain about the slightest detail that didn’t go his way. No, she wasn’t doing anything wrong, she decided.


Yul hummed a happy tune as he drove to the flower shop that he had visited several days ago. It would be nice to buy more flowers for Jessica, he thought. It had never been a habit of his to give her flowers but she seemed to like it very much and was sad when they had to throw the flowers away after a few days. A new bouquet would cheer her up, he thought.

He stopped his car and was about to get out of it when he noticed the drawn down shutters. The shop wasn’t open. Too bad. He had been looking forward to seeing that little girl again as well. But there was nothing he could do about it. He’d just have to come again tomorrow.


Baby, I’m home,” he announced as soon as he stepped into her bedroom that he now spent his nights in. He had brought several shirts and other belongings so that he could go straight to work from her house. Yes, he’d practically moved in. But he preferred to call it a long term sleep over.

Yul…” Jessica walked out of the bathroom, pouting.

What’s wrong baby?”

I’m fat.” Her pout deepened and he laughed before he could stop himself. “Don’t laugh at me, mean prick. It’s no joke when a girl says she’s fat. You’re supposed to tell me that I’m not.”

Baby, I’m laughing because what you said is completely ridiculous. You’re anything but fat.”

Jessica smiled. “Really?”

Yes, I don’t lie if I can help it, remember?”

So I’m really not fat?”

You’re not.”

Okay. But am I y?”

Didn’t we already establish that fact long ago?” Yul flashed a charming grin and pecked her nose.

That was before I got into this situation.” Jessica rubbed her tummy.

Yul pulled her into his arms and gave her a thorough kiss, pulling at her lip with his teeth playfully before letting her go. “Does that answer your question?”

Jessica smiled shyly and nodded. “But I want more. You got me started with that kiss.”

Yul groaned. “Baby, I haven’t even showered yet and I’m starving. Let me shower and have dinner first okay?”

I knew it.” Jessica pouted again. “You don’t think I’m y anymore.”

Baby, I don’t have to think you’re y because I know you’re y.” Yul looked at the clock and sighed. “Alright. Come into the shower with me. We can manage a quickie in there.”

But I don’t want a quickie. I want a slowie.”

Baby, your Kwon seobang here is starving. I need to eat before I can give you a slowie.”

So the shower quickie is an appetizer and we’ll have a slowie after dinner?”

Anything you say baby.”

Okay,” chirped Jessica as she began ing his shirt. “Let’s get these clothes off real quick.”


Jessica sighed in contentment and stretched. A quickie was good enough for now. It would have to do until after dinner. A slowie. She couldn’t help but grin. Just the thought of the slowie was making her hot and bothered again.

Yul was towelling off as she watched. He had taken care of her first so she was all dressed and free to admire his incredibly well-toned body. She gawked at his biceps, abs and of course, her favourite part of him. She enjoyed the view and was disappointed when he pulled on his briefs. She must have made some kind of sound for he turned and looked at her—his smile betraying his amusement.

Let’s go for dinner,” said Yul as he pulled on his t-shirt and sweats.


They made their way down to the dining table where Krystal was busy piling the pork chops onto her plate.

I hope your day went well, omonim, abonim.” Yul nodded politely at both Papa and Mama Jung in turn before holding out the chair for Jessica.

Yes, we did. We had some visitors from abroad and they seemed to be very keen on working with us after we brought them around.” Papa Jung had a smile on his face.

Unnie, why is your hair all wet?” asked Krystal suddenly.

I took a shower before coming down,” Jessica answered as she took her seat at the table.

But…you just took a shower a little over an hour ago…”

Jessica remained awkwardly silent. She watched as her younger sister looked from her to Yul who also looked freshly showered. It took less than a second for a cheeky grin to appear on Krystal’s face. Jessica put a finger on her lips and signalled Krystal to be quiet but it was too late. One look at her father’s face was enough to tell her that her father too, had figured it out for he looked ready to bolt from the dinner table if another word was said on the matter. Her mother was smiling slyly as she took a ladle of soup from the little pot in the middle of the table. Yul looked uncomfortable. And all she could do was glare at Krystal who looked anything but apologetic for what she had done, albeit, unwittingly.


Are you getting used to staying here, Yul?” asked Mama Jung kindly.

I am. It’s very comfortable here.”

Of course,” said Papa Jung with pride. “We have the best chef and housekeepers working for us. They used to be top ranked hotel staff you know.”

I see. Yes, they are all fantastic. But what really made me feel welcome and comfortable here would be all of you.”

I play a big part in this, don’t I?” quipped Krystal.

Soojung, have you received any news from the universities?” interjected Papa Jung.

Actually, I have. I’ve been accepted into all of them.”

That’s my girl.” Papa Jung smiled with pride. “And your choice?”

Korea University. I will major journalism and mass communications and business. I want to do a double degree.”

Korea University? Didn’t you apply to universities around the world? What about the ones in the States?”

I received acceptance letters from most of them but I’ve decided on Korea University.”

Is Young the reason for your decision?”

The table tensed at Papa Jung’s question. Jessica cast a sidelong glance at Krystal who looked offended at once. Young did not influence my decision in any way.”

Not even a little bit?”

It’s true that I will get to see more of Young if I stay here but that’s not the reason why I didn’t choose the others.”

Care to explain?”

Only if you are open to my explanation.”

Papa Jung looked ready to blow up but he did not. “Let’s hear it,” he simply said in a strained voice.

Korea University has the top MBA program in South Korea. And its Executive MBA is ranked 23rd by The Financial Times. That’s a worldwide ranking. On top of that, they only accept less than 5% of the applicants for their business program. I think that’s as selective as you can get. If I am to take over your business one day, which I plan to do, I will need to know more about our own country and going to a local university will do just that. Besides, KU is known for its excellence in law education and I may want to take a few courses in law to beef up my ability to do business.”

Papa Jung was rendered silent. In fact, Jessica could have sworn that there were tears b in his eyes. Soojung…”

Yes, Daddy?”

You’re all grownup. Just like Sooyeon.”

Krystal laughed. “Not exactly like Sooyeon in that sense but yes, I did do my research and consider my choice carefully before making it.”

That’s an excellent choice. I graduated from KU’s law school. I can testify that the law school is indeed excellent. Just us KU law graduates alone account for more than 10% of the students who pass the annual bar exam,” said Yul, without any trace of conceit. He was simply stating the facts as they were.

Jessica looked at Yul with a sense of pride. This was her man. Her y lawyer, Kwon seobang.

Yul approves. It looks like Soojung made a wise and impartial choice.” Mama Jung looked over to her husband.

Alright. Korea University. Your choice,” Papa Jung conceded.

Have you told Young yet?” Yul asked.

Krystal shook her head and flashed a cheeky grin. “I can’t wait to tell him.”


Krystal met Young for dinner the next day. By then, she was bursting to tell him about her plans. It was a lovely restaurant with a very romantic ambience but Krystal was too excited to notice much of it. As soon as they placed their orders, Krystal started. “Young, I don’t want to spoil the mood but I have to tell you something.”

What is it?”

I’ve finally decided on my university. I’m going to the States for studies.” She tried her darnedest to keep her face straight but he wouldn’t have noticed even if she slipped for he looked positively horror struck.

You’re kidding.”

It’s not April Fools’ anymore Young.”

For how long?” he said with much difficulty.

About four years. Maybe longer.”

Young looked as though he was trying not to cry and it was so hilarious that she couldn’t hold it in anymore. She threw her head back and laughed.


I’m just kidding Young. I’m going to Korea U.” Krystal wiped the tears that had formed.

Korea U? You’re not going back to the States then?” Young looked most relieved.

I’m staying here.”

You really love messing with my mind, don’t you.”

You’re cute when you’re all messed up.”

Since it’s you, I’ll let it pass.”

If it weren’t me, what would you do?”

You wouldn’t want to know.”

What if I want to know?”

Why would you want to know?”

I’m curious.”


Krystal nodded. “Mmhmm. I’m curious to know what it’s like to be played by you.”

Young frowned. “Why? I’m not proud of the way I used to be. And if I were playing around, you wouldn’t even be here with me. I’ve never stayed with anyone long enough to feel attached.”

Krystal shrugged. “I don’t really know why. But it’s a part of you that I saw so much of. I can’t help but wonder sometimes.”

You never cease to amaze or surprise me. Most girls would be so glad that their boyfriend changed so much for them that they wouldn’t even bring it up, much less ask for it.”

I’m not most girls.” Krystal flashed a crooked smile.

Young chuckled. “You’re definitely not.”


It was yet another day in the office when Dennis made his appearance, carrying that obnoxious looking box with him. The man entered the office with a level of familiarity that exceeded that of a typical client and headed straight for Tiffany’s office. Taeng felt a burst of anger that he had never experienced before and before he could stop himself, he had already gotten out of his seat and marched into Tiffany’s office, beating Dennis to it.

Tiffany looked up in surprise when he gripped her arm firmly and tugged. For once, he had not knocked on her door. Neither did he announce his presence. He simply marched into her office and pulled her out of it as Dennis was coming in.

I’m sorry. Tiffany has something to handle right now. Tony will take over the meeting for Tiffany.”

Taeng looked at Tony who looked as though he had just seen an incredible feat and jerked his head towards Dennis. Much to the other man’s credit, he was able to react quickly. Right, this way please, Mr. Oh.” Tony led Dennis into the meeting room beside Tiffany’s office. “I’m working on this with Tiffany so you can discuss it with me and I’ll update Tiffany later.”

Taeng smiled gratefully at him before marching out of the office with Tiffany in tow, leaving the entire office in a state of shock.

What had happened between Taeng and Tiffany?


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD