Round 76

Personal Differences

Round Seventy-Six

At long last, the party ended and the four of them stood by their cars.

Where’s your car, Fany?” asked Taeng.

I came with Dennis.”

Oh. I’ll send you home then.” Taeng then turned to Gyuri. “Goodnight Gyuri. Text me when you get home, okay?”

I will. Thanks for being with me when Seungho appeared.”

It was nothing. It’s the least I can do for a friend.”

Still, I couldn’t have faced him without breaking down if it weren’t for you.”

Tiffany had enough of listening to their conversation so she turned to Dennis and smiled.

I hope you had a good time tonight.”

I sure did. You saved me from a lonely evening. How can I ever repay you?”

Tiffany blushed. Dennis was smiling so charmingly at her that her heart began to thump.

You don’t have to.”

Well, it is my great fortune to meet a beauty with a big heart like you. I’m hoping that we can be more than acquaintances.”

There it was. The opening. He was testing the waters, wasn’t he.

We’re more than acquaintances, given that we are officially in a long term working relationship,” she found herself saying.

Opening closed. Tactfully. That was a mix of business and personal.

Dennis grinned ever so charmingly and replied, “So we are.”


Fany ah, are you tired?” asked Taeng as he drove towards her home.


Do you want to go somewhere for a drink? We haven’t gone out for the past few days.”

I’d love that.”

Okay, let’s go to the café then?”

Sounds good, Taetae.”


They arrived at the café where Taeng had met her and saved her from a difficult conversation with Siwon. They went to that café quite often, since it was near to their homes.

Taeng, Tiffany! Will you have today?” asked the waitress whom they had chatted with on several occasions.

A strawberry cheesecake for me,” said Tiffany.

I’d like a cup of hot chocolate,” said Taeng.

The waitress smiled and nodded. “Just a moment!”

She’s always so cheerful whenever we see her,” commented Taeng.

I wish I could be as happy as she is.”

Taeng looked at Tiffany in surprise. “You’re not happy?”

Taetae, I’m not happy about a few things.”

What are they?”



And Gyuri.”




I think you’re too nice to her.”

But she’s going through a rough patch now and I’m her friend.”

Taetae, I know that you’re very caring and I love that but Gyuri might end up falling for you and you don’t want that, do you?”

Taeng’s eyes were wide as the full moon in the sky.

She…she’s just my friend. Why would she fall for me?”

She might fall for you if she relies on you too much for support. Especially after a bad breakup like hers. She might fall for you on the rebound.”

I…I didn’t know that…”

Don’t you think that she likes you a little too much already?”

Does she?” Taeng blinked. “I’m not sure.”

She listens to your radio show, she visits you at the station, she even has your shows stored so that she can listen to them when she’s feeling down. And the way she looks at you…Taetae…I really feel that you should try to put some distance between Gyuri and yourself.”

I’ll try my best for you, Fany. I’ll do my best to make you feel better.”

Thank you, Taetae.”

I’m sorry for making you unhappy, Fany.”

Tiffany’s heart melted at the sight of his earnest eyes.

It’s okay, Taetae. Just be more careful with Gyuri okay? She might end up hurt if you’re not careful.”

I didn’t think of that.”

Tiffany smiled. “It’s not too late to think about it now.”


Their cake and drink arrived in good time and Taeng scooted close to her. Tiffany grinned. Taeng would always help her with her cheesecake when they ate later in the night. It all began with her craving for some cheesecake despite the fact that it could be fattening when eaten in whole at night. She didn’t finish the cake in the end but Taeng ate the rest of it. Subsequently, she began to depend on Taeng to finish up her cakes and nowadays, Taeng would shift next to her and they’d hold hands while she fed him her cake as she ate it. It was also part of the reason why Taeng didn’t order a piece of cake for himself.

Taeng opened his mouth wide as Tiffany moved her fork to him and the cake disappeared into his mouth. She enjoyed feeding him. She enjoyed being close to him like that, holding hands and all. Just then, his phone rang.

It’s Gyuri,” announced Taeng. “Hi Gyuri, what’s up?”

Taeng nodded as he listened. “I can’t listen to the show now. I’m out with Fany. But I’ll listen to the next one.” Taeng then listened some more before saying, “Okay. Goodnight.”

He put his phone away before looking at Tiffany curiously. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

Tiffany smiled and shook her head. “I should have just told you about how I felt earlier. It’s as though I had been jealous and worried for nothing.”

You were jealous and worried?”

Mmmhmm. Especially when she shared her peas with you. Especially when you put your arm around her at the party.”

Taeng blinked. “I won’t eat her peas anymore and I’ll…I’ll just pet her back in future. Will that make you feel better?”

Tiffany chortled. “Taetae…I don’t know what to do with you. Really.”

Is that a good thing?” Taeng’s eyes were wide and earnest again.

Tiffany could only smile and nod. “It’s a good thing. It means that you make me love you too much.”

Taeng smiled shyly and leaned towards her. His lips grazed hers and she stopped breathing for a second.

Taetae…” she breathed. She had not expected him to do that.

I’ll do anything to make you happy, Fany ah. I just want you to be happy.”

Tiffany’s heart skipped at Taeng’s brand of lovey dovey and she smiled. “I’m happy.”


Sway. Sway. Swaaay.

. Urgh. . . !


Hyun groaned and clutched his back. It hurt. Maybe he had practiced one too many times. Oww. Now he had an aching back to nurse. He hobbled to his bed and lay down on his tummy. Oww. Would ice help? Maybe. But he was sure that he didn’t want to move now that he was flat on his bed. Just then, his phone rang.


With another groan, Hyun reached for his bedside table and picked up his phone. It was Hyoyeon. Oh no.


Hyunnie, what’s wrong with your voice?”

N-Nothing.” Hyun was alarmed. All he had said was her name. How did she know that something was wrong?

You sound like you’re in pain. Are you okay?”

I-I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong with me.”

You’re lying. Are you at home?”


I’m coming over.”

No, you don—” Hyun began, but he was cut off by the sound of the call ending.

You don’t need to come over…

Hyoyeon was always quick and on the go. Now, he had to think of an explanation for his plight. How was he going to explain himself?


Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

Hyun groaned as he tried to get up from his bed. A sharp pain zipped through his back as he stood up but he hobbled to the door and opened it. Hyoyeon was all over him at once.

What happened? Where are you hurting?”

Hyun grimaced. “It’s my back.”

Oh no! Why are you standing around then? Back injuries can be serious!”

But I had to—“

Excuses, excuses, you’d better lie down right now.”

open the door for you…

Move it mister.”

Hyoyeon helped him to his bed and he lay down flat on his tummy.

I’ll get some ice. Don’t move.”

Thank you.”

Hyoyeon disappeared from the room and reappeared shortly with a small bag of ice.

Where are your towels?” she asked.

First drawer.”

She took a towel out and wrapped it around the bag of ice before moving to the bed and sitting down beside him. She hesitated just as she was about to lift his t-shirt.

Which part of your back is injured?”

It hurts near my waist.”

Hyoyeon pulled up his t-shirt and placed the ice gently on his back. “Over here?”

A little to the left.”

Hyoyeon shifted the ice slightly.



What were you doing? How did you get injured?”

I…I was…” Hyun faltered. It suddenly seemed very embarrassing to admit that he was practicing his hip in front of a mirror when he injured himself.

What were you doing?”

I was practicing.”

What were you practicing?”

Oh gosh. Hyoyeon would not relent.

I was practicing a move.”

What move?”

The hip .”

The hip thru—isn’t that a dance move?”

Yes it is,” said Hyun as his cheeks began to heat up.

You were practicing a dance move?” Hyoyeon’s voice had taken on an amused tone.

Yes I was.”

Why would you want to practice dance moves?”

In the smallest voice ever, Hyun answered, “I want to dance with you without stepping on your foot.”

Hyunnie…” cooed Hyoyeon.

She kissed him on his cheek and smiled.

You’re the best.”

Hyun blushed to the roots of his hair. He was in bliss. Maybe hurting his back wasn’t so bad after all. Hyoyeon was icing his back and he even got a kiss out of it!

What are you grinning about?” asked Hyoyeon.

Hyun blinked. Was he grinning?


You’re acting so weird tonight. Then again, you’re weird.”

Just then, Hyun thought of something that would make his night completely awesome.

Hyoyeonie, could you steam some gogumas for me?”

It’s kind of late, Hyun…”

But I’m hungry.”

Alright, I’ll make some for you.”

Hyoyeon got up and left the room. Hyun celebrated mentally. This was definitely going to be a night to remember.


The drive from the dance studio to her apartment wasn’t very long and Yoong walked her up to her door.

Goodnight, Yoongie.” Sunny tiptoed and planted a kiss on his lips before entering her apartment.

However, something stopped her from entering. Yoong would not let go of her hand.

I don’t want to go back to my empty apartment by myself,” he whined.

You’re a big boy Yoongie. You can go home by yourself,” joked Sunny but she was a little stunned when he hugged her suddenly.

I miss you already.”

Yoongie, what’s going on? This is not like you at all.”

Yoong heaved a great, big sigh and looked into her eyes sorrowfully.

There’s something I haven’t told you.”

A feeling of dread came over her and she shivered. Yoong sounded so serious.

I have to go to Japan for a couple of months.”

The feeling of dread evaporated instantly and Sunny let out a sigh of relief. The news wasn’t all that bad.

Is it for work?” she asked.

Yoong nodded and pouted.

And when did you know about it?”

A couple of weeks ago.”

Why didn’t you tell me?” Sunny caressed his cheek.

I didn’t know how long it was going to be until a few days ago. And even then, the two months may be extended depending on circumstances.”

And that’s why you don’t want to go back home alone?”

I don’t want to spend time away from you.”


Will you move in with me? At least until I leave for Japan.”

Move in with you?”

Yoong nodded eagerly. “That way we can spend every second of the day together.”

Sunny giggled. “You might get bored of me.”

No I won’t.” Yoong looked so serious that Sunny stopped giggling. “I don’t know what I will do if I have to stay in Japan for more than two months. I’m going to miss you so much.”

Yoongie…don’t be so sad. You’re making me sad too.”

Don’t make me go home alone tonight.” Yoong pouted again and Sunny couldn’t say no to that look.

Alright, come in.”

The grin on Yoong’s face was wider than a mile and he kissed her hard as soon as she got her words out. She melted at once. His arms wrapped around her and they stumbled into her apartment, managing to shut the door somehow.

Let’s see how many times I can make you squeal tonight.”

The roguish grin on his face said it all and Sunny knew that she was in for the game of her life tonight.


Yul was worried. Jessica had not answered his calls. Neither had she replied to his messages. It wasn’t like her to do that. Her phone was always with her and she was fairly prompt in returning calls and messages. It was rather late but he decided to call her home to see if she was safe at home.

Hello, this is Yul.”

Hello, Yul. Are you looking for Sooyeon?”

Yes omonim. I was worried about her because she didn’t reply my messages or pick up my calls. Is she home?”

Yes, she’s home.”

Yul heaved a sigh of relief. “I see. That’s all I need to know. Goodnight, omonim.”

Yul…I would like for you to come over and stay with her tonight.”

Tonight? Right now?”


Sure, I can do that.”

Good, I’ll see you in a while then.”

Yul cocked an inquisitive brow and wondered why she had made that request but he wasn’t one to turn down a request made by Mama Jung. He revved up his engine. He had planned to head home to shower and sleep after working all day but it looked like his plans had to change now.


The gates opened for him and he parked his car in the garage. Mama Jung was in the living room when he entered and she gave him a warm smile.

Thank you for coming at a moment’s notice.”

It’s no trouble at all, omonim.”

Sooyeon is a little sensitive tonight and I thought that it’d be better if you were with her.”

A little sensitive?”

Mama Jung nodded solemnly. “I think she’ll feel better with you around. But please promise me that you won’t ask her about anything.”

Yul raised his brows in curiosity but he nodded all the same. “I promise, omonim.”

Good, now up you go. To her room. She should be done with her bath by now.”

Goodnight, omonim.”

Yul bowed politely and headed up the stairs to Jessica’s room. His curiosity level was sky high by now but he had promised not to ask anything. The door was not locked so he opened it carefully. There was no one in there. Remembering what Mama Jung had said, he headed to the bathroom and peeked into it. He couldn’t help smiling at the sight that greeted him. Jessica was fast asleep, her head lolled to the side of the bathtub. So much for being done with her bath.

He treaded carefully into the bathroom and took the bathrobe that hung on a hook behind the door, slinging over his shoulder. Then, he rolled up his sleeves even more than they already were before reaching into the water to sit her up straight. Her eyes fluttered open when he shook her.

Yul…?” she mumbled, her sleepy eyes blinking. “When did you come?”

Only just.” Yul held her hands as he stood up. “Stand up and put on your bathrobe.”

She stood up obediently and stretched her arms out like a scarecrow. He chuckled. Once a princess, always a princess. So he held the bathrobe open for her while she slipped her arms through the sleeves. She wrapped the bathrobe around herself and tied the sash around her waist. As soon as she tied the knot, he swept her off her feet, causing her to squeak in shock. He chuckled again. It was so easy to get a reaction from her. He could never get tired of teasing her this way.

Yul,” she whined and fluttered her eyelashes.

For a moment, he was mesmerized. He was only too aware that he was in the presence of a world class beauty. That thought made him smile, for this beauty was his. He planted a light peck on her nose before carrying her to her luxurious bed. He wasn’t fussy when it came to beds but even he had to admit that her bed was heavenly to sleep in.

The mattress was some kind of fluffy cloud that could support his weight without being too hard to lie on. It was incredible to discover just how comfortable a bed could be and this was one of the things that made him more aware of just how much money could buy.

Are you sleeping with me tonight?”

Would you like me to?”

Jessica nodded daintily so he said, “Then I will.”

He put her down on the bed and she burrowed under the sheets immediately. Her head popped out from under the sheets and she looked up at him inquisitively.

Why are you smiling like that?”

Was I smiling?” Yul chuckled.

Jessica nodded.

You’re cute.”

A shy smile found its way onto her face. “Hug me.” Her arms stretched wide, welcoming him into bed with her.

He was more than willing to oblige. His fingers eased the buttons on his shirt through the buttonholes and he shrug off his shirt within seconds. He was about to undo his pants and hop into bed with her when he realized that he hadn’t showered after working the entire day.

Baby, I need to take a shower before joining you.”

She pouted but he stood firm.

Baby, I’m not getting into bed with you when I’m all dirty and smelly.”

You’re not smelly. I love the way you smell.”

I’m taking a quick shower. You won’t have to wait for long.”

Okay…but be real quick.”

Just a minute, baby.”


She admired his as he headed towards the bathroom with a towel of hers. What a y back. Oh, she’d give anything to run her hands down his y back. Those muscles. Those well-defined muscles. She bit her lip inadvertently as she thought her naughty thoughts.

But why was he here? She hadn’t called him. Neither did he call her. Did he? She looked around for her phone. Where was it? And where were her bags?

Her bags. Oh no. Where was Kelly? Her mother said that she’d take care of everything for her.

She got out from bed and walked to her walk-in wardrobe. She opened the wardrobe in which she kept her bags. It was a specially designed wardrobe that had compartments for storing her bags. Her many bags. And there, before her very eyes, was Kelly. Sitting prettily in a compartment of her own. The epitome of beauty, elegance and class. Just like her owner.

Jessica giggled at the thought.

She couldn’t find any of the other bags that she had bought but she wasn’t bothered. She didn’t like them that much anyway. They were just bags to her. Unlike Kelly. It wasn’t every day that she met a bag like Kelly.

She rubbed her tummy absentmindedly as she admired Kelly for a while before she realized what she was doing. Her tummy. Oh no. She had almost forgotten about it. She was pregnant!

Anxiety took over and she panicked. She was pregnant. Being pregnant wasn’t something that she could brush aside and pretend that it didn’t exist. Being pregnant wasn’t something that she could undo. Being pregnant was a kind of reality that frightened her.

Just then, a pair of arms encircled her waist and damp hair tickled her ear as a chin rested on her shoulder.

Why are you not waiting for me in bed? Hmm?”

Yul!” she squeaked, her heart racing upon the realization.

He chuckled. “Did I give you a shock?”

She nodded and he chuckled again but he stopped abruptly. She could feel him tensing up and knew at once that he had seen Kelly.

Is that…” he began.

There was no way out of this. She turned around to face him.

I bought Kelly today.”

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She knew that she’d better come clean all at once. He wouldn’t like it if she lied to him.

I spent fifty thousand dollars today.”

She squeezed her eyes shut as soon as the words were spoken and braced herself for the onslaught of his anger. She could feel his arms releasing her waist and fought back a sob. She had done it now. She had made him angry. She had broken her promise again. Would he still want her?

His voice was low and very controlled but what he said surprised her.



Her eyes sprang open and she looked at him in surprise. He was very tense and rather intimidating but he hadn’t scolded her.

I…I don’t really know…” Her lips trembled as she recalled the news of her pregnancy. “I just had to. I couldn’t stop myself.”

You couldn’t stop yourself? And you spent fifty thousand dollars in one spree.”

His jaw clenched and his eyes hardened and she felt like a criminal under interrogation again.

She teared as she said, “I felt terrible and I didn’t know what to do. I really didn’t. I just wanted to see Kelly again so I went back to the shop and while I was there, I ended up buying two more bags and their matching wallets.”

Jessica, I’m very disappointed in you. I really thought that you’d try harder after what you promised.”

Her chest tightened unbearably as tears began to wet her cheeks.

I’m s-sorry…but I didn’t know what else to do…I just wanted to feel better…”

You wanted to feel better? What happened?” he sounded concerned.

Her voice dropped to a whisper as she said, “I was at the doctor’s today.”

I know, you told me yesterday.” He gasped suddenly. “Is there something wrong with your health?”

She nodded miserably and he hugged her immediately.

Baby, it’s alright. Whatever it is, I’m sure the doctors can take care of it,” he said as he patted her back to comfort her.

She shook her head in despair. “Doctors won’t be able to help me.”

He held her arms tight and looked at her worriedly. “Why not? What’s the problem?”



I’m pregnant.”

You’re pregnant.”

She nodded again, her misery sinking even deeper this time.

You’re pregnant,” he repeated and she nodded yet again. “You…are…pregnant.” He looked as though he had trouble breathing as he spoke. “You’re not kidding, are you?”

She frowned. Why would she joke about something like that? “I’m not kidding.”

You are pregnant,” he said yet again.

A silly grin was plastered on his face and she couldn’t understand it. Her mother had been excited. So had her sister. And now, Yul. What was wrong with everyone? Couldn’t they see that she was upset?!

He knelt down before her and placed his palm on her tummy. Then he looked up and asked, “Is it a boy or a girl?”

I don’t know yet,” she found herself whispering.

The look in his eyes was almost reverent and it stunned her. He parted her bathrobe and planted a tender kiss just below her navel before standing up again and hugging her. She was at a loss for words so she simply hugged him back and they stood there in her walk-in wardrobe, hugging for the longest time.

His eyes were teary when they finally stopped hugging and she was stunned again. Was he crying?! Was he happy? Was he sad? What? What?

Yul…are you…crying?”

I’m… Don’t worry… I’m more than happy right now.”

You’re more than happy? Because I’m pregnant?”

He nodded. The silly grin was back on his face and she couldn’t help smiling too. Perhaps being pregnant wasn’t so bad after all. It seemed to make everybody around her very happy. Then a sudden thought struck her and filled her with dread.

Do we have to stop making love while I’m pregnant?”

No, we don’t. In fact, I want to make love to you right now,” he said huskily.

She felt the heat rising from within instantly but a worry nagged at her. “But will we hurt the baby?”

He merely chuckled and her hair lovingly as he asked, “Did the doctor say that everything is fine?”

She nodded. “Doctor Han said that everything is coming along nicely.”

His grin grew even wider. “Then we have nothing to worry about.”

He pulled her up against him and nuzzled her lips with his. She responded immediately and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hair was still damp and was cool to the touch. Her senses were heightened further by the feeling of his cool skin on her warm skin—he had opened her bathrobe without her realizing it—and she moaned her desire into his mouth.

He broke the kiss suddenly and looked deep into her eyes as he asked, “Mrs Kwon, may I?”

She squealed mentally over what he called her before managing to ask, “May you what?”

He chuckled. “Do this.” He bent and lifted her in his arms.

She could only squeal and clutch her bathrobe to her chest as his throaty laugh tickled her ears. Wow, she had never heard him laughing like this before. He must be really happy.

And off we go!” he announced as he carried her and began walking back into her room.

Where are we going to?” she asked, confused.

We are going to make love,” he whispered huskily in her ear and she felt tingles running up and down her spine.

Perhaps being pregnant really wasn’t that bad after all.


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD