Round 75

Personal Differences

Round Seventy-Five

One of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen was smiling at her. No way. It was not possible for a man to be this good-looking. Was it?

Hi, you must be Tiffany Hwang. I’m Dennis Oh. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

She snapped out of her daze and her professional smile was activated by instinct.

It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Oh.”

Please, call me Dennis.”

Dennis, have a seat.”

They took their seats and Tiffany mentally chided herself for losing focus of what she was supposed to do.

According to Taeng, you’re interested in a long term contract with us.” Tiffany handed him the folder containing the proposal for the first restaurant opening and continued, “I have done up a rough draft for the opening concept. You can take a look.”

But we haven’t discussed anything.”

It’s a concept that I came up with for our first meeting. It would be a good starting point for us to discuss further plans.”

Now I know why my friend recommended you so highly to me. You’re not only beautiful but capable too.”

Tiffany blushed. “Thank you.”

I have some ideas about what I want my opening to be like but the proposal you have here looks wonderful too.”

Just then, Tiffany caught a whiff of his scent and found herself floating into the realm of dreaminess.

He smells good.

The promotional strategies listed here are exactly what I am looking for and more. Your PR skills are exceptional.”

Thank you. I’m glad that you like what I have suggested. But there’s no need to decide on anything just yet. I’d like for you to think about what I have proposed and clarify your doubts. I would also like to hear about the ideas you have. They are very important too.”

In that case, let me share my ideas with you.”

I’m all ears.”


She had always enjoyed working on proposals with her clients. It was the interaction, the discussion, the planning and the brainstorming that got her adrenaline going. But this meeting was more than enjoyable. It was almost euphoric.

Admittedly, it was because of how handsome he was. His eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips…everything about him was perfect. He was tall, muscular and very suave. Everything about him screamed heartthrob and she felt attracted to him.

It was a familiar feeling. She had felt that way when she first met Siwon too. It was attraction at first sight. Drop dead good looks and a magnetic personality. And for a minute, she felt the strongest urge to flirt with him but she didn’t. No, it wouldn’t be right. Firstly, they were in a meeting and it wouldn’t be professional. Secondly, she was in a serious relationship with Taeng and it wouldn’t be ethical.

Say, would you like to grab some food with me after this meeting? I haven’t been back in Seoul for such a long time that I’ve forgotten where all the good food is. I’ll give you a treat if you can show me a good place to eat.” Dennis flashed a wide grin that got her heart fluttering.

I’ll be glad to show you where to eat but you don’t have to give me a treat.”

You have plans.”

Tiffany smiled sheepishly. “Actually, I do.”

It’s the boyfriend, isn’t it?”

Tiffany nodded apologetically. “Taeng is at a party and I’d like to join him once we’re done.”

Taeng is your boyfriend?”



You sound surprised.”

I am.”

Why is that?”

Pardon me for saying this but Taeng doesn’t quite look like your type.”

And which type would be my type?”

Tall, handsome…suave…”

He’s describing himself, isn’t he.

Tiffany laughed politely and said, “Isn’t that everybody’s type?”

Dennis grinned. “That’s true. Well, since it’s Taeng, could I join you then? I’d like to meet him too. He seems like a really nice guy.”

He is.”

So, can I come along? I’m all by myself and I’ll be bored out of my wits if I don’t find some company.”

Tiffany was a little reluctant but she didn’t want to turn him down after his repeated requests—especially when he was a client.

Sure, come along. I’m sure Taeng will be happy to see you.”



What she saw did not go down well with her at all. Taeng had his arm around Gyuri while they talked to a man. She inadvertently quickened her footsteps and as she got nearer, she could hear their conversation.

Gyuri, I really hope that you’ll give me another chance,” said the man.

I don’t want to talk to you right now. Please leave me alone.”

Tiffany decided that it was a good time to interrupt.

Taeng.” She stood next to Taeng.

Fany! You’re here!”

Taeng looked positively delighted but his wide grin faded when his eyes landed on Dennis.

Who is he?”

He is Dennis, our new client.”

Taeng looked a little taken aback but he recovered in the next instant and smiled politely at Dennis.

Hi, I’m Taeng. It’s nice to finally get to meet you after speaking to you on the phone after all this time.”

It’s my pleasure to meet you too.”

Dennis and Taeng shook hands. After which, Dennis turned to the man who was talking to Gyuri and said, “I’m sorry, could you excuse us for a moment?”

Sure.” The man nodded at Dennis before turning to Gyuri. “I’ll text you.”

Taeng patted Gyuri’s shoulder as the man walked away.

It’s alright, he gone now.”

Thanks for helping me get rid of him,” Gyuri thanked Dennis.

Dennis smiled. “I didn’t do much but I’m glad to have helped.”

Tiffany was impressed. Dennis seemed like the kind of man who could take charge and control tricky situations. It was no wonder that he was already the owner of a successful chain of restaurants in America when he was her age. Subsequently, his chain of restaurants branched out to other countries and now, she was going to be part of the beginning of his foray into Seoul. It was exciting indeed. Dennis impressed her.

Taeng on the other hand, angered her. She wanted to smack his hand away from Gyuri’s shoulder but she couldn’t. How could she, when he was just being his kind self, helping a friend who was in need. Yet, she had a limit for her tolerance and if he wasn’t aware of it, she was going to have to tell him real soon.


Dennis was quite an attraction. Several ladies had approached him as they stood near the bar, chatting. Most of them asked if he was a DJ and looked disappointed when they found out that he wasn’t.

You should be a DJ. You’d have many fans,” said a female DJ.

I’m afraid I wouldn’t do well as a DJ. I’ve always admired DJs for being so eloquent and witty. I’m not too good at talking to an audience that I can’t see. Neither am I witty enough to do a ‘live’ show.”

These things take practice. Though, there are some people who take to it very well, like Taeng DJ,” said Gyuri. “His very first broadcast was an accident but it was a big hit. Nobody had ever heard of an introduction that went like that before. It’s just so awesome. I even saved that bit on my phone and listen to it when I feel down.”

At this point, Tiffany was speechless. To think that Gyuri was that into Taeng! And now that she was heartbroken, Taeng was even more of an attraction to her than before. This was not a good sign.

Taeng is a DJ? Isn’t he Tiffany’s personal assistant?”

Taeng is a freelance DJ. He has his own weekly segment that he does.”

I see. Wow, you’re a man of many talents.” Dennis smiled at Taeng who was blushing furiously at the moment.

I know, right? He’s my favourite DJ!” Gyuri gushed.

Tiffany could only hold in her own misgivings about the whole exchange. She had tried to be understanding. She had tried to be tolerant. She had tried to give Taeng free rein so that he could be a good friend. But all of this had to stop. Gyuri was obviously starting to be attracted to Taeng in the wrong way—or rather, a way that did not go down well with her. She did not want Taeng to shower friendly affection on a girl who looked like she was falling for him. She wasn’t sure if Gyuri had fallen for Taeng yet but she wasn’t going to take any chances.


Hyun was distressed. The man was telling him to move his hip without moving his shoulders. How in the world was he supposed to do that?! He shot a desperate look at Sunny and Yoong who were giggling away behind him. Those two lovebirds were not in the least attentive at all. They were in their own world, quite oblivious to the fact that they were in fact, in a dance class.

Hyun! You have to move just your hip. Lock everything else down,” instructed the dance instructor as he surveyed the class. “And the two of you back there, pay attention!”

Sorry! We’ll be good now!” Yoong apologized as he winked at Sunny who giggled in return.

Hyun sighed. Sunny had introduced him to a dance instructor that she got to know from Seventh Heaven. The dance instructor was a dancer that Hyoyeon raved over and Sunny had assured him that she and Yoong would accompany him to the dance class to ease his worries. Sure, they had accompanied him. But it wasn’t working out well at all. He couldn’t even get the simple moves right!

A pair of hands grabbed hold of his shoulders suddenly. He yelped in shock before calming down after he realized that it was the dance instructor in the mirror.

Flex your knees. Sway your . Just imagine that you’re drawing a curve with your . Fold your arms. Hold them up. Move your ,” barked the dance instructor.

I’m trying so hard but I can’t,” said Hyun, miserably. “My shoulders keep moving when I move my .”

Focus. Concentrate. You can do it if you just keep your arms folded and up.”

It looks so weird when I do it.”

It’ll look better with some practice. Practice the move in front of a mirror every day and you’ll get better at it.”

Okay, I will.”


Yoong couldn’t stop laughing after the dance class as they walked to his car.

Hyun! Hahaha! You’re a genius, bunny. Your idea was sheer genius.”

I didn’t agree to accompany him just so that you can laugh at him you know.” Sunny looked at him, annoyed. “We were supposed to be supportive.”

That’s why I’m only laughing at him after the class.”

Sunny huffed and turned away from him. There were times when he irked her with his childish mentality.

Hey, hey…okay…I’m sorry for laughing at Hyun. I won’t laugh anymore.” Yoong looked contrite.

And promise me that we’ll be more serious in the next class? It wasn’t very nice of us to act that way during the dance class.”

Why? I thought you enjoyed fooling around with me? You were giggling so much.”

I had fun with you but I don’t think we should do that the next time.”

Yoong pouted. “Aww…where’s the fun in that?”

Not everything is about fun, Yoongie.”

Is that so…?” Yoong grinned in a way that made Sunny squeal—she knew that he was up to no good.

Don’t even think about it.”

Too late!” Yoong laughed and caught her in his arms. “You’re arrested!”

What have I done wrong?” Sunny tried to wriggle out of his embrace but to no avail.

Absolutely nothing.”

Then let me go.”

No. I’m not letting you go. Ever.”

Sunny stopped wriggling and hugged him back. “You’re arrested too!”

What did I do?” Yoong laughed.

You’re arrested for being too mushy.”

You don’t like?”

Sunny shook her head and smiled. “I like.”

Then you can’t arrest me.”

I can.”

You can’t.”

I caaan.”

You caaan’t.”

Am I your girlfriend?”

Yes you are.”

Sunny tiptoed and pecked him on his lips. “Then I can.”


Jessica found herself back at the bag shop in a daze.

Good evening, Miss Jung. Are you here for the bag you reserved?”

Yes, I’d like to bring it home today.”

Please take a seat over here and we’ll get your bag for you.”

Jessica sat down on the chair that the lady pulled out for her and smiled absentmindedly at the person who served her a cup of tea. It wasn’t long before the lady came back out with the bag.

This is the bag you reserved, Miss Jung.”

Jessica took the bag and it gently. “Kelly…”

Are you satisfied with the condition of the bag, Miss Jung?”

Yes, wrap it up for me.”

Certainly, Miss Jung. Is there anything else that you’d like to buy today?”

Jessica looked around the shop. Every bag that was displayed in the shop was fully handmade by a craftsman. The leather used was of the best quality that money could buy and the designs were critically acclaimed in the world of fashion.

I’ll take that one up there and this one over here.” Jessica pointed at the bags she wanted. “And the matching wallets too.”

Matching wallets for all the bags?”


Most certainly, Miss Jung.”

The lady disappeared into the room that stored the bags and wallets and Jessica continued to look around the shop. It felt good to do that. She was used to doing that. She needed to do that. The magazines weren’t kidding when they said shopping could be therapeutic. This was shopping therapy at its best.

Here are your bags and wallets, Miss Jung.”

Jessica looked at them and nodded. “I’ll take them all.”

Thank you very much, Miss Jung. I’ll pack them up for you.”

Jessica hesitated for the slightest of moments before handing her credit card over to the lady. Yul wouldn’t approve but she didn’t care. She needed to do this. She had to. She got her phone out of her bag and called her driver as soon as the lady left with her card.

Ajusshi, I’ll be done in a couple of minutes and I need help with my shopping.”

I’ll be right there, Miss Jung.”


Jessica arrived home and her driver brought her shopping up to her room for her. She headed straight to her room, ignoring her mother along the way and began taking her bags and wallets out from their boxes as her driver let himself out of the room and shut the door for her. She looked at the bags and wallets that were now sitting on her bed. Three bags and wallets. She ought to be very happy after shopping like that. It had always worked for her. Why didn’t she feel happy now?

The image of Yul’s stern look crossed her mind but she shunned it to a dark corner. She didn’t want to think about what he would have to say about this. She had glanced briefly at the receipt of her purchases. Her bags and wallets had cost her almost fifty thousand dollars but she still wasn’t happy. As she stared at her bags and wallets, there was a knock on her door. She did not answer it.

Sooyeon ah, are you alright?”


I’m coming in…”

The door opened and her mother entered.

Sooyeon ah…what’s all these?” her mother gaped at the bags and wallets on her bed. “Oh my goodness!” her mother exclaimed upon seeing the total cost on the receipt. “Didn’t you promise Yul to cut down on your shopping?”

Yul. I promised Yul. Oh no…

Jessica was suddenly filled with a thick sense of dread. She looked at the bags and wallets and began to tear. “Mummy…”

Her mother came next to her and patted her shoulder. “What happened, Sooyeon ah?”

Mummy…” Jessica began to sob. Huge, chest heaving sobs.

What’s wrong? Tell Mummy what’s wrong.”

Her mother hugged her tight and tried to soothe her but it was useless. She was wailing out loud now as the realization of what she had done struck her. She had promised to be good. She had resolved to save up her money to buy Kelly. Now, she had not only bought Kelly. She had bought Kelly along with two other friends and their companions. Yul was going to be so angry with her!

Mummy…” she sobbed into her mother’s shoulder, “I-I’m…I’m pregnant.”

Her mother’s face was in hers suddenly. “You’re what?!”

Jessica couldn’t stop her tears. “I’m pre-pregnant.”

Is it a boy or a girl?”

I-I d-don’t know…”

Oh right. What am I thinking? Of course you wouldn’t know yet. I’m just too excited to think clearly. This is the best news I’ve ever heard!”

Jessica blinked. What was wrong with her mother? Couldn’t she see how badly she was crying? How could this be the best news she’d ever heard?!


Jessica turned towards her door and saw Krystal standing there with her gaping mouth that was gradually curling up into the widest grin ever.

Yes, Soojung ah. Sooyeon is pregnant!”

Hurray! I’m going to have a little niece! Or nephew!” cheered Krystal as she bounded over to Jessica. “Congratulations unnie!” Krystal gave her a bear hug. “Does Yul know yet?”

Jessica shook her head.

You have to tell him! The sooner the better! Call him now!” Krystal was practically hopping in excitement.

I…I don’t want to tell him yet.”

WHY NOT?” Her mother and sister looked at her in shock.

I…I can’t be a mother.”

Her mother replied immediately, “Nonsense. Why can’t you be a mother? You’re already pregnant. You’ll be a mother in nine months.”

Jessica paled at her mother’s words. Nine months?! She wasn’t ready! Nine months wasn’t enough to get ready! She knew nothing about babies. She knew nothing about taking care of a baby. She knew nothing, period.

I don’t want to be a mother,” she whispered.

Unnie…do you know what you’re saying?” Krystal asked in the most solemn tone that Jessica had ever heard.

I’m not ready to be a mother. I can’t. I want to stay this way forever. I don’t want things to change. I don’t want to be a mother. What am I going to do?” said Jessica in despair.

Sooyeon ah…don’t be afraid. I was afraid when I first found out that I had conceived you too. But it wasn’t so bad…”

Mummy…I spent fifty thousand on those bags and wallets… Yul is going to be so angry…” Jessica quivered as more tears split onto her cheeks.

Don’t worry about all these, Sooyeon ah. Take a warm bath and go to sleep. I’ll take care of everything for you.”

Kelly is mine.” Jessica took Kelly and held it tight. “I want Kelly.”

Okay, okay…don’t worry. Kelly isn’t going anywhere.”

Okay…” Jessica calmed down a little. A warm bath sounded good.


Mother, I’m worried about unnie,” Krystal said to her mother after they put Jessica in her warm bath. “What she said worries me.”

Her mother patted her back and smiled. “Not to worry, Soojung ah. She’ll feel better after a warm bath and a night’s sleep.”

Should we tell Yul?”

No.” Mama Jung shook her head. “It’s best that Sooyeon tells him herself.”


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Fire_trek 343 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 343 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD