Christmas Special

Personal Differences

Christmas Special


A few Christmases ago…


Yul, Merry Christmas!”


Thanks. What is it?”


It’s a surprise but I’m sure you’ll like it. Go ahead and open it!”




Yul unwrapped his present carefully. Although he had no lack of presents from admirers and friends, this was one present that mattered a little more than the rest. After all, it was his best friend’s present for him. He never could figure out how he ended up with a best friend like Taeng. In some ways, they were alike. Yet in most, they were as different as night and day.


Taeng was a target for bullies because he was soft-spoken and a little odd at times. Not exactly your typical kind of teenage boy, girl didn’t really go for him at all. Yul on the other hand, was kind of feared by the bullies. For one, he could fight. Nobody knew where he picked up his fighting skills from—they were a mix of several kinds of martial arts. On top of that, he had the power to get them into a truckload of trouble with the school authorities. While some of them didn’t actually fear the school authorities, it was still a huge inconvenience to them and hence, they stayed clear of Yul to save themselves some trouble.


Yul was also highly sought after by the girls. His good looks, good grades, good athletic skills and good manners made him one of the most eligible teenage boys in the school. There was one instance when a girl pretended to befriend Taeng in order to get closer to Yul. When he found out about her true motives, he ticked her off severely. Afraid that Taeng’s feelings might have been hurt, he sounded him out but to his surprise, all Taeng said was, “It’s okay. Thanks to you, I had a little fun for a little while. You didn’t have to reprimand her so severely. I think you hurt her feelings quite badly.”


Yul had always known that Taeng was a very nice and giving person but there were times like these where he was rendered speechless. It was instances like these where he resolved to cherish Taeng’s friendship even more. People like Taeng were practically extinct in this ugly, ugly world. He needed Taeng to have some faith in the innocence of man. While many people felt that he helped Taeng a lot by fending off bullies and thought that Taeng was lucky to have Yul as a good friend, he thought otherwise. It wasn’t just Taeng that needed him. He needed Taeng too.


The wrapping paper parted and he saw the gold printed letters of the book that he had coveted for the longest time but didn’t buy because it was expensive. He gasped.


Taeng, this book is expensive!”


I know. But I saved up for it.”


Taeng looked very proud and pleased with himself. Yul knew that the best way to thank him was to thank him sincerely and accept it, so he did just that. Taeng’s grin was as wide as the river Nile after that.


I’m afraid my present isn’t as expensive.” Yul felt guilty for buying a much cheaper present.


It’s okay. It’s the thought that counts.”


I’m really bad at buying presents but I hope you like it.”


I’ll like whatever you buy me. It’s the thought that counts!”


Taeng’s grin was still as wide as the river Nile. He opened his present and exclaimed with joy.


They’re so cute!” His face shone, exuberated. Then puzzlement took over. “But what are they?”


They’re peas. Peas in a pod. I thought you’d like them. They seem to have the ability to make you feel happier just by looking at them and I thought you could use them.”


Thank you!”


Taeng launched himself at Yul and threw his arms around him. Yul grimaced a little. Taeng could be a little too touchy at times. That was one of the things that he could never get used too. Nevertheless, it was Christmas so he’d let it slide this time.


Merry Christmas Taengoo.”


Yul patted his back and smiled.



Jessi. This is way, way, way too expensive.”




I know what you’re going to say next, so save it.”


Just accept it.”


Give me one good reason.”


It’s Christmas. T’is the season to be jolly.”


Tiffany snorted.


I didn’t know that you have it in your blood to be so cheesy.”


There’s still a lot that you don’t know.”


Such as?”


Such as…the colour of my today.”


Tiffany snorted again.


It’s black.”


Jessica gasped. “How did you know?”


I can see your black bra through your blouse and you always wear a matching set of undies.”


Pfft. You’re no fun at all.”


Remind me why we’re even friends?”


It’s depressing.”


No, it’s not. Let us toast to our new found freedom. Better to be rid of troublesome guys than to be bogged down by them and their baggage.”


Accept the present if you want me to feel better.”


Tiffany narrowed her eyes into slits and eyed Jessica.


You’re a sly one.”


I’m smarter than I look.”


Tiffany laughed.


Why are you laughing?”


You’re funny.”


Jessica pouted.


Alright, alright. I’ll accept the watch. But please, no more expensive presents, got that?”


It’s only a Tag Heuer. It’s really not that big a deal.”


Tiffany sighed exasperatedly.


A thousand dollars may not be much to you but it is to me.”


I’ll use my standards and you’ll use yours. A thousand bucks is nothing to me.”


Tiffany put on the watch and looked at it appreciatively.


It’s beautiful. Thanks.”


You’re welcome, babe. Now, where’s mine?”


Tiffany grinned.




What’s this?”


A book.”


I know it’s a book. What I mean is why.”


It’s a good book for you.”


Nickel and Dimed.”


Read it. I hope you’ll learn more about the not-so-rich.”


Why would I need a book when I have you to tell me about things like buses and trains?”




I’ll read it—when I feel like it.”


Fair enough.”


Merry Christmas Tif.”


Jessica hugged Tiffany. Tiffany smiled.


Merry Christmas Jessi.”



To: [email protected]

Subject: Merry Christmas!


Dear Hyoyeonie,


Merry Christmas!


Good news! I’m returning to Seoul next year. I can’t wait to see you again. I sent you a present. Have you received it yet?


Hugs and kisses,




To: [email protected]

Subject: RE:Merry Christmas!


Dear Sunny,


I got your present! Thanks for the bag. I love it!


You’re coming back? Hurray! When are you coming back? I can’t wait either!


Lotsa love,




To: [email protected]

Subject: RE:RE:Merry Christmas!


Dear Hyoyeonie,


I’m not sure yet. But I think it may be Feb. My dad’s company is sending him back to Seoul so we’re back for good!


And how did your audition go? They loved you, didn’t they? I’m sure that you’ll be selected. You’re the best dancer I’ve ever seen.


Hugs and kisses,




To: [email protected]

Subject: RE:RE:RE:Merry Christmas!


Dear Sunny,


Hurray! I miss going out with you so much. We have to go out and party as soon as you’re back. There’s a new club in town and it’s really good. We have to go together!


My audition went well. You’re right. They did love me and I’m now with the academy. I’ll be one of the dancers for a music video real soon. You have to watch it when it’s out!


Oh, but what’s going to happen to your boyfriend when you come back to Seoul?


Lotsa love,




To: [email protected]

Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE:Merry Christmas!


Dear Hyoyeonie,


He’s not my boyfriend. Stop calling him that! He’s just someone fun to hang out and have fun with. I’ll just tell him that I’m leaving for good. It’s not like we’re in a serious relationship or anything like that.


I want to be the first to see your music video! It’s the most awesome thing to be chosen as BoA’s dancer! I’m so proud of you, Hyo!


And we’ll definitely go out together when I’m back. I can’t wait to see your sleek moves again.


Hugs and kisses,




A toast! To the beautiful ladies that surround us!”


Beautiful ladies!”


Hyun, why aren’t you saying anything?”


Yeah, toast to something, come on.”


To health and wealth!”


Their glasses clinked and they drank heartily.


Is that your new girl?”


Young looked in the direction of Yoong’s finger. There on the dance floor was a gorgeous looking, model-like woman who was currently in the arms of a man.


Not anymore, she isn’t.”


Tsk, tsk. That girl doesn’t know what’s good for her.”


Yoong, it’s not like I was going anywhere with her anyway.”


Still…you shouldn’t play with more than one at a time.”


We’re not committed to each other. It’s totally fine with me.”


So why isn’t she your girl anymore?”


Because I just spotted another girl. Excuse me, guys.”


And then there were two.”


I’ll be right back with her in my arms. Just give me a few minutes.”


We’ll be waiting.”


Young winked at Yoong and Hyun before striding towards the girl who was about to become his new flavour of the month.






I’m Young. I couldn’t help but notice you the moment I saw you. May I ask for your name?”


It’s Jade.”


Jade. Wow. That’s a gorgeous name. Are you new to this place?”


Yes, it’s my first time visiting this place.”


Are you here by yourself?”


My friends are coming in a while.”


Then let me buy you a drink in the meantime. I can recommend some really nice drinks.”


Which ones do you recommend?”


Come, let me show you.”


Young took her hand and led her to the bar, turning around to flash a quick thumbs up at his friends. Not long after that, she was joined by her friends and he led them up to where Yoong and Hyun were.


Merry Christmas!” they chorused as their glasses clinked.


It would go on to be a fun night out for Young and Yoong who each brought a girl home with them. Hyun would go home alone. Just like all the other nights out.



Krystal, your dad sent a card to you.”


You can leave it on the table. I’ll look at it later.”




I know, mum. I will read it.”


Where are you going?”


I’m doing an extra shift, mum.”


Honey, you should be going out with your friends instead of working tonight.”


The money is really good. There’s no reason why I should pass up on it.”


I still don’t get why you have to work so hard when your father sends you money every month.”


We girls have to be independent, mum. Earn our own money. Learn to survive on our own.”


You don’t have to be so hard on yourself. It breaks my heart.”


Oh Mummy.”


Krystal hugged her mother tightly and kissed her cheek before letting her go.


Don’t worry about me. I’m not being hard on myself at all. They’re paying triple the usual amount tonight. I won’t be the only one working either. Victoria is doing the shift with me. We agreed to do it together. See? I’m hanging out with my friend too.”


Alright. I can never outtalk you.”


That’s because I make perfect sense.”


You’re not working Christmas eve, are you?”


No, I’m not. Just tonight, mum. I’ll spend all day with you tomorrow. Just like I promised.”


Okay, okay. Go on then. Better not be late for work.”




Krystal grabbed her coat waved goodbye to her mother before leaving the house.



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Fire_trek 347 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 347 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD