Round 57

Personal Differences

Round Fifty-Seven


Yul, what was your father like when he was alive?”


Jessica’s curiosity had been piqued by Yul’s little confession that night. It hadn’t really occurred to her that Yul was that affected by his childhood until now. Yes, he had talked about his father before but he had been so calm about it the last time. She couldn’t help but wonder what his childhood had been like. Hers had been quite comfortable, she supposed. She barely got to see her father but at least she didn’t have to worry about much.


She had never given what she had much thought until she met Tiffany. Tiffany had opened her eyes to the life of a person who wasn’t as wealthy as she was. Tiffany was the one who had introduced her to the buses and trains. Buses and trains that had all sorts of people; savoury and unsavoury alike. Buses and trains that had little or no personal space. Buses and trains that would not wait for you; that you had to plan your time around. To Jessica, buses and trains were highly inconvenient. Her chauffeured car was much better. Of course it was, Tiffany had laughed and shook her head at her.


So now, she wanted to know more. What was Yul’s life like? Having been to his home and bedroom before, she knew that he wasn’t exactly living in poverty. His room was simple but it had what he needed. His home was nice too. But had it always been that nice? What had it been like when his father was alive?


Yul froze.


He hovered over her, his arms supporting his weight as his eyes bored into hers. And for a longest time, they simply stared at each other, unmoving. Then her hands found his arms and glided up over them to his shoulders. His shoulders were tensed. She could feel his muscles flexing as she locked her fingers around his neck. Was it difficult for him to talk about it?






Yul put a finger on her lips before climbing into bed beside her. He propped himself up against the headboard so she did the same. She felt his fingers slipping in between hers, pulling her hand onto his lap. Sensing that he was about to talk, she rested her head on his shoulder, ready to listen.


He fiddled with her fingers and she let him, enjoying the feeling of his calloused fingers on her skin. They sat in silence and all she could hear was the sound of his even breathing. Its regularity calmed her and soon, she found her consciousness drifting away again. In the midst of her dozing off, however, he finally spoke.


He was a nightmare.”


Jessica’s consciousness came right back upon hearing him. She sat upright and looked at him, concerned.


He was an alcoholic, a gambler and he died in a fight when I was nine.”


The information wasn’t new to Jessica. He had said something similar when he first told her about his family. In fact, the words he used were about the same, if she could recall correctly. She waited for more but there was none.




That’s all. He died. The end.”


But what was he like when he was alive?”


He was a—”


Nightmare. I know. But what did he do?”


Whatever alcoholics and gamblers do.”


This was going nowhere. He wasn’t telling her anything that she didn’t already know.


Yul, what exactly did he do? Why was he a nightmare?”


Because. He was not what a father should be. He should have protected us but he didn’t. He should have taken care of us but he didn’t. Instead, he went and got himself killed in a fight, leaving behind nothing but a mountain of debts for us to pay. If he isn’t a nightmare, I don’t know what is.”


Jessica winced. He was getting worked up and his grip was so tight that her hand was beginning to hurt. Not wanting him to get angry, she tilted up her chin and gave him a kiss on his cheek.


Didn’t you say that you have forgiven your father? Why are you so angry now?”


I have forgiven him because it’s what my mother wants. She said that it wasn’t completely his fault that he ended up like this. She said that there had been good times when he was a good husband and father. I can’t remember it but according to my mother, he used to bring my brother and I to the pool for a swim. He even taught me how to swim. But I don’t remember any of it. I wish I did. It would be nice to have one good memory of him.”


It didn’t sound quite right to Jessica. He forgave his father because it’s what his mother wanted? She was no expert on that matter but that didn’t sound like he had truly forgiven his father at all. Wasn’t he still angry with his father?


You only have bad memories of your father then? You can’t remember anything good at all?”


Nothing good. If it weren’t for the photographs of us smiling happily as a family, I’d be inclined to think that my mother was lying to me about the good times.”


Jessica’s heart ached. She felt sad for him. As bad as her childhood had been, she did have some good memories of her parents. There were those family vacations that her father brought them on. She had happy memories of those times. And there was that time when her father showed up at one of her soccer matches. It had been a complete surprise and she’d been elated to see him in the stands. Her joining the soccer team had been something that her father felt proud about while her mother balked at. She could still remember her father defending her decision at the dinner table while her mother went on about how unladylike it was for her to play soccer. Yes, she had some good memories and it was unthinkable that Yul had none.


There was nothing she could do to change his past, neither was there anything she could say to erase it. But she had a hand in his future.


We can make lots of happy memories together. I’ll make you happy.”


Baby, you make me very happy.”


Really?” Jessica grinned flirtatiously.


Yes and we can have a happy family too. You, me and a couple of kids running about. Sound good?”


A couple of kids? You want two?”


Mmmhmm. Two is nice. We can have a boy and a girl. The girl will look like you and the boy will look like me.”


Jessica felt all warm and fuzzy inside. She had no idea that Yul had been thinking about things like that. She hadn’t thought much about kids but having two seemed a little scary. She’d heard about how painful childbirth could be and going through it twice seemed a little daunting to her.


Maybe just one kid is enough.”


Just one? But he or she will be so lonely.”


Jessica stopped to think about it. Did she feel lonely? Yes, there were times when she had wished for a sister. It didn’t matter if she was older or younger. Having another sister was nice. Now that she had Krystal, she found that she liked having a sister, albeit, only half.


You’re right. Two is good.”


Yul grinned and hugged her. “Our babies will be beautiful.”


Of course they will be. With parents as good looking as us… our kids will be gorgeous.”


Yul laughed heartily into her ear suddenly, giving her a little fright.


Baby, you’re so cute.”


I’m not just cute. I’m gorgeous too.”


Yul laughed even harder. “Yes you are. You’re gorgeous.”



Young followed Krystal but stopped before he rounded the corner. He could hear them from where he was and he didn’t want them to see him.


Why are you saying all these things in front of everyone?”


What things?”


You know what I’m talking about. Why are you saying it in front of the people I work with? Don’t you think that you’re being inconsiderate to me?”


I’m sorry. I just had to do it this way. I haven’t been able to muster up the courage to approach you at work and I was getting a little desperate.”


But you didn’t stop for a second to consider my feelings? I don’t want this sort of unnecessary attention.”


Unnecessary attention? Me being attracted to you is unnecessary attention?”


I’m not interested in anyone from work.”


Yet you seem to be excessively close to the boss’s son? You won’t date a co-worker but you will date the boss’s son. I see. That’s how it is. Well, I was mistaken about you. I’m sorry. I won’t bother you again.”


Wait. What nonsense are you spouting now. Don’t you go around saying things that aren’t true.”


So it’s not true that you’re dating our boss’s son?”


Who told you that.”


No one. I observed with my own eyes that you are closer to him than anybody else at work. Perhaps with the exception of Sulli.”


We’re just friends.”


The two of you don’t look like friends. That’s why I had to make a move. I was afraid of losing my chance if I waited any longer.”


I said I’m not dating anyone. If you don’t believe me, there’s no point in us talking anymore.”


Wait. Wait. I’m sorry. I just… I… I thought you were one of those materialistic girls who only date rich guys. I’m sorry. You’re not one of them.”


You’re darn right I’m not.”


So how about a movie this Saturday night?”


Oh my gawd. Talking to you is like talking to a stone wall. I just told you that I don’t date people from work.”


I’m not a stone wall and I am more persistent that I look. I don’t give up without a fight.”


Look, let’s just be friends. Relationships at work always end up messy and someone eventually has to quit.”


You’re quite the pessimist, aren’t you?”


Just being real.”


How can I convince you that it may be worth giving ourselves a chance to date?”


But I’m not interested.”


Do you hate me?”




Dislike me?”


I’m getting there.”


At that, Young heard the guy guffawing.


Krystal, you’re so special. You have no idea how difficult it is for me not to ask you out. Please, just give me one night. One movie. One dinner. That’s all I ask. And I won’t ask you again if you don’t want to go out with me again.”


Hyunseung ssi.”


So that’s his name. And he’s from work? The same showroom?


Young was determined to find out more about Hyunseung. It wouldn’t be too difficult. All the employee’s records were at his beck and call.


Krystal, you don’t have to be so polite with me. We are, after all, co-workers.”


Fine. Hyunseung. How many times do I have to tell you this? I. Am. Not. Interested.”


I know that. But I am much too interested to give up so easily.”




Please. Just once.”


Hey Krystal!” Young decided to intrude. He didn’t like the way things were going. Krystal was being pressured and there was no telling if she’d give in to his persistence or not. He preferred that she didn’t.


Young! You’re here!”


This your date?” Young nodded towards Hyunseung who didn’t look happy about being interrupted.


No, silly. I came with Sulli and the rest.”


So you came because of them? Not because of me?”


Krystal rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes. I came because of you. Happy now?”


Very.” Young grinned roguishly. “So, if this guy isn’t your date, is he bothering you?”


Hyunseung? Oh, no. he’s not bothering me. We’re co-workers.”


Oh? I don’t recall seeing him at the showroom. How long have you been working for us?”


Almost a year.”


I see. Well, it’s nice to meet you.”


Is it alright for co-workers to date?”


Young narrowed his eyes at Hyunseung. “Our company does not prohibit office romance. Why do you ask?”


I’m trying to ask Krystal out on a date but she won’t give me a chance. I just thought that if the company doesn’t stop us, it’s one less obstacle for me.”


As your superior, I have no objections as long as your work isn’t affected by this.”


Young winced as he felt a sharp jab in his side. Krystal had elbowed him hard and he could feel her eyes on him, glaring away.


As her close friend, however, I must say that if a lady says no, you should respect her decision.”


Decisions can change after some time. I’ll stop now. But I will try again. Krystal is worth it.”


And with that, Hyunseung smiled and went back into the club. Young turned to Krystal immediately.


You didn’t have to jab me so hard.”


You were encouraging him to ask me out!”


Don’t you want to try dating someone?”




Are you planning on remaining celibate for the rest of your life?”




You can’t be serious.”


Why can’t I?”


Do you hate men or something?”


Do I look like I hate men?”


No, but you aren’t going on dates like a normal girl would.”


I’m not a normal girl. I’m illegitimate and trying to hide it. I don’t need any unnecessary attention.”


Why don’t you just come clean then? It’s so hard to live with a secret identity.”


Young.” Krystal looked at him pointedly.


Okay, okay. I know, I know. You’ve told me a thousand times before. You don’t want your family to be inconvenienced. You don’t want them to be troubled by your appearance. But I have not approved of your decision. I have simply respected it.”


Krystal smiled. “And that’s why you’re my dearest friend. I don’t need to date anyone. I’m happy enough to have a friend like you. You’re better than a boyfriend, you know.”


Wow. That’s the best compliment anyone has paid me ever.”


And they laughed together.


Come on. Let’s go back in. Sulli must be wondering where you are.”



Hello, I would like to speak to Miss Sunny Lee.”


That’s me.”


Good morning, Miss Lee. I am calling on behalf of Mr. Im. Do you know who he is?”


Yoong’s grandfather?”


Yes. He would like to meet you today. For lunch, if it’s not too inconvenient for you.”


Sunny felt shocked, apprehensive and a myriad of other emotions. Why did Yoong’s grandfather want to speak to her?


Will Yoong be there?”


No. Mr. Im wishes to speak only to you.”


Do you have any idea why?”


I’m sorry, I don’t.”


Where is lunch then?”


I’ll pick you up and send you to lunch and back. Mr. Im would also appreciate it if you keep this to yourself.”


I will.”


Thank you. Can I pick you up at one?”


Yes, you can.”


Alright then.”




Goodbye Miss Lee.”



Lunch was at an extravagantly luxurious restaurant where the price of a main dish was probably a couple of weeks’ worth of her usual lunches. She felt immensely inadequate as she stepped into the restaurant with Mr. Im’s assistant(?) by her side. He seemed to have a hand in all affairs concerning Mr. Im and she wasn’t quite sure what to call him.


She was led to a private room, much like the one where she met Mr. Im for the first time. She shuddered at the memory. To think that she had been his pretend girlfriend when she first met his grandfather. It definitely wasn’t exactly the best way to make an impression. She could hear her heart beating faster and faster as she approached the table. Grandpa Im looked even more intimidating than the last time. She tried to smile brightly as she stood before him but her lips decided not to cooperate with her, instead, curling up into some sort of awkward grin.


Good afternoon Mr. Im.”


Have a seat. And please, call me Grandpa Im. We are not business associates.”


Sunny grinned awkwardly and sat down.


Would you like to have something to eat or drink?”


No, I’ll just grab a sandwich before heading back.”


Alright then, let’s not waste time. I’m sure you know why I want to see you.”


I’m not quite sure what it’s about but I know it concerns Yoong.”


Yes, it concerns Yoong. I’m concerned that he is getting too serious with you and I need to know more about you.”


What do you want to know?”


How many months have the two of you dated?”


Nine months.”


Yoong has never been with a girl for more than three months.”


We’re serious about each other.”


It would appear that way. I did not expect him to date you for this long. I have never concerned myself with his other girlfriends because they were never important enough. You, however, seem to have become more and more important as time passes by. I am told that he even bought a car for you. Did he?”


He did.”


And you accepted it.”




Why did you accept it?”


I want him to be happy.”


And that’s your reason for accepting the car?”


Accepting the car from him may make me look like a materialistic woman but I know why he wanted to give me a car and my acceptance of it is significant to him.”


I would like to know why it is significant.”


It’s a long story.”


Summarize it.


We had a rough patch that involved a third party and my old car was sort of a catalyst for it.”


A third party? Male or female?”


Male. One of our clients was trying to woo me.”


And how did the car come into play?”


My car broke down and I had no other way to get to work. He happened to pass by and offered me a ride so I hopped on. Yoong must have seen me with him because we got into a big fight over it and that was the beginning of many quarrels. Things got really bad before they turned around and got better but I think that helped us to understand just how much we love each other. Yoong never said anything but I can understand why he wanted to buy me a car. The car is an apology and a promise to me. On top of that…he proposed to me in the car. It’s an engagement gift although I didn’t find out until he proposed.”


Sunny stopped talking but Grandpa Im remained silent. His brows were slightly furrowed as if deep in thought. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat but remained silent as well. She would wait for him to speak.


That proposal is what worries me the most. Don’t you think the two of you are progressing too quickly? It’s only been nine months and he’s proposing to you.”


He proposed but it was more like a promise to be committed to us than to get married quickly. Besides, he may have felt pressured by the appearance of Hyesun. With pressure from you to marry her, he may have felt the need to anchor our relationship a little bit more and a little bit faster.”


Mmm… you seem to know him well.”


Not as much as you do, I’m sure.”


Grandpa Im chuckled. “Sometimes, I’m not sure if I know him at all. He grows up so quickly and changes so much that I have a hard time keeping up with him.”


You know all about him, from birth till now. I only know about the more recent him.”


Do you know about his ex-fiancée?”




Do you know the full story?”


I think so.”


Well, then you should understand why I am so doubtful about you.”


I understand.”


Good. You seem to be a decent girl but my private investigators tell me a different story. I would like to hear your explanation.”


You had me investigated?”


Naturally. I learnt a valuable lesson after Yoong’s ex-fiancée almost got away with her tricks and lies.”


I’m not like that girl.”


You feel insulted.”


Yes, I do.”


I am only trying to protect our family.”


I understand but I can’t help but feel insulted by your insinuations.”


My investigators reported that you are quite well-known in the clubs. You also have a history with many men. It is only natural that I am concerned after hearing about this.”


It’s true that I went out with many men but we only went out as friends. I have never been in a serious relationship before this.”


So it is reasonable to say that you’re promiscuous.”


Sunny winced at his harsh comment. “I’m not promiscuous. I never had ual relations with those men. We went out, played games and had fun.”


The report said that you were seen kissing and hugging men in clubs. You were also seen dancing very intimately with them.”


But that’s the extent of my relationship with them. I’ve never slept with any of them.”


I find that hard to believe.”


You have to take my word for it. There’s no way for me to prove that what I say is true.”


But Yoong believes you.”


I see where you’re going with this and I can understand your concern but the reports are not a true reflection of who I am.”


That is why I wanted to meet you.”


But you don’t believe what I say.”


It is difficult to believe.”


Well, the reports should also have said that I haven’t dated other men after getting together with Yoong.”


Yes. That is the one redeeming factor that convinced me to give you a chance to explain yourself.”


I suppose, only time can tell if I truly love Yoong or not.”


If I leave it to time, it might be too late.”


That’s a risk we all have to take, isn’t it? I’m sorry. My lunch hour is running out and I have to get back to the office.”


I’ll have my staff send you back. Thank you for meeting me on such short notice.”


Goodbye Grandpa Im.”



It was Hayeon’s graduation and Taeng was going back to Jeonju to attend it. Tiffany wished that she could go with him but she had to stay in Seoul to hold the fort. She had to set up the office and get it operational.


She never thought that saying goodbye could be this difficult but it was. To her surprise, she felt immensely reluctant to let him go. She stood silently by the side as he put his bag into the car and it suddenly looked to her as if Taeng was perfectly fine with going away without her.


Are you going to miss me?”


I…I’ve already started to miss you.”


Oh Taetae…but you look so…ready to go.”


I thought it’d be manlier if I just left, you know.”


Taetae…you…you don’t have to put up a strong front for me.”


Really? ‘Cos I really want to hug you but I’m afraid I might cry if I do.”


Tiffany smiled and spread her arms wide open. Taeng broke into a wide grin and threw his arms around her. He squeezed her really tightly and it was a little hard to breathe but she liked it. She liked how he hugged her as though he’d never let her go. She liked how he took deep breaths as though he couldn’t get enough of her scent.


I’m going to miss you. Make sure you call me, okay?”


I will, Fany ah. I will call you once I get to Jeonju and every night as we agreed.”


Good. I want to hear all about Hayeon’s graduation. And I want to see lots of pictures.”






I want a kiss goodbye.”


Tiffany ‘s lips curled lopsidedly at the sight of Taeng’s earnest puppy eyes. He made it that much harder for her to say no with the way his eyes seemed to melt into hers. She leaned forward and tilted her head, allowing their lips to meet in a sweet encounter that left her wanting more.


Drive safe, Taetae.”


I will. I’ll be back soon.”


It’s only for three days. You’ll be back before you know it.”


You’re right. I’ll be back before I know it.”


Time to go, Taeng.”


But I…”


Taeng, get into the car.”


Just one more hug, please?”


Tiffany nodded and Taeng threw his arms around her again.


Alright, you got your hug. Time to go.”


Taeng pouted but got into his car at last. He started up the engine and that’s when she had the crazy urge to get into the car with him but she simply smiled and waved as he drove away.



Tiffany entered her apartment alone. It seemed that little bit quieter without Taeng tinkering around it. He was always doing something whenever he was in her apartment. He’d be cooking, or cleaning, or washing something and now, there was nothing. Just a few walls and some furniture. Kind of lifeless in her opinion. It was odd. She had never felt that way about her apartment before.


She heaved a great big sigh and went about her business, calling clients and planning their next big project. The day went by slowly but the sky eventually turned dark and Taeng called to tell her that he had gotten to Jeonju safely. It was a quick call for dinner was ready and his mother was calling. She felt a little better after the phone call, but she still missed him. With a mind full of thoughts about Taeng and what he’d be doing if he were here with her, she sat on the couch and the news.


In the latest news today, up and rising model-turned-actress, Malina Takahashi, is reported to have broken up with her boyfriend, Choi Young, the youngest son of the Choi family. The Choi family owns our nation’s largest car manufacturing company and the young Choi is one of the most eligible bachelors in the country. The woman who came between them is said to be the illegitimate daughter of the Jung family—owners of the biggest media empire in the country. The identity of the woman has been kept under wraps exceptionally well, a sign of how influential the Jungs are in the world of media. What remains to be seen are the repercussions that this scandal has on the Choi and Jung family. How will this affect the reputation and image of their companies? Our reporters will be finding out more so stay tuned for more news on this epic scandal.”


Tiffany’s jaw dropped—literally. This was shocking news! Wild thoughts of the consequences that would follow this news broadcast flooded her mind and froze it. Dread crept in and snuffed out the warmth from her insides. The blood in her head seemed to have gone elsewhere for she could feel a cold sensation taking over it. What was going to happen now?



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Fire_trek 342 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 342 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD