Chapter 33


"He said I was pressuring go public..I just wanted to be that too ask.."I held a fist full of his shirt as I buried my face deeper into his chest. I just could not believe he is doing this to me, am I really in the wrong..?I thought daehyun was okay with everything and that he really love me but what is this? Jaejoong did not say anything but he just held me in his arms as he caress my back and kiss my forehead from to time.


"Rikku, we have a flight to catch but I promise you I will make it better. But you have responsibilities and so do I. Let's go back to New York first okay?"he gently pulled away and cupped my face. He brush away the hair that has been covering my face. He combed my hair and caress my tears away. He leaned in a kiss me on the forehead. He smiled at me gently and I nodded my head. He went into my room to grab my luggage and pulled out my key card.

We walked in front of me with his head down and hoodie covering his face. He wrapped his arms around me and when we exited the lobby I felt the cold wind hit my face. He pulled me closer and rested my head in the crook of his neck preventing the wind from hitting me.A car waited for us and he got me in first before himself.He took out the scarf that I gave him and wrapped it around my neck.

"Like you said it will protect my voice. Now it will warm you up."He leaned back against the seat and sigh.I blinked at him and titled my head side ways. Why did he come to look for me..?

He pulled me and my upper body was over his. He made me rest my head on his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around me."Get some rest and don't even think about crying. It's a really expensive shirt."I smile a little at his attempt to make me smile. I lay my head on his chest and slowly sleep got to me. I just wish when I wake up all will be a dream.

I really thought of going to see you today, getting some courage
But still, I don’t have the heart to do it in case you’re still angry so I stop
Apart from my true feelings, I can’t even do this or that
Memories of long ago, please give me strength
I can’t let you go like this, please don’t leave me

It has been a week since the incident with daehyun. He tried calling me and I doubt he would be giving up anytime soon. Work has been keeping me busy but there is not a moment that I stopped thinking of daehyun. But when I remember the happy times, the flashback from that night made my heart ache. It's too shocking, I never thought he would do something like this to me. Thoughts that maybe he had too much clouded in his mind that cause him to make such a mistake? But one thing is for sure, I am to blame what has turned of our relationship.

At night, I could only stare at the pictures we took together and how daehyun would always look only at me. Every night, I have been crying just looking at our pictures and remembering all the good times. Then, there's jaejoong, who confessed his feelings for me. The look he had that night in his eyes, I really felt that he meant what he said every single word. He came all the way back to seoul and he got a good dressing down by his manager for missing his rehersals.

I was touched by the fact that he would risk everything for me and he is not afraid of losing anything. Or maybe he just had nothing lose anymore. As a idol, there are so many things you have to give up that at the end of the day you just have nothing left to lose anymore. Sigh, as I arranged the outifts according to the songs line up for the concert. I made sure everything was in order before I walked over to check on the make up making sure nothing is missing and everything is clean.

I went over to check on the dancers outfits making sure every outift had their names on it to avoid a mix up. My section head of my company decided to put me in charge of their outfits.He said it would help to train me to be a better fashion cordinator/stylist since JYJ, are one of the top artists in the music industry. After being part of this, I would get more job offers and a higher pay. I was really happy knowing that I was given such a good chance but I lost my boyfriend. Is it really worth it? I was walking when I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry" I bowed and was about to walk away but I was pulled by my wrist into a room. I looked up to see jaejoong, standing in front of me in his sweat pants and a white v-neck t-shirt. Showing off his well toned body and I could see his tattoo on his chest through his soaked white shirt. I blushed and turned away. Why must I run into him? I'm not ready to give him my answer yet when I don't know how to reject him. I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore!

"Tonight, I want you in the front row and right in the centre of the stage. I will inform my manager about it." he walked pass me before I could even say anything. I brush it off and went back to work. My phone vibrated again and I got to so annoyed I turned my phone off. I'm not ready to face my relationship problems! Urgh! I ruffled my hair and when to prepare for the concert that was starting in about an hour.

Before I know it, it was time for the concert and I was rushing all over the place making sure everyone had their right outfits on. I rushed over to the JYJ members doing last minute checks and adjustments. I avoided jaejoong and moved to the other members. After finally checks and mic checks. I could hear the start of empty starting. He took one look at me before he stepped onto stage. I my heels preparing to enter the dressing room to prepare their next outfit for their solo stage. But his manager came up to me and led me towards the front row of the concert, facing directly at the centre of the stage. He took me my work would be taken care and I should enjoy my concert.

I watched as the fans screamed and jumped to the remix verison of the song. Some of them had banners and some wore their t-shirts. I'm not a big fan of watching concerts cause some fans just can't stop screaming in your ears. He threw a wink at me which I thought was fan service so I ignored him and just watched the concert. To be honest, I was really not in the mood to watch the concert. I had too much on my mind to be here.

I'm responisble for their outfits and fitting them in but he made me watch his concert. What if my section head found out? he would totally kill me and I can't push the blame on jaejoong can I? He could charm his way into any guy or girl's heart with his smile. I was too busy with my own thoughts that I did not notice the performance had ended and it was their talk session. I snapped out of my thoughts when I realised that the crowd had turned quiet.I looked around and everyone had this sad expression on their face and some were having a mixed expression of happiness and saddness. I gently tap the shoulder of the girl beside who was wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"Excuse me,what's wrong..?"I asked in english.

"Have you not heard? he said there is someone in his life right now." she started crying and her friend was comforting her too. I turned to look on stage and I was confuse. He looked right at me and smile softly at me.

"This person has thought me that I could love someone unconditionally and risk everything for that person. I don't need to be Kim Jaejoong the idol around her but I could be Han Jaejoong-my true self. They say love makes you do all the foolish things, I think I have experience that. After so long, I have finally found the person who has capture my heart and she would not return it to me." he stared at me and smile bitterly before he carried on "however she does not feel the same way." the whole crowd aww-ed as some shed tears.

"Be with him!"yoochun said in korean as he pumped his fist up in the air. Some of the fans started chanting and slowly all the fans present all started chanting with him. I tried to make my out of the crowd but it was really hard getting through.

"Rikku much more must I beg for you to see me?" I stopped and when I turned my head towards the stage. He was standing there looking at me sadly. My heart soften and I just stare at him. He reach out his hand to me and I was hestistant to grab it. But if I don't grab it, it would make him look bad.

Before I could configure my thoughts, he pulled me on stage and into his arms. I could hear the crowds cheering and some of them boo-ing. I tried to push away from him but he held me tightly in his arms, I struggled to get out of his arms but he kept me in place. He was much stronger than I was.

"Mianhae..I just wanted to show you that these are the things I could do for you. I can bravely and openly introduce you to my fans as the person who stole my heart. I will protect you at all cause even if I lose my fame. I don't care cause if I have you I don't need any other material things. I only need and want you" he held me tightly and whispered in my ear.

I felt the tears welled up in my eyes. He kissed my forehead and leaned his against mine. My heart melt with his hard felt confession and I appreciate the fact that he did that. This is something I had always wanted but could never have because I thought I was selfish but Jaejoong thought me that it's okay to be selfish and he allows me to be. I clung onto him tightly as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

"With me around, I will make every dream come true so that wherever you go that would be your heaven." he whispered against my lips before leaning in and kissed me gently on the lips.


Double update so you all can compare, Please comment what you all think Rikku should do!

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smileondesy #1
Chapter 40: I spent 3,5 hours of my last work hours yesterday evening to read part 1 - 39 and a half of the final part. *thanks to my boss I have no jobs to do but read this FF LMAO* And this morning I just finished the rest! Whoooaaaa... It's a great series! Love it love it! Thanks for your friend who created such awesome FF and thanks for you, Reinie, who shared it here. Btw, I found your name on this final the part when haneul recalled her memories w/ yongguk.. Once more, thanks a lot!
Chapter 3: She deserve friends like those guys..people who will feel her safe..
meimei28 #3
Great! I like it
Chapter 19: I ship HImchan and Haneul
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Chapter 40: when i saw the title 'together' and the writer is you, i thought that: when did you write a fiction called 'together' and am i subscribe it?? then .. ahhhh...
thank you for not abandon this fiction.. ;)
Chapter 40: Thank you all for subscribing and commenting! :))
Chapter 39: She's gonna be happy!
WOW!!! So Cool~!!! update soon~! =DD