Chapter 28


Yongguk’s POV

Himchan walked over to shut the tv off and sigh. He too did not know what to do and felt bad for Haneul. Why must such things happened to her? She don’t deserved to be treated this way. Has she not been through enough? My heart hurt with her’s as I heard her choked on her own tears. Slowly, she stopped crying and fell asleep in my embrace. I could hear her soft sniffling and her face were stained with tears. I wiped them away with my thumb. I carried her bridal style and asked Himchan to lead me to the room. I went in and place her gently on the bed. I tucked her in and caress her cheek gently. Just how much more must you suffer? She held tightly onto the end of my shirt and refuse to let go.

I gently push her hand away and tucked it in. Himchan and I walked out the door into the living room. I sat down on the couch while he prepared us some tea. He came over and place a cup of tea in front of me and took a sip of his before he sighed. ‘Is there something you are not telling me or the guys?’ I stared him down and he nod before he looked away.

Himchan took another sip of his tea before he started ‘Haneul’s step mother and sister made her signed an agreement to transfer the shares of her Omma to them and Haneul could have been abuse by her appa when she was younger..? Also there is something else.. that I cant tell you..’ I ball my fist and bang it against the table.

‘What cant you tell me and what do you mean she COULD have beem abuse?!’ I hissed as I pulled him by his collar. He looked away before he answered me ‘The psychologist said it may be possible but we would only know after a couple more of sessions. It not my place to share that news with you’ I dropped him and run my hand through my hair. I wanted so badly to rush out the door and beat that bastard up. How could such a thing happen to Haneul..? Himchan sigh and place a comforting hand on my shoulder.

‘We have to be strong for her and I called Rikku. She’s on her first flight back to Seoul.’ I sigh. Why is this happened now?

‘Yongguk, I have a favor to ask from you but I don’t know if you would want to do it.’ I turned my head to looked at him confuse.

‘If this involved Haneul, I’ll do it’ I thought a flash of hurt in his eyes. He beamed at me and pat my back ‘I think her step mother would be going all out to make sure she destroy her life, she said that if Haneul did not sign the agreement, they would kick her out of school. I guess even if Haenul signed the agreement they would still make that move. Before she does that, I need you to talk to your appa and for him to not allow this to happen. He is the principal of the school, if he does not agree, Haneul would be safe.’ I sighed and looked away when he mentioned my appa. The one person I don’t want to talk to. We were never close to begin with and when I left to be an idol, our relationship got worst. As much as I want to do this for Haneul, its kind of hard to talk to my appa because we have not talked to each other since I started to be a trainee in TS. Himchan looked at me hoping I would agree. I run my hand through my hair and nod. I told him I would call my appa later in the morning.

Haneul ah, for you I would do anything. Im not good with words but there are things I could do for you too. Please believe me.


Rikku’s POV

After I saw the news in New York, I quickly packed my stuffs in my luggage. I was dumping whatever I see in my luggage skipping the step of folding. I had my phone between my shoulder and my ear waiting for the operator to get me an available seat on any filghts flying back to Seoul. I don’t care if its first class, I’ll take what I can get.

‘Thanks for holding Ms Fujiyaka. There’s a flight available and it’s the first flight out. Its boarding in about an hour. Would you like to se-’

‘Yes!’ I exclaimed, shocking the operator.

‘Would you like to use the VIP privileged card to pay for the trip?’

‘Yes please.’ I pulled my luggage and grabbed my key card.

‘Security pin please.’

‘H.a.n.e.u.l’ I got into the lift and I was struggling to keep the sketches from falling from the folder.

‘Security pin is confirmed. Thank you Ms Fujiyaka’

‘No, thank you for the service’ I hung up the phone and rushed to meet my fellow co-worker to pass her the sketches so she could work on it.

I spotted her and quickly hand over my sketches. I gave her all the instruction I needed to and gave her my key card. I rushed out the hotel and pushed my way pass the crazy fangirls. I managed to get a taxi.

Haneul ah, Im sorry but you should know the truth. Knowing the truth could kill you and I would lose you but I think it’s time you know the truth. Haneul ah, mianhe.. mianhe.

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smileondesy #1
Chapter 40: I spent 3,5 hours of my last work hours yesterday evening to read part 1 - 39 and a half of the final part. *thanks to my boss I have no jobs to do but read this FF LMAO* And this morning I just finished the rest! Whoooaaaa... It's a great series! Love it love it! Thanks for your friend who created such awesome FF and thanks for you, Reinie, who shared it here. Btw, I found your name on this final the part when haneul recalled her memories w/ yongguk.. Once more, thanks a lot!
Chapter 3: She deserve friends like those guys..people who will feel her safe..
meimei28 #3
Great! I like it
Chapter 19: I ship HImchan and Haneul
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Chapter 40: when i saw the title 'together' and the writer is you, i thought that: when did you write a fiction called 'together' and am i subscribe it?? then .. ahhhh...
thank you for not abandon this fiction.. ;)
Chapter 40: Thank you all for subscribing and commenting! :))
Chapter 39: She's gonna be happy!
WOW!!! So Cool~!!! update soon~! =DD