Chapter 6: Camera

Guy Like You


Chapter 6: Camera

“Who- Jonghyun?!”

“What? You know each other?”
“Yeah, Omma. She’s a new student at school today.”Jonghyun replied.
“You’re her son?!” Jessica couldn’t believe what’s happening.
“Yeah, is that so hard to believe?” Jonghyun replied. “Where are the others?”
“Uhmmm… They just left just a few minutes ago.”
“Anyways!” Jonghyun’s mom shook Jessica’s hands. “Jessica, right? Yeah. I’m Kim Haneul. I’m your parent’s friend and they told me about you living here. Did they tell you about living in my house?”
“Uhhh… Yeah.”
“Well then… Do you wanna go now?”
“Uhh… sure?”
“Great. You can call me Neul-omma, by the way.”
“Uhh… Nae…”

So they went to their house.

“Jonghyun, why don’t you show Jessica to her room?”
“Nae, Omma.”

Jonghyun took Jessica to her room but on the way there, there was a long awkward silence.

“Still feeling awkward with me?”Jonghyun asked Jessica.
“Ohh?” Jessica asked back. “Uhhh… Kind of.”

They then stopped in front of a door and Jonghyun opened it.

“You don’t have to.”Jonghyun said and then smiled.
Jessica just looked at him and saw him smiling and she just couldn’t help but to smile. “Sure.”

They then went inside her room.

“Just put your bag here and I’ll bring your other stuff.”

Jonghyun then walked over to the door, went outside and closed the door. Just as soon as he closed the door, Jessica squealed.

Jonghyun was just about to walk off to the living room to get Jessica other stuff when he heard squeals coming from Jessica’s room. He couldn’t help but smile. He walked to the living room with a smile on his face. He carried Jessica’s stuff and walked back to her room.

His mom noticed his smile and she just smiled as well. I never expected that from him. Neul-omma thought.

Jonghyun just got back to Jessica’s room and Jessica was nowhere to be found. “Jessica?” He looked for her until he saw her downstairs in the garden through the windows. She was taking pictures of the flowers planted in their garden.

He smiled again.I’ve been smiling too much lately.Jonghyun thought. He went to the garden.

“What are you doing, Jessica?”

Jessica turned around. “Jonghyun? Ohh. Nothing. Just… taking pictures.”
“You like photography?”
“I love it.” Jessica said with a smile. “You wanna see?” She asked.
“Sure.” Jonghyun replied. Jessica then walked over to her and they looked at it together. “There’s barely any pictures of you here.”
“Yeah, well, I take the pictures.” Jessica said, smiling.
“You want me to take a picture?”
“Sure.” Jessica said. She gave the camera to Jonghyun and he grabbed it. Jessica then walked over to the flowers and sat down and posed a smile. Jonghyun took a picture of Jessica with the flowers at the back so the first shot was a wide shot. He then decided to take one more picture with only Jessica and a few flowers. He zoomed it in and he was about to press the capture button… but he stood there staring at Jessica through the camera. Her eyes, her smile, her lips…“Is it done yet, Jonghyun?”
“Ohh?! Uhhh…” Jonghyun quickly took a picture. “Yeah.”

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Chapter 13: Please UPDATE!!!!!!
leehyukjae0744 #2
Chapter 13: please update the next part. please :D
Chapter 13: like like like. but want more minyul.. pls
kaylaphan01 #5
Chapter 13: please update!! i have been waiting for a long time and i really like this story!!! :))
Chapter 13: Upppppddddaaaaaaaatttttteeeeeee sssssssssoooooooooonnnnnn pppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzz
Omg! updates and updates!
Seems like Sica figured out who Minho's gf is!
I hope she will help them to get back tgt again!
and it seems like Jonghyun and sica has a past but he seem to forget her..
And treat her coldly~
update soon!
Yay! You updated! (: I love your story ^_^
nerdscandy #9
Yayy! More updates :)
Ooh three updates in a row! I'm really likng this story so far :)