Chapter 4: A Different Kind Of Confession

Guy Like You


Chapter 4: A Different Kind Of Confession

“… it for him.”

“Why? I can’t do it. If my boyfriend knows I’m still doing it to guys, he’ll get mad.”
Jessica sighed. She walked over to Jonghyun and started ing his shirt with her eyes closed.
Jonghyun smiled and laughed a little bit. “Why are you closing your eyes?”
“So I don’t see anything?”
Jonghyun smiled even more. “What would you even see?”
“Just… I prefer to do it like this.”
Jessica finished ing his shirt. “Now you have to remove it gently.”
Jessica removed his shirt gently so that it won’t hurt his rib. “And then you wrap this around his upper torso.” Jessica did what she was told and wrapped a bandage around his chest.
“Put his shirt back on and you’re done.”Jessica gently put back his shirt and buttoned it. “You can go back to class.” Jessica put Jonghyun’s arms around her neck and helped him up and walked him to class.

They went inside the classroom and everyone ran over to them.
“Is he going to be alright?”
“Yeah.” Jessica said.
“Nurse Ah Ra said it’s only slightly broken but it’s nothing to worry about.”
“Relax. She said if it’s wrapped in a bandage, it’ll be fine in no time.”
“But wait.” Taeyeon interrupted and everyone looked at her. “Who put the bandage?”
“What are you on about?” Leeteuk asked. Taeyeon just gave him a poker face. “Nurse Ah Ra has a boyfriend who gets jealous easily. He doesn’t like it when she undresses guys to check them up.” Taeyeon replied and everyone started wondering.
“You’re right. Who could possibly wrap it then?”Then everyone looked at Jessica.
“You’d have to do it so…” Khun said, pointing at her.
“She did.” Jonghyun said and everyone’s eyes widened.
“She… she did?!” Everyone asked and then looked at Jessica again.
Woah!~ What is this?! Jonghyun doesn’t let girls his shirt even if he can’t!Khun thought.
Jessica stood frozen there, looking at everyone.
“Kids! Get back to your seats!” The teacher yelled. “Aigoo! You’re in high school now and yet you’re still like kids! Aigoo, aigoo!”
“Relax, Sir. We’ll go back now.”
English went by quickly that it was time for lunch time again.

“Yah, Kim Jonghyun. You wanna go out with me?”
Another one?Aish.Jonghyun thought.
Jonghyun just smirked. “With you? Pssh. Never.”
“Uh! Jerk!” She then slapped him in the face.
Meanwhile, there was a girl, who saw what just happened from a distance and was trying to hide, just walked away after seeing what just happened.

Taeyeon just walked inside the classroom and walked over to the girls.
“Jonghyun got slapped again.” She then sighed.
“Lemme guess…” Sooyoung said. “Another rejection?”
Taeyeon nodded.
“Guess Jessica definitely has a chance.”
“How’d you know it’s not Jessica?”
“Is it Jessica?”
Just then, Jessica walked in inside the room and the girls ran over to her and pulled her to their class spot and pushed her down on her seat.
“You need to confess.”
“What? No.”
“You need to.” They then pushed her outside the classroom and closed the door. Just then, Jonghyun was just walking to their classroom and she noticed he was rubbing his cheeks.
“Ohh? Jessica, annyeong!”
“Ohh… A… annyeong…”
“Is something wrong?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah… It’s just that… I kinda like you…”

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Chapter 13: Please UPDATE!!!!!!
leehyukjae0744 #2
Chapter 13: please update the next part. please :D
Chapter 13: like like like. but want more minyul.. pls
kaylaphan01 #5
Chapter 13: please update!! i have been waiting for a long time and i really like this story!!! :))
Chapter 13: Upppppddddaaaaaaaatttttteeeeeee sssssssssoooooooooonnnnnn pppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzz
Omg! updates and updates!
Seems like Sica figured out who Minho's gf is!
I hope she will help them to get back tgt again!
and it seems like Jonghyun and sica has a past but he seem to forget her..
And treat her coldly~
update soon!
Yay! You updated! (: I love your story ^_^
nerdscandy #9
Yayy! More updates :)
Ooh three updates in a row! I'm really likng this story so far :)