Thank you

I found you ♥

Jiro pulled a simple suit over him, and prepared to fetch Genie to the prom.

"Jiro dear, you're going to the prom this year?" Wang Mama asked quizically. 'So are you going with the girl named Raine?"

Jiro stumped, his hands fell loosely by his sides and he mumbled, "No mum, Rainie is going with someone else. I'm going with Genie tonight."

"Genie is back? Oh, that's good, at least you are going to the prom. You should really socialise more. Go and get a girlfriend soon, don't keep me waiting." Wang Mama joked, "But, how come Rainie is going with another person? I thought you two..." Wang Mama paused when she saw the expressionless look on Jiro's face.

Jiro gave a wry smile, he patted his mother's shoulder, "Don't worry mum, I'll handle my matters on my own. I'll be back late today I guess, don't stay up and wait for me, if you're tired, you rest first okay?"

"Okay, okay. Get going then, it's not good to make a girl wait."

Jiro nodded knowingly and went on his way.

The car arrived at Genie's doorstep, Genie was already waiting patiently. She wore a red scarlet gown companioned with sequinned high heels. Her hair was tied into a bun with some loose curls falling face.

Jiro smiled, Genie was beautiful, but somehow, his heart wasn't pounding the way like it did when it was Rainie. Jiro sighed, he pushed back all the negative thoughts into the back of his mind. He wanted to make Genie happy today, he didn't want to make her unhappy because of his unsteady emotions.

Genie hooked onto Jiro's hand and whispered, "Even though you're dressed simply tonight, you still make my heart beat whenever I see you."

Jiro was puzzled by the comment, but immediately regained his composure and laughed, "Everybody has that reaction, don't worry, it's normal."

The ballroom was packed when they arrived, everybody was rushing here and then making last minute arrangements and couples were joking and laughing away in a corner.

Suddenly Jiro tensed, he spotted Xiao Gui and Rainie holding hands and approaching the middle of the ballroom. His lip quivered and he immediately looked away, hoping he wasn't noticed.

The slow and gentle music began to play.

"You look distracted, are you okay?" Genie asked worried.

"Huh? No no, I'm okay, the music has started, let's dance." Jiro stammered with a laugh.

Genie took Jiro's hand and they danced to the light music. The music became softer and slower, the atmosphere became gentler. Genie looked up into Jiro's eyes, Jiro smiled. The lights dimmed,and Genie pulled in for a kiss.

Jiro arubtly pulled way. His eyes shifted uneasily.

"What's wrong?" Genie asked puzzled. "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No, nothing's wrong, I just felt a bit awkward back there, it felt like you were going to kiss me!" Jiro laughed.

Genie let go of Jiro's hand, "What are you talking about, I was going to kiss you in that moment. What are you doing? Pulling away from the kiss like that?" Genie asked, she can feel the anger boiling inside her, "And you can still laugh at me make a joke out of it?"

Jiro's eyes darted to Genie, "Genie. I didn't mean to hurt you. That was a joke, I didn't know you were really going to kiss me." Jiro said in a soft tone, "I've always treated you as my sister, and nothing more than that, so I didn't expect any of this." Jiro explained awkwardly.

Genie's eyes welled up with tears,"You treat me as your sister? Only as your sister?"

"Yes, I thought you knew it. You and Rach, are both the best sisters I can ever get." Jiro said softly, with a tone that was hardly audible. "I didn't meant to cheat on your feelings, it's true, I always thought that you adored me only as your brother, nothing else."

Genie went silent for a while, she gave a small smile, "So you agreed to come to this ball with me because you wanted to see me happy, is that right? You wanted me and Rach to be happy right? You were afraid that if you were to reject my invitation, I would be crushed, so you agreed right?" 

"Yes, I wanted to see you happy. I wanted to see you smile. You don't know how much I cherished you and Rach, all I ever wanted was to make you two happy, to see my two dear sisters happy." Jiro said as his voice turned shaky.

Can't I be more than a sister? Can't I be the one in your heart, that you cherished more than a sister?" Genie asked in a tone filled with both hurt and anger.

"You can't." Jiro paused, "because someone captured my heart already." His tone became listless, "Sorry."

Genie stopped, she looked at the man who stood in front of her, who was apologising to her for a mistake he had done. But what had he done wrong? He sacrificed his own true feelings to make his friends happy, even though he was unhappy inside. Genie looked into Jiro's eyes again, which was welling up with tears, why was he crying? Because I'm angry? Because he felt that he has let me down, that he has not made me happy, that he has caused me to be hurt?

Genie went closer to Jiro and hugged him like she never wanted to let him go. "You silly fool, how come you never let me knew that you were not interested in me? How come you have to go against your feelings and go out with me, who is a girl you never had any feelings for? How come you always put others before you and you have to be the one left out? How come you have to be so nice? She sobbed soflty.

Jiro put his arms around Genie, and whispered, "You are not a girl who I don't have feelings for. You know that. I treat you as my dearest sister, and the reason I am good to you is not because I pity you and feel sorry for you, but it's because you also mean alot to me. But, the place for you in my heart can be only that of a sister."

Genie sobbed, "You don't have to say sorry to me, you did nothing wrong. Rach and me are already lucky enough to have such a good brother like you." She smiled, "The girl that you like, go for it. I have a feeling that since you went with me to this prom, you have already neglected her feelings as well as yours. Don't think about us now, follow your heart. I will support your decicion no matter what."

Genie's words really touched Jiro. "I promise you that I will follow my heart and pursue that girl.' JIro gave a reassuring smile.

"You better make that girl happy!" Genie said cheekily, "Anyway, there a hundred guys out there who are better than you, I'm going to do alot of choosing afterwards!"

Jiro smiled, this time is was genuine,"Thank you Genie, for giving me this chance." He hugged Genie reassuringly," when times are bad and your future boyfriend bullies you, I will be the first one there to teach him a lesson!"

Genie laughed,"Yupp, I will never be pull out from your clutches!" Genie pulled away from the hug, and squeezed Jiro shoulder's reassuringly, "Go now, I know that girl is attending this prom. And I have a feeling that you two have misunderstood each other some way or another. Go and find her, as they always say, don't make a girl wait!

Genie gave Jiro an encouraging smile which gave Jiro the bout of confidence he needed to approach Rainie. 


"What do you want to drink?" Xiao Gui asked Rainie.

The atmosphere was tense, both of them were not talking much. If not it would be Xiao Gui talking non stop and Rainie giving the occsaional listless nods.

"I'm fine with anything." Rainie replied in a monotonous tone.

"Okay, I'll grab a can of coke for you." Xiao Gui said enthusiastically, trying to perk up the mood. He darted off to the bevarage counter.

Rainie plomped down on the cushioned seat, she felt bad seeing Xiao Gui trying so hard, but she could never fall for him. Because... Her heart was captured by somebody else already.

Jiro walked towards Rainie, she hadn't noticed him yet, as she gazed at the distance where other couples were dancing to the music.

"Rainie," Jiro said soflty and gently.

Rainie looked up and saw Jiro. Her heart pounded fast and her words were strung in stammers.

"He....Hello..." Rainie stammered, she didn't know what to do in front of Jiro's presence.

She notice the grey tuxedo he was wearing, it was not as special nor as elaborate as the other costumes, but somehow, he looked so stunning in it. Rainie smiled, the only person who could make her feel this way was only Jiro.

"Are you free?" Jiro asked, "I'll like to take you to a place." Jiro smiled gently as he took Rainie's hand so gently like he was holding something so fragile and precious.

Rainie's eyes sparkled as she nodded her head as her fingers laced Jiro's hand

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smiley_me #1
You're writing is really awesome :) Update soon~ !!