
I found you ♥

"Rainie! Hurry up! We're going to be late! Jiro and Aaron hates it when people are late!" Rachel gasped as she yanked Rainie out of the door and ran to the bus stop.

"Zoom" The bus drove past them.

"Oh no! We're really going to be late now!" Rainie mumbled and kept wringing her hands.

"How come I'm always with the 'going to be late bug'? This is my first official meeting with that Jiro guy. The first impression was already bad enough, but now it seems that the second impression will as bad." Rainie thought regretfully.

"Hey, how come Rach is not here yet? What's taking her so long?" Jiro grumbled as he looked at the time. It was already six thirty but she was not even there yet.

"I heard that Rach is going to bring her new friend here, maybe that's causing the delay." Aaron said wistfully.

"What new friend? Don't tell me it's that Rainie." Jiro said in doubt.

'Yupp, I think it's her..." Aaron replied with a sigh. " It seems she tags along where ever Rach goes, we can't even have our usual study group without her interupting."

"Hey, maybe it's not that bad, the more the merrier right?" Jiro jumped to Rainie's defence.

"Haha, what's gotten into you, standing up for a girl. I was just joking, you know that I'll never be bothered about this kind of stuff right?" Aaron smirked.

Before Jiro had a chance to reply, in barged Rachel and Rainie.

"Sorry guys! We kinda missed the bus so we were late. Don't be angry okay? It'll give you wrinkles." Rachel gasped out of breath.

"Sorry we were late." Rainie mumbled, afraid that her appearance may make the others uncomfortable.

"Oh," Rachel remebered about Rainie's presence. " This is Rainie, she just transferred to our school today. Brought her along, to meet more people. You all don't mind right?"

"Ah haha, it's okay, I'm fine with these kind of things. I'm sure Jiro is too right?" he nudged playfull at Jiro who suddenly had gone quiet.

Noticing that all eyes were on him, Jiro managed to squeak out a reply. " Yeah, sure."

"Good, cause I have a feeling that she's gonna stay with us for a while..." Rachel winked at Aaron, she was going to tell him the plan later.

"Jiro and Rainie, you two think of the places we could go to eat okay? Aaron and me have something to discuss." Rachel replied with a chirpy tone.

" We have something to discuss?" Aaron asked, he had no idea of the plan.

Rachel grabbed Aaron's arm and yanked him to the corner.

"What's up Rach?" Aaron asked half-amused at what's going to happen.

"We're going to pair up Rainie with Jiro."

"What? How come? Do they even like each other?" Aaron asked surprised.

"I think Rainie is interested in Jiro, and she is a very nice girl, just the type that Jiro would like." Rachel explained.

"Come to think of it, Jiro asked me about Rainie this morning, he never does that, unless he is interested in that person..." Aaron smiled, deep in thought.

"Really? That's good. It's such a long time since he had a girlfriend. So what do you say partner?" Rachel cheekily asked.

"Deal, we'll bring them closer as much as we can!" Aaron replied with a laugh.


"Where do you want to eat?" Jiro asked.

Rainie and him were still in the midst of the discussion of where to eat when suddenly Rachel and Aaron popped out of nowhere.

"Hey guys! Have you decided on where to eat already?" Rachel asked enthusiasically.

"Er, actually..." Rainie started.

"Never mind! I know a very good place to eat. It's just right there over that street, come on!" Aaron grabbed the others and rushed to the restaurant.

"Jim's place?" I've never been here before." Jiro said as they walked into the restaurant.

"There's a first in everything right?" Aaron said hurriedly, as he and Rachel found a dining seat suitable for 4 persons to dine. 2 seats in one row,

Rachel and Aaron instinctively sat together, so as to make Jiro and Rainie to sit side by side.

Jiro sat on the seat, oblivious to what's going on. "So what are we going to order?" Jiro asked, head burried in the menu.

Rainie on the other hand, knew that there was no other place to sit except the seat next to Jiro. She didn't mind of course but it was very awkward. She sat down softly, trying not to gain any attention from the other party,

Jiro suddenly realised that he was sitting beside Rainie, and instantly the atmosphere bacame weird.

As they were all having their dinner, Aaron and Rachel chatted busily among themselves, so as to let Rainie and Jiro to have some 'quality time' together.

As Rainie sat beside Jiro, she found herself gazing at him and looking at his every detail . Getting more interested at him, every minute.

Jiro was  noticing Rainie as well.

"She doesn't talk much as she eat. Perhaps she is a quiet girl? She takes mouse bites of her food, how polite and demure." Jiro thought. Paying attention to the other party and also getting more interested in her by the minute.

Soon, the group made their way to the library to hit on the books.

The tension in the atmosphere decrased rapidly as the group shared their notes and on their views about studies.

Rainie and Jiro noticed that they had alot in common.

They both loved literature especially by Shakesphere and the books by Charles Dickens. They both felt that everyone had the freedom of speech and that political rules were essiential to keep the community together, They both longed to do something to help the world and hope that someday world peace would be achieved.

Rachel and Aaron also noticed that Rainie and Jiro got along very well, even without their help...

"Bye, take care on the way home." Aaron and Jiro waved goodbye at Rachel and Rainie as they made thier way home.

"Do bring along Rainie the next time. I founf out we all got along with her very well today." Aaron shouted to Rachel and Rainie.

As they went along their seperate routes, Jiro and Rainie exchanged a knowing glance.

Jiro smiled at her. Rainie smiled back. Both of them knew at that moment that they have fallen for each other,  

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smiley_me #1
You're writing is really awesome :) Update soon~ !!