
I found you ♥

"Hey girl!" What happened yesterday? Rachel playfully taunted Rainie, " you and Jiro were alone together right?"

Rainie appeared listless as she mumbled, "Nothing happened, he's not interested in me I guess."

"Huh? What are you talking about Rainie? I think there's a misunderstanding between you two is it?" Rachel asked in doubt, "Oh right! Before I forget, there's going to be a prom night next week!!" Rachel squealed with excitement.

"Prom night? Are you going Rach?" Rainie asked, finally showing some enthusiastic response.

"Yupp, I am going to go with Aaron, we are going to be a fake couple! That's going to be fun! So are you going with Jiro?" Rachel asked playfully.

Rainie kept quiet. She would loved to go with Jiro, but she was sure that it wasn't right for a girl to ask a guy out to prom right? And if she was to wait for Jiro's invitation, she would perhaps never get it. Thinking about this, she heaved a heavy sigh.


"Jiro! How was your "date" with Rainie yesterday?" Aaron asked as he faked punch Jiro.

Jiro sighed, " Date? I don't she's interested in me."

Aaron laughed a timid laugh, "I don't get what you're talking about." Trying to ease the tension, he quickly changed the subject, " Did you hear about the prom night which would take place?"

"Oh, I didn't know there was one this year. So you going?" Jiro asked, uplifted.

"I guess... I'm going to take Rach along, we're going to pretend that we're a couple! Haha, isn't that hillarious?" Aaron replied. "So are you going to take Rainie along?" Aaron asked.

Jiro looked downcast again, "How can I brong her along? Even though I like her alot, but I don't think she has the same feelings for me. It would be awkward for both of us if she rejects my invitiation. Looks like I'm not going to go this year then." Jiro thought with a sad sigh.


Meanwhile, there was a new transfer student in the class same as Jiro. He was called Xiao Gui, not long after he was enrolled into the new school, he noticed Rainie and slowly began falling for her. Hearing about the prom, him being very straightforward and arrogant, he plucked up his courage and planned to ask Rainie along as his date.


Jiro looked at the Prom Night poster again, pondering on whether to buy the tickets. After one long night's thought, he concluded that he should a least give a try. With that, he walked over to the ticket booth and purchased two tickets, With the curly fancy font in gold, with the lettering Prom Night. He breathed in a gulpful of air and went to fnd Rainie to give her the tickets.

As he walked over to the corridor, he saw Rainie standing alone, looking wistlessly at the Prom Night poster. This gave Jiro more confidence, "She must be wanting to go to the ball too." Jiro thought as he stayed hiding behind the pillar as he started to have more courage to approach Rainie.

Just then, he spotted Xiao Gui making his way to Rainie. Jiro continued to watch, not daring to make any movements behind the pillar.

"Rainie," Xiao Gui started, "Maybe you don't know me, but I'm Xiao Gui, the new transfer student."

"Oh, hello there." Rainie anwered politely, still distracted about the Prom Night, and how much she wanted to go with Jiro.

"So I was saying, I would like to ask you to be my date for the Prom Night." Xiao Gui continued.

"What?" Rainie said shocked. " What are you talking about? You want me to go to be your date in the Prom Night?"

Yupp," Xiao Gui spoke arrogantly, not taking any hint that Rainie was reluctant to go with him. "What do you say?"

Rainie glanced at the poster again and back at the two prom tickets Xiao Gui was holding. She looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of Jiro. No one in sight. She sighed.

"Why not? Anyway no one has invited me to go." Rainie smiled a faint smile but in her heart, there was a sudden sadness that the person now inviting her to the prom was not Jiro.

"Really? You're willing to go with me? I knew this invitation was going to be a success! See you there then." Xiao Gui gave a sly smug and strutted off.

Rainie was left alone at the corridor, "At least now I have a date. I should face reality though. No matter how long I wait, Jiro is not going to invite me to the prom. Maybe it's best that I have gone with someone else." Rainie though with a sigh as she glanced at the Prom Night poster one long last time and made her way back to class.

The two prom tickets  fluttered down to the floor from Jiro's hand. As he too trudged back to class. "Luckily I didn't invite her, Rainie was planning to go with someone else already. What chance do I think I have?" Jiro thought in the back of his head, with a sad and tired sigh, he lost all hope of getting Rainie to like him.

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smiley_me #1
You're writing is really awesome :) Update soon~ !!