First impression

I found you ♥

''Eeesh, it's the first day of school and I'm running late" Rainie gushed, as she ran past the school gates.

It was the first day of school for her, but it was not an ordinary one. Rainie was just transferred to Xin Hua University in the new year. So when everybody was already in their own cliques of friends, she would be the only awkward one standing out. To make that all worst, she was late on the very first day of school!

What luck.

"Bang!" all the textbooks Rainie clutched fell scattered on the floor. " Hey! How come you don't look where you're going? As if my luck wasn't bad enough being late for school, to make it worst, I met a blind person who crashed into me." Rainie ranted while picking up her textbooks clumsily, not even making eye contact with the person.

"Sorry, I'll help you pick it up." Jiro mumbled sheepishly while hurriedly gathering the textbooks up for her.

Rainie's ears pricked at his gentle voice, and finally took a glance at him.

She was dumbstruck, taking in Jiro's perfect features.

Beautiful eyes and eyebrows. High bridge nose. y pouty lips. Tall and muscular build. Tanned skin. He is flawless~

Rainie stood dumbfounded as thier gazes meet. " Sorry for banging into you, I was in a rush to get into my class. There you go,  I have picken up your textbooks for you. I have to go, see you." And with that, Jiro winked at her and left for the hall.

"God, he is totally hot, why did I yell at him?" Rainie blamed herself for causing trouble but quickly regained her composure and ran hurriedly to her class.

"Phew, made it just in time." Rainie heaved a sigh of relief and plonked herself at an empty seat.

"Hello there, you must be the new student, Rainie right?" A cheerful and seemingly out-going girl asked.

"Yupp, that's me, Rainie Yang, what's your name then?"

"Rachel Liang, but everybody calls me Rach" Rachel laughed ," So feel free to call me that too."

Rainie acknowledged her with a smile. " Yeah! I have made my first friend!" She happily thought. "I wonder what that guy who helped me earlier is doing now, I didn't even managed to catch his name." She dreamily thought.

Class went on smoothly and Rainie thought that it wouldn't be so bad after all. She has made some friends, and is coping with the school workload. Yes, it may not be that bad after all~


"Come on Rainie, it's recess! I'll take you to the canteen for a snack then I'll give you a mini tour around the school!" Rachel grabbed Rainie's wrist and pulled her out of the classroom.

"Oh okay." Rainie replied, she was indeed relieved that she had made friends with Rachel who was areally friendly and nice.

At the canteen, while Rainie was munching on her plate of chips, she saw the guy who she bumped in, earlier that day. She instantly blushed and her heart started pounding at a racing speed.

"Who is that guy? Over there, at the bench table?" Rainie nudged Rachel.

"Ah haha, you mean Jiro Wang? He is in third year, so he's one year senior then us. Everybody loves him." Rachel replied with a laugh.

"Everybody loves him?" Rainie asked curiously.

"Yupp, it's hard not to fall in love with that guy, not only is he totally hot and does well in his studies, he is extremely nice and friendly to people. All the guys are his buddies and all the girls have a crush on him. But they can;t be blamed, since he's so flawless." Rachel revealed with pride.

"So do you like him then?" Rainie timidly asked.

"I like him alright, but everybody does. To me, he's like my big brother, always looking out for me." Rachel said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Rainie heaved a sigh of relief. she didn't know why, but she wouldn't like it if someone else had a crush on Jiro.

Not that she was hoping that Jiro would be interested in her. What with the bad first impression she left on him earlier in the day. "Jiro must have felt that I am an arrogant girl, worser then the others." Rainie's heart sank when she thought of it.

"Are you interested in him? I can introduce you to him if you want. We are meeting up at the library for our group study today.

"Sure!" Rainie answered almost immediately, not thinking about the negative thoughts anymore,

Seeing Rainie's eagerness, Rachel knew something was up. Looked like Rainie was interested in Jiro and she was glad about that. Even though Jiro had alot of admirers, he never dated any of them, he just wasn't interested. But Rainie seemed different, and she was a really nice girl. She would just make the perfect match for Jiro...

"Hey guys, who's that girl sititing over there?" Jiro asked curiously, he was still deep in thought of the girl who yelled at him that day.

"Rainie, I think. She just transferred here so she's new." Aaron answered without a bother.

"New? No wonder I haven't seem her before. She's pretty cute." Jiro thought to himself. "But she seems to dislike me, what with all the yelling she did this morning." Jiro sighed and continued to gaze at her.

It was a long time since Jiro had this feeling for a girl. He had not dated for so long. Not because no one liked him, but he didn't find anyone special. Until now...

"Hey bro, how come you're so deep in thought? Remember our study group meeting tonight. Meet at the library at 6pm so we could have a quick dinner together." Aaron smacked Jiro's head.

"Yeah, sure, I'll be there." Jiro quickly awoke from his thoughts and hastily agreed.

In one moment, Jiro's and Rainie's eyes met across the crowded canteen. They held there for a second but both quickly turned away, scared that the other party may get the wrong idea.



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smiley_me #1
You're writing is really awesome :) Update soon~ !!