
Knight in Shining Clothes

"Young lady, the library closes in 10 minutes." the librarian reminded her. "Oh...Okay. Thank you for reminding me, ma'am." she stood up and brought the books back to where she got them.

"You're welcome, I just don't want you to get locked up here again." said the librarian.

"I'm really sorry about that. I fell asleep and the next thing I know it was so dark in the library. It won't happen again, I promise." she bowed down. 

"You should get going. It's getting really late, dear." 

"Oh my God! It's 10:00 o'clock already?!" she completely lost track of time because of the many reports and projects she was doing. She ran out of the library as fast as she could. She can't possibly miss the bus. Her house was very far from here and it would take her forever to get home if she does miss her ride home. 



"God please, please. I can't miss the bus. Please." she ran and ran. Next thing she knows she was already on the ground. She almost got hit by a speeding motorbike.

"Hey, are you okay?" the boy rushed to her and quickly helped her stand up. "I'm fine..." she wasn't. She could've swear she had a few broken bones there and some internal bleeding. She even hit her head on the ground the moment she fell.  

"Are you sure? You don't look okay..." the guy removed his helmet.  She's not the type to fall for guys easily... Heck, she's not even the type to fall for anyone. But this boy was undeniably beautiful. "I'm really okay, sir." she looked down, embarrassed at how much she was blushing right now. "I think we should get you checked cause you really don't look okay. You're getting really red." said the boy. "Oh and please call me Chanyeol." he added and smiled. Flashing a to die for million dollar smile right after mentioning his name was something he coulnd't help but do. No matter how wrong it was to smile at this kind of situation. He was trained to make others go crazy for him the moment he mentioned his name, so to add something more to the madness he was also taught to flash a smile, a wink would be a nice finishing touch too. 


"Dear Heavenly Father, I must've hit my head really hard. Cause I'm seeing one of your angels right now .." she thought out loud. 


"What?" The smile on his face quickly faded and turned into a shock expression. He actually heard her loud and clear but he just couldn't believe it. Sure he was used to being praised but never once did he hear that before. "Well, that was something new." he thought. 

"Huh? What?" she quickly turned her back at him. "No-nothing..." she stuttered. 

"Uhm...Okay." He decided that it was best to forget all about it. "Hey, uhmm... Can I please know your name?" he asked. 

"My name is not important. I have to go. Bye." she ran as fast as she could.

"Hey! Wait!" Chanyeol tried to run after her but something caught his eye. There on the ground was her wallet and a rosary. " Girl! Wait... Your walle- eh what am I doing? She's gone." he picked up the wallet and the rosary. He placed the rosary in his pocket and tried to scan her wallet for an ID or whatever he could find that would help in identifying that weird girl. But there was nothing, just a few cash and a picture of The Blessed Mary. "Great. How am I supposed to return this to her then?" 




"Temptations everywhere.... Must resist.... God, please. If this is a test," she started mumbling to herself again the moment she was sure that he wasn't running after her. "But he was so beautiful. Chanyeol... Even his name is beautiful." she was so busy sliding down the rainbow that she didn't notice the group of drunk guys following her....


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new subscriber here
this is wonderful.
joyce91Kkaebsong #3
Chapter 11: This fanfic seriously
its too funny I'm laughing like an retarded person good thing I'm in
my bedroom or else they thought that I'm such kind of insane
Chapter 21: this story is so adorable & funny; LOL new reader XD
Chapter 6: but this battle wasn't easy, his rival was God after all...
hwahaha, i loved this most
i like your title, it's so eye catching heheh; shining clothes eh kekeke
victorykorea10 #7
Chapter 12: YOURE BACKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! OMO!!!! yayyyy!!! haha THANK YOU~ ^^ and sorry for bugging you all this time kekeke
Chapter 21: At last an update! :) Omgosh i've been waiting for this! <3 HAHAHA. lol at the jihwan is not human =))
Chapter 21: FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! IT'S BEEN A YEAR ALREADDDYY~?! TT__TT Please don't leave like that again :( I'm looking forward to next update!