A Surprising Morning

Secret Friendship

When everyone was about to leave, all of a sudden, all of them ended up seeing each other. Everyone made a surprise look and they looked at each other. "Well, this is awkward." Veronica said as she broke out the silence.

"So...um...what now?" Cindy asked.

"I think all of us should ride home together. Besides, someone is going to pick us up." Sunggyu said.

Just then a black van arrived and all of them looked at it with curiously except for Sunggyu and Almiera. Sunggyu opened the door and Almiera went inside. "Are you guys coming?" Sunggyu asked.

Everyone then slowly started to get on. The people at the back are Almiera, Veronica, Sungyeol, Sungjong, Cindy, Hoya, and Lexy. And the people sitting at the front were Krista, L, Anabell, Woohyun, Gaby, and Dongwoo. For Sunggyu, he was sitting at the passenger seat.

Everyone was talking, well mostly in the back. Krista notice that she started to close her eyes slowly. But, at the same time she's trying to keep them open. But, right away...she slowly started to close them. She was sleeping next to a window and no one notices it, but...the only person that notice was L. L looked over at Krista who was already fallen asleep. He notice how uncomforable she looks, he then started to smile and slowly moved her over next to him. He then let her lay her head on his shoulder. L looked at her with a smile and just put his head on top of hers.

The van suddenly stopped and it was infront of Infinite's house. Everyone got out and the last people to get out were L and Krista, but both of them fell asleep. "Unnie! We're home!" Veronica suddenly called out.

"Yah! L!" Sungyeol called out.

L was surprised and he quickly looked up, but when he was surprised, Krista fell on the ground. She slowly woke up and notice she was on the ground. "Mwoyoe?" She asked sleepily.

"Aigoo, unnie, gwenchana?" Veronica asked.

"We're here." Sungyeol said.

"I'm sleepy..." She mumbled.

Sungyeol sighed and then said, "Get over here."

Krista looked up and she notice that Sungyeol was a little blurry. But then she try to walk up to him. Out of nowhere, Sungyeol started carry Krista. Sungyeol smiled and said, "Just go to sleep."

"Gomawo appa!" Krista smiled. Slowly, she went back to sleep.

L walked out of the car and closed the door, and then the 4 of them walked inside. "Aigoo, she must be tired." Veronica sighed.

When they walked inside, everyone made a surprise look and smiled. "What happened with Krista?" Woohyun asked.

"She's too tired." Sungyeol said.

"Aw...appa is taking care of her." Almiera smiled.

"Almiera..." Sungyeol said.

"Well, I'm tired as well...I want to head home but, I'm too lazy." Anabell said as she fell back on the couch.

"Same here." Cindy nodded.

"Is it ok if we sleep over?" Veronica asked.

"Well...I'm ok with it." Sunggyu said.

"Same here." L nodded.

"Alright, fine you girls can sleep here...besides, I think someone is already ok with it." Dongwoo said as he looked at Krista.

He then made a curious look and asked, "Isn't she heavy?"

"Ani...she's light." Sungyeol said.

"Yeah right..." Dongwoo said.

"Nope, it's true...unnie's light." Veronica nodded.

"Well...I don't know how we're going to solve this." Sunggyu sighed.

"Well, easy...we'll pick a room." Lexy said.

Lexy got up and she tooked Sungjong's bed. "Found mine." Lexy called out.

Everyone looked and spotted Lexy sitting on Sungjong's bed. "Yah! That's my bed!" Sungjong said.

"Well, Sunggyu said pick a room." Lexy shrugged.

Sungjong pouted and he sighed. Everything was set up, Veronica, Lexy, and Cindy took out Sungyeol's, Sungjong's, and Hoya's room. Krista is asleep in L's and Dongwoo's room along with Gaby. And for Anabell and Almiera they took Sunggyu's and Woohyun's room.

For Infinite, they slept in the living room. It was the middle of the night. Veronica walked out slowly and Sungyeol was awake. Both of them were smiling at each other and they were nodding. Both of them couldn't stop laughing, but they were trying to hold it in.

They tiptoed over to Dongwoo and L who were sleeping. Sungyeol took out an eyeliner pencil and he passed it over to Veronica. Veronica smiled and then she looked at Dongwoo. She then started to draw on his face. When she was done, she started to laugh. She then passed it over to Sungyeol. Sunyeol then started to draw on L's face. "I can't believe their still sleeping after this." Veronica whispered.

"Their deep sleepers." Sungyeol smiled.

After a while they were done, and they couldn't stop laughing.


It was already the next day, Krista was the first one to get up since she was the first one to sleep. She notice she was not in her room which gave her a curious look. She got up from the bed and walked out the room, she notice there was still some people sleeping. She looked at them curiously and just went to the bathroom.

She open the door since it was unlock and she just walked in there. When she was about to walk in...she made a surprise look and her eyes were widen. Right in front of her she spotted L shirtless and a towel wrapped around him. Both of them stood there silent and then both of them screamed. Everyone woke up from the scream except for Dongwoo...and they made a curious look.

"Mwoyoe?" Woohyun asked tiredly.

"Who was that?" Sunggyu nodded.

Sungyeol got up and he walked over to where the scream was coming from. He looked over and spotted Krista was awake and she was making a surprise look. "What are you screaming about?" Sungyeol asked.

He looked up and spotted L wearing a towel and he made a surprise look. "Yah! L!" Sungyeol shouted he then covered Krista's eyes. "You babo!" He added.

"Me?! She opened the door." L said.

"Why didn't you lock it?' Sungyeol asked.

The other members came over and they spotted Krista's eyes cover by Sungyeol. They looked at L and they sighed. "Seriously, this is what happened..." Woohyun sighed.

"What's that scream? Someone asked.

They looked over and spotted Anabell and Almiera walking over...along with Cindy, Lexy, and Gaby. The other members made a surprise since their going to see L half . Woohyun quickly cover Anabell's eyes by the time she stopped walking, along with Sunggyu. Hoya did the same to Cindy and Sungjong to Lexy. Sunggyu spotted Gaby also cover her eyes.

"Yah! What's going on?" Anabell asked.

"We'll tell you later." Woohyun sighed.

"Go get change." Sungyeol said as he closed the door.

"OK, it's done..." Sungyeol sighed.

The other uncover the girls' eyes and Anabell made a curious look. "What was that about?" Anabell asked.

"We'll tell you later." Sunggyu said with a smile.

"When everyone's awake." Sungjong added.

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Small haitus for a while. Having a writer's block on this story. T_T


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Chapter 77: Whoaaaaaaaa~ I'm checking this fic after a long time and you've done it^^ this is a really awesome story <3 I love the ending~ You're daebak! \(^-^)/
Fredakpop #2
Chapter 73: Omgomg .. Na Eun is gonna get in trouble >< haiss goodluck Na Eun :(

btw , update soon !
starlightdust #3
Chapter 73: ooooooh NA EUN'S BUSTED
Chapter 72: Mwahahah Na Eun ur a good girl! Spy them well! (~^^)~ :3
Fredakpop #5
Chapter 72: Woah that's great ! I hope they are able to find them soon & more romantic couple scenes coming up ^_^
Update soon ! ~ ^-^
starlightdust #6
Fredakpop #7
Chapter 71: Hoho please update soon ! ~
starlightdust #8
Chapter 70: well it could actually be very hard to kidnap a girl especially if she learned martial arts or something
Chapter 69: Hara! Stop it! Can't you just let them be happiliy ever after...
Fredakpop #10
Chapter 69: Woohoo ^_^ finally ~
Update soon